18 He slewe also the oxe & the Ram for the peace offrynge, that the people had for them selues: and Aarons sonnes brought vnto hym the bloude, whych he sprynkled vpon the alter rounde about,
Leviticus 9:18 Cross References - Great
Leviticus 3:1-17
1 And yf his sacrifyce be a peaceofferynge, and he take it from amonge the droues, (whether it be male or female) he shall brynge soch as is without blemyshe, before the Lorde:
2 & put his hande vpon the heed of his offeringe, and kyll it at the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. And Aarons sonnes the Preastes shall sprincle the bloude vpon the alter rounde aboute.
3 And he shall offre som what of the peaceofferynge to be a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: euen the fatt that couereth the inwardes, and all the fatt that is aboute the inwardes:
4 and the two kydneys, & the fatt that is on them and vpon the loynes: and the abundaunce that is on the lyuer shall he take awaye wyth the kydneyes.
5 And Aarons sonnes shal burne them on the alter vpon the burntsacrifyce whyche is vpon the wodd that is on the fyre to be a burnt sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
6 If he brynge a peaceofferynge vnto the Lorde from of the flocke, let hym offre male or female: but without blemysh.
7 As yf he offre a shepe for hys sacrifyce, he shall brynge it before the Lorde,
8 and put hys hande vpon hys offerynges heed, and kyll it before the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse, and Aarons sonnes shall sprynkle the bloude therof rounde aboute the alter.
9 And of the peaceofferynge, let hym bryng a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: the fatt therof, & the rompe all together, whiche they shall take off, harde by the backe bone: and the fatt that couereth the inwardes, and all the fatt that is vpon the inwardes,
10 and the two kydneyes, and the fatt that is vpon them & vpon the loynes, and the abundaunce that is vpon the lyuer shall he take awaye with the kydneyes.
11 And the preaste shall burne them vpon the alter, to be the foode of a sacryfyce vnto the Lorde.
12 If hys offerynge be a goate, he shall bringe it before the Lorde,
13 & put his hande vpon the heade of it, and kyll it before the Tabernacle of the couenaunt, and the sonnes of Aaron shall sprinkle the bloude therof vpon the alter rounde about.
14 And he shall bryng therof, his offering, euen a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: the fatt that couereth the in wardes, and all the fatt that is vpon the inwardes,
15 and the two kydneyes, & the fatt that is vpon them and vpon the loynes, & the abundaunce vpon the lyuer shall he take awaye with the kydneyes.
16 And the preaste shall burne them vpon the alter for the food of the sacrifyce:
17 that all the fat maye be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. Let it be a perpetuall statute for youre generacyons thorowe oute youre dwellynges, that ye eate nether fatt nor bloude.
Leviticus 7:11-18
11 Thys is the lawe of the peaceoffringe, whan it is offred vnto the Lorde.
12 If he offer it to geue thanckes, he shall bringe vnto hys thanckoffrynge, swete kakes myngled wyth oyle, & swete wafers anoynted wt oyle, and kakes myngled with oyle of fyne floure fryed.
13 He shall brynge hys offerynge vpon kakes of leuended bread for hys peaceoffringes to geue thankes:
14 and of all the sacrifice he shall offer one for an heue offringe vnto the Lorde, and it shall be the Preastes that sprynckled the bloude of the peaceoffringes.
15 And the fleshe of the thankoffrynge in hys peaceoffrynges shalbe eaten the same daye that it is offred. And let hym laye vp nothynge of it vntyll the morowe.
16 But yf he offre hys sacrifyce by reason of a vowe, or of hys awne frewyll, it shall be eaten the same daye that he offreth hys sacrifyce. And yf ought remayne vntyll the morowe, it maye be eaten:
17 but as moche of the offered fleshe as remayneth vnto the thyrde daye, shalbe burnt wyth fyre.
18 And yf any of the fleshe of hys peaceoffrynges be eaten in the thyrde daye, then shall he that offreth it, obtayne no fauoure nether shall it be rekened vnto hym: but shalbe an abhomynacyon. Therfore the soule that eateth of it, shall beare hys synne.
Romans 5:1
1 Because therfore that we are iustifyed by fayth, we are at peace with God, thorow oure Lorde Iesus Christ:
Romans 5:10
10 For yf when we were enemyes, we were reconcyled to God by the deeth of hys sonne: moch more, seynge we are reconcyled, we shalbe preserued by hys lyfe.
Ephesians 2:14-17
14 For he is oure peace, which hath made of both one, and hath broken downe the wall that was a stoppe betwene vs,
15 and hath also put awaye thorowe his flesshe, the cause of hatred, euen the lawe of commaundementes contayned in the lawe wrytten, for to make of twayne one newe man in hym selfe, so makynge peace,
16 and to reconcyle both vnto God in one body thorowe the crosse, & slewe hatred therby:
17 and came, and preached peace to you which were a farre of, and to them that were nye.
Colossians 1:20
20 and by him to reconcyle all thinge vnto him selfe, and to set at peace by hym thorowe the bloude of hys crosse, both thynges in heauen and thinges in erth.