Leviticus 8:14 Cross References - Great

14 And he brought the yonge oxe for synne, And Aaron and hys sonnes put theyr handes vpon the heed of the yonge oxe that was for synne.

Exodus 29:10-14

10 and bryng the calfe before the tabernacle of witnes. And Aaron and his sonnes shall put their handes vpon the heed of the calfe, 11 and thou shalt kyll hym before the Lorde, by the dore of the tabernacle of witnes. 12 And take of the bloud of the calfe and put it vpon the hornes of the aulter with thy fynger: and powre all the bloude besyde the botome of the aulter, 13 and take all the fat that couereth the inwardes, and the kall that is on the lyuer, and the two kidneys and the fat that is vpon them: and burne them vpon the aulter. 14 But the flesh of the calfe and hys skynne, & his donge shalt thou burne wt fyer without the hoost. It is a synofferyng.

Leviticus 1:4

4 And he shal put hys hande vpon the heade of the brent sacrifyce, and it shalbe accepted for him, to be hys attonement.

Leviticus 4:3-12

3 As yf the Preast that is anoynted do synne, (accordynge to the synne of the people) let hym brynge for hys synne whyche he hath synned a yonge oxe without blemyshe vnto the Lorde for a synneofferynge. 4 And he shall brynge the yonge oxe vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde, and shall put hys hande vpon the yonge oxe heade, and kill the yonge oxe before the Lorde. 5 And the Preaste that is anoynted shall take of the yonge oxe bloude, and brynge it into the tabernacle of witnesse, 6 and the preaste shall dyppe hys fynger in the bloude and sprynkle therof seuen tymes before the Lorde: euen before the hangynge of the holy place. 7 And he shall put some of the bloude before the Lorde, vpon the hornes of the alter of swete cens, which is in the tabernacle of witnesse, and shall powre all the bloude of the yonge oxe vnto the botome of the alter of burntofferynge, whyche is at the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 8 And he shall take awaye all the fat of the oxe that is for synne, the fatt that couereth the inwardes, and all the fatt that is aboute the inwardes, 9 and the two kydneyes, and the fatt that is vpon them, and vpon the loynes, and the abundaunce of the lyuer shall he take awaye with the kydneyes: 10 as it was taken awaye in the oxe of the peaceofferynges, and let the preaste burne them vpon the altare of burntofferyng. 11 But the skyne of the yong oxe, and all hys fleshe, with hys heed, and hys legges, wyth hys in wardes, and hys donge, 12 shall he beare oute and carye the yong oxe altogether oute of the hoste vnto a clene place: euen where the asshes are powred out, and burne hym there on wodd in the fyre: euen by the place where the asshes are cast oute, shall he be brent.

Leviticus 8:2

2 take Aaron & hys sonnes with him, and the vestures & the anoyntynge oyle, and a yonge oxe for synne, & two rammes, and a basket wyth swete breed:

Leviticus 16:6

6 And Aaron shall offer hys bullock for synne, and make an attonement for hym, and for hys house.

Leviticus 16:21

21 and Aaron shall put both hys handes vpon the heed of the lyue goate, and confesse ouer hym all the mysdeades of the chyldren of Israell, and all their trespaces, in all their synnes: puttynge them vpon the heed of the goate, and sende hym awaye (by the hande of a conuenient man) into the wyldernesse.

Psalms 66:15

15 I will offre vnto the, fat brent sacrifyces with the incense of rammes, I wil offre bullockes and goates. Sela.

Isaiah 53:10

10 Yet hath it pleased the Lorde thus to bruste hym wyth plages, and to smyte hym wyth infyrmite, that when he had made his soule an offeryng for synne, he myght se longe lastynge sede. And thys deuyce of the Lorde shall prospere in hys hande.

Ezekiel 43:19

19 To the prestes, to the leuites that be of the sede of Sadoch, and treade before me to do me seruyce, sayeth the Lorde God. Unto these geue thou a yonge bullocke for a synoffering:

Romans 8:3

3 For what the lawe could not do (in as moch as it was weake because of the flesshe) that performed God, and sent hys sonne in the similitude of synfull flesshe,

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he made him to be synne for vs, which knewe no synne, that we by his meanes shulde be that ryghtewesnes, which before God is alowed.

Hebrews 7:26-28

26 For soch an hye Prest it became vs to haue, which is holy, harmlesse, vndefiled, separate from synners, made hyer then heauen. 27 Which nedeth not dayly (as yonder hye prestes) to offer vp sacrifice. Fyrst for his awne synnes and then for the peoples synnes. For that dyd he once, when he offered vp him self. 28 For the lawe maketh men prestes, which haue infirmitie: but the worde of the oth that came sence the lawe, maketh the sonne preste, whych is perfecte for euermore.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as moch as Christ hath once suffered for synnes, the iust for the vniust, to bring vs to God, and was kylled, as pertayninge to the flesshe: but was quyckened in the sprete.

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