3 Saye vnto them: whosoeuer he be of all youre seed amonge youre generacyons after you, that goeth vnto the holy thynges whych the chyldren of Israel halowe vnto the Lorde, hauynge hys vnclennes vpon hym: that soule shall peryshe from out of my syght. I am the Lorde.
Leviticus 22:3 Cross References - Great
Exodus 33:14-15
Leviticus 7:20-21
20 But yf any soule eate of the flesh of the peaceoffrynge that pertayneth vnto the Lorde hauynge hys vnclennesse vpon hym: the same soule shall peryshe from amonge hys people.
21 Moreouer, the soule that doth touche any vnclene thynge, that is of the vnclennesse of man or of any vnclene beast or any abhomynacyon that is vnclene: and then eate of the flesh of the peaceoffrynge whych pertayneth vnto the Lorde, that soule shall perysh from hys people.
Numbers 19:13
13 Whosoeuer toucheth the coarse of any man that is deed, and sprynkleth not hym selfe, defyleth the dwellynge of the Lorde: and that soule shalbe roted out of Israel, because the sprynklyng water was not sprenkled vpon hym. He shalbe therfore vncleane, and hys vnclennesse shall remayne vppon hym.
Psalms 16:11
11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy holy one to se corrupcion. Thou shalt shewe me the path of lyfe: in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioye, and at thy ryght hande ther is pleasure for euermore.
Psalms 51:11
11 Cast me not awaye from thy presence, & take not thy holy sprete from me.
Matthew 25:41
41 Then shall he saye also vnto them, that shalbe on the lyfte hand: departe from me ye cursed into euerlastynge fyre: whych is prepared for the deuyll and his angels.
2 Thessalonians 1:9
9 which shalbe punysshed wyth euerlastynge damnacyon, from the presence of the Lorde, and from the glory of his power,