Leviticus 20:22 Cross References - Great

22 Ye shall kepe therfore all myne ordinaunces and all my iudgementes, and doo them: that the lande whether I brynge you to dwell therin, spewe you not out.

Exodus 21:1

1 These are the lawes whyche thou shalt set before them.

Leviticus 18:4-5

4 but do after my iudgementes, and kepe my ceremonyes, to walke therin: I am the Lorde youre God: 5 Ye shall kepe therfore myne ordinaunces, & my iudgementes whiche yf a man doo, he shall lyue in them. I am the Lorde.

Leviticus 18:25-28

25 Wherthorowe the lande is defyled, and I will vysett the wykednesse therof vpon it, yea & the lande it selfe hath cast out her inhabiters. 26 Ye shall kepe therfore myne ordinaunces, & my iudgementes, and commyt none of these abhominacyons: nether any of you nor any straunger that soiourneth amonge you 27 (for all these abhominacions haue the men of the lande done whyche were there before you, & the lande is defyled.) 28 Shall not the lande spewe you out also (yf ye defyle it) as it spewed out the people that were before you?

Leviticus 19:37

37 Therfore shall ye obserue all my ordinaunces and all my iudgementes, and do them. I am the Lorde.

Leviticus 26:33

33 And I will strawe you amonge the hethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cyties desolate.

Deuteronomy 4:45

45 These are the witnesse, statutes, and ordinaunces, whych Moses tolde the chyldren of Israel after they came out of Egypte,

Deuteronomy 5:1

1 And Moses called all Israel, & sayed vnto them. Heare O Israel the ordinaunces & lawes which I speake in youre eares this daye, that ye maye lerne them, and fullfill them in ded

Deuteronomy 28:25-26

25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thyne enemyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and flee seuen wayes before them, and shall be scatered amonge all the kyngdomes of the erthe. 26 And thy carkesse shalbe meate vnto all maner foules of the ayre, and vnto the beastes of the erthe, and no man shall fraye them awaye.

Psalms 19:8-11

8 The statutes of the Lorde are right and reioyse the hert, the commaundement of the Lorde is pure, and geueth light vnto the eyes. 9 The feare of the Lorde is cleane, and endureth for euer: the iudgementes of the Lorde are true and ryghteous all together. 10 More to be desyred are they then golde, yee then moche fyne golde: sweter also then hony, and the hony combe. 11 Moreouer, by them is thy seruaunt taught, & in kepynge of them there is greate rewarde.

Psalms 105:45

45 That they myght kepe hys statutes, and obserue hys lawes. Prayse the Lorde.

Psalms 119:20

20 My soule breaketh out, for the very feruent desyre that it hath alway vnto thy iudgementes.

Psalms 119:80

80 O let myne herte be sounde in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed.

Psalms 119:106

106 I haue sworne and am stedfastly purposed, to kepe thy righteous iudgementes.

Psalms 119:145

145 I call wt my whole hert, heare me, O Lord, I will kepe thy statutes.

Psalms 119:160

160 Thy worde is true from euerlastynge, all the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnesse endure for euer more.

Psalms 119:164

164 Seuen tymes a daye do I prayse the, because of thy ryghteous iudgementes.

Psalms 119:171

171 My lippes shall speake of thy prayse, whan thou hast taught me thy statutes.

Psalms 119:175

175 Oh let my soule lyue and it shall prayse the, and thy iudgementes shall helpe me.

Isaiah 26:8-9

8 Yee, in the waye of thy iudgmentes, O Lord, haue we put our trust in the. Thy name also: & the remembraunce of the, is the thyng that oure soule longeth for. 9 My soule hath longed for the all the night, and wt my sprete (which is within me) wyll I seke the earlye in the morning. For when thy iudgementes are in the erth, the inhabitatours of the worlde shall learne righteousnes.

Ezekiel 36:27

27 I will geue my sprete amonge you & cause you to walcke in my commaundementes to kepe my lawes, and to fulfill them.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.