17 Therfore, oure herte is full of heuynes, & oure eyes dymme:
Lamentations 5:17 Cross References - Great
Leviticus 26:36
36 And vpon them that are left alyue of you, I wyll sende a fayntnesse into theyr hertes in the lande of theyr enemyes: & the sounde of a shakyng leef, shall chace them, and whan they flee the swerde, they shall fall: no man folowinge vpon them.
Deuteronomy 28:65
65 And amonge these nacyons thou shalt fynde no ease, neyther shall the sole of thy foote haue rest. But the Lorde shall geue the there an vnquyet herte, and dasyng eyes, and sorowe of mynde.
Job 17:7
7 Myne eye is dymme, for very heuynesse, & all my strength is become like a shadow.
Psalms 6:7
7 My bewtye is gone for very trouble, and worne awaye because of all myne enemyes.
Psalms 31:9
9 Thou hast not shut me vp in to the hande of the enemye, but hast set my fete in a large rowme.
Psalms 69:3
3 I am wery of crying, my throte is drie, my sight faileth me, for waytinge so long vpon my God.
Isaiah 1:5
5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy.
Isaiah 38:14
14 Then chatred I lyke a swalowe, and lyke a crane, and mourned as a doue. I lyfte vp myne eyes into the heygth: O Lorde (sayde I) my sycknes kepeth me downe: ease thou me.
Jeremiah 8:18
18 I wolde haue had comforte agenst sorowe: but sorowe is come vpon me, and heuynes vexeth my hert:
Jeremiah 46:5
5 But alas, howe happeneth it, that I se you so afrayde? why shryncke ye backe? Theyr worthyes are slayne. Yee, they runne so fast awaye, that none of them looketh behynde him. Fearfulnes is fallen vpon euerychone of them, sayth the Lorde.
Lamentations 1:13
13 From aboue hath he sent downe a fyre into my bones and it burneth them cruellye: he hath layed a net for my fete and throwen me wyde open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must euer be mournynge.
Lamentations 1:22
22 From the shall come all their aduersitie thou shalt plucke them awaye euen as thou hast pluked me, because of all my wikednes. For my sorowe is very greate, & my hert is heuy.
Lamentations 2:11
11 Myne eyes begyne to fayle me thorowe wepyng, my body is disquyeted, my liuer is poured vpon the earth, for the greate hurte of my people, seynge the chyldren and babes dyd swowne in the stretes of the cyte.
Ezekiel 21:7
7 And yf they saye, wherfore mournest thou? Then tell them: for the tidynges that commeth, at the whych all hertes shall melt, all handes shalbe letten downe, all stomackes shall faynte, & all knees shall waxe feble. Beholde, it commeth & shalbe fulfylled, sayeth the Lorde God.
Ezekiel 21:15
15 to make them abashed & faynt at the hertes, & in all gates to make some of them fall. I haue geuen that fearfull swerde. O howe bryght and sharpe is it, howe well dight & mete for the slaughter.
Micah 6:13
13 Therfore, I will take in hande to punish the, & to make the desolate, because of thy sinnes.