Lamentations 1:14 Cross References - Great

14 The yocke of my transgressyon is come at the last, with hys hande hath he taken it vp, and put it aboute my neck. My strength is gone: the Lorde hath delyuered me into those handes, wherout I cannot quyte my selfe.

Deuteronomy 28:48

48 therfore thou shalt serue thyne enemye, whych the Lorde shall sende vpon the in hunger and thyrst, in nakednesse, and in nede of all thynge: and he shall put a yocke of yron vpon thy necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to nought.

Proverbs 5:22

22 The wyckednesse of the vngodly shall catch hymselfe, and with the snares of hys awne synnes shall he be trapped.

Isaiah 14:25

25 So that Assiria shal I destroye in my lande, & vpon my mountaynes will I treade him vnder foote. Wher thorow his yock shal come from them, and his burthen shalbe taken from their shoulder.

Isaiah 47:6

6 I was so wroth wt my people, that I punished myne enheritaunce, and gaue them into thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewedest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of them, dydest thou oppresse ryght sore with thy yock,

Jeremiah 25:9

9 lo, I wyll sende out, & call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will brynge them vpon this lande, and vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, and wyll vtterly rote them oute. I will make of them a wildernesse, a mockage, and a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 27:8

8 Moreouer, that people and kyngdome, which wyll not serue Nabuchodonosor, and that wyll not putt theyr neckes vnder the yocke of the kyng of Babilon: the same people wyll I vyset with the swearde, with honger, with pestilence, vntyll I haue consumed them in hys handes, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 27:12

12 All these thynges tolde I Zedekiah the king of Iuda, and sayde: Put your neckes vnder the yocke of the king of Babilon, and serue him and his people, that ye maye lyue.

Jeremiah 28:14

14 Go, and tell Hananiah thes wordes. Thus sayth the Lorde. Thou hast broken the chayne of wodd: but in steade of wodd thou shalt make cheynes of yron.

Jeremiah 32:5

5 And Zedekiah shalbe caryed vnto Babylon, and there shall he be, vntyll the tyme that I viset hym, sayth the Lorde. But yf thou takest in hande to fyght agaynst the Chaldees, thou shalt not prospere.

Jeremiah 34:20-21

20 Those men wyll I geue into the power of theyr enemies, & into the handes of them that folowe vpon theyr lyues. And their deed bodies shalbe meate for the foules of the ayre, & beastes of the felde. 21 As for Zedekiah the kynge of Iuda and hys Prynces, I wyll delyuer them into the power of their enemyes, and of them that desyre to slaye them, and into the hande of the kynge of Babylons hoste which nowe is departed from you:

Jeremiah 37:17

17 Then Zedekiah the kyng sent for him, and called him, and asked hym quyetly in his awne house, sayinge: thynkest thou this busynes (that now is in hande) commeth of the Lorde? Ieremy answered: yee, that it doth: and thou (sayed he) shalt be delyuered into the kynge of Babylons power.

Jeremiah 39:1-9

1 Nowe when the cytie of Ierusalem was taken (for in the .ix. yeare of Zedekiah Kynge of Iuda in the tenth Moneth, came Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon & all his hoste, and beseged Ierusalem & foughte agenst it. 2 And in the .xi. yeare of Zedekiah in the fourth Moneth the .ix. daye of the Moneth, he brake into the cytie.) 3 Then all the princes of the king of Babylon, came in, & sat them downe vnder the porte: Neregel, Sarezer, Samgarnebo, Sarsachim, Rabsaris, Neregel, Sarezer, Rabmag, wt all the other princes of the Kynge of Babylon. 4 And when Zedekiah the Kynge of Iuda with hys soudiers sawe them, they fled, and departed out of the cytie by nyght thorowe the kynges garden, & thorowe the porte that is betwene the two walles, and so they wente towarde the wyldernesse. 5 But the Caldees Hoste folowed faste after them, and toke Zedekiah in the felde of Iericho, and brought hym presoner to Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon vnto Reblath, that lyeth in the land of Hemath where he gaue iudgement vpon him. 6 So the kyng of Babylon caused the chyldren of Zedekiah and all the nobles of Iuda be slayne, before hys face at Reblath. 7 And made Zedekias eyes to be put out, and bounde him with two chaynes, and sent him to Babylon. 8 Moreouer, the Caldees brent vp the kynges palace, with the other houses of the people, and brake downe the walles of Ierusalem. 9 As for the remnaunt of the people that were in the cytie, and soch as were come to helpe them (whatsoeuer was left of the comen sorte) Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caryed them to Babylon.

Ezekiel 11:9

9 I wyll dryue you out of thys cyte and delyuer you into youre enemyes hande, and will condemne you.

Ezekiel 21:31

31 and poure my indignacyon vpoon the and wyll blowe vpon the in the fyre of my wrath, and delyuer the vnto cruel people, which are lerned to destroye.

Ezekiel 23:28

28 For thus sayeth the Lorde beholde I will delyuer the into the handes of them, whom thou hatest, yee, euen into the handes of them, with whom thou hast fulfylled thy lust,

Ezekiel 25:4

4 Behold, I will delyuer the to the people of the east, that they maye haue the in possession: these shall set theyr castels and houses in the. They shall eate thy frute, & dryncke vp thy milcke.

Ezekiel 25:7

7 beholde, I will stretch out myne hande ouer the also, and delyuer the, to be spoyled of the Heathen, and rote the out from amonge the people, and cause the to be destroyed oute of all landes: yee, I will make the to be layed waste, that thou mayest knowe, that I am the Lorde.

Hosea 5:14

14 I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda. Euen, I will spoyle them, & go my waye. I wyll take them wyth me, and no man shall rescue them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.