14 Enoch the seuenth from Adam prophesyed before of such, sayinge. Beholde, the Lord shall come with thousandes of saynctes,
Jude 1:14 Cross References - Great
Genesis 5:18
18 Iared lyued an hundred & syxtye and two yeares, & begat Henoch.
Genesis 5:21-24
21 Henoch lyued syxtie & fyue yeares, & begat Methuselah.
22 And Henoch walked wyth God after he begat Methuselah, thre hundreth yeres, & begat sonnes & daughters.
23 And all the dayes of Henoch were thre hundreth syxtie & fyue yeres.
24 And Henoch walked with God, & he (was no more sene,) for God toke hym awaye.
Deuteronomy 33:2
2 and sayde: The Lorde came from Sinai and shewed hys beames from Seir vnto them, and apeared from mount Pharan, and he came wyth thousandes of sayntes, and in his ryghte hande a lawe of fyre for them.
1 Chronicles 1:1-3
Job 19:25-27
Psalms 50:3-5
3 Oure God shall come, and shall not kepe sylence: there shall go before hym a consumynge fyre, and a myghtye tempest shalbe stered vp rounde aboute hym.
4 He shall call the heauen from aboue, and the earth, that he maye iudge hys people.
5 Gather my saynctes together vnto me, those that haue made a couenaunt with me, wyth sacrifyce.
Daniel 7:9-10
9 I loked tyll the seates were prepared, and tyll that olde aged sat him downe. His clothinge was as whyte as snowe, and the hearres of hys head lyke the pure woll. Hys trone was lyke the fyrye flame, and hys wheles as the burning fyre.
10 There drew forth a fyrie streame, and went out from hym. A thousande tymes a thousande serued him .x.M. tymes ten thousande stode before hym. The iudgement was set, and the bokes opened.
Zechariah 14:5
5 And ye shall fle vnto the valley of my hylles, for the valley of the hylles shall reach vnto Asal. Yee, fle shall ye lyke as ye fled for the earthquake in the dayes of Osiah kynge of Iuda. And the Lord my God shal come, & al saintes wt him.
Matthew 16:27
27 For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father, wt his angels: & then shall he rewarde euery man accordinge to his dedes.
Matthew 24:30-31
30 And then shall appeare the token of the sonne of man in heauen. And then shall all the kynredes of the earth mourne, and they shall se the sonne of man commyng in the cloudes of heauen, wyth power & greate glorie
31 And he shall sende his Angels wt the greate voyce of a trompett, & they shall gather to gether his chosen, from the foure wyndes: euen from the hyghest partes of heauen, vntyll the endes ther of.
Matthew 25:31
31 When the sonne of man commeth in his glorye, & all the holy angels wyth him, then shall he syt vpon the seate of hys glorie,
1 Thessalonians 3:13
13 that he maye make youre hertes stable & vnblameable, in holynes before God oure father, at the commynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ with all saynctes.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8
Hebrews 11:5-6
5 By fayth was Enoch translated, that he shulde not se deeth: nether was he founde: for god had taken him awaye. For a fore he was taken awaye, he obteyned a good reporte, that he pleased God:
6 but without fayth it can not be that anye man shuld please him. For he that commeth to God, must beleue that God is, & that he is a rewarder of them that seke hym.
Revelation 1:7
7 Beholde, he cometh with cloudes, & all eyes shall se him, & they also which pearsed him. And all kynredes of the erth shall wayle. Euen so: Amen.