John 8 Cross References - Great

1 Iesus went vnto mount olyuete, 2 and early in the mornynge he came agayne into the temple, and all the people cam vnto hym, & he sate downe, & taught them. 3 And the Scribes & Pharises brought vnto hym a woman taken in aduoutry: & whan they had set hir in the myddes, 4 they saye vnto hym: Master, thys woman was taken in aduoutry, euen as the dede was a doing. 5 Moses in the lawe commaunded vs, that suche shulde be stoned. But what sayest thou? 6 This they sayde to tempt him that they myght accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and with his fynger wrote on the grounde. 7 So, whan they contynued askynge him, he lyfte him selfe vp, and sayde vnto them: let him that is amonge you without synne, cast the fyrst stone at her. 8 And agayne he stowped downe, & wrote on the grounde. 9 And assone as they hearde this, they went out one by one, begynning at the eldest. And Iesus was lefte alone, & the woman standynge in the myddes. 10 When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe, and sawe no man, but the woman, he sayde vnto hir: woman, where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the? 11 She sayde: No man, Lorde. And Iesus sayde. Nether do I condempne the. Go and synne nomore. 12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, saying: I am the lyght of the worlde. He that foloweth me, doth not walke in darcknes but shall haue the light of lyfe. 13 The Pharises therfore sayde vnto him: thou hearest recorde of thy selfe, thy recorde is not true. 14 Iesus answered, & sayde vnto them: though I beare recorde of my selfe, yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I cam, and whither I go. But ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. 15 Ye iudge after the flesshe I iudge no man. 16 And yf I iudge, my iudgement is true. For I am not alone: but I & the father that sent me. 17 It is also wrytten in youre lawe, that the testimony of two men is true. 18 I am one that beareth wytnes of my selfe, & the father that sent me, beareth wytnes of me. 19 Then sayde they vnto him: where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me, nor yet my father: If ye had knowen me, ye shulde haue knowen my father also. 20 These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury as he taught in the temple, and no man layde handes on hym for his houre was not yet come. 21 Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them: I go my waye, & ye shall seke me, & shall dye in youre synnes. Whyther I go, thyther can ye not come. 22 Then sayde the Iewes: will he kyll him selfe, because he sayth: whyther I go, thyther can ye not come? 23 And he sayde vnto them: ye are from beneth, I am from aboue. Ye are of this world, I am not of this world, 24 I sayd therfore vnto you, that ye shal dye in youre synnes. For yf ye beleue not that I am he, ye shall dye in youre synnes. 25 Then sayd they vnto him. who arte thou? And Iesus sayeth vnto them: Euen the very same thing that I speake vnto you. 26 I haue many thinges to saye, and to iudge of you: Yee, & he that sent me, is true. And I speake in the world, those thinges, which I haue hearde of hym. 27 Howebeit they vnderstode not that he spake of his father. 28 Then sayd Iesus vnto them: when ye haue lyft vp an hye the sonne of man, then shall ye knowe, that I am he, and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me, euen so I speake these thinges: 29 and he that sent me, is wt me. The father hath not lefte me alone, for I do all wayes those thinges that please him. 30 As he spake these wordes, many beleued on him. Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes, which beleued on him: 31 If ye continue in my worde, then are ye my very disciples, 32 and ye shall knowe the trueth: and the trueth shall make you free. 33 They answered him: We be Abrahams seed, and were neuer bonde to eny man: how sayest thou then: ye shalbe made fre? 34 Iesus answered them: verely, verely I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer committeth sinne, 35 is the seruaunte of sinne. And the seruaunt abydeth not in the house for euer. 36 But the sonne abydeth euer. If the sonne therfore shal make you fre, then are ye fre in dede. 37 I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: but ye seke meanes to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 38 I speake that which I haue sene with my father: and ye do that, which ye haue sene with youre father. 39 They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayeth vnto them: If ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. 40 But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man that hath tolde you the trueth whych I haue heard of God: this dyd not Abraham. 41 Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they to him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We haue one father, euen God. 42 Iesus sayd vnto them: yf God were youre father, truly ye wolde loue me. For I proceaded forth, and came from God. Nether came I of my selfe, but he sent me: 43 Why do ye not knowe my speache? Euen because ye can not abyde the hearing of my worde. 44 Ye are of youre father that deuyll, and the lustes of youre father will ye serue. He was a murtherer from the beginninge and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his awne. For he is a lyar, and the father of the same thing: 45 And because I tell you the trueth, therfore ye beleue me not. 46 Which of you rebuketh me of synne? If I saye the trueth, why do not ye beleue me? 47 He that is of God, heareth Goddes wordes. Ye therfore beare them not, because ye are not of God. 48 Then answered the the Iewes, and sayd vnto him: Saye we not well, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast the deuyll? 49 Iesus answered: I haue not the deuyll: but I honoure my father, and ye haue dishonored me. 50 I seke not myne awne prayse: ther is one that seketh, and iudgeth. 51 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: yf a man kepe my saieng, he shall neuer se deeth. 52 Then sayd the Iewes vnto him: Now knowe we that thou hast the deuyll. Abraham is deed, and the prophetes, and thou sayest: yf a man kepe my saying, he shal neuer taste of death. 53 Art thou greater then our father Abraham, which is deed? and the prophetes are deed. Whom makest thou thy selfe? 54 Iesus answered: If I honoure my selfe, myne honour is nothinge. It is my father that honoureth me, which ye saye, is your God, 55 & yet ye haue not knowen hym: but I knowe him. And yf I saye, I knowe him not, I shalbe a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his sayinge. 56 Your father Abraham was glad to se my daye: and he sawe it, & reioysed. 57 Then sayd the Iewes vnto him: thou art not yet .l. yere olde, and hast thou sene Abraham? 58 Iesus sayd vnto them: Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: yer Abraham was borne, I am. 59 Then toke they vp stones, to cast at hym: But Iesus hyd him selfe, and went out of the temple.

Matthew 21:1

1 And whan they drew nye vnto Ierusalem, and were come to Bethphage, vnto mounte Olyuete: then sent Iesus two discyples,

Mark 11:1

1 And when they came nye to Ierusalem vnto Betphage & Bethanie, besydes mount Olyuete, he sendeth forth two of hys discyples,

Mark 13:3

3 And as he sate on mounte Olyuete, ouer agaynst the temple, Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and Andrew, asked hym secretly:

Luke 19:37

37 And when he was now come nye to hye goyng downe of the mounte Olyuete, the whole multitude of the discyples began to reioyce, & to prayse God with a loude voyce, for all the myracles that they had sene,

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande to do, that do with all thy power, for in the graue that thou goest vnto, there is nether worcke, councell, knowledge ner wysdome.

Jeremiah 25:3

3 From the thyrtene yeare of Iosias the sonne of Amon kynge of Iuda, vnto thys present daye (that is euen .xxiii. yeare) the worde of the Lorde hath bene committed vnto me. And so I haue spoken to you, I haue rysen vp early, I haue geuen you warnynge in season, but ye wolde not heare me.

Jeremiah 44:4

4 Howebeit, I sent vnto them my seruauntes all the prophetes. I rose vp early, I sent vnto them, and gaue them warnyng. O do no soche abhominable thynges, & thynges that I hate.

Matthew 5:1-2

1 When he sawe the people, he went vp into a mountayne, and when he was sett, hys discyples came to him: 2 and after that he had opened hys mouth, he taught them, sayinge:

Matthew 26:55

55 In that same houre sayde Iesus to the multitude: ye be come out as it were vnto a thefe, with swerdes and staues, for to take me. I sat daylie with you, teachinge in the temple, and ye toke me not.

Luke 4:20

20 And he closed the boke, and gaue it agayne to the minyster, and sate downe. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagoge, were fastened on him.

Luke 5:3

3 And he entred into one of the shyppes, (which perteyned to Simon) and prayed him that he wold thrust oute a lytell from the lande. And he sate downe, and taught the people out of the shyp.

Luke 21:37

37 In the daye tyme, he taught in the temple: and at nyght, he went out, and abode in the mount that is called Olyuete.

John 4:34

34 Iesus sayeth vnto them: my meate is to do the will of him that sent me, & to fynisshe his worcke.

John 8:20

20 These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury as he taught in the temple, and no man layde handes on hym for his houre was not yet come.

Leviticus 20:10

10 And the man that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wyfe: euen he that breketh wedlocke wt hys neyghbours wyfe let him be slayne, both the aduoutrer and the aduoutresse.

Deuteronomy 22:21-24

21 they shall brynge the damsell to the dore of her fathers house, and the men of that cytie shall stone her wyth stones to death, because she hath wrought folye in Israel, to playe the whore in her fathers house. And so thou shalt put euell a waye from the. 22 If a man be founde lyenge wyth a woman, that hath a wedded husbande, they shall dye ether other of them: both the man that laye with the wyfe, & also the wyfe: and so thou shalt put awaye euell from Israel. 23 If a mayde be handfasted vnto an husbande, and then a man fynde her in the towne and lye with her, 24 ye shall brynge them both out vnto the gates of the same cytie, & shall stone them with stones to death: The damsell, because she cryed not beynge in the cytie: And the man, because he hath humbled hys neyghbours wife, and thou shalt put a waye euell from the.

Ezekiel 16:38-40

38 Moreouer, I will iudge the as a breaker of wedlocke and a murtherer, and recompence the thyne awne bloude in wrath and gelousy. 39 I will geue the ouer in to their power, that shall breake downe thy stues, & destroye thy brodell houses: they shall strype the out of thy clothes, all thy fayre & beutyfull Iewels shall they take from the, & so let the syt naked & bare: 40 yee: they shall bringe the comen people vpon the, which shall stone the, & slaye the downe wt their sweardes.

Ezekiel 23:47

47 these shall stone them, & gore them wt theyr sweardes. They shal slaye theyr sonnes & daughters, and burne vp theyr houses with fyre.

Matthew 5:17

17 Thynke not that I am come to destroye the lawe, or the prophetes: no, I am not come to destroye, but to fulfyll.

Matthew 19:6-8

6 Wherfore now, they are not twayne, but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder, that whych God hath coupled together. 7 They saye vnto hym: why dyd Moses then commaunde to geue a testimoniall of dyuorsement, & to put her awaye? 8 He sayde vnto them: Moses (because of the hardnes of youre hertes) suffered you to put awaye youre wyfes: But from the beginnyng it was not so.

Matthew 22:16-18

16 And they sent out vnto hym theyr discyples wyth Herodes seruauntes, sayinge: Master, we knowe that thou art true, & teachest the waye of God truely, nether carest thou for eny man, for thou regardest not the outward appearaunce of men. 17 Tell vs therfore: how thynkest thou? Is it lawfull the trybute be geuen vnto Cesar or not? 18 But Iesus perceauyng theyr wyckednes, sayde: Why tempte ye me ye ypocrites?

Genesis 49:9

9 Iuda is a lyons whelpe, From thy spoyle my sonne thou art come an hye. He layde hym downe and couched hym selfe as a lyon, and as a lionesse. Who wyll stere hym vp?

Numbers 14:22

22 But all those men which haue sene my glory and my miracles which I dyd in Egipt and in the wildernes and haue tempted me nowe thys .x. tymes, and will not herken vnto my voyce,

Psalms 38:12-14

12 They also that sought after my life, layed snares for me: & they that went aboute to do me euell, talked of wickednesse, & ymagined disceate all the daye longe. 13 As for me, I was lyke a deafe man & herde not: & as one that is domme, which doth not open his mouth. 14 I became euen as a man that heareth not: and in whose mouth are no reprofes.

Psalms 39:1

1 To the chaunter Ieduthun, a Psalme of Dauid. I sayde: I will take hede to my wayes that I offend not in my tonge.

Proverbs 26:17

17 Who so goeth by & medleth wt other mens stryfe he is lyke one that taketh a dogge by the eares.

Ecclesiastes 3:7

7 A tyme to cut in peces, and a tyme to sowe together.

Jeremiah 17:13

13 Thou art the comforte of Israell. All they that forsake the, shalbe confounded: al they that departe from the, shalbe wrytten in earth for they haue forsaken the Lorde the very condyte of the waters of lyfe.

Daniel 5:5

5 In the very same houre there appeared fyngers, as it had bene of a mans hande writynge, ryght ouer agaynst the candelstycke vpon the playne wall in the kynges palace: & the kynge sawe the palme of the hande that wrote.

Amos 5:10

10 But they owe him euell will, that reproueth them openly: and who so telleth them the playne trueth, they abhorre hym.

Amos 5:13

13 Therfore, the wyse must nowe be fayne to holde his tunge, so wycked a tyme is it.

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde, I sende you forth, as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues.

Matthew 15:23

23 But he answered her nothing at all, & his disciples came, and besought him, sayinge: sende her awaye, for she crieth after vs:

Matthew 16:1

1 The Pharises also wt the Saduces, came and tempted him & desyred him that he wolde shewe them a sygne from heuen.

Matthew 19:3

3 The Pharises also came vnto him temptinge him, & saying vnto him: Is it lawfull for a man to make a deuorcement wt his wyfe for any maner of cause?

Matthew 22:18

18 But Iesus perceauyng theyr wyckednes, sayde: Why tempte ye me ye ypocrites?

Matthew 22:35

35 & one of them which was (a doctour of lawe) asked him a question, temptinge him, & saying:

Matthew 26:63

63 But Iesus helde hys peace. And the chefe preste answered and sayde vnto him: I charge the by the lyuinge God, that thou tell vs, whether thou be Christ the sonne of God.

Mark 8:11

11 And the Pharyses came forth, and beganne to dispute with hym, sekynge of hym a sygne from heauen, temptynge hym.

Mark 10:2

2 And the Pharyses came, and asked hym. Is it lawfull for a man to put awaye hys wyfe: to proue hym.

Mark 12:15

15 Ought we to geue, or ought we not to geue? But he vnderstode theyr symulacyon, and sayd vnto them: Why tempte ye me? Bringe me a peny, that I maye se it.

Luke 10:25

25 And behold a certayne lawyer stode vp, & tempted him, saying. Master, what shall I do, to inheret eternall lyfe?

Luke 11:16

16 And other tempted him and requyred of him a signe from heauen.

Luke 11:53-54

53 When he thus spake vnto them, the lawears and the Pharises began to wexe busye aboute him, and capciously to aske him many thinges, 54 layinge wayte for him, and sekynge to catche some thinge of his mouth, wherby they might accuse him.

Luke 20:20-23

20 And they watched hym, & sent forth spies, which shuld fayne them selues ryghteous men, to take him in hys wordes, and to delyuer him vnto the power & auctorite of the debyte. 21 And they asked hym, saying: Master, we knowe that thou sayest and teachest ryght, nether consyderest thou the outward appearaunce of eny man, but teachest the waye of God truly. 22 Is it laufull for vs to geue trybute vnto Cesar, or no? 23 He perceaued theyr craftines, and sayde vnto them: why tempt ye me?

John 8:2

2 and early in the mornynge he came agayne into the temple, and all the people cam vnto hym, & he sate downe, & taught them.

1 Corinthians 10:9

9 Nether let vs tempte Christ, as some of them tempted, & were destroyed of serpentes.

Deuteronomy 17:6-7

6 At the mouth of two or thre witnesses shall he that is worthy of death, dye: and at the mouth of one wytnesse let no man dye. 7 The handes of the wytnesses shalbe fyrst vpon hym, to kyll hym, and afterwarde the handes of the people, & thou shalt put the wycked awaye from the.

Psalms 50:16-20

16 But vnto the vngodly sayed God. Why doest thou preach my lawes, & takest my couenaunt in thy mouth? 17 Where as thou hatest to be refourmed, & hast cast my wordes behynd the? 18 Whan thou sawest a thefe, thou consentedest vnto hym, and hast bene partaker wyth the aduouterers. 19 Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednesse, and with thy tong thou hast set forth disceat. 20 Thou sattest and spakest agaynst thy brother, yee, & hast sclaundred thine awne mothers sonne.

Proverbs 12:18

18 A sclaunderous person prycketh lyke a swerde but a wyse mans tonge is wholsome.

Proverbs 26:4-5

4 Geue not the foole an answere after his foolyshnesse, lest thou become lyke vnto him: 5 but make the foole an answere to his foolyshnesse, lest he be wyse in his awne conceate.

Jeremiah 23:29

29 Is not my worde lyke a fyre, sayeth the Lorde, and Lyke an hammer, that breaketh the harde stone.

Matthew 7:1-5

1 Iudge not, that ye be not iudged. 2 For as ye iudge, so shall ye be iudged. And with what measure ye meate, with the same shall other men measure to you. 3 Why seest thou a mote in thy brothers eye, but consydrest not the beame that is in thyne awne eye? 4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother suffre me, I wyll plucke oute a moate out of thyne eye, and beholde, a beame is in thyne awne eye. 5 Thou ypocryte, fyrst cast oute the beame out of thyne awne eye, and then shalt thou se clearly to plucke out the mote oute of thy brothers eye.

Matthew 23:25-28

25 Wo vnto you Scrybes and pharises, ye ypocrites: for ye make cleane the vtter syde of the cuppe, & of the platter: but within they are full of brybery and excesse. 26 Thou blynde Pharise, clense fyrst that whych is wt in the cup & platter, that the outesyde of them maye be cleane also. 27 Wo vnto you Scrybes & pharises, ye ypocrites: for ye are lyke vnto painted sepulcres which in dede appeare beautifull outwarde but are wythin full of deed mens bones & of all fylthynes. 28 Euen so ye also, outwardlye appere ryghteous vnto men: But wythin, ye are full of faynednesse and iniquyte.

John 7:46

46 The mynisters answered: neuer man spake as this man doeth,

Romans 2:1-3

1 Therfore art thou inexcusable. O man, whosoeuer thou be that iudgest For in that same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest, doest euen the same selfe thynges. 2 But we are sure, that the iudgement of God is accordynge to trueth, agaynst them whych commyt soch thynges. 3 Thynkest thou thys, O thou man that iudgest them whych do soche thynges, and doest euen the very same thy selfe, that thou shalt escape the iudgement of God?

Romans 2:21-25

21 Thou therfore which teachest another, teachest not thy selfe Thou preachest, a man shulde not steale: yet thou stealest. 22 Thou that sayst, a man shuld not commyt aduoutry, breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages, and yet robbest God of his honoure. 23 Thou that makest thy boast of the lawe, thorow breakynge the lawe dishonourest God. 24 For the name of God is euyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls, thorow you as it is wrytten. 25 For circumcisyon verely auayleth, yf thou kepe the lawe. But yf thou be a breaker of the lawe, thy circumcisyon is turned to vncircumcisyon.

1 Corinthians 14:24-25

24 But and yf all prophesye, and ther come in one that beleueth not, or one vnlearned, he is rebuked of all men, & is iudged of euery man, 25 & so are the secretes of his hert opened, and so falleth he downe on his face, and worshyppeth God, & sayth, that God is in you of a trueth.

Colossians 4:6

6 Let youre speache be alwayes well sauored & powdred with salt, that ye maye knowe, howe ye ought to answer euery man.

Hebrews 4:12-13

12 For the worde of God is quycke, and myghty in operacion, and sharper then eny two edged swearde: & entreth through, euen vnto the diuidynge a sonder of the soule and the sprete, and of the ioyntes and the mary: and is a discerner of the thoughtes and of the intentes of the herte: 13 nether is ther eny creature that is not manifest in the syght of him: But all thinges are naked and open vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.

Revelation 1:16

16 And he had in his ryghte hande .vii. starres. And out of his mouthe went a sharpe two edged swearde. And his face shone, euen as the sonne in his strength.

Revelation 2:16

16 But be conuerted, or elles I wyll come vnto the shortly, and wyll fight agaynst them with the swearde of my mouth.

Revelation 19:15

15 and out of hys mouthe wente a sharpe two edged swerde, that wyth it he shulde smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them wyth a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefat of fearsnes and wrath of almyghty God.

Genesis 42:21-22

21 And one sayde to another: we haue verely synned agaynst oure brother, in that we sawe the anguysh of hys soull when he besought vs, & we wolde nat heare him: and therfore is thys troubyll come vpon vs. 22 And Ruben answered them sayinge: sayde I not vnto you that ye shulde not synne agaynst the lad? and ye wolde not heare. And see, hys bloude is requyred.

1 Kings 2:44

44 The kynge sayde moreouer to Semei: thou remembrest all the wyckednesse which thyne hert knoweth, and that thou dyddest to Dauid my father. The Lorde also shall brynge thy wyckednesse vpon thyne awne heed:

1 Kings 17:18

18 And she sayde vnto Elia: what haue I to do with the, O thou man of God? art thou come vnto me, to call my synne agayne to remembraunce, & to slaye my sonne?

Job 5:12-13

12 He destroyeth the deuyces of the sotyll, so that their handes are not able to performe any stedfast thing. 13 He compaseth the wyse in their awne craftynes, and ouerthroweth the councell of the wycked.

Job 20:5

5 the gladnes of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of ypocrites continued but the twyncklynge of an eye?

Job 20:27

27 The heauen shall declare hys wyckednesse, and the earth shall take parte agaynst him.

Psalms 9:15-16

15 The Heithen are suncken downe in the pytte that they made: in the same nett which they hydd pryuely, is their awne foote taken. 16 The Lorde is knowen to execute iudgement: the vngodly is trapped in the worcke of his awne handes: A consyderacyon Sela.

Psalms 40:14

14 Let them be desolate & rewarded wt shame, that saye vnto me: fye vpon the, fye vpon the.

Psalms 50:21

21 These thynges hast thou done, & I helde my tonge: & thou thoughtest that I am euen soch a one as thy selfe: but I wyll reproue the, and set before the, the thinges that thou hast done.

Psalms 71:13

13 My mouth shall daylie speake of thy righteousnesse & saluacion, for I knowe no ende therof.

Ecclesiastes 7:22

22 for thine awne hert knoweth that thou thy selfe also hast oft tymes spoken euell by other men.

Mark 6:14-16

14 And kynge Herode hearde of hym (for hys name was spred abroade) and he sayde: Iohn Baptyste is rysen agayne from the deed, & therfore myracles are wrought by him. 15 Other sayd it is Helyas: some sayd: it is a prophet, as one of the Prophetes. 16 But when Herode hearde of hym, he sayde: it is Iohn whom I beheaded, he is rysen from deeth agayne.

Luke 12:1-3

1 As ther gathered together an innumerable multitude of people (in so moche that they trood one another) he began to saye vnto his disciples: fyrst of all be warre of the leuen of the Pharises which is ypocrisy. 2 For ther is nothynge couered, that shall not be vncouered: nether hyd, that shall not be knowen. 3 For what thinges ye haue spoken in darknes, shalbe hearde in the light. And that which ye haue spoken into the eare, euen in secrete places, shalbe preached on the toppe of the houses.

Luke 13:17

17 And when he thus sayde, all hys aduersaries were ashamed, and all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes, that were done by him.

John 8:10

10 When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe, and sawe no man, but the woman, he sayde vnto hir: woman, where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the?

John 8:12

12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, saying: I am the lyght of the worlde. He that foloweth me, doth not walke in darcknes but shall haue the light of lyfe.

Romans 2:15

15 which shew the dede of the lawe wrytten in theyr hertes: whyll theyr conscience beareth wytnes vnto them, and also theyr thoughtes, accusynge one another or excusynge,

Romans 2:22

22 Thou that sayst, a man shuld not commyt aduoutry, breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages, and yet robbest God of his honoure.

1 John 3:20

20 For yf oure herte condempne vs, God is gretter then oure herte, and knoweth all thinges.

Isaiah 41:11-12

11 Beholde, all they that resyst the shall come to confusyon & shame: and thyne aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught. 12 So that whoso seketh after them, shall not fynde them. Thy destroyers shall perysh, and so shall they that vndertake to make batayll agaynst the be as that is not, & as a thinge of naught.

Deuteronomy 16:18

18 Iudges and offycers shalt thou make the in all thy cyties, whych the Lorde thy God geueth the thorowe out thy trybes: and they shall iudge the people ryghteously.

Deuteronomy 17:9

9 and come vnto the preastes the Leuites, and vnto the iudge that shalbe in those dayes, and aske and they shall shewe the the sentence of iudgement.

Job 34:31

31 For so moch then as I haue begonne to talke of God, I will not hyndre the.

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but whoso knowledgeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Isaiah 1:16-18

16 Wash you therfore, and make you cleane, put awaye your euell ententes out of my syght, cease from doynge of euell. 17 Lerne to do ryght, applye your selues to equite, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherles to his ryght, let the widowes complainte come before you. 18 Come I praye ye (sayeth the Lorde) let vs reason oure matter together. Though youre sinnes be as read as scarlet, thei shalbe as white as snowe. And though they were lyke purple, they shalbe as whit as wolle.

Isaiah 55:6

6 Seke the Lorde, whyle he may be founde, and call vpon hym whyle he is nye.

Ezekiel 18:30-32

30 As for me, I wyll iudge euery man, accordynge to his wayes, O ye house of Israel, sayeth the Lorde God. Wherfore, be conuerted, and turne you cleane from all your wyckednesse, so shall there no synne do you harme. 31 Cast awaye from you all youre vngodlynesse, that ye haue done: make you newe hertes and a newe sprete. Wherfore wyll ye dye, O ye house of Israell? 32 seynge I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dyeth, sayeth the Lord God. Turne you then, and ye shall lyue.

Matthew 21:28-31

28 What saye ye to this? A man had two sonnes, & cam to the fyrst, & sayde: sonne, go & worke to daye in my vineyarde. 29 He answered & sayde, I wyll not, but afterward, he repented, & went. 30 Then cam he to the seconde, & sayd lykewise. And he answered, & sayd: I will syr, & went not. 31 Whether of them twayne dyd the wyll of the father? And they saye vnto him: the fyrst. Iesus sayeth vnto them: verely I saye vnto you, the publicans & harlotes go into the kyngdom of God before you.

Luke 5:32

32 I came not to call the ryghtewes, but synners to repentaunce.

Luke 9:56

56 For the sonne of man is not come to destroye mennes lyues, but to saue them. And they went to another towne.

Luke 12:13-14

13 One of the company sayde vnto him: Master, speake to my brother, that he deuide the enheritaunce with me. 14 And he sayde vnto him: Man, who made me a iudge or a deuider, ouer you?

Luke 13:3

3 I tell you naye: but except ye repent: ye shall all lyke wyse perysshe.

Luke 13:5

5 I tell you naye: But excepte ye repent, ye all shall lyke wyse perysshe.

Luke 15:7

7 I say vnto you, that like wyse ioye shalbe in heauen ouer one synner that repenteth, more then ouer nynty and nyne iuste persons, which nede no repentaunce.

Luke 15:10

10 Likewyse I saye vnto you, shall ther be ioye in the presence of the angels of God, ouer one synner that repenteth.

Luke 15:32

32 it was mete that we shulde make mery and be glad: for this thy brother was deed, and is alyue agayne: and was loste, and is founde.

John 3:17

17 For God sent not his sonne into the worlde, to condempne the worlde but that the world through him myght be saued.

John 5:14

14 Afterwarde, Iesus founde him in the temple, and sayde vnto him: beholde, thou art made whole, synne nomore, lest a worsse thinge happen vnto the.

John 8:15

15 Ye iudge after the flesshe I iudge no man.

John 18:36

36 Iesus answered: my kyngdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde, then wolde my mynysters suerly fyght, that I shulde not be delyuered to the Iewes, but now is my kyngdome not from hence.

Romans 2:4

4 Ether despysest thou the ryches of hys goodnes, and pacyence and longe sufferaunce, not knowyng that the kyndnes of God leadeth the to repentaunce?

Romans 5:20-21

20 But the lawe in the meane tyme entred in, the synne shulde encreace. Neuerthelater where aboundance of synne was, there was more plenteousnes of grace. 21 That as synne had raygned vnto deeth, euen so myght grace raygne thorow ryghtewesnes, vnto eternall lyfe, by the helpe of Iesu Christ.

Romans 13:3-4

3 For rulers are not fearfull to them that do good, but to them that do euyll. Wylt thou be without feare of the power? Do well then: and so shalt thou he praysed of the same. 4 For he is the mynyster of God, for thy welth. But and yf thou do that which is, euyll, then feare: for he beareth not the sweard for nought: for he is the mynister of God, to take vengeaunce on hym that doth euyll.

1 Corinthians 5:12

12 For what haue I to do, to iudge them which are without. Do ye not iudge them that are within?

1 Timothy 1:15-16

15 This is a true sayinge (and by all meanes worthy to be receaued of vs) that Chryst Iesus came into the worlde, to saue synners, of whom I am chefe. 16 Not wythstandynge for this cause optayned I mercy, that Iesus Christ shulde fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience, to declare an ensample vnto them which shulde beleue on him vnto eternall lyfe.

2 Peter 3:15

15 And suppose that the longe sufferinge of the Lord is saluacyon, euen as oure derely beloued brother Paule also (accordinge to the wysdome geuen vnto him) hath wrytten vnto you,

Revelation 2:21-22

21 And I gaue her space to repent of her fornycacyon, & she repented not. 22 Beholde, I wyll cast her into a beed: & them that commyt fornycacyon with her into gret aduersytie, excepte they turne from their deades.

Job 33:28

28 Yee, he hath delyuered my soule from destruccyon, and my lyfe shall se the lyght.

Psalms 18:28

28 Thou also shalt lighte my candelle: the Lorde my God shall make my darcknes to be light.

Psalms 49:19

19 He shall folowe the generacyons of hys fathers, and shall neuer se lyght.

Psalms 97:11

11 There is spronge vp a lyght for the ryghteous, and a ioyfull gladnesse for soch as be true herted.

Isaiah 9:2

2 The people that walke in darckenes haue sene a greate lyght. As for them that dwell in the lande of the Shadowe of death, vpon them hath the lyght shyned.

Isaiah 42:6-7

6 I the Lord haue called the in ryghteousnes, and led the by the hande. Therfore wyll I also defende the, and geue the for a couenaunnt of the people, and to be the lyght of the Gentiles. 7 That thou mayest open the eyes of the blynde, let out the prisoners from ther bondes & them that syt in darcknesse, out of the dongeon house.

Isaiah 49:6

6 And he sayde: It is but a small thinge that thou art my seruaunt, to sett vp the kynreddes of Iacob, and to restore the destruccyon of Israel. For I haue made the the light of the Gentyls, that thou mayst be my health vnto the ende of the worlde.

Isaiah 50:10

10 Therfore, whoso feareth the Lord among you, let him heare the voyce of his seruaunt, Whoso walketh in darcknesse, and no lyght shyneth vpon him, lett hym put hys trust in the name of the Lorde, and holde him by his God.

Isaiah 60:1-3

1 Get the vp by tymes, & be bryght, for thy lyght commeth, & the glory of the Lorde is rysen vp vpon the. 2 For lo, whyle the darcknesse & cloude couereth the earth and the people, the Lorde shall shewe the lyght, & his glory shall be sene in the. 3 The Gentiles shall come to thy lyght, and kynges to the bryghtnes that spryngeth forth vpon the.

Hosea 6:3

3 Then shall we haue vnderstandynge, & endeuoure oure selues to knowe the Lorde. He shall go forth as the spryng of the daye, & come vnto vs as the euenynge and mornynge rayne vpon the earth.

Malachi 4:2

2 But vnto you that feare my name, shall that Sonne of ryghteousnesse aryse, and health shalbe vnder his wynges: ye shal go forth, and multiplie as the fat calues,

Matthew 4:14-16

14 that it myght be fulfilled which was spoken by Esay the prophet, saying: 15 The lande of Zabulon & Neptalim, by the waye of the see beyonde Iordan, Galile of the Gentils: 16 the people which satt in darckenesse and in the shadowe of death, sawe great light: & to them which sat in the region & shadowe of death, is the light sprong vp.

Matthew 5:14

14 Ye are the light of the world. A cytie that is set on an hyll cannot be hyd,

Luke 1:78-79

78 Through the tender mercy of oure God, wherby the daye springe from an hye hath visited vs. 79 To geue light to them that sate in darcknes & in the shadowe of deathe, to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace.

Luke 2:32

32 A lyght to lighten the gentyls, & the glory of thy people Israel.

John 1:4-9

4 In it was lyfe, and the lyfe was the lyght of men, 5 and the lyght shyneth in darcknes, and the darcknes comprehended it not. 6 There was sent from God a man, whose name was Iohn. 7 The same cam as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght, that all men through hym myght beleue. 8 He was not the lyght: but was sent to beare wytnes of the lyght. 9 That lyght was the true lyght, whych lyghteth euery man that cometh into the worlde.

John 3:19

19 And thys is the condemnacion: that lyght is come into the world, and men loued darcknes more then light, because their dedes were euyll.

John 7:17

17 If eny man wyll be obedient vnto his wyll, he shall knowe of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speake of my selfe.

John 9:5

5 As longe as I am in the worlde. I am the lyght of the worlde.

John 12:35

35 Then Iesus sayd vnto them: yet a lytell whyle is the lyght with you. Walke whyle ye haue lyght, lest the darcknes come on you. He that walketh also in the darck, woteth not whyther he goet

John 12:46

46 I am come a lyght into the worlde: that whosoeuer beleueth on me, shulde not byde in darcknes.

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayeth vnto hym: I am the waye and the treuth, and the lyfe. No man cometh vnto the father, but by me.

Acts 13:47

47 For so hath the Lorde commaunded vs. I haue made the a lyght of the Gentyls, that thou be the saluacyon vnto the ende of the worlde.

Acts 26:23

23 that Christ shulde soffer, and that he shulde be the fyrst that shuld ryse from deth, and shuld shew lyght vnto the people, and to the gentyls.

2 Peter 2:4

4 For yf God spared not the angels that synned, but cast them downe into hell, and delyuered them into chaynes of dercknes to be kept vnto iudgement:

2 Peter 2:17

17 These are welles without water: cloudes that are, caried with a tempest, to whom the myst of darcknes is reserued for euer.

Jude 1:6

6 The angels also which kept not their fyrst estate, but lefte their awne habitacion, he hath reserued in euerlastynge chaynes vnder darcknes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye

Jude 1:13

13 They are the ragynge waues of the see, fomynge out their awne shame. They are wandrynge sterres, to whom is reserued the myst of darcknes for euer.

Revelation 21:24

24 And the people whych are saued shall walke in the lyght of it. And the kinges of the earth shall brynge theyr glory vnto it.

John 5:31-47

31 If I shulde beare wytnes of my selfe, my wytnes were not true. 32 Ther is another that beareth witnes of me: & I am sure, that the wytnes which he beareth of me, is true. 33 Ye sent vnto Iohn, & he bare wytnes vnto the trueth. 34 But I receaue not the recorde of man. Neuerthelesse, these thinges I saye that ye myght be safe. 35 He was a burnynge, & a shyninge lyght, & ye wolde for a season haue reioysed in hys lyght 36 But I haue greater wytnes, then the wytnes of Iohn For the worckes which the father hath geuen me to finyshe, the same workes that I do, beare wytnes of me, that the father hath sent me. 37 And the father him selfe which hath sent me hath borne witnes of me. Ye haue not hearde hys voyce at eny tyme nor sene hys shape, 38 hys word haue ye not abydinge in you. For whom he hath sent, him ye beleue not. 39 Search the scriptures, for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe & they are they which testify of me. 40 And yet wyll ye not come to me, that ye myght haue lyfe. 41 I receaue not prayse of men. 42 But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you. 43 I am come in my fathers name and ye receaue me not. If another come in hys awne name, hym wyll ye receaue: 44 How can ye beleue, which receaue honoure one of another, & seke not the honoure that commeth of God onely? 45 Do not thyncke that I wyll accuse you to my father. Ther is one that accuseth you: euen Moses in whom ye trust. 46 For had ye beleued Moses, ye wolde haue beleued me for he wrote of me. 47 But yf ye beleue not hys wrytinges: how shall ye beleue my wordes?

Numbers 12:3

3 But Moses was a very meke man, aboue all the men of the earth.

Nehemiah 5:14-19

14 And from the tyme forth that (the kyng) committed vnto me to be a captayne of them that were in the land of Iuda, euen from the .xx. yere vnto the .xxxij. yeare of kynge Arthaxerses (that is .xij. yere) I wt my brethren lyued not of soch sustenaunce as was geuen to a captayne. 15 For the olde captaynes that were before me, had bene chargeable vnto the people, and had taken of them bread and wyne, and .xl. sycles of syluer: yee, and their seruauntes had oppressed the people. But so dyd not I, and that because of the feare of God. 16 But I laboured also in the worcke vpon the wal, and bought no lande. And all my seruauntes came thyther together vnto the worke. 17 More ouer, there were at my table an .C. and .l. of the Iewes and rulers, which came vnto me from among the heathen, that are about vs. 18 And ther was prepared for me dayly an oxe and .vj. chosen shep, and byrdes, & euer once in .x. dayes a greate summe of wyne. Yet requyred not I the lyuyinge of a captayne, for the bondage was greuous vnto the people. 19 Thincke vpon me my God vnto the best, according to all that I haue done for thys people.

John 7:27-29

27 Howbeit we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh, no man knoweth whence he is. 28 Then cryed Iesus in the temple (as he taught) saying: ye both knowe me, and whence I am ye knowe. And I am not come of my selfe: but he that sent me is true, whom ye knowe not. 29 But I knowe him for I am of him, & he hath sent me.

John 8:42

42 Iesus sayd vnto them: yf God were youre father, truly ye wolde loue me. For I proceaded forth, and came from God. Nether came I of my selfe, but he sent me:

John 9:29-30

29 We are sure, that God spake vnto Moses. As for this felowe, we knowe not from whence he is. 30 The man answered, and sayde vnto them: this is a maruelous thing, that ye wote not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened myne eyes.

John 10:15

15 As my father knoweth me, euen so knowe I also my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe:

John 10:36

36 concernynge hym whom the father hath sanctifyed, and sent into the worlde) Do ye saye that I blaspheme because I sayde, I am the sonne of God?

John 13:3

3 Iesus knowynge that the father had geuen all thinges into hys handes, and that he was come from God, and went to God:

John 14:10

10 Beleuest thou not, that I am in the father, & the father in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you, I speake not of my self: but the father that dwelleth in me is he that doth the workes.

John 16:28

28 I went out from the father, and came into the worlde. Agayne, I leaue the worlde, and go to the father.

John 17:8

8 For I haue geuen vnto them the wordes which thou gauest me, and they haue receaued them, and haue knowen surely, that I came out from the: and they haue beleued, that thou diddest send me.

2 Corinthians 11:31

31 (

2 Corinthians 12:11

11 Therfore, haue I delectacion in infirmityes, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecucyons, in anguysshes for Chrystes sake. For when I am weake, then am I stronge.

2 Corinthians 12:19

19 I desyred Titus, & with hym I sent a brother. Dyd Titus defraude you of any thyng? walked we not in one sprete? Walked we not in lyke steppes?

Revelation 3:14

14 And vnto the messenger of the congregacyon whych is in Laodicia, wryte: This sayth (Amen) the faythfull and true wytnes, the begynnyng of the creatures of God.

1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: loke not on his fashyon, or on the heyght of hys stature, because I haue refused hym: for God seyth not as man seyth. For man loketh on the outwarde apperaunce but God beholdeth the harte.

Psalms 58:1-2

1 To the chaunter Destroye not. The badge or armes of Dauid. Are your myndes sett vpon ryghteousnes, O ye congregacyon? and do ye iudge the thyng that is right O ye sonnes of men? 2 Yee, ye ymagyn mischef in your hert vpon the earth, and youre handes deale with wyckednesse.

Psalms 94:20-21

20 Wilt thou haue any thynge to do with the stoole of wickednesse, whiche ymagineth mischefe as a lawe? 21 They gather them together agaynste the soule of the righteous, and condemne the innocent bloude

Amos 5:7

7 Ye turne the lawe to wormwod, & cast downe ryghteousnes vnto the grounde.

Amos 6:12

12 Who can runne wt horses, or plowe with oxen vpon the harde rockes of stone? For why ye haue turned true iudgement into bytternesse & the frute of ryghteousnesse into wormwod:

Habakkuk 1:4

4 for the lawe is toarne in peces, & there can not right iudgement go forth And why? the vngodly is more set by then the ryghtuous: this is the cause, that wronge iudgement procedeth.

Luke 12:14

14 And he sayde vnto him: Man, who made me a iudge or a deuider, ouer you?

John 7:24

24 Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce, but iudge with a ryghtewes iudgement.

John 8:11

11 She sayde: No man, Lorde. And Iesus sayde. Nether do I condempne the. Go and synne nomore.

John 12:47

47 And yf any man heare my wordes, and beleue not, I iudge him not. For I came not to iudge the world: but to saue the worlde.

Romans 2:1

1 Therfore art thou inexcusable. O man, whosoeuer thou be that iudgest For in that same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest, doest euen the same selfe thynges.

1 Corinthians 2:15

15 But he that is spretual, discusseth all thynges: yet he him selfe is iudged of no man.

1 Corinthians 4:3-5

3 Wyth me is it but a very small thynge, that I shuld be iudged of you, ether of mans iudgement. No I iudge not myne awne selfe. 4 For I knowe nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustifyed. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. 5 Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntyll the Lorde come, whych wyll lyghten thinges that are hyd in darcknes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue prayse of God.

James 2:4

4 are ye not parciall in youre selues, and haue iudged after euyll thoughtes?

Psalms 45:6-7

6 Thy arowes are very sharpe, & the people shalbe subdued vnto the, euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemyes. 7 Thy seate (O God) endureth for euer: the scepter of thy kyngdome is a ryght scepter:

Psalms 72:1-2

1 For Salomon. Geue the kynge thy iudgementes (O God) and thy righteousnesse vnto the kynges sonne. 2 Then shall he iudge thy people accordinge vnto right, and defende the poore.

Psalms 98:9

9 Let the floudes clappe their handes, and let the hylles be ioyfull together. Before the Lord, for he is come to iudge the earth. Wyth ryghteousnes shall he iudge the worlde, & the people with equite.

Psalms 99:4

4 The kynges power loueth iudgement, thou hast prepared equyte, thou hast executed iudgment and ryghteousnes in Iacob.

Isaiah 9:7

7 he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngdome & peace, & shall syt vpon the seate of Dauid & in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, & to stablish it wt equyte and ryghteousnesse, from hence forth for euermore. Thys shall the gelousy of the Lorde of Hostes brynge to passe.

Isaiah 11:2-5

2 The sprete of the Lord shall lyght vpon hym: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstandynge: the sprete of councell, & strength the sprete of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lorde: 3 and shall make hym feruent in the feare of God. For he shall not geue sentence, after the thyng that shal be brought before his eyes, nether reproue a matter at the fyrst hearing: 4 but wt ryghteousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the simple of the worlde. He shall smyte the worlde with the rodd of hys mouth, & wt the breath of hys mouth shall he staye the vngodly. 5 Ryghteousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, trueth & faythfulnesse, the gyrdynge vp of hys raynes.

Isaiah 32:1-2

1 Beholde, a king shall gouerne after the rule of ryghtewesnesse, and the princes shall rule, accordyng to the balaunce of equitye. 2 And that man shalbe vnto men as a defence for the wynd, and as a refuge for the tempest: lyke as a riuer of water in a thirstye place, and the shadowe of a greate rocke in a drye lande.

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth, sayeth the Lorde, that I wyll rayse vp the ryghteous braunche of Dauid, which kynge shall beare rule, and he shall prosper with wysedome, & shall set vp equite & righteousnes agayne in the erth. 6 In this tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israell shall dwell without feare. And this is the name that they shal call him: euen the Lorde oure ryghteousnesse.

Zechariah 9:9

9 Reioyce thou greatly, O daughter Syon be glad, O daughter Ierusalem. For lo, thy kynge commeth vnto the, euen the ryghteous and Sauioure, Lowly & symple is he, he rydeth vpon an asse, & vpon the foale of an asse.

John 5:22-30

22 Nether iudgeth the father eny man: but hath commytted all iudgement vnto the sonne, 23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne euen as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym. 24 Uerely, verely I saye vnto you. He that heareth my worde, & beleueth on him that sent me, hath euerlasting lyfe, and shall not come into damnacyon: but is scaped from deeth vnto lyfe. 25 Uerely, verely, I saye vnto you the houre shall come, & nowe it is, when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they that heare, shall lyue. 26 For as the father hath lyfe in hym selfe, so lykewyse hath he geuen to the sonne to haue lyfe in hym selfe: 27 and hath geuen him power also to iudge, because he is the sonne of man. 28 Maruayle not at this: for the houre shal come, in that which, all that are in the graues, shall heare hys voyce, 29 and shall come forth: they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of lyfe: and they that haue done euyll, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion. 30 I can of myne awne selfe do nothing. As I heare, I iudge, and my iudgment is iust, because I seke not myne awne wyll, but the wyll of the father whych hath sent me

John 8:29

29 and he that sent me, is wt me. The father hath not lefte me alone, for I do all wayes those thinges that please him.

John 16:32

32 Behold, the houre draweth nye, and is all ready come, that ye shalbe scatered euery man to his awne, & shal leaue me alone. And yet am I not alone. For the father is with me.

Acts 17:31

31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the which he will iudge the world wt ryghte wesnes, by that man by whom he hath appoynted, & hath offered fayth to all men, after that he had raysed him from deeth.

Revelation 19:11

11 And I sawe heauen open, & behold, a whyte horsse: & he that sat vpon him was called faythfull & true, & in rightewesnes he doth iudge & make battayle.

Deuteronomy 17:6

6 At the mouth of two or thre witnesses shall he that is worthy of death, dye: and at the mouth of one wytnesse let no man dye.

Deuteronomy 19:15

15 One wytnesse shall not ryse agaynst a man for any maner trespace, or for any maner synne, or for any maner faute, that he offendeth in. But at the mouthe of two wytnesses or of .iij. wytnesses shall the matter be stablyshed.

1 Kings 21:10

10 and set two vnthriftes before him, to beare witnesse agaynst him, sayenge: thou dydest blaspheme God and the kyng. And then carye hym out, and stone hym to deeth.

Matthew 18:16

16 But yf he heare the not, then take yet wyth the one or two, that in the mouth of two or .iij. witnesses, euery mater may be stablysshed.

John 10:34

34 Iesus answered them: Is it not wrytten in youre lawe I sayde, ye are goddes?

John 15:25

25 But thys happeneth that the sayinge myght be fulfylled, that is writen in their lawe: they hated me without a cause.

2 Corinthians 13:1

1 Nowe come I the thyrd tyme vnto you: in the mouth of two or thre witnesses shal euery worde be stablysshed.

Galatians 3:24

24 Wherfore, the lawe was oure scolemaster vnto Christ, that we shulde be iustifyed by fayth.

Galatians 4:21

21 Tell me: ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe, do ye not heare of the lawe?

Hebrews 10:28

28 He that despiseth Moses lawe, dyeth wythout mercy vnder two or thre witnesses:

1 John 5:9

9 If we receaue the wytnes of men, the witnes of God is greater. For this is the witnes of God which he testifyed of his sonne.

Revelation 11:3

3 And I wyll geue power vnto my two witnesses, & they shall prophesy a thousande, two hundred & .lx. dayes, clothed in sacke clothe.

John 5:31-40

31 If I shulde beare wytnes of my selfe, my wytnes were not true. 32 Ther is another that beareth witnes of me: & I am sure, that the wytnes which he beareth of me, is true. 33 Ye sent vnto Iohn, & he bare wytnes vnto the trueth. 34 But I receaue not the recorde of man. Neuerthelesse, these thinges I saye that ye myght be safe. 35 He was a burnynge, & a shyninge lyght, & ye wolde for a season haue reioysed in hys lyght 36 But I haue greater wytnes, then the wytnes of Iohn For the worckes which the father hath geuen me to finyshe, the same workes that I do, beare wytnes of me, that the father hath sent me. 37 And the father him selfe which hath sent me hath borne witnes of me. Ye haue not hearde hys voyce at eny tyme nor sene hys shape, 38 hys word haue ye not abydinge in you. For whom he hath sent, him ye beleue not. 39 Search the scriptures, for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe & they are they which testify of me. 40 And yet wyll ye not come to me, that ye myght haue lyfe.

John 8:25

25 Then sayd they vnto him. who arte thou? And Iesus sayeth vnto them: Euen the very same thing that I speake vnto you.

John 8:38

38 I speake that which I haue sene with my father: and ye do that, which ye haue sene with youre father.

John 8:51

51 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: yf a man kepe my saieng, he shall neuer se deeth.

John 8:58

58 Iesus sayd vnto them: Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: yer Abraham was borne, I am.

John 10:9

9 I am the dore: by me yf any man entre in, he shalbe safe, and shall go in and out, and fynde pasture.

John 10:11

11 I am the good shepeherd. A good shepherde geueth hys lyfe for the shepe.

John 10:14

14 I am the good shepheard, and knowe my shepe, and am knowen of myne.

John 10:30

30 I and my father are one.

John 11:25

25 Iesus sayth vnto her: I am the resurreccyon and the lyfe: He that beleueth on me, ye though he were deed, yet shall he lyue.

Hebrews 2:4

4 God bearynge wytnes therto, both with sygnes & wonders also & with diuers myracles, & gyftes of the holy gooste, accordynge to hys awne wyll.

1 John 5:6-12

6 This Iesus Christ is he that cam by water & bloud, not by water onely: but by water and bloud. And it is the sprete that beareth wytnes, because the sprete is trueth. 7 8 And ther are thre which beare recorde the sprete & water, and bloud: & these thre are one. 9 If we receaue the wytnes of men, the witnes of God is greater. For this is the witnes of God which he testifyed of his sonne. 10 He that beleueth on the sonne of God, hath the witnes in hym selfe. He that be beleueth not God, hath made him a liar 11 because he beleued not the recorde that God gaue of hys sonne. And this is that recorde, how that God hath geuen vnto vs eternall lyfe, & this lyfe is in hys sonne. 12 He that hath the sonne hath lyfe: & he that hath not the sonne of God, hath not lyfe.

Revelation 1:17-18

17 And when I saw him, I fell at his fete. euen as deed. And he layde his ryghte hande vpon me, saying vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst & the laste, 18 & and am a lyue, and was deed. And beholde I am a lyue for euermore & haue the keyes of hell & of deeth.

Jeremiah 22:16

16 Yee, when he helped the oppressed and poore to their right, then prospered he well. From whence came thys, but onely because he had me before hys eyes, sayeth the Lorde?

Jeremiah 24:7

7 And I wyll geue them an herte, to knowe how that I am the Lorde. They shalbe my people, & I will be their God, for they shall returne vnto me with their whole herte.

Matthew 11:25

25 At that tyme Iesus answered and sayde: I thanke the O father, Lord of heauen & erth, because thou hast hid these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and hast shewed them vnto babes,

Luke 10:21-22

21 That same houre reioysed Iesus in ghost, and sayd: I thanke the, O father. Lorde of heauen and earth, that thou hast hyd these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and hast opened them vnto babes. Euen so father, for so pleased it the. 22 All thinges are geuen me of my father. No man knoweth who the sonne is, but the father: and who the father is, but the sonne, & he to whom the sonne wyll shewe hym.

John 1:10

10 He was in the worlde, and the worlde was made by hym: and the worlde knewe hym not.

John 1:18

18 No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The onely begotten sonne, whych is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym.

John 7:28

28 Then cryed Iesus in the temple (as he taught) saying: ye both knowe me, and whence I am ye knowe. And I am not come of my selfe: but he that sent me is true, whom ye knowe not.

John 8:54-55

54 Iesus answered: If I honoure my selfe, myne honour is nothinge. It is my father that honoureth me, which ye saye, is your God, 55 & yet ye haue not knowen hym: but I knowe him. And yf I saye, I knowe him not, I shalbe a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his sayinge.

John 10:14-15

14 I am the good shepheard, and knowe my shepe, and am knowen of myne. 15 As my father knoweth me, euen so knowe I also my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe:

John 14:6-9

6 Iesus sayeth vnto hym: I am the waye and the treuth, and the lyfe. No man cometh vnto the father, but by me. 7 If ye had knowen me, ye had knowen my father also. And now ye knowe him, and haue sene hym. 8 Philip sayth vnto hym: Lorde, shewe vs the father, & it suffiseth vs. 9 Iesus sayth vnto hym: haue I bene so longe tyme with you, & yet hast thou not knowen me? Philip, he that hath sene me, hath sene my father. And howe sayest thou then: shewe vs the father?

John 15:21

21 But all these thinges wyll they do vnto you for my names sake, because they haue not knowen hym that sent me.

John 16:3

3 And such thinges will they do vnto you, because they haue not knowen the father, nether yet me.

John 17:3

3 This is lyfe eternal, that they might knowe the, the onely true God, & Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent.

John 17:25-26

25 O righteous father, the worlde also hath not knowen the: but I haue knowen the: and these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me. 26 And I haue declared vnto them thy name, and will declare it, that the loue wherwith thou hast loued me, maye be in them, & I in them.

1 Corinthians 15:34

34 Awake truely out of slepe, and synne not. For some haue not the knowledge of God: I speake this to youre shame.

2 Corinthians 4:4-6

4 in whom the God of this world hath blynded the myndes of them which beleue not, lest the lyght of the gospell of the glory of Christ (whych is the ymage of God) shulde shyne vnto them. 5 For we preache not our selues, but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde, and oure selues youre seruauntes, for Iesus sake. 6 For it is God, that commaunded the lyght to shyne out of darcknes, which hath shyned in oure hertes, for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Iesus Christ.

Galatians 4:9

9 But nowe after that ye haue knowen God (yee rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye tourne agayn vnto the weake and beggarly ordinaunces, wherunto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage?

Ephesians 1:17

17 that the God of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst, the father of glory, maye geue vnto you the sprete of wysdome and reuelacyon, by the knowledge of him selfe,

Colossians 1:10

10 that ye myght walke worthy of the Lorde that in all thinges ye maye please beynge frutefull in all good workes, and encreasynge in the knowledge of God,

Colossians 1:15

15 which is the ymage of the inuisyble God, fyrst begotten of all creatures.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Which (sonne) beinge the bryghtnes of his glory, and that very ymage of his substance rulynge all thynges with the worde of hys power, hath by hys awne person pourged oure synnes, and sytteth on the ryght hande of the maiestye on hye:

1 John 5:20

20 We knowe, that the sonne of God is come, and hath geuen vs a mynde to knowe hym which is true: & we are in hym that is true, through is sonne Iesu Christ. This same is very God, and eternall lyfe.

2 John 1:9

9 Whosoeuer transgresseth & bydeth not in the doctryne of Christ, hath not God. He that endureth in the doctrine of Christ, hath both the father & the sonne.

1 Chronicles 9:26

26 For the Leuites (which had the ouersyght of the vestryes & treasures of the house of God) were vnder the custody of foure notable porters:

Matthew 27:6

6 And the chefe prestes toke the syluer plates and sayd: it is not lawfull for to put them into the treasure, because it is the pryce of bloud.

Mark 12:41

41 And whan Iesus sat ouer agaynst the treasury, he behelde, how the people put money into the treasury. And many that were ryche, cast in moch.

Mark 12:43

43 And he called vnto him hys discyples & sayeth vnto them. Uerely I saye vnto you, that thys poore wydowe hath cast moare in, then all they which haue cast into the treasury.

Luke 13:31-33

31 The same daye came there certayne of the Pharises, and sayde vnto him. get the out of the waye, and departe hence: for Herode will kyl the. 32 And he sayde vnto them: Go ye, and tell that foxe, beholde, I cast out deuyls and heale the people to daye and to morowe, and the thyrde daye I make an ende. 33 Neuerthelesse, I must walke to daye and to morow, and the daye folowyng: for it cannot be that a Prophet perisshe eny other where, saue at Ierusalem.

Luke 20:19

19 And the hye prestes and the Scrybes the same houre went about to laye handes on hym, and they feared the people. For they perceaued that he had spoken thys symilitude agaynst them.

John 7:8

8 Go ye vp vnto this feast, I will not go vp yet vnto this feast, for my tyme is not yet full come.

John 7:30

30 Then they sought to take him: but no man layde handes on him, because his houre was not yet come

John 7:44

44 And some of them wolde haue taken him but no man layed handes of him.

John 8:59

59 Then toke they vp stones, to cast at hym: But Iesus hyd him selfe, and went out of the temple.

John 10:39

39 Agayne they went about to take hym: & he escaped out of their hande,

John 11:9-10

9 Iesus answered: are there not .xij. houres of the daye? If a man walke in the daye, he stombleth not, because he seeth the light of this worlde. 10 But yf a man walke in the nyght, he stombleth, because there is no lyght in him.

1 Kings 18:10

10 As trulie as the Lord thy God lyueth, there is no nacyon or kyngdome, whether my Lorde hath not sent, to seke the. And when they sayde: he is not there, he tooke an othe of the kyngdome & nacyon, whan he founde the not.

2 Kings 2:16-17

16 & sayde vnto him. Se: there be with thy seruauntes fyftie stronge men let them go & seke thy master: happlye the spryte of the Lorde hath taken hym vp, and cast hym vpon some mountayne or in to some valeye. And he sayde. Ye shall sende none. 17 And whan they laye vpon him tyll he was ashamed, he sayde. Send. They sent therfore fyftye men, which sought him thre dayes and thre nyghtes, but founde him not.

Job 20:11

11 From his youth his bones are full of pleasures, but now shall it lye downe within him in the earth.

Psalms 73:18-20

18 Namely, how thou dost sett them in slyppery places, and castest them downe and destroyest them. 19 O how sodenly do they consume, perysh, and come to a fearfull ende? 20 Yee, euen like as a dreame when one a waketh, so shalt thou make theyr ymage to vanysh out of the cyte.

Proverbs 11:7

7 When an vngodly man dyeth, his hope is gone, the confydence of riches shall perishe.

Proverbs 14:32

32 The vngodly is cast awaye for hys iniquitye, but the ryghteous hath a good hope euen in death.

Isaiah 65:20

20 There shall nether be chylde ner olde man, that haue not their full dayes. But when the chylde commeth to an hondreth yeare olde, it shall dye. And yf he that is an hundreth yeare of age do wronge, he shalbe cursed.

Ezekiel 3:18-19

18 If I saye vnto the, concernynge the vngodly man, that (wythout doute) he must dye, and thou geuest hym not warnynge, ner speakest vnto hym, that he may turne from hys euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shall the same vngodly man dye in his awne vnryghteousnes: but hys bloude wyll I requyre of thyne hand. 19 Neuertheles, yf thou geue warnynge vnto the wycked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his awne wyckednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule.

Matthew 23:39

39 For I saye vnto you: ye shall not se me hence forth, tyll that ye saye blessed is he, that commeth in the name of the Lorde.

Matthew 24:23-24

23 Then yf eny man saye vnto you: lo here is Chryst, or there: beleue it not. 24 For there shall aryse false Chrystes, and false prophetes and shall shew great miracles, & wondres. In so moch (that yf it were possyble) the verie electe shuld be deceaued:

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shall he saye also vnto them, that shalbe on the lyfte hand: departe from me ye cursed into euerlastynge fyre: whych is prepared for the deuyll and his angels.

Matthew 25:46

46 And these shall go into euerlastynge payne: the ryghteous into lyfe eternall.

Luke 16:22-26

22 And it fortuned, that the begger died, and was caryed by the angelles into Abrahams bosome. The riche man also dyed, and was buryed. 23 And beynge in hell in tormentes, he lyfte vp hys eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in hys bosome, 24 and he cryed and sayde: father Abraham: haue mercy on me, and sende Lazarus, that he maye dyppe the typpe of hys fynger in water, and cole my tonge: for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham sayde: Sonne remember that thou in thy lyfe tyme, receauedst thy pleasure, & contrary wyse, Lazarus receaued payne. But now is he conforted, and thou art punisshed. 26 Beyonde all this, betwene vs and you ther is a greate space set, so that they which wolde go from hence to you, cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs.

John 7:34

34 Ye shall seke me, and shall not fynde me: & where I am, thyther can ye not come.

John 8:24

24 I sayd therfore vnto you, that ye shal dye in youre synnes. For yf ye beleue not that I am he, ye shall dye in youre synnes.

John 12:33

33 Thys he sayde signifyinge, what death he shulde dye.

John 13:33

33 Lytle chyldren, yet a lytel whyle am I with you. Ye shall seke me, & as I sayd vnto the Iewes, whyther I goo, thyther can ye not come. Also to you saye I now.

1 Corinthians 15:17-18

17 If it be so that Christ rose not agayne, then is youre fayth in vayne, and ye are yet in youre synnes. 18 Therfore they whych are fallen a slepe in Christ, are perysshed.

Ephesians 2:1

1 And you hath he quickened where as ye were deed in treaspasses and synnes,

Psalms 22:6

6 But as for me, I am a worme & no man: a very scorne of men & the outcast of the people.

Psalms 31:18

18 Shewe thy seruaunt the light of thy countenaunce, and saue me for thy mercyes sake.

Psalms 123:4

4 Oure soule is fylled wyth the scornefull reprofe of the welthy, and wyth the despitefulnesse of the proude.

John 7:20

20 The people answered and sayde: thou hast the deuyll: who goeth aboute to kyll the?

John 7:35

35 Then sayde the Iewes among them selues: whither wyll he go, that we shall not fynde him? Wyll he go amonge the gentyls (whych are scattered abroade) and teach the gentyls:

John 8:48

48 Then answered the the Iewes, and sayd vnto him: Saye we not well, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast the deuyll?

John 8:52

52 Then sayd the Iewes vnto him: Now knowe we that thou hast the deuyll. Abraham is deed, and the prophetes, and thou sayest: yf a man kepe my saying, he shal neuer taste of death.

John 10:20

20 and many of them sayd: He hath the deuel, and is madd: why heare ye him?

Hebrews 12:3

3 Consyder therfore, how that he endured such speakinge agaynst hym of synners lest ye shuld be weryed and faynte in your mindes.

Hebrews 13:13

13 Let vs goo forth therfore vnto hym, out of the tentes, and suffer rebuke with hym.

Psalms 17:4

4 Because of mens worckes that are done agaynst the wordes of thy lyppes I haue kepte me from the wayes of the destroyer.

John 1:14

14 And the same worde became flesshe, and dwelt amonge vs: and we sawe the glory of it, as the glory of the onely begotten sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth.

John 3:13

13 And no man ascendeth vp to heauen, but he that came doune from heauen, euen the sonne of man whych is in heauen:

John 3:31

31 He that commeth from an hye, is aboue all: He that is of the erth, is earthly, and speaketh of the erth. He that commeth from heauen, is aboue all,

John 15:18-19

18 If the worlde hate you, ye knowe that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the worlde, the worlde wolde loue his awne. Howbeit, because ye are not of the world. But I haue chosen you out of the world therfore the world hateth you.

John 17:14

14 I haue geuen them thy worde, and the worlde hath hated them, because they are not of the world, euen as I also am not of the world.

John 17:16

16 They are not of the worlde, as I also am not of the worlde.

Romans 8:7-8

7 Because that the flesshly mynde is enemyte agaynst God: for it is not obedyent to the lawe of God, nether can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesshe, cannot please God.

1 Corinthians 15:47-48

47 The fyrst man is of the erth, erthy: the seconde man is the Lorde from heauen 48 As is the erthy, soche are they that are erthye. And as is the heuenly, soche are they that are heuenly.

Philippians 3:19-21

19 whose ende is damnacion, whose God is theyr belly and glory to theyr shame, which are worldely mynded. 20 But oure conuersacyon is in heauen, from whence we loke for the saueoure, euen the Lorde Iesus Chryst, 21 which shall chaunge oure vyle bodie, that he maye make it lyke vnto hys glorious body, accordynge to the workynge, wherby he is able also to subdue all thynges vnto him selfe.

James 3:15-17

15 For soch wysdome descendeth not from aboue: but is erthy, naturall, & diuelisshe. 16 For wher enuyeng & strife is, there is vnstablenes, & all manner of euyll workes. 17 But the wysdome that is from aboue, is first pure, then peasable, gentle, & easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudging, without simulacion:

James 4:4

4 Ye aduouterars, and wemen that breke matrimonye: knowe ye not how that the frendshyp of the worlde is enmytie wt God? whosoeuer therfore wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made the enemye of God.

1 John 2:15-16

15 Se that ye loue not the worlde, nether the thynges that are in the worlde. If eny man loue the worlde, the loue of the father is not in hym. 16 For all that is in the worlde (as the lust of the flesshe, and the lust of the eyes, & the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde.

1 John 4:5-6

5 They are of the worlde, therfore speake they of the worlde, and the worlde heareth them. 6 We are of God. He that knoweth God, heareth vs: he that is not of God, heareth vs not. Herby knowe we the sprete of veritie, and the sprete of erroure.

1 John 5:19-20

19 We knowe, that we are of God, and the worlde is all together set on wyckednes. 20 We knowe, that the sonne of God is come, and hath geuen vs a mynde to knowe hym which is true: & we are in hym that is true, through is sonne Iesu Christ. This same is very God, and eternall lyfe.

Proverbs 8:36

36 But who so offendeth agaynst me, hurteth his awne soule. All they that hate me, are the louers of death.

Mark 13:6

6 For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Chryst, and shall deceaue many.

Mark 16:16

16 he that beleueth & is baptised, shalbe saued. But he that beleueth not, shalbe dampned.

Luke 21:8

8 And he sayde: take hede, that ye be not deceaued. For many shall come in my name, and saye that they are Chryst: and the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye not them therfore.

John 3:18

18 He that beleueth on him, is not condemned. But he that beleueth not, is condemned all ready, because he hath not beleued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God,

John 3:36

36 He that beleueth on the sonne hath euerlastinge lyfe: He that beleueth not the sonne, shall not se lyfe, but the wrath of God abydeth on him.

John 4:26

26 I that speake vnto the am he.

John 8:21

21 Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them: I go my waye, & ye shall seke me, & shall dye in youre synnes. Whyther I go, thyther can ye not come.

John 13:19

19 Now tell I you before it come that when it is come to passe, ye might beleue that I am he.

Acts 4:12

12 Nether is there saluacyon in eny other. For amonge men vnder heauen there is geuen none other name, wherin we must be saued.

Hebrews 2:3

3 howe shall we escape, yf we despyse so great saluacyon, which at the fyrst began to be preached of the Lorde hym selfe, and was confirmed vnto vs warde, by them that hearde it?

Hebrews 10:26-29

26 For yf we synne wyllfully after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the trueth, ther remayneth nomore sacryfyce for synnes, 27 but a fearfull lokyng for iudgement, & violent fyre, whych shall deuoure the aduersaries. 28 He that despiseth Moses lawe, dyeth wythout mercy vnder two or thre witnesses: 29 how moch sorer (suppose ye) shall he be ponisshed which treadeth vnder fote the sonne of God: & counteth the bloude of the testament, wherwith he was sanctifyed, as an vnholy thyng, & doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace.

Hebrews 12:25

25 Se that ye despyse not hym, that speaketh. For yf they escaped not, whych refused him that spake on erth: moch more shall we not escape, yf we turne awaye from hym, that speaketh from heauen:

Luke 22:67

67 art thou very Chryst? tell vs. And he sayde vnto them: yf I tell you, ye wyll not beleue.

John 1:19

19 And thys is the recorde of Iohn: when the Iewes sent Prestes and Leuites from Ierusalem, to aske hym, what art thou?

John 1:22

22 Then sayde they vnto hym: what art thou, that we maye geue an answer to them that sent vs. What sayest thou of thy selfe?

John 5:17-29

17 And Iesus answered them. My father worketh hitherto, and I worke. 18 Therfore, the Iewes sought the more to kyll him, not onely because he had broken the Sabboth: but sayde also that God was hys father and made hym selfe equall with God. 19 Then answered Iesus, & sayde vnto them: verely, verely. I saye vnto you the sonne can do nothinge of him selfe, but that he seeth the father do. For whatsoeuer he doeth, that doeth the sonne also. 20 For the father loueth the sonne, and sheweth hym all thinges that he hym selfe doeth. And he will shewe him greater workes then these, because ye shuld maruayle. 21 For lykewyse as the father rayseth vp the deed, and quyckeneth them, euen so the sonne quyckeneth whom he wyll 22 Nether iudgeth the father eny man: but hath commytted all iudgement vnto the sonne, 23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne euen as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym. 24 Uerely, verely I saye vnto you. He that heareth my worde, & beleueth on him that sent me, hath euerlasting lyfe, and shall not come into damnacyon: but is scaped from deeth vnto lyfe. 25 Uerely, verely, I saye vnto you the houre shall come, & nowe it is, when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they that heare, shall lyue. 26 For as the father hath lyfe in hym selfe, so lykewyse hath he geuen to the sonne to haue lyfe in hym selfe: 27 and hath geuen him power also to iudge, because he is the sonne of man. 28 Maruayle not at this: for the houre shal come, in that which, all that are in the graues, shall heare hys voyce, 29 and shall come forth: they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of lyfe: and they that haue done euyll, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion.

John 10:24

24 Then cam the Iewes rounde about him, and sayd vnto him: Howe longe dost thou make vs doute? If thou be Christ, tell vs playnely.

John 19:9

9 and went agayne into the iudgement hall, and sayeth vnto Iesus: whence arte thou? But Iesus gaue him none answere.

John 3:32-33

32 & what he hath sene and hearde: that he testifieth: and no man receaueth hys testimonye. 33 He that hath receaued hys testimonie hath set to hys seale, that God is true.

John 5:42-43

42 But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you. 43 I am come in my fathers name and ye receaue me not. If another come in hys awne name, hym wyll ye receaue:

John 7:16

16 Iesus answered them, & sayde: My doctryne hys not myne: but his that sent me.

John 8:16-17

16 And yf I iudge, my iudgement is true. For I am not alone: but I & the father that sent me. 17 It is also wrytten in youre lawe, that the testimony of two men is true.

John 8:40

40 But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man that hath tolde you the trueth whych I haue heard of God: this dyd not Abraham.

John 9:39-41

39 And Iesus sayd vnto him: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde: that they which se not, myght se: and that they which se, might be made blynde. 40 And some of the pharises which were with him, hearde these wordes, and sayd vnto him: are we blynde also? 41 Iesus sayd vnto them: If ye were blynde, ye shulde haue no synne. But now ye saye: we se, therfore your synne remayneth.

John 12:47-50

47 And yf any man heare my wordes, and beleue not, I iudge him not. For I came not to iudge the world: but to saue the worlde. 48 He that refuseth me, & receaueth not my wordes, hath one that iudgeth hym. The worde that I haue spoken, the same shal iudge hym in the last daye. 49 For I haue not spoken of my selfe: but the father which sent me: he gaue me a commaundment, what I shuld saye, & what I shulde speake. 50 And I knowe that his commaundement is lyfe euerlastinge. Whatsoeuer I speake therfore, euen as the father bade me, so I speake.

John 15:15

15 Hence forth call I you not seruauntes: for the seruaunt knoweth not what hys lorde doeth. But you haue I called frendes: for all thynges that I haue heard of my father, haue I opened to you.

John 16:12

12 I haue yet many thinges to saye vnto you but ye cannot beare them awaye now.

2 Corinthians 1:18

18 God is faythfull: For oure preachyng to you, was not yee & naye.

Hebrews 5:11-12

11 Wherof we wolde speake many thinges but they are harde to be vttered: seynge ye are dull of hearinge. 12 For when as concerninge the tyme, ye ought to be teachers, yet haue ye nede agayne, that we teache you the fyrst principles of the worde of God: and are become soch as haue nede of mylke: and not of stronge meate:

Isaiah 6:9

9 And he sayde, go, and tell this people: ye shall heare in dede, but ye shall not vnderstande: ye shall playnely se, and not perceaue.

Isaiah 42:18-20

18 Heare, O ye deafe men, and sharpen youre syghtes to se (O ye blinde.) 19 Who is blinde, but my seruaunt? Or so deafe, as my messaunger, whom I sent vnto them? For who is so blynde (faye they) as the perfecte man and so blynde as the Lordes seruaunte? 20 Thou vnderstondest moch, and kepest nothynge: the eares are open, & no man heareth.

Isaiah 59:10

10 We grope lyke the blynde vpon the wall, we grope euen as one that hath none eyes. We stomble at the none daye, as though it were toward nyght: in the fallyng places, lyke men that are halfe deed.

John 8:43

43 Why do ye not knowe my speache? Euen because ye can not abyde the hearing of my worde.

John 8:47

47 He that is of God, heareth Goddes wordes. Ye therfore beare them not, because ye are not of God.

Romans 11:7-10

7 What then? Israel hath not obtayned that which he seketh: but the eleccyon hath obtayned it. The remnaunt are blynded 8 accordynge as it is written. God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnes: eyes that they shuld not se, & eares that they shuld not heare, euen vnto this daye. 9 And Dauid sayth: Let their table be made a snare to take them with all, and an occasyon to fall, and a reward vnto them. 10 Let theyr eyes be blynded that they se not: and bowe thou downe their backe allwaye.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4

3 If oure Gospell be yet hyd, it is hyd amonge them that are lost, 4 in whom the God of this world hath blynded the myndes of them which beleue not, lest the lyght of the gospell of the glory of Christ (whych is the ymage of God) shulde shyne vnto them.

Numbers 16:28-30

28 And Moses sayd: Herby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hath sent me to do all these workes, and that I haue not done them of mine awne minde. 29 If these men dye the comen deth of all men: or yf they be visyted after the visitacyon of all men, then the Lorde hath not sent me. 30 But and yf the Lorde make a newe thyng, and the earth open her mouth and swalowe them vp wt all that they haue: and they go downe quycke into hell: then ye shall vnderstande, that these men haue prouoked the Lorde.

Matthew 27:50-54

50 Iesus, whan he had cried agayne wt a loude voyce, yelded vp the goost. 51 And beholde, the vayle of the temple dyd rent in to two partes, from the toppe to the bottome, and the earth dyd quake, and the stones ren 52 and graues dyd open: and many bodyes of sainctes which slept, arose, 53 & went out of the graues after his resurreccyon, and came in to the holy cytie, and appeared vnto many. 54 When the Centurion and they that were with him watchinge Iesus, sawe the erth quake, those thinges which happened, they feared greatly, saying: Trulye, this was the sonne of God.

John 3:11

11 Uerely, verely I saye vnto the: we speake that we do knowe, & testify that we haue sene: and ye receaue not oure wytnes.

John 3:14

14 And as Moses lyfte vp the serpent in the wyldernes, euen so must the sonne of man be lyfte vp,

John 5:19

19 Then answered Iesus, & sayde vnto them: verely, verely. I saye vnto you the sonne can do nothinge of him selfe, but that he seeth the father do. For whatsoeuer he doeth, that doeth the sonne also.

John 5:30

30 I can of myne awne selfe do nothing. As I heare, I iudge, and my iudgment is iust, because I seke not myne awne wyll, but the wyll of the father whych hath sent me

John 6:38

38 For I came downe from heauen: not to do that I will, but that he will, whych hath sent me.

John 11:42

42 Howbeit, I knewe, that thou hearest me allwayes: but because of the people which stande by. I sayde it, that they maye beleue, that thou hast sent me.

John 12:32-34

32 And I (yf I were lyft vp from the erth) will drawe all men vnto me. 33 Thys he sayde signifyinge, what death he shulde dye. 34 The people answered hym: We haue heard out of the lawe, that Christ bydeth euer, and how sayst thou: the sonne of man must be lyft vp? who is that sonne of man?

John 16:10

10 Of ryghtewesnes, because I go to my father, and ye shal se me nomore:

John 19:18

18 where they crucified hym, and two other with hym; on ether syde one, and Iesus in the myddes.

Acts 2:41

41 Then they that gladly receaued his preachinge, were baptised: and the same daye, ther were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules.

Acts 4:4

4 Howbeit many of them which hearde the wordes beleued, and the nombre of the men was aboute fyue thousande.

Romans 1:4

4 and hath bene declared to be the sonne of God wt power, after the sprete that sanctifyeth, sence the tyme that Iesus Chryst oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16

15 Whych as they kylled the Lorde Iesus, and theyr awne Prophetes, euen so haue they persecuted vs: and God they please not, and are contrary to al men, 16 & hynder vs, that we shuld not speake vnto the Gentyls, that they myght be saued, to fulfyll their synnes alwaye. For the wrath of God is come on them, euen to the vtmost.

Hebrews 2:2-3

2 For yf the worde whych was spoken by angells was stedfast: And euery transgressyon and disobedience receaued a iust recompence of rewarde, 3 howe shall we escape, yf we despyse so great saluacyon, which at the fyrst began to be preached of the Lorde hym selfe, and was confirmed vnto vs warde, by them that hearde it?

Isaiah 42:1

1 Beholde, this is my seruaunte vpon whom I leane, myne electe, In whom my soule is pacifyed. I haue geuen hym my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgement and equitye among the Gentiles.

Isaiah 42:6

6 I the Lord haue called the in ryghteousnes, and led the by the hande. Therfore wyll I also defende the, and geue the for a couenaunnt of the people, and to be the lyght of the Gentiles.

Isaiah 42:21

21 The Lorde is mercyfull vnto them for his ryghteousnesse sake: that his worde myght be magnifyed and praysed.

Isaiah 49:4-8

4 Then answerde I: I haue lost my laboure, I haue spent my strength in vayne. Neuertheles, I will commyt my cause and my worcke vnto the Lorde my God. 5 And nowe sayth the Lorde, euen he that fashyoned me fro my mothers wombe to be his seruaunte, that I maye bryng Iacob agayn vnto him: howbeit, Israel wyll not be gathered vnto hym agayne. In whose sight I am greate, which also is my Lorde, my God and my strength. 6 And he sayde: It is but a small thinge that thou art my seruaunt, to sett vp the kynreddes of Iacob, and to restore the destruccyon of Israel. For I haue made the the light of the Gentyls, that thou mayst be my health vnto the ende of the worlde. 7 Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde the auenger and holy one of Israel: because of the abhorringe and despysinge amonge the Gentiles, concerning the seruaunt of all them that beare rule. Kynges and princes shall se, and aryse and worshyp, because of the Lord that is faythfull: & because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the. 8 And thus saith the Lorde: In the tyme accepted haue I heard the, and in the daye of saluacion haue I helped the. I will preserue the and make the to be the atonement of the people, that thou mayst helpe vp the earth agayne: & possesse agayne the desolate herytages.

Isaiah 50:4-9

4 The Lorde God hath geuen me a well lerned tonge, so that I can confort them which are troubled: yee, and that in due ceason. He wakeneth myne eare vp by tymes in the mornynge: by tymes in the morninge, I saye, he will waken myne eare, that I myght herken as to the scole masters. 5 The Lord God hath opened myne eare, therfore can I nott saye, naye: ner withdrawe my selfe: 6 but I offre my backe vnto the smyters, & my chekes to the nippers. I turne not my face from shame and spittyng, 7 & the Lord God shall helpe me: therfore shall I not be confounded. I haue hardened my face like a flynt stone, for I am sure, that I shall not come to confusion. 8 He is at hand that iustifieth me, who will then go wt me to lawe? Let vs stande one against another: yf there be any that wyll reason with me, let hym come here forth to me. 9 Beholde, the Lorde God standeth by me, what is he then that can condempne me? lo, they shalbe all like as an olde clothe, the mothe shall eate them vp.

Matthew 3:17

17 And loo, there came a voyce from heauen saienge. Thys is my beloued sonne, in whom I am well pleased.

Matthew 17:5

5 Whyle he yet spake, behold, a bright cloude shadowed them And beholde, there came a voyce out of the cloude whych sayd this is my beloued sonne in whom I delyte heare hym.

John 8:16

16 And yf I iudge, my iudgement is true. For I am not alone: but I & the father that sent me.

John 14:10-11

10 Beleuest thou not, that I am in the father, & the father in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you, I speake not of my self: but the father that dwelleth in me is he that doth the workes. 11 Beleue me that I am in the father, & the father in me. Or els beleue me for the worckes sake.

John 14:31

31 But that the worlde maye knowe that I loue the father. And as the father gaue me commaundment, euen so do I. Ryse, let vs go hence.

John 15:10

10 If ye kepe my commaundementes, ye shall byde in my loue, euen as I haue kepte my fathers commaundementes, & byde in hys loue.

John 17:4

4 I haue glorifyed the on the erth. I haue finysshed the worcke, which thou gauest me to do.

2 Timothy 4:17

17 Not wythstandynge the Lorde, assysted me, and strengthed me, that by me the preachynge shulde be fulfylled to the vtmost, and that all the Gentyls shulde heare. And I was delyuered out of the mouth of the lyon.

2 Timothy 4:22

22 The Lorde Iesus Christ be with thy sprete. Grace be with you: Amen.

Hebrews 4:15

15 For we haue not an hye preste, which cannot haue compassyon on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted, lyke as we are: but yet with out synne.

Hebrews 5:8-9

8 though he were the sonne yet learned he obedience, by those thynges which he suffered: 9 & he beynge perfecte, was the cause of eternall saluacion vnto all them that obeyed him:

Hebrews 7:26

26 For soch an hye Prest it became vs to haue, which is holy, harmlesse, vndefiled, separate from synners, made hyer then heauen.

Hebrews 10:5-10

5 Wherfore, when he commeth into the worlde he sayth: Sacryfyce and offerynge thou woldest not haue: but a bodye hast thou ordeyned me: 6 Burnt offerynges also for synne hast thou not alowed. 7 Then sayd I: lo, I am here. In the begynnyng of the booke it is written of me, that I shuld do thy will, o God. 8 Aboue, when he sayeth: sacryfice & offeryng, & burnt sacryfyces and synne offerynges thou woldest not haue, nether hast thou alowed them (whiche yet are offered by the lawe) 9 then sayd he: Lo, I am here, to do thy wyll, o God: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter, 10 by wych will we are made holy, euyn by the offeryng of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.

1 John 2:1

1 My lytell chyldren, these thinges write I vnto you, that ye synne not. And yf eny man synne, we haue an aduocate wyth the father, Iesus christ, the ryghteous:

John 2:23

23 When he was in Ierusalem at Easter in the feast daye, many beleued on his name, when they sawe his myracles whych he dyd.

John 6:14

14 Then those men (when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd) sayd: this is of a trueth the same Prophete, that shulde come into the worlde.

John 7:31

31 Many of the people beleued on hym & sayde: when Christ commeth, will he do moo myracles then these, that this man hath done?

John 10:42

42 And many beleued on him there.

John 11:45

45 Then many of the Iewes which came to Mary (and had sene the thynges which Iesus dyd) beleued on hym.

1 Samuel 12:14

14 Yf ye wyll feare the Lorde & serue hym, and heare hys voyce, & not disobeye the worde of the Lorde: both ye & the kynge that raygneth ouer you, shall folowe the Lorde youre God:

Matthew 24:13

13 But he that endureth to the ende, the same shalbe safe.

John 1:47

47 Iesus sawe Nathanael comynge to him, & sayeth of him: Beholde a ryght Israelyte, in whom is no gyle.

John 6:55

55 For my fleshe is meate in dede: and my bloude is drincke in dede.

John 6:66-71

66 From that tyme many of his disciples went backe, and forsoke him, and walked nomore with hym. 67 Then sayde Iesus to the twelue: wyll ye also goo awaye? 68 Then Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe 69 and we beleue and are sure that thou art Chryst the sonne of the lyuinge God. 70 Iesus answereth them: Haue not I chosen you twelue, and one of you is a deuyll? 71 He spake of Iudas Iscarioth the sonne of Simon. For he it was, that shuld betraye hym, beynge one of the twelue.

John 8:36

36 But the sonne abydeth euer. If the sonne therfore shal make you fre, then are ye fre in dede.

John 15:4-9

4 Byde in me, and I in you. As the braunche cannot beare frute of it selfe, excepte it byde in the vyne: nomore can ye, except ye abyde in me. 5 I am the vyne, ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth moche frute. For without me can ye do nothing. 6 If a man byde not in me, he is cast forth as a braunche, & is wythered: and men gather them: and cast them into the fyre, and they burne. 7 If ye byde in me, and my wordes abyde in you: aske what ye wyll, and it shalbe done for you. 8 Herin is my father glorifyed: that ye beare moch frute, and become my disciples. 9 As the father hath loued me, euen so haue I also loued you. Continue ye in my loue.

Acts 13:43

43 When the congregacyon was broken vp, many of the Iewes and verteous proselytes folowed Paul and Barnabas, which spake to them: & exhorted them to continue in the grace of God.

Acts 14:22

22 and strengthed the discyples soules agayne, and exhorted them to contynue in the fayth affirmynge that we must thorowe moche tribulacyon enntre into the kyngdome of God.

Acts 26:22

22 Seyng therfore that I haue obtained helpe of God: I contynew vnto thys daye, wytnessinge bothe to small & to great, saying none other thynges, then those whych the prophetes and Moses dyd saye shuld come:

Romans 2:7

7 that is to saye, prayse, honoure and immortalite, to them whych contynue in good doyng; and seke immortalite.

Romans 11:22

22 Beholde therfore the kyndnes and rygorousnes of God: on them which fell, rygorousnes. but towardes the, kyndnes: yf thou continue in hys kyndnes. Or els thou shalt be hewen of,

Colossians 1:23

23 yf ye contynue grounded and stablysshed in the fayth, and be not moued awaye from the hope of the Gospell, wherof ye haue herde, howe that it is preached amonge all creatures which are vnder heauen, wherof I Paul am made a mynyster.

1 Timothy 2:15

15 Notwythstandynge thorowe bearynge of chyldren she shalbe saued, yf they contynue in fayth and loue, and holynes, wyth discrecyon.

1 Timothy 4:16

16 Take hede vnto thy selfe, and vnto learnynge, and continue therin. For yf thou shalt so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, & them that heare the.

1 Timothy 5:3-5

3 Honoure wyddowes, which are true wyddowes. 4 If eny wyddow haue chyldren or nevews, let them learne fyrst to rule their awne houses godly & to recompense their elders. For that is good & acceptable before God. 5 She that is a true wyddowe & frendelesse, putteth her trust in God, & contynueth in supplicacyons and prayers nyght & daye.

2 Timothy 3:14

14 But continue thou in the thynges which thou hast learned, which also were commytted vnto the, knowinge of whom thou hast learned them,

Hebrews 3:14

14 We are made partetakers of Christ, yf we kepe sure (vnto the ende) the begynnynge of the substance,

Hebrews 8:9

9 a new testament: not like the testament that I made with theyr fathers in that daye, when I toke them by the handes, to leade them out of the land of Egypte. For they contynued not in my testament, and I regarded them not sayth the Lord.

Hebrews 10:38-39

38 But the iust shall lyue by faith. And yf he withdrawe him selfe, my soule shall haue no pleasure in him. 39 It is not we that withdrawe our selues vnto dampnacion, but we partayne vnto fayth, to the wynnynge of the soule.

James 1:25

25 But who so loketh in the parfayt lawe of libertye, and contynueth therin (yf he be not a forget full hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happye in his dede.

1 John 2:19

19 They went out from vs, but they were not of vs. For yf they had bene of vs, they wolde no dout haue continued with vs. But that it myght appeare, that they were not of vs.

1 John 2:24

24 Let therfore abyde in you that same which ye hearde from the beginninge. If that which ye hearde from the beginnynge shal remayne in you, ye also shall contynew in the sonne, and in the father.

Psalms 25:5

5 Leade me forth in thy trueth, & lerne me, for thou art the God of my saluacion: in the hath bene my hope all the daye longe.

Psalms 25:8-9

8 Gracious & ryghteous is the Lorde, therfore wyll he teache synners in the waye. 9 Them that be meke, shall he guyde in iudgement: & soch as be gentle, them shall he lerne his waye.

Psalms 119:45

45 And I will walke at liberty, for I seke thy commaundementes.

Proverbs 1:23

23 O turne you vnto my correccion: lo, I wyll expresse my mynde vnto you, & make you vnderstande my wordes.

Proverbs 1:29

29 And that because they hated knowledge, & receaued not the feare of the Lorde:

Proverbs 2:1-7

1 My sonne, yf thou wilt receaue my wordes, and kepe my commaundementes by the, 2 that thou wylt enclyne thyne eare vnto wysdome, applye thyne hert then to vnderstandynge. 3 For yf thou cryest after wisdome, and callest for knowledge: 4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure, 5 then shalt thou vnderstande the feare of the Lorde, and fynde the knowledge of God. 6 For it is the Lorde that geueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstandynge. 7 He hydeth vp healthe for the ryghteous. He preserueth the welfare of the ryghteous, and defendeth them that walke syncerely:

Proverbs 4:18

18 The pathe of the ryghtewes shyneth as the lyght, that is euer brighter and brighter vnto the perfect daye.

Song of Songs 1:7-8

7 Tell me of him whom my soule louethe where thou fedest the shepe, where thou makest them rest at the noone daye: for why shall I belyke him, that goeth wronge aboute the flockes of thy companyons? 8 Yf thou knowe not thy selfe (O thou fayrest amonge wemen) then go thy waye forth after the fotesteppes of the shepe, and fede thy goates besyde the shepeherdes tentes.

Isaiah 2:3

3 speaking thus one to another: vp, let vs go to the hyll of the Lord, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye shewe vs his waye, and that we maye walcke in his pathes. For the lawe shall come out of Sion, and the word of the Lorde from Ierusalem,

Isaiah 30:21

21 Yee, and thyne care shall heare the talkynge of hym that doeth speake behynde the. Thys is the waye, walke ye in it. Turne not aside nether to the ryght hande ner to the lyft.

Isaiah 35:8

8 There shalbe fote pathes & comen stretes, this shalbe called the holy waye. No vnclene person shall go thorowe it: for the Lorde him self shall go with them that waye, and the wayferer, nor ignoraunt shall not erre.

Isaiah 54:13

13 Thy children shall all be taught of God, & I wyll geue them plenteousnes of peace.

Isaiah 61:1

1 The sprete of the Lorde God is vpon me, for the Lorde hath anoynted me, and sent me, to preach good tydynges vnto the poore, that I myght bynde vp the wounded hertes, that I myght preach delyueraunce to the captyue, and open the preson to them that are bounde:

Jeremiah 6:16

16 Thus sayeth the Lord: go into the streates, consydre & make inquisicyon for the olde waye: and yf it be the good and ryght waye, then go therin, that ye maye fynde rest for youre soules. But they saye: we wyll not walcke therin,

Jeremiah 31:33-34

33 But this shalbe the couenaunt that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, sayth the Lorde. I will plante my lawe in the inward partes of them, and wryte it in their hertes, & wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 34 And from thens forth, shall no man teach his neyghbour or his brother, & saye: knowe the Lorde. But they shall all knowe me from the lowest vnto the hyest, sayth the Lorde. For I will forgeue their mysdedes, and will neuer remembre their synnes eny more.

Matthew 11:29

29 Take my yock vpon you, and lerne of me, for I am meke & lowly in herte: and ye shall fynde rest vnto youre soules.

Matthew 13:11-12

11 He answered and sayde vnto them: it is geuen vnto you to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of heauen, but to them it is not geuen. 12 For whosoeuer hath, to him shall be geuen: and he shall haue aboundaunce. But whosoeuer hath not: from him shalbe taken awaye euen that also which he hath.

John 6:45

45 It is written in the Prophetes: and they shalbe all taught of God. Euery man therfore that hath hearde, and hath learned of the father, commeth vnto me.

John 16:13

13 Howbeit when he is come (which is the sprete of treuth) he will leade you into all treuthe. He shall not speake of hym selfe: but whatsoeuer he shall heare, that shall he speake, and he will shewe you thinges to come.

John 17:17

17 Sanctify them thorow thy treuth. Thy word is the treuth.

Romans 6:14-18

14 For synne shall not haue power ouer you. Because ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace. 15 What then? Shall we synne, because we are not vnder the lawe: but vnder grace? God forbyd. 16 Knowe ye not, how that to whom soeuer ye commit youre selues as seruauntes to obey, hys seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey: whether it be of synne vnto deeth, or of obedience vnto ryghtewesnes? 17 God be thanked, that though ye were the seruauntes of synne, ye haue yet obeyed with herte vnto the rule of the doctryne, that ye be brought vnto. 18 Ye are then made fre from synne, and are become the seruauntes of ryghtewesnes.

Romans 6:22

22 But now are ye delyuered from synne, & made the seruauntes of God, and haue youre frute to be sanctifyed, and the ende euerlastynge lyfe.

Romans 8:2

2 For the lawe of the sprete of lyfe thorow Iesus Christ, hath made me fre from the lawe of synne, and deeth.

Romans 8:15

15 they are the sonnes of God. For ye haue not receaued the sprete of bondage to feare eny mor are, but ye haue receaued the sprete of adopcyon, wherby we crye: Abba father.

2 Corinthians 3:17-18

17 The Lorde no dout is a sprete. And where the sprete of the Lord is, there is libertie. 18 But we all beholde in a myrroure the glorye of the Lorde with his face open, and are chaunged vnto the same similitude, from glory to glory, euen as of the sprete of the Lorde.

Galatians 5:1

1 Stande fast therfore in the liberty wherwith Christ hath made vs fre, and wrappe not youre selues agayne in the yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5:13

13 Brethren, ye were called into libertye: only let not youre libertye be an occasion vnto the flesshe: but by loue serue one another.

2 Timothy 2:25-26

25 the euyll with meaknes, and can informe them that resyst yf that God at eny tyme wyll geue them repentaunce, for to knowe the trueth: 26 and that they maye come to them selues agayne out of the snare of the deuyll, which are holden captiue of hym at hys wyll.

2 Timothy 3:7

7 euer learnynge, and neuer able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth.

James 2:12

12 So speake ye, and so do, as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertye.

1 Peter 2:16

16 as fre, & not as hauinge the lybertie for a cloacke of maliciousnes, but euen as the seruauntes of God

Genesis 15:13

13 And he sayde vnto Abram: knowe thys of a suertye, that thy seed shalbe a straunger in a lande that perteyneth not vnto them. And shall serue them, & they shall entreate them euell .iiij. hundred yeares.

Exodus 1:13-14

13 And the Egyptians helde the chyldren of Israel in bondage without mercye. 14 Therfore was their lyfe bytter vnto them in that cruell bondage, in claye & brycke, and all maner of worke in the feldes. For all their bondage which they serued them, was full of tyrannye.

Leviticus 25:42

42 for they are my seruauntes, whych I brought out of the lande of Egypte, and shall not therfore be solde as bondmen.

Judges 2:18

18 And when the lord raysed them vp Iudges, he was with the Iudge, and delyuered them out of the handes of their enemyes all the dayes of the Iudge for the Lorde had compassyon ouer their sorowinges, whych they had, by the reason of them that oppressed them & vexed them:

Judges 3:8

8 Therfore the lord was angrye with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia, and the children of Israell serued Chusam Risathaim .viii. yeres.

Judges 4:3

3 And the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde: for he had nyne hundred charrettes of yron, & twentie yeres he troubled the children of Israel very sore.

Ezra 9:9

9 For we are bondmen, & oure God hath not forsaken vs in oure bondage, and hath enclyned mercy vnto vs in the syghte of the kynges of Persia, to geue vs lyfe, to sett vp the house of oure God, and to redresse the desolacion therof, and to geue vs a wall in Iuda and Ierusalem.

Nehemiah 5:4-8

4 But som there were that sayde: let vs borowe money for the kynges trybute & that vpon our landes and vyneardes. 5 Behold, oure bodyes as the bodyes of oure brethren, and oure chyldren as theyr chyldren: elles shulde we subdue our sonnes and daughters vnto bondage, and some of oure daughters are subdued vnto bondage all ready, & no strength is there in houre handes, and other men haue our landes and vyneyardes. 6 And when I heard their complaynte and soch wordes, it displeased me sore, 7 and I aduised so in my mynde, that I rebuked the councelers, and the rulers, and sayde vnto them: Euery one of you is to chargeable vnto hys brother. And I brought a greate congregacyon agaynst them, 8 and sayd vnto them we (after oure abilite) haue bought our brethren the Iewes, which were solde vnto the heathen. And wyll ye sell your brethren agayne vnto the heathen, after that they haue bene solde vnto vs? Then helde they theyr peace, and coulde fynde nothynge to answere.

Nehemiah 9:27-28

27 Therfore, thou gauest them ouer into the hand of their enemyes, that vexed them. And in the tyme of their trouble whan they cryed vnto the, thou hardest them from heauen: & thorow thy greate mercy thou gauest them sauiours, whych helped them out of the hande of their enemyes. 28 But when they came to rest, they turned back agayne, to do euell before the: therfore leftest thou them in the hande of theyr enemyes, so that they had the dominyon ouer them. And whan they conuerted, and cryed vnto the, thou herdeft them from heauen, & many tymes hast thou delyuered them accordyng to thy greate mercy,

Nehemiah 9:36-37

36 Beholde, we are in bondage this daye: & so is the lande that thou gauest vnto oure fathers, to enioye the frutes & goodes therof, beholde, there are we bondmen. 37 And greate is the increase of it vnto the kynges, whom thou hast set ouer vs, because of oure synnes, & they haue domynion ouer oure bodyes and catell (euen as they will them selues,) and we are in great trouble.

Matthew 3:9

9 And be not of soch mynde that ye wolde saye wtin your selues: we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you: that God is able to bryng to passe, that of these stones ther shall ryse vp children vnto Abraham.

John 8:37

37 I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: but ye seke meanes to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

John 8:39

39 They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayeth vnto them: If ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham.

John 19:25

25 There stode by the crosse of Iesus hys mother, and his mothers syster, Mary the wyfe of Cleophas, & Mary Magdalene.

1 Kings 21:25

25 But there was none lyke Ahab which dyd euen sell hym selfe, to worcke wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde, and that because Iezabel hys wyfe prycked hym forwarde.

Proverbs 5:22

22 The wyckednesse of the vngodly shall catch hymselfe, and with the snares of hys awne synnes shall he be trapped.

Matthew 5:18

18 For truely I saye vnto you: tyll heauen and earth passe, one iott or one tytle of the lawe shal not scape, tyll all be fulfylled.

John 3:3

3 Iesus answered & sayd vnto him: Uerely, verely, I saye vnto the, except a man be borne from aboue, he cannot se the kyngdom of God.

Acts 8:23

23 For I perceaue that thou art full of bitter gall, and wrapped in iniquite.

Romans 6:6

6 knowyng thys, that oure olde man is crucifyed with hym also, that the body of sinne myght vtterly be destroyed, that hence forth we shuld not be seruauntes vnto synne.

Romans 6:12

12 Let not synne raygne therfore in youre mortall bodye, that ye shulde ther vnto obey by the lustes of it.

Romans 6:16

16 Knowe ye not, how that to whom soeuer ye commit youre selues as seruauntes to obey, hys seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey: whether it be of synne vnto deeth, or of obedience vnto ryghtewesnes?

Romans 6:19-20

19 I speake grosly, because of the infirmytie of youre fleshe. As ye haue geuen youre members seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitye, (from one iniquitye to another) euen so now geue ouer youre members seruauntes vnto ryghtewesnes, that ye maye be sanctifyed. 20 For when ye were the seruauntes of synne, ye were voyde of ryghtewesnes.

Romans 7:14

14 For we knowe, that the lawe is spirituall: but I am carnall solde vnder synne,

Romans 7:25

25 I thanke God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde. So then, wyth the mynde I serue the lawe of God, but wyth the flesshe the lawe of synne.

Romans 8:21

21 For the same creature shalbe delyuered from the bondage of corrupcyon, into the gloryous libertye of the sonnes of God.

Ephesians 2:2

2 in the which in tyme passed ye walked, accordyng to the course of this worlde, euen after the gouerner that ruleth in the ayer, the sprete that nowe worketh in the chyldren of vnbelefe

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were somtyme foolyshe dysobedient, deceaued, seruynge diuerse lustes and volupteousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and enuye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

2 Peter 2:19

19 while they promes them libertie, where as they them selues are the bonde seruauntes of corruption. For of whom a man is ouer come, vnto the same is he brought in bondage.

1 John 3:8-10

8 He that committeth synne, is of the deuyll: for the deuyll synneth sence the beginnynge. For this purpose appeared the sonne of God, to lowse the worckes of the deuyl. 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God, synneth not: for his seed remayneth in him, and he cannot synne, because he is borne of God. 10 In thys are the chyldren of God knowen, and the chyldren of the deuyll. Whosoeuer doeth not ryghteousnes, is not of God, nether he that loueth not hys brother.

Genesis 21:10

10 Wherfore she sayde vnto Abraham: put awaye this bondemayde & hyr sonne: for the sonne of thys bonde woman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isahac:

Ezekiel 46:17

17 But yf he wyll geue one of hys seruauntes, some of hys heritage, it shalbe hys to the fre yeare, and then to returne agayne vnto the prince: for hys herytage shalbe hys sonnes onely.

Matthew 21:41-43

41 They sayd vnto him: For asmoch as they be euell, he will cruellye destroye them, & will let out his vineyard vnto other husbandmen, which shall delyuer hym the frute in due seasons. 42 Iesus sayeth vnto them: dyd ye neuer reade in the scriptures The stone whych the bylders refused, the same is become the heade of the corner: thys is the Lordes doinge, & it is meruelous in youre eyes. 43 Therfore saye I vnto you, the kyngdom of God shalbe taken from you, and geuen to a nacion, whych shall brynge forth the frutes therof.

Luke 15:31

31 And he sayde vnto him: Sonne, thou art euer with me, and all that I haue is thyne:

John 14:19-20

19 Yet a lytell while and the world seeth me nomore: but ye se me. For I lyue, & ye shall lyue. 20 That daye shall ye knowe that I am in my father, and you in me, and I in you.

Romans 8:15-17

15 they are the sonnes of God. For ye haue not receaued the sprete of bondage to feare eny mor are, but ye haue receaued the sprete of adopcyon, wherby we crye: Abba father. 16 The same sprete certyfyeth oure sprete that we are the sonnes of God. 17 If we be sonnes, then are we also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, & heyres anexed with Chryst yf so be that we suffer with hym, that we maye be also glorified together with hym.

Romans 8:29-30

29 For those which he knewe before, he also ordeyned before, that they shulde be lyke fassyoned vnto the shape of hys sonne, that he myght be the fyrst begotten sonne amonge many brethren. 30 Moreouer, whom he appoynted before, them also he called. And whom he hath called, them also he iustyfyed: and whom he iustyfyed, them he also gloryfyed.

Galatians 4:4-7

4 But when the tyme was full come, God sent hys sonne, made of a woman, and made bonde vnto the lawe, 5 to redeme them which were bonde vnto the lawe: that we (thorowe eleccion) might receaue the inheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes. 6 Because ye are sonnes, God hathe sent the sprete of hys sonne into oure hertes, cryinge: Abba father. 7 Wherfore nowe, thou art not a seruaunt: but a sonne. If thou be a sonne, thou arte also an heyre of God, thorowe Christ.

Galatians 4:30-31

30 Neuerthelesse, what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde woman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman. 31 So then brethren, we are not chyldren of the bonde woman: but of the fre.

Colossians 3:3

3 For ye are deed, and youre lyfe is hyd with Chryst in God.

Hebrews 3:5-6

5 And Moses verely was faythfull in all hys house, as a minyster, to beare witnes of those thynges which were to be spoken afterwarde. 6 But Christ as a sonne, hath rule ouer the house, whose house are we, yf we holde fast the confydence and the reioysynge of that hope, vnto the ende.

1 Peter 1:2-5

2 accordyng to the for knowledge of God the farthe thorow the sanctifynge of the sprete vnto obedience & sprincklyng of the bloude of Iesus Chryst. Grace be wyth you and peace be multiplyed. 3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Chryst, whych accordyng to his aboundant mercye begat vs agayne vnto a lyuely hope (by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deeth) 4 to an inherytaunce immortall and vndefyled, and that perissheth not, reserued in heauen for you, 5 whych are kept by the power of of God thorow fayth, vnto saluacion, whych is prepared allready to be shewed in the last tyme,

Psalms 19:13

13 Kepe thy seruaunt also from presumptuous synnes, lest they get the dominion ouer me: so shall I be vndefyled, & innocent from the greate offence.

Psalms 119:32

32 I wyll runne the waye of thy commaundementes, when thou hast set my herte at lybertie.

Psalms 119:133

133 Order my steppes in thy worde, and so shall no wyckednesse haue dominion ouer me.

Isaiah 49:24-25

24 Who spoyled the gyaunte of his praye? or who taketh the presoner from the mightye? 25 And therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde. The prisoners shalbe taken from the gyaunte, and the spoyle delyuered from the violente: for I wyll maynteyne thy cause agaynst thyne aduersaryes, and saue thy sonnes.

Zechariah 9:11-12

11 Thou also thorow the bloude of thy couenaunt: shalt let thy presoners out of the pitte wher in is no water. 12 Turne you now to the stronge holde, ye that be in preson, & longe sore to be deliuered. And this daye I bryng the worde, that I wyll rewarde the double agayne.

Luke 4:18

18 The sprete of the Lord vpon me, because he hath annoynted me: to preache the Gospell to the pore he hath sent me: to heale the broken harted, to preach delyueraunce to the captyue, & syght to the blynde: frely to set at liberte them that are brosed,

John 8:31-32

31 If ye continue in my worde, then are ye my very disciples, 32 and ye shall knowe the trueth: and the trueth shall make you free.

2 Corinthians 3:17

17 The Lorde no dout is a sprete. And where the sprete of the Lord is, there is libertie.

Matthew 13:15

15 For these peoples hertes is wexed grosse, and their eares are dull of hearynge, and theyr eyes haue they closed, lest at any tyme they shuld se with their eyes, and heare with their eares, & shuld understand with their herte, & be conuerted, that I also myght heale them.

Matthew 13:19-22

19 Whan one heareth the word of the kingdome, & understandeth it not, then commeth the euyll man, & taketh awaye that which was sowen in hys hert: thys is he, which was sowne by the waye syde. 20 But he that receaued the sede which was cast into stony places, the same is he that heareth the worde, and anone with ioye receaueth it, 21 yet hath he no rote in hym selfe, but dureth for a season: for whan tribulacyon or persecucyon happeneth because of the worde, by and by he falleth. 22 He also that receaued sede into the thornes, is he that heareth the worde: and the care of this worlde, and the dissaytfulnes of ryches, choke vp the worde, and so is he made vnfrutefull.

John 5:16-18

16 And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus, and sought the meanes to slee him, because he had done these thynges on the Sabboth daye. 17 And Iesus answered them. My father worketh hitherto, and I worke. 18 Therfore, the Iewes sought the more to kyll him, not onely because he had broken the Sabboth: but sayde also that God was hys father and made hym selfe equall with God.

John 5:44

44 How can ye beleue, which receaue honoure one of another, & seke not the honoure that commeth of God onely?

John 7:1

1 After these thinges, Iesus went about in Galile: for he wolde not go aboute in Iewry because that the Iewes sought to kyll hym.

John 7:19

19 Dyd not Moses geue you a lawe, & yet none of you kepeth the lawe? Why go ye about to kyll me?

John 7:25

25 Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: is not this he, whom they go about to kyll?

John 8:6

6 This they sayde to tempt him that they myght accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and with his fynger wrote on the grounde.

John 8:33

33 They answered him: We be Abrahams seed, and were neuer bonde to eny man: how sayest thou then: ye shalbe made fre?

John 8:39-40

39 They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayeth vnto them: If ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. 40 But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man that hath tolde you the trueth whych I haue heard of God: this dyd not Abraham.

John 8:45-47

45 And because I tell you the trueth, therfore ye beleue me not. 46 Which of you rebuketh me of synne? If I saye the trueth, why do not ye beleue me? 47 He that is of God, heareth Goddes wordes. Ye therfore beare them not, because ye are not of God.

John 10:31

31 Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones, to stone hym with all.

John 11:53

53 Then from that daye forth they toke councel together, for to put him to death.

John 12:39-43

39 Therfore could they not beleue, because that Esaias saith agayne: 40 he hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shuld not se with their eyes, & lest they shuld vnderstand with their hert, and shuld be conuerted, and I shulde heale them. 41 Soch thynges sayd Esaias, when he sawe his glorye, & spake of him. 42 Neuertheles, amonge the chefe rulers also, many beleued on hym. But (because of the pharises) they wold not be a knowen of it, lest they shulde be excommunicat. 43 For they loued the prayse of men, more then the prayse of God.

Acts 13:26

26 Ye men and brethren, chyldren of the generacyon of Abraham, and whosoeuer among you feareth God, to you is thys worde of saluacyon sent.

Romans 9:7

7 nether are they all chyldren strayght waye, that are the seed of Abraham. But in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

1 Corinthians 2:14

14 The naturall man perceaueth not the thinges that belonge to the sprete of God. For they are but folyshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceaue them, because they are spretually examined.

Matthew 3:7

7 But when he sawe many of the Pharises and Saduces come to hys baptyme, he sayd vnto them: O generacion of vypers, who hath taught you to fle from the vengeaunce to come?

John 3:32

32 & what he hath sene and hearde: that he testifieth: and no man receaueth hys testimonye.

John 8:26

26 I haue many thinges to saye, and to iudge of you: Yee, & he that sent me, is true. And I speake in the world, those thinges, which I haue hearde of hym.

John 8:41

41 Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they to him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We haue one father, euen God.

John 8:44

44 Ye are of youre father that deuyll, and the lustes of youre father will ye serue. He was a murtherer from the beginninge and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his awne. For he is a lyar, and the father of the same thing:

John 14:24

24 He that loueth me not, kepeth not my sayinges. And the worde which ye heare, is not myne, but the fathers which sent me.

Matthew 5:45

45 that ye maye be the children of your father which is in heauen: for he maketh his sonne to aryse on the euell, & on the good, & sendeth rayne on the iust & on the vniust.

Romans 2:28-29

28 He is not a Iewe, which is a Iewe outwarde. Nether is it circumcisyon, which is outwarde in the flesshe. 29 But he is a Iewe which his hyd wythin, and the circumcisyon of the herte is the true circumcisyon, whych consisteth in the sprete and not in the letter: whose prayse is not of men, but of God.

Romans 4:12

12 and that he myght be father of circumcisyon, not vnto them onely whych came of the circumcised, but vnto them also that walke in the steppes of the fayth that was in oure father Abraham, before the tyme of circumcisyon.

Romans 4:16

16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuen, that it myght come of fauoure: that the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them onely whych are of the lawe: but to them also which are of the fayth of Abraham, which is the father of vs all.

Galatians 3:7

7 Ye knowe therfore, that they which are of fayth, the same are the chyldren of Abraham.

Galatians 3:29

29 If ye be Christes, then are ye Abrahams seede, and heyres accordynge to the promes.

James 2:22-24

22 Thou seest, how that fayth wrought wt his dedes, & through the dedes was the fayth made parfecte: 23 & the scripture was fulfylled, which sayth: Abraham beleued God, and it was reputed vnto hym for ryghtewesnes: & he was called the frende of God. 24 Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustifyed, and not of fayth onely.

Psalms 37:12

12 The vngodly seketh councell agaynst the iust, & gnassheth vpon hym with his tethe.

Psalms 37:32

32 The lawe of his God is in his hert, and his goynges shall not slyde.

John 8:37-38

37 I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: but ye seke meanes to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 38 I speake that which I haue sene with my father: and ye do that, which ye haue sene with youre father.

John 8:56

56 Your father Abraham was glad to se my daye: and he sawe it, & reioysed.

Galatians 4:16

16 Am I therfore become your enemye, because I tell you the trueth?

Galatians 4:29

29 But as then he that was borne after the flesshe, persecuted hym that was borne after the sprete, euen so is it nowe.

1 John 3:12-15

12 not as Cayn which was of that wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he hym? Because his awne workes were euyll, and hys brothers good. 13 Maruayle not my brethren though the world hate you. 14 We knowe, that we are translated from deeth vnto lyfe, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not hys brother, abydeth in deeth. 15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother, is a man slear. And ye knowe, that no man slear, hath eternall lyfe abydynge in hym.

Revelation 12:4

4 and hys tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres and cast them to the erth. And the dragon stode before the woman whych was redy to be delyuered: for to deuoure her chylde as sone as it were borne.

Revelation 12:12-13

12 Therfore reioyce heuens, & ye that dwell in them. Woo to the inhabiters of the erth, and of the see: for the deuyll is come downe vnto you, which hath great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. 13 And when the dragon sawe that he was caste vnto the erth, he persecuted the woman, which brought forth the man chylde.

Revelation 12:17

17 And the dragon was wroth wyth the woman: and went, & made warre wyth the remnaunt of hyr sede, which kepe the commaundementes of God, and haue the testimony of Iesus Christe. And he stode on the see sande.

Exodus 4:22

22 And thou shalt saye vnto Pharao, thus sayeth the Lorde: Israel is myne eldest sonne,

Deuteronomy 14:1

1 Ye are the children of the Lord your God. Ye shall not cut youre selues, nor make you any baldnes betwene youre eyes for any deed man.

Deuteronomy 32:6

6 Do ye so rewarde the Lorde, O foolyshe nacyon & vnwyse? Is not he thy father & thyne owner? hath he not made the, and ordeyned the?

Isaiah 57:3-7

3 Come hyther therfore ye charmers children, ye sonnes of the aduoutrer and the whore: 4 Wherin take ye youre pleasure? Upon whom gape ye with your mouth, & bleare out your tonge? Are ye not children of aduoutry, and a sede of dissimulacion? 5 Ye make youre fyre vnder the okes, and vnder all grene trees, and ye offre chyldren in the valleys, and dennes of stone. 6 Thy parte shalbe with the stony rockes by the riuer: Yee, euen these shall be thy parte. For there thou hast poured meat & drincke offringe vnto them. Shulde I delite in that? 7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon hye mountaynes, thou wentest vp thyther, and there hast thou slayne sacrifices.

Isaiah 63:16

16 Yet art thou our father. For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquaynted wt vs. But thou Lorde art our father & redemer, & thy name is euerlastynge.

Isaiah 64:8

8 But nowe O Lorde, thou father of oures: we are the claye, & thou art oure potter, & we all are the worcke of thy handes.

Jeremiah 3:19

19 I haue shewed also, howe I toke the vp beynge but a childe & gaue the a pleasaunt lande for thyne herytage, yee, & a goodly Hoste of the Heathen, & howe I commaunded the, that thou shuldest call me father only, and not to shryncke fro me.

Jeremiah 31:20

20 Upon this complaynte, I thought thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sens the time that I first commened with hym, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore, my very hert dryueth me vnto him, gladly and louynglye wyll I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lord.

Ezekiel 16:20-21

20 Thou hast taken thine awne sonnes & daughters, whom thou haddest begotten vnto me: and these hast thou offred vp vnto them, to be their meate. Is this but a small whordome of thine (thinckest thou) 21 that thou slayest my chyldren, and geuest them ouer, to be brent vnto them?

Ezekiel 23:45-47

45 O all ye that loue vertue & ryghteousnes, iudge them, punishe them: as aduoutrers & murtherers ought to be iudged & punished. For they are breakers of wedlocke, & the bloude is in theyr handes. 46 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lorde God I wil bringe a greate multitude of people vpon them, & make them be scatred & spoyled: 47 these shall stone them, & gore them wt theyr sweardes. They shal slaye theyr sonnes & daughters, and burne vp theyr houses with fyre.

Hosea 1:2

2 Fyrst, when the Lorde spake vnto Oseas he sayde vnto hym. Go thy waye, take an harlott to thy wyfe, and get chyldren by her: for the lande hath commytted greate whordome agaynst the Lorde.

Hosea 2:2-5

2 As for youre mother, ye shall chyde wt her, and reproue her for she is not my wyfe, nether am I her husbande, onlesse she put awaye her whordome out of my syght, & her aduoutry from her brestes. 3 If no I shall stryppe her naked, & sett her euen as she came into the worlde: yee, I shall laye her waste, and make her lyke a wyldernesse, & slaye her for thyrste. 4 I shall haue no pite also vpon her children for they be the chyldren of fornicacyon. 5 Their mother hath broken her wedlocke, and she that bare them is come to confusion. For she sayd: I will go after my louers, that geue me my water and my bread, my woll & flaxe, my oyle and my dryncke.

Malachi 1:6

6 Shulde not a sonne honoure his father, & a seruaunt his master? Yf I be now a father, where is myne honoure? Yf I be the Lord, where am I feared? sayeth the Lorde of hostes. Now to you prestes, that despyse my name. And yf ye saye: wherin haue we despised thy name?

Malachi 2:11

11 Now hath Iuda offended: yee, the abhominacion is donne in Israel and in Ierusalem for Iuda hath defyled the Sanctuary of the Lorde, which he loued, and hath kepte the daughter of a straunge God.

John 5:23

23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne euen as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym.

John 5:43

43 I am come in my fathers name and ye receaue me not. If another come in hys awne name, hym wyll ye receaue:

John 12:49

49 For I haue not spoken of my selfe: but the father which sent me: he gaue me a commaundment, what I shuld saye, & what I shulde speake.

John 15:23-24

23 He that hateth me, hateth my father also: 24 If I had not done amonge them the workes whych none other man dyd, they shuld haue had no synne. But now haue they both sene, & hated: not onely me but also my father.

John 16:27-28

27 For the father him selfe loueth you, because ye haue loued me, and haue beleued, that I came out from God. 28 I went out from the father, and came into the worlde. Agayne, I leaue the worlde, and go to the father.

John 17:25

25 O righteous father, the worlde also hath not knowen the: but I haue knowen the: and these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me.

1 Corinthians 16:22

22 If eny man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ, the same be Anathema maranatha.

Galatians 4:4

4 But when the tyme was full come, God sent hys sonne, made of a woman, and made bonde vnto the lawe,

1 John 4:9-10

9 In this appeared the loue of God to vs ward, because that God sent hys onely begotten sonne into the worlde, that we might liue thorow him. 10 Herin is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, & sent hys sonne to be the agrement for oure synnes.

1 John 4:14

14 And we haue sene, & do testifye, that the father sent the sonne to be the sauyour of the worlde.

1 John 5:1-2

1 Whosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christ, is borne of God. And euery one that loueth hym which begat, loueth him also which was begotten of him. 2 By this we knowe, that we loue the chyldren of God, when we loue God, and kepe his commaundementes.

Revelation 22:1

1 And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe, clere as Crystall: procedynge out of the seate of God, and the lambe.

Proverbs 28:5

5 Wycked men discerne not the thynge that is ryght, but they that seke after the Lorde, discusse all thynges.

Isaiah 44:18

18 Yet men nether consydre ner vnderstande, because theyr eyes are stopped, that they cannot se: and their hertes, that they cannot perceaue.

Jeremiah 6:10

10 But vnto whom shall I speake, whom shall I warne that he maye take hede? Their eares are so vncircumcised, that they maye not heare. Beholde, they take the worde of God but for a scorne, & haue no lust therto.

Hosea 14:9

9 Who so is wise, shall vnderstand thys: and he that is ryght enstructe, wyll regarde it. For the wayes of the Lorde are ryghteous, soch as be Godly wyll walke in them. As for the wycked, they wyll stomble therin.

Micah 4:12

12 But they knowe not the thoughtes of the Lorde, they vnderstande not his councell, that shall gather them together as the sheeues in the barne.

John 6:60

60 Many therfore of his disciples (when they had herde this) sayde: this is an harde sayinge: who can abyde the bearinge of it?

John 8:27

27 Howebeit they vnderstode not that he spake of his father.

John 12:39-40

39 Therfore could they not beleue, because that Esaias saith agayne: 40 he hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shuld not se with their eyes, & lest they shuld vnderstand with their hert, and shuld be conuerted, and I shulde heale them.

Acts 7:51

51 Ye stiffenecked and of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye haue allwayes resysted the holy ghost: as youre fathers dyd, so do ye.

Romans 3:11

11 there is none that vnderstandeth, there is none that seketh after God:

Genesis 3:3-7

3 but as for the frute of the tre which is in the middes of the garden, God hath sayde: ye shall not eate of it, nether shal ye touche it, lest happly ye dye. 4 And the serpent sayde vnto the woman: ye shall not dye the death: 5 but God doth knowe, that the same daye that ye eat therof, your eyes shalbe opened, & ye shalbe euen as goddes, knowing good and euyll. 6 And so the woman (seyng that the same tre was good to eate, and lusty to the eyes, & that the same tre was pleasaunt to get wisdome) toke of the frute therof, and dyd eate: and gaue vnto her husband beynge with her, which dyd eate also. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened: and they knewe that they were naked, & they sowed fygge leaues together, and made them selues aperns.

Genesis 3:15

15 I will also put enemytie betwene the & the woman, betwene thy sede and hyr sede: The same shall treade downe thy head, and thou shalt treade vpon hys hele.

Genesis 4:8-9

8 And Cain spake vnto Habel hys brother. And it fortuned whan they were in the felde, Cain rose vp agaynst Habel hys brother, and slue him. 9 And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain: Where is Habel thy brother? Whych sayd: I wote not. Am I my brothers keper?

1 Kings 22:22

22 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: wherwyth? And he sayde: I wyll go out, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all hys prophetes. He sayde: thou shalt persuade hym, and preuayle, go forth then, and do euen so.

1 Chronicles 21:1

1 And Satan stode vp agaynst Israel, & prouoked Dauid to nombre Israel.

2 Chronicles 18:20-22

20 And there came out a sprete & stode before the Lorde, & sayde: I wyll deceaue him. And the Lorde sayde vnto him: Wherin? 21 And he sayd: I will go out, & be a lyinge sprete in the mouth of all his prophetes. And the Lorde sayde: thou shalt deceaue him, and shalt preuayle: go out, and do euen so. 22 And now therfore beholde, the Lord hath put a lyinge sprete in the mouthes of all these thy prophetes, & the Lorde hath spoken euell agaynst the.

Job 1:11

11 But laye thyne hand now vpon hym and touch all that he hath, and he shal curse the to thy face.

Job 2:4-6

4 And Satan answered the Lord, & sayde: Skyn for skynne? yee, a man wyll geue all that euer he hath, for his lyfe. 5 But laye thyne hand now vpon him, and touch once his bone and flesh, and he shall curse the to thy face. 6 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: lo, there hast thou hym in thy power, but spare hys lyfe.

Matthew 13:38

38 The feld is the worlde. And the chyldren of the kyngdome, they are the good seed: the tares are the chyldren of the wycked:

John 6:70

70 Iesus answereth them: Haue not I chosen you twelue, and one of you is a deuyll?

Acts 5:3

3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, how is it, that Sathan hath fylled thyne hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and kepe awaye parte of the pryce of the lande?

Acts 13:10

10 and sayde. O full of all suttelty and disseytfulnesse, thou chylde of the deuyll, thou enemy of all righteousnes: wilt thou not cease to peruerte the strayght wayes of the Lorde?

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 But I feare lest it come to passe that as the serpent begyled Eue thorowe hys subteltye, euen so your wittes shulde be corrupte from the synglenes that ye had toward Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For soch fals apostles are disceatfull workers, and fassy on them selues lyke vnto the apostles of Christ. 14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light. 15 Therfore it is no great thynge though hys mynisters fassyon them selues, as though they were the ministers of ryghtewesnes: whose ende shalbe accordyng to theyr dedes.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

9 euen hym whose commynge is after the workynge of Satan, with all lyinge power sygnes and wonders. 10 and with all deceauablenes of vnryghtwesnes, amonge them that perysshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued. 11 And therfore, God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shulde beleue lyes:

James 4:1-7

1 From whence commeth warre, and fyghtyng amonge you? come they not here hence? euen of youre lustes, that fight in your membres? 2 Ye lust, and haue not. Ye enuye & haue indignacyon, & can not obtayne. Ye fight & warre. Ye haue not because ye aske not. 3 Ye aske and receaue not, because ye aske amysse: euen to consume it vpon your lustes. 4 Ye aduouterars, and wemen that breke matrimonye: knowe ye not how that the frendshyp of the worlde is enmytie wt God? whosoeuer therfore wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made the enemye of God. 5 Ether do ye thynke that the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete the dwelleth in vs, lusteth euen contrary to enuy: 6 but geueth more grace. 7 Submit your selues therfore to God: but resyst the deuyll, and he will flye from you.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for youre aduersary the deuyll as a roaring lyon walketh about, sekyng whom he maye deuoure:

1 John 2:4

4 He that sayth I knowe hym, and kepeth not hys commaundementes is a lyar, and the veritye is not in hym.

1 John 3:12

12 not as Cayn which was of that wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he hym? Because his awne workes were euyll, and hys brothers good.

1 John 3:15

15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother, is a man slear. And ye knowe, that no man slear, hath eternall lyfe abydynge in hym.

Revelation 2:10

10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Beholde, the deuyll shall caste some of you into preson, to tempte you, & ye shall haue tribulacyon ten dayes. Be faythfull vnto the deeth, and I wyll geue the a croune of lyfe.

Revelation 9:11

11 And they had a kyng ouer them, which is the angell of the bottomlesse pytt, whose name in the Hebrewe tong, is Abadon: but in the Greke tonge, Apollion that is to saye: a destroyer.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuyll & Sathanas, was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth & his angelles were cast out also

Revelation 13:6-8

6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name & his tabernacle, & them that dwell in heauen. 7 And it was geuen vnto hym to make warre with the Saynctes, & to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, and people, and tonge, and nacion, 8 and all that dwell vpon the erth worshypt hym: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe, which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Revelation 13:14

14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the erth, by the meanes of those sygnes whyche he had power to do in the syght of the beast, sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beast, whych had the wounde of a swearde, and dyd lyue.

Revelation 20:2-3

2 And he toke the dragon the olde serpente, which is the deuyll & Satanas, & he bounde hym a thousande yeres: 3 and cast hym into the bottomlesse pyt, and he shutte hym vp, and set a seale on hym, that he shulde deceaue the people nomore, tyll the thousande yeres were fulfylled. And after that he must be losed for a lytell season.

Revelation 20:7-10

7 And when the thousand yeres are expyred, Satan shalbe lowsed out of his preson 8 and shall go out to deceaue the people, whych are in the foure quarters of the erth, Gog & Magog, to gather them together to battayle, whose nombre is as the sonde of the see: 9 and they went vp in the playne of the erth: & compased the tentes of the saynctes about, & the beloued citie. And fyre came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them: 10 and the deuyll that deceaued them, was cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone, where the beast and the false prophetes shalbe tormented daye and nyght for euermore.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearfull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murdrers, & whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, and all lyars shall haue theyr parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Revelation 22:15

15 For wythout shalbe dogges and inchaunters, and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, & whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges.

John 3:19-20

19 And thys is the condemnacion: that lyght is come into the world, and men loued darcknes more then light, because their dedes were euyll. 20 For euery one that euyll doeth, hateth the lyght: nether commeth to the lyght, lest his dedes shuld be reproued.

John 7:7

7 The worlde cannot hate you. But me it hateth: because I testify of it, that the workes therof are euill.

John 18:37

37 Pylate therfore sayde vnto him. Art thou a kyng then? Iesus answered: thou sayst that I am a kyng. For this cause was I borne, & for this cause came I into the worlde, that I shulde beare witnes vnto the trueth. And all that are of the trueth, heare my voyce.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

10 and with all deceauablenes of vnryghtwesnes, amonge them that perysshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the tyme will come, when they shall not suffer wholsome doctryne: but after their awne lustes shall they (whose eares ytche) gett them an heepe of teachers, 4 and shall withdrawe their eares from the trueth, and shalbe turned vnto fables.

Matthew 21:25

25 The baptime of Iohn: whence was it? from heauen or of men? And they thought amonge them selues, saying: yf we saye from heauen, he wyll saye vnto vs: why dyd ye not then beleue him?

Mark 11:31

31 And they thought in them selues, sayinge: yf we saye, from heauen: he wyll saye why then did ye not beleue hym?

John 8:7

7 So, whan they contynued askynge him, he lyfte him selfe vp, and sayde vnto them: let him that is amonge you without synne, cast the fyrst stone at her.

John 14:30

30 Here after wyll I not talke many wordes vnto you. For the prince of this worlde commeth, and hath naught in me.

John 16:8

8 And when he is come, he wyll rebuke the worlde of synne, and of rightewesnes, & of iudgement.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he made him to be synne for vs, which knewe no synne, that we by his meanes shulde be that ryghtewesnes, which before God is alowed.

1 Peter 2:22

22 whych dyd no synne, nether was there gyle found in hys mouth:

John 1:12-13

12 But as many as receaued hym to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of God: euen them that beleued on hys name: 13 whych were borne, not of bloude nor of the wyll of the flesshe, nor yet of the wyll of man: but of God.

John 6:45-46

45 It is written in the Prophetes: and they shalbe all taught of God. Euery man therfore that hath hearde, and hath learned of the father, commeth vnto me. 46 Not that eny man hath sene the father, saue he which is of God: the same hath sene the father.

John 6:65

65 And he sayd: therfore sayde I vnto you: that noman can come vnto me, except it were geuen vnto hym of my father.

John 8:45

45 And because I tell you the trueth, therfore ye beleue me not.

John 10:26-27

26 But ye beleue not, because ye are not of my shepe. As I sayd vnto you: 27 my shepe heare my voyce: and I knowe them, & they folowe me,

John 17:6-8

6 I haue declared thy name vnto the men, which thou gauest me out of the world. Thyne they were, and thou gauest them me, and they haue kept thy worde. 7 Now they haue knowen, that all thinges whatsoeuer thou hast geuen me, are of the. 8 For I haue geuen vnto them the wordes which thou gauest me, and they haue receaued them, and haue knowen surely, that I came out from the: and they haue beleued, that thou diddest send me.

1 John 3:10

10 In thys are the chyldren of God knowen, and the chyldren of the deuyll. Whosoeuer doeth not ryghteousnes, is not of God, nether he that loueth not hys brother.

1 John 4:1-6

1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde. 2 Herby shall ye knowe the sprete of God. Euery sprete that confesseth that Iesu Christ is come in the fleshe is of God. 3 And euery sprete which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesshe, is not of God. And this is that sprete of Antichrist, of whom ye haue hearde, howe that he shulde come: and euen now alredy is he in the worlde. 4 Lyttell chyldren, ye are of God, and haue ouercome them: for greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the worlde.

1 John 5:1

1 Whosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christ, is borne of God. And euery one that loueth hym which begat, loueth him also which was begotten of him.

3 John 1:11

11 Beloued, folowe not that which is euyll, but that which is good. He that doeth well is of God: but he that doeth euill, seyth not God.

Isaiah 49:7

7 Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde the auenger and holy one of Israel: because of the abhorringe and despysinge amonge the Gentiles, concerning the seruaunt of all them that beare rule. Kynges and princes shall se, and aryse and worshyp, because of the Lord that is faythfull: & because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 53:3

3 He is despised & abhorred of men, he is soch a man as is full of sorowe & as hath good experience of infirmyties. We haue rekoned hym so vyle, that we hyd oure faces from hym, ye he was despised & therfore we regarded him not.

Matthew 10:5

5 Iesus sent forth these twelue in nombre, whom he commaunded, saying. Go not into the waye of the gentyls, and into the cytie of the Samaritans enter ye not.

Matthew 10:25

25 It is ynough for the disciple, that he be as his master is, and that the seruaunt be as his Lorde is. If they haue called the Lord of the house, Beelzebub: how moche more shal they call them of his householde so?

Matthew 12:24

24 But when the Pharises hearde it, they sayd. This felow dryueth the deuyls no nother wyse out, but by the helpe of Belzebub the chefe of the deuyls.

Matthew 12:31

31 Wherfore, I saye vnto you, all maner of synne and blasphemy shalbe forgeuen vnto men but the blasphemy agaynst the sprete, shall not be forgeuen vnto men.

Matthew 15:7

7 Ypocrites, full well dyd Esaye prophesie of you, saying:

John 4:9

9 Then sayeth the woman of Samaria vnto him: howe is it, that thou beinge a Iewe, askest drincke of me, which am a Samaritane? For the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans.

John 13:13

13 Ye call me master and Lorde, and ye saye well, for so am I.

Romans 15:3

3 For Christ pleased not him selfe: but as it is written. The rebukes of them which rebuked the, fell on me.

James 2:19

19 Beleuest thou that ther is one god? Thou doest well. The deuyls also beleue, & tremble.

Isaiah 49:3

3 & sayd vnto me. Thou art my seruaunt Israel, I wilbe honoured in the.

Matthew 3:15-17

15 Iesus answered & said vnto him: Let it be so now. For thus it becometh vs to fulfyll all ryghteousnesse. Then he suffred hym. 16 And Iesus when he was baptised, came straight waye out of the water. And lo heuen was open vnto him: and he sawe the sprete of God descendynge lyke a doue, and lyghtyng vpon hym. 17 And loo, there came a voyce from heauen saienge. Thys is my beloued sonne, in whom I am well pleased.

John 11:4

4 Whan Iesus herd that, he sayde: this infirmitie is not vnto death: but for the prayse of God, that the sonne of God myght be praysed by the reason of it.

John 12:28

28 Father, glorify thy name. Then cam ther a voyce from heauen, saying: I haue both glorifyed it, & will glorify it agayne.

John 13:31-32

31 Therfore when he was gone oute. Iesus sayd: Now is the sonne of man glorifyed. And God is gloryfyed by him. 32 If God be glorifyed by him, God shall also glorify hym by hym selfe: and shall strayght waye gloryfy hym.

John 14:13

13 And whatsoeuer ye aske in my name, that will I do, that the father maye be glorifyed by the sonne.

Philippians 2:6-11

6 which whan he was in the shape of God, thought it no robbery to be equall with God 7 Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacion, takynge on hym the shape of a seruaunte, and became lyke vnto men, 8 and was founde in his apparell as a man. He humbled him selfe, and became obedient vnto the deeth, euen the deeth of the crosse. 9 Wherfore, God also hath exalted him on hye, and geuen him a name which is aboue all names: 10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth, 11 and that all tonges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the Lorde, vnto the prayse of God the father.

1 Peter 2:23

23 whych when he was reuyled, reuyled not agayne: when he suffered, he threatened not, but committed the vengeaunce to hym that iudgeth ryghteously

John 5:20-23

20 For the father loueth the sonne, and sheweth hym all thinges that he hym selfe doeth. And he will shewe him greater workes then these, because ye shuld maruayle. 21 For lykewyse as the father rayseth vp the deed, and quyckeneth them, euen so the sonne quyckeneth whom he wyll 22 Nether iudgeth the father eny man: but hath commytted all iudgement vnto the sonne, 23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne euen as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym.

John 5:41

41 I receaue not prayse of men.

John 5:45

45 Do not thyncke that I wyll accuse you to my father. Ther is one that accuseth you: euen Moses in whom ye trust.

John 7:18

18 He that speaketh of him selfe, seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh hys prayse that sent him, the same is true, & no vnryghtewesnes is in him.

John 8:54

54 Iesus answered: If I honoure my selfe, myne honour is nothinge. It is my father that honoureth me, which ye saye, is your God,

John 12:47-48

47 And yf any man heare my wordes, and beleue not, I iudge him not. For I came not to iudge the world: but to saue the worlde. 48 He that refuseth me, & receaueth not my wordes, hath one that iudgeth hym. The worde that I haue spoken, the same shal iudge hym in the last daye.

Psalms 89:48

48 O remembre, how shorte my tyme is, wherfore hast thou made all men for naught?

Luke 2:26

26 And an answer had he receaued of the holy goost that he shulde not se deeth, excepte he fyrst sawe the Lordes Christ.

John 3:15-16

15 that whosoeuer beleueth in him, perysshe not, but haue eternall lyfe. 16 For God so loue the worlde, that, he gaue is only begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleueth in him, shulde not perisshe, but haue euerlastyng lyfe.

John 5:24

24 Uerely, verely I saye vnto you. He that heareth my worde, & beleueth on him that sent me, hath euerlasting lyfe, and shall not come into damnacyon: but is scaped from deeth vnto lyfe.

John 6:50

50 Thys is that breed, whych commeth downe from heauen, that a man maye eate therof, & not dye.

John 8:55

55 & yet ye haue not knowen hym: but I knowe him. And yf I saye, I knowe him not, I shalbe a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his sayinge.

John 11:25-26

25 Iesus sayth vnto her: I am the resurreccyon and the lyfe: He that beleueth on me, ye though he were deed, yet shall he lyue. 26 And whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth on me, shall neuer dye: Beleuest thou this?

John 15:20

20 Remember the worde that I sayd vnto you: the seruaunt is not greater then the lorde. If they haue persecuted me, they wyll also persecute you. If they haue kept my saying, they will kepe youres also.

Hebrews 11:5

5 By fayth was Enoch translated, that he shulde not se deeth: nether was he founde: for god had taken him awaye. For a fore he was taken awaye, he obteyned a good reporte, that he pleased God:

Zechariah 1:5-6

5 What is now become of youre forefathers and the prophetes? are they yet styll alyue? 6 But dyd not my wordes and statutes (which I commaunded by my seruauntes the prophetes) touche youre forefathers? Upon this, they gaue answere and sayde: like as the Lorde of hoostes deuised to do vnto vs, according to oure owne wayes and ymagynacyons, euen so hath he delt with vs.

John 9:24

24 Then agayne called they the man that was blynde, and sayd vnto hym: Geue God the prayse: we knowe that thys man is a synner.

Hebrews 2:9

9 Neuerthelesse, we se not yet all thynges subdued vnto him: but him that was made lesse then the angels, we se that it was Iesus, which is crowned with glory and honour for the sofferynge of death: that he by the grace of God, shulde tast of deeth for all men.

Hebrews 11:13

13 These all dyed accordinge to fayth, whan they had not receaued the promises: but sawe them a farre of, and beleued them, & saluted them, and confessed, that they were straungers and pilgrems on the erthe.

Isaiah 9:6

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, & vnto vs a sonne is geuen. Upon hys shoulder doth the kyngdome lye, and he is called wt hys awne name: wonderfull. The geuer of councell, the myghtye God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace,

Matthew 12:6

6 But I saye vnto you: that in this place is one greater then the temple.

Matthew 12:41-42

41 The men of niniue shall ryse in the iudgement with this nacion, & condemne it, because they amended at the preachyng of Ionas. Beholde, here is one greater then Ionas. 42 The quene of the south shall rise in the iudgement with this generacion, and shall condemne it: for she came from the vtmost partes of the worlde to heare the wysdome of Salomon. And behold, in this place is one greater then Salomon.

John 4:12

12 Art thou greater then oure father Iacob which gaue vs the well, and he him selfe, drancke therof, and his children, and his catell?

John 5:18

18 Therfore, the Iewes sought the more to kyll him, not onely because he had broken the Sabboth: but sayde also that God was hys father and made hym selfe equall with God.

John 10:29-30

29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all, and no man is able to take them oute of my fathers hand. 30 I and my father are one.

John 10:33

33 The Iewes answered him, sayeng: For thy good worckes sake we stone thou not, but for thy blasphemy, and because that thou beynge a man, makest thy selfe God:

John 12:34

34 The people answered hym: We haue heard out of the lawe, that Christ bydeth euer, and how sayst thou: the sonne of man must be lyft vp? who is that sonne of man?

John 19:7

7 The Iewes answered him: We haue a lawe, and by oure lawe he ought to dye: because he made him selfe the sonne of God.

Romans 9:5

5 whose also are the fathers, and they of whom (as concernynge the flesshe) Christ came, which is God in all thynges to be praysed for euer Amen.

Hebrews 3:2-3

2 howe that he is faythfull vnto hym that put hym in the offyce, euen as was Moses in all his house. 3 For loke howe moche honoure he (that hath buylded a house) hath more then the house it selfe, so moch honour is he counted worthy of more then Moses.

Hebrews 7:1-7

1 This Melchisedech kynge of Salem (which beinge preste of the most hye God, met Abraham, as he returned agayne from the slaughter of the kynges and blessed him: 2 to whom also Abraham gaue tythes of all thynges) fyrst is called by interpretacion kynge of ryghtewesnes: after that, kynge of Salem (that is to saye, Kynge of peace) 3 wythout father without mother, without kynne, & hath nether begynnynge of dayes, nether yet ende of lyfe: but is likened vnto the sonne of God and contynueth a preste for euer. 4 Consyder what a man this was, vnto whom also the patriarke Abraham gaue tythes of the spoyles. 5 And verely those chyldren of Leuy, which receaue the office of the prestes, haue a commaundement to take (accordinge to the lawe) tythes of the people, that is to saye, of their brethren, yee though they spronge out of the loynes of Abraham. 6 But he whose kynred is not counted amonge them, receaued tythes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises. 7 And no man denyeth, but that he which is lesse, receaueth blessynge of him which is greater.

Psalms 2:6-12

6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hyll of Syon. 7 I wyll preach the lawe, wherof the Lorde hath sayd vnto me: thou arte my sonne, thys daye haue I begotten the. 8 Desyre of me, and I shall geue the, the Heythen for thyne enheritaunce, & the vtmost partes of the erthe for thy possessyon. 9 Thou shalt bruse them with a rodd of yron, and breake them in peces lyke a potters vessell. 10 Be wyse nowe therfore, O ye kinges, be warned, ye that are iudges of the earth. 11 Serue the Lorde in feare, and reioyse. with reuerence. 12 Kysse the sonne, lest he be angrye, & so ye perysshe from the waye, yf his wrath be kyndled (yee but a lytle) blessed are all they that put theyr trust in hym.

Psalms 110:1-4

1 A Psalme of Dauid. The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde: Syt thou on my ryght hand, vntill I make thine enemyes thy fotestole. 2 The Lord shall sende the rodde of thy power out of Sion, be thou ruler euen in the myddest among thyne enemyes. 3 In the daye of thy power shall thy people offre the frewyll offrynges wt an holy worshippe, the dewe of thy byrth is of the wombe of the mornyng. 4 The Lord sware, & wyll not repent: Thou art a prest for euer after the order of Melchisedec.

Proverbs 25:27

27 Lyke as it is not good to eate to moch hony, euen so he that will search out hye thynges, it shall be to heuy for hym.

Isaiah 48:1-2

1 Heare this, O thou house of Iacob: ye that are called by the name of Israel, and are come out of one stocke with Iuda: which sweare by the name of the Lorde, and beare witnes by the God of Israel (but not with trueth and ryght) 2 which are called fremen of the holy cytie, & are grounded vpon the God of Israel, whose name is the Lord of Hostes.

Isaiah 66:5

5 Heare the worde of God all ye that feare the thynge which he speaketh. Youre brethren that hate you, and cast you out for my names sake, saye: The Lorde is haynouse against vs, but you shall se him in ioye when they shalbe confounded.

Daniel 7:13-14

13 I sawe in a visyon by nyght, and beholde, there came one in the cloudes of heauen lyke the sonne of a man, which wente vnto the olde aged, before whom they brought him. 14 Then gaue he him power & dignite regall, that all people, trybes and tunges shulde serue him. His power is an euerlastinge power, which shall neuer be put downe: & his kyngdome endureth uncorrupte.

Hosea 1:9

9 Then sayde he: call hys name, Loamy. For why? ye are not my people, therfore will not I be your God.

John 2:11

11 Thys begynninge of myracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile, and shewed hys glory, & his disciples beleued on him.

John 5:31-32

31 If I shulde beare wytnes of my selfe, my wytnes were not true. 32 Ther is another that beareth witnes of me: & I am sure, that the wytnes which he beareth of me, is true.

John 7:39

39 But this spake he of the sprete, whych they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.

John 8:50

50 I seke not myne awne prayse: ther is one that seketh, and iudgeth.

John 16:14-15

14 He shal glorify me, for he shall receaue of myne, & shall shewe vnto you. 15 All thynges that the father hath, are myne. Therfore sayde I vnto you, that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you.

John 17:1

1 These wordes spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes to heauen, and sayde: father, the houre is come: glorify thy sonne that thy sonne also maye glorify the:

John 17:5

5 And now glorifye thou me (O father) with thyne awne self, with the glory, which I had with the, yer the worlde was.

Acts 3:13

13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac and of Iacob, the God of oure fathers hath glorified hys sonne Iesus, whom ye delyuered, and denyed in the presence of Pylate, when he had iudged hym to be loosed.

Romans 2:17-29

17 Beholde, thou art called a Iewe, and trustest in the lawe, and makest thy boast of God, 18 and knowest his wyll, and alowest the thynges that be excellent, and art infourmed by the lawe: 19 and beleuest that thou thy selfe art a gyde of the blynde, a lyght of them which are in darcknes, 20 an infourmer of them which lacke discrecyon, a teacher of the vnlearned, which hast that ensample of knowledge, & of the truthe by the lawe. 21 Thou therfore which teachest another, teachest not thy selfe Thou preachest, a man shulde not steale: yet thou stealest. 22 Thou that sayst, a man shuld not commyt aduoutry, breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages, and yet robbest God of his honoure. 23 Thou that makest thy boast of the lawe, thorow breakynge the lawe dishonourest God. 24 For the name of God is euyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls, thorow you as it is wrytten. 25 For circumcisyon verely auayleth, yf thou kepe the lawe. But yf thou be a breaker of the lawe, thy circumcisyon is turned to vncircumcisyon. 26 Therfore, yf the vncircumcised kepe the ryght thynges contayned in the lawe, shall not his vncircumcisyon be counted for circumcisyon? 27 And shall not vncircumcisyon which is by nature (yf it kepe the lawe) iudge the, whych beynge vnder the letter and circumcisyon, doest transgresse the lawe?

2 Corinthians 10:18

18 For he that prayseth hym selfe, is not alowed but he whom the Lorde prayseth.

Ephesians 1:20-23

20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raysed him from the deed, and set him on his ryght hande in heauenly thinges, 21 aboue all rule, & power, & myght and dominion, and aboue euery name that is named, not in this worlde onely, but also in the worlde to come: 22 and hath put all thynges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heed of the congregacyon, 23 which is his body and the fulnes of him, that fylleth all in all.

Hebrews 5:4-5

4 And no man taketh honour vnto him selfe, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. 5 Euen so Christ also glorified not him selfe, to be made the hye preste: but he that sayde vnto him, thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begoten the, glorifyed him.

1 Peter 1:12

12 vnto whych Prophetes it was also declared, that not vnto them selues, but vnto vs, they shulde minyster the thynges whych are now shewed vnto you of them, whych (by the holy goost sent downe from heauen) haue in the Gospell preached vnto you the thynges, whych the angels desyre to beholde.

1 Peter 1:21

21 whych by his meanes do beleue on God, that raysed hym vp from deeth, & gloryfyed hym, that ye might haue fayth and hope toward God:

2 Peter 1:17

17 euen then verely when he receaued of God the father honoure and glory, and when ther came soch a voyce to hym from the excellent glorye. Thys is my dere beloued sonne, in whom I haue delyte.

Jeremiah 4:22

22 Neuerthelesse, this shall come vpon them, bycause my people is become foolysshe, and hath not knowen me. They are the children of foolysshnesse, and without any discretion. To doo euyll, they haue wyt ynoughe: but to doo well, they haue no wysdome.

Jeremiah 9:3

3 They bende theyr tunges lyke bowes, to shote out lyes. They wax stronge vpon erthe. As for the trueth, they maye nothynge awaye with all in the worlde. For they go from one wyckednes to another, and wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lorde.

Hosea 5:4

4 They are not mynded to turne vnto their God, for they haue an whorysh hert, so that they cannot knowe the Lord.

Matthew 11:27

27 All thinges are geuen ouer vnto me of my father. And noman knoweth the sonne but the father: nether knoweth eny man the father, saue the sonne, and he to whomsoeuer the sonne will open him.

Luke 10:22

22 All thinges are geuen me of my father. No man knoweth who the sonne is, but the father: and who the father is, but the sonne, & he to whom the sonne wyll shewe hym.

John 6:46

46 Not that eny man hath sene the father, saue he which is of God: the same hath sene the father.

John 8:19

19 Then sayde they vnto him: where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me, nor yet my father: If ye had knowen me, ye shulde haue knowen my father also.

Acts 17:23

23 For as I passed by, and behelde the maner how ye worshyp youre goddes, I founde an aulter wherin was writen: vnto the vnknowen God. Whom ye then ignorantly worshyppe, hym shew I vnto you.

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 For it is God, that commaunded the lyght to shyne out of darcknes, which hath shyned in oure hertes, for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Iesus Christ.

1 John 2:22

22 Who is a lyar, but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? the same is Antichrist, that denieth the father & the sonne.

1 John 5:10

10 He that beleueth on the sonne of God, hath the witnes in hym selfe. He that be beleueth not God, hath made him a liar

Revelation 3:9

9 Beholde, I make them of the congregacyon of Sathan, whych call them selues Iewes, and are not, but do lye: Beholde, I wyll make them that they shall come, and worshypp before thy fete: and shall knowe, that I haue loued the.

Genesis 22:18

18 And in thy seed shall all the nacions of the erth be blessed, because thou hast herde my voyce.

Matthew 13:17

17 Uerely I saye vnto you, that many prophetes & righteous men haue desyred to se those thinges which ye se, & haue not sene them: & to heare those thinges which ye heare, and haue not hearde them.

Luke 2:28-30

28 then toke he him vp in his armes, & sayd: 29 Lorde, now lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace, accordynge to thy promes. 30 For myne eyes haue sene the saluacion:

Luke 10:24

24 For I tell you, that many prophetes and kinges haue desired to se those thinges which ye se, and haue not sene them: and to heare those thynges which ye heare, and haue not hearde them.

Galatians 3:7-9

7 Ye knowe therfore, that they which are of fayth, the same are the chyldren of Abraham. 8 For the scripture seinge afore hande, that God wold iustifye the Hethen thorowe fayth, shewed before hande glad tydynges vnto Abraham sayinge: In the shall all nacyons be blessed. 9 So then, they which be of fayth, are blessed with faythfull Abraham.

Hebrews 11:39

39 And these all thorow faith obtained good reporte, & receaued not the promes,

1 Peter 1:10-12

10 Of whych saluacyon haue the Prophetes enquyred and searched, whych prophesyed of the grace that shuld come vnto you, 11 searchyng when or at what tyme the sprete of Chryst (whych was in them) shuld sygnifye, whych sprete testifyed before, the passyons that shuld happen vnto Chryst, & the glory that shulde folowe after, 12 vnto whych Prophetes it was also declared, that not vnto them selues, but vnto vs, they shulde minyster the thynges whych are now shewed vnto you of them, whych (by the holy goost sent downe from heauen) haue in the Gospell preached vnto you the thynges, whych the angels desyre to beholde.

Exodus 3:14

14 And God answered Moses: I am that I am: and he sayde: thys shalt thou saye vnto the chyldren of Israel. I am hath sent me vnto you.

Proverbs 8:22-30

22 The Lorde him selfe had me in possessyon in the begynnynge of his wayes, or euer he beganne his worckes a fore tyme. 23 I haue bene ordened from euerlastynge, and from the begynnynge or euer the earth was made. 24 When I was borne, there were nether depthes nor sprynges of water. 25 Before the foundacyons of the mountaynes were layed, yee before all hylles was I borne. 26 The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the grounde it selfe. 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present: when he sett vp the depthes in ordre, 28 when he hanged the cloudes aboue: when he fastened the sprynges of the depe: 29 When he shut the see within certayne bowndes, that the waters shulde not go ouer their marckes that he commaunded. When he layed the foundacyons of the earth 30 I was with him, ordrynge all thynges: delytinge dayly, and reioysynge all waye before him.

Isaiah 43:13

13 And euen he am I from the begynnynge, and there is none that can take any thynge out of my hande. I do the worke and who shall be able to let it.

Isaiah 44:6

6 Thus hath the Lorde spoken: euen the Kynge of Israel, and his redemer, the Lorde of Hostes: I am the fyrst and the last, and without me is there no God.

Isaiah 44:8

8 Be not abashed nor afrayde. For haue not I euer tolde you hytherto, and warned you? Ye can beare me recorde youre selues. Is there any God excepte me? or any maker, that I shulde not knowe hym?

Isaiah 46:9

9 Remembre the thynges which are past, sence the begynninge of the worlde: that I am God & that there is els no God, yee, & that there is nothinge, lyke vnto me.

Isaiah 48:12

12 Herken vnto me, O Iacob, and Israel whom I haue called, I am he. I am euen he that is, I am the fyrst & the last.

Micah 5:2

2 And thou Bethleem Ephrata, art lytle amonge the thou sandes of Iuda, Out of the shal come vnto me, which shal be the gouernoure in Israel: whose out goynge hath bene from the begynning, & from euerlastynge.

John 1:1-2

1 In the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was wyth God: and God was the worde. 2 The same was in the begynnyng wyth God.

John 8:34

34 Iesus answered them: verely, verely I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer committeth sinne,

John 17:24

24 Father, I will that they which thou hast geuen me be with me where I am, that they maye se my glory, which thou hast geuen me. For thou louedest me before the makyng of the worlde.

Colossians 1:17

17 & he is before all thynges, and by him all thynges haue theyr beynge.

Hebrews 1:10-12

10 And thou Lorde in the begynnynge hast layde the foundacyon of the erth. And the heauens are the workes of thy handes. 11 They shall perysshe, but thou endurest, But they all shall wexe olde also as doth a garment: 12 & as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, & they shalbe chaunged. But thou art euen the same and thy yeres shall not fayle.

Hebrews 13:8

8 Iesus Christ yesterdaye and to daye, and the same continueth for euer.

Revelation 1:8

8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endynge, sayth the Lorde almyghty, which is and which was, and which is to come.

Revelation 1:11

11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega, the fyrst and the laste. That thou seyst, wryte in a boke, and sende it vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, & vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thiatira, and vnto Sardis, & vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicia.

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the angell of the congregacyon of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayth he that is fyrst, & the laste, which was deed, and is alyue.

Genesis 19:11

11 And the men that were at the doore of the house, they smote with blyndnesse both small & greate: so that they faynted and coulde not fynde the doore.

Leviticus 24:16

16 And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lorde, let hym be slayne, and all the multitude shall stone hym to deeth. Whether he be borne in the londe or a straunger, whan he blasphemeth the name of the Lorde, let hym be slayne.

2 Kings 6:18-20

18 And when they came downe to hym, Elisa prayed vnto the Lorde, and sayde: Smyte thys people (I praye the) with blindnesse. And he smote them with blindnes, accordinge to the desyre of Elysa. 19 And Elisa sayde vnto them this is not the waye, nether is this the towne: folowe me, and I wyll bringe you to the man whom ye seke. But he ledd them to Samaria. 20 And it fortuned, that when they were come to Samaria, Elisa sayde: Lorde, open their eyes that they maye se. And the Lorde opened their eyes, and they sawe. And beholde, they were in the myddes of Samaria.

Luke 4:29-30

29 and rose vp, and thrust him out of the cyte, & ledd him euen vnto the edge of the hyll (where on theyr cytie was bylte) the they myght cast him downe headlyng. 30 But he departed, and went hys waye euen thorow the myddes of them.

Luke 24:31

31 And their eyes were opened, and they knewe hym: and he vanysshed out of their syght.

John 5:13

13 And he that was healed, wist not who it was. For Iesus had gotten him selfe awaye, because that ther was preace of people in that place.

John 8:5-6

5 Moses in the lawe commaunded vs, that suche shulde be stoned. But what sayest thou? 6 This they sayde to tempt him that they myght accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and with his fynger wrote on the grounde.

John 10:30-33

30 I and my father are one. 31 Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones, to stone hym with all. 32 Iesus answered them: many good worckes haue I shewed you from my father: for which of them do ye stone me? 33 The Iewes answered him, sayeng: For thy good worckes sake we stone thou not, but for thy blasphemy, and because that thou beynge a man, makest thy selfe God:

John 10:39-40

39 Agayne they went about to take hym: & he escaped out of their hande, 40 & went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan, into the place wher Iohn before had baptysed, and there he abode.

John 11:8

8 Hys disciples sayde vnto hym: Master, the Iewes lately sought to stone the, and wylt thou go thyther agayne?

John 11:54

54 Iesus therfore walked nomore openly among the Iewes: but went his waye thence vnto a countre nye to a wildernes, into a cytie which is called Ephraim, and there contynued wt his disciples.

John 12:36

36 Whyle ye haue lyght, beleue on the lyght, that ye maye be the children of the lyght. These thynges spake Iesus, and departed, and hid him self from them.

John 18:31

31 Then sayde Pylate vnto them take ye hym, & iudge him after youre awne lawe. The Iewes therfore sayd vnto him: It is not lawfull for vs to put eny man to deeth.

Acts 7:57

57 Then they gaue a shout with a loud voyce, and stopped theyr eares, and ranne vpon him all at once,

Acts 8:39-40

39 And assone as they were come out of the water, the sprete of the Lord caught awaye Philip, and the chamberlayn sawe him nomore. And he went on hys waye reioysinge: 40 but Philip was founde at Azotus. And he walked thorowout the countre, preaching in all the cyties, tyll he came to Cesarea.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.