John 10:15 Cross References - Great

15 As my father knoweth me, euen so knowe I also my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe:

Isaiah 53:4-6

4 Howbeit he only hath taken on hym oure infyrmitie, & borne our paynes. Yet we dyd iudge hym, as though he were plaged & cast downe of God: 5 and punished where as he (not wythstandynge) was wounded for oure offences, and smytten for oure wyckednes. For the chastysement of oure peace was layde vpon him, and wyth hys strypes are we healed. 6 As for vs, we haue gone all astraye (like shepe) euery one hath turned his awne way. But the Lorde hath heaped together vpon him the iniquitie of vs all.

Isaiah 53:8

8 He was had awaye from preson hys cause not herde, and wythout eny iudgement: Whose generacyon yet who maye nombre? he was cut of from the grounde of the lyuynge: Whych punyshment dyd go vpon hym, for the transgressyon of my people, whych in deade had deserued that punyshment,

Isaiah 53:10

10 Yet hath it pleased the Lorde thus to bruste hym wyth plages, and to smyte hym wyth infyrmite, that when he had made his soule an offeryng for synne, he myght se longe lastynge sede. And thys deuyce of the Lorde shall prospere in hys hande.

Daniel 9:26

26 After these .lxij. wekes, shall Christ be slayne, and they shall haue no pleasure in hym. Then shall there come a people with the Prince, and destroye the cyte & the Sanctuary: and hys ende shall come as the water floude. But the desolacyon shall contynue tyll the ende of the battell.

Zechariah 13:7

7 Aryse, O thou swearde, vpon my shepherde, and vpon the Prince of my people, saieth the Lorde of hostes. Smyte the shepherd, and the shepe shalbe scatred abrode, and so wyll I turne myne hande to the lytle ones.

Matthew 11:27

27 All thinges are geuen ouer vnto me of my father. And noman knoweth the sonne but the father: nether knoweth eny man the father, saue the sonne, and he to whomsoeuer the sonne will open him.

Matthew 20:28

28 euen as the sonne of man cam, not to be ministred vnto, but to minister, & to geue his lyfe a redempcion for many.

Luke 10:21

21 That same houre reioysed Iesus in ghost, and sayd: I thanke the, O father. Lorde of heauen and earth, that thou hast hyd these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and hast opened them vnto babes. Euen so father, for so pleased it the.

John 1:18

18 No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The onely begotten sonne, whych is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym.

John 6:46

46 Not that eny man hath sene the father, saue he which is of God: the same hath sene the father.

John 8:55

55 & yet ye haue not knowen hym: but I knowe him. And yf I saye, I knowe him not, I shalbe a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his sayinge.

John 10:11

11 I am the good shepeherd. A good shepherde geueth hys lyfe for the shepe.

John 10:17-18

17 Therfore doth my father loue me, because I put my lyfe from me, that I myght take it agayne. 18 No man taketh it from me: but I put it awaye of my self. I haue power to put it from me, and I haue power to take it agayne. Thys commaundement haue I receaued of my father.

John 15:13

13 Greater loue hath no man, then thys: that a man bestowe hys lyfe for his frendes.

John 17:25

25 O righteous father, the worlde also hath not knowen the: but I haue knowen the: and these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me.

Galatians 1:4

4 which gaue hym selfe for our synnes to delyuer vs from thys present euyll worlde, accordynge to the wyll of God oure father,

Galatians 3:13

13 Christ hath deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe, in as moche as he was made accursed for vs: For it is written: cursed is euery one, that hangeth on tree,

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke ye in loue euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete sauer to God

1 Timothy 2:5-6

5 For ther is one God, and one mediator betwene God and man, euen the man Christ Iesus, 6 whych gaue him selfe a raunsome for all men, that it shulde be testifyed at hys tyme,

Titus 2:14

14 whych gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs from all vnryghtewesnes, and to pourge vs a peculyer people vnto hym selfe feruently geuen vnto good workes.

1 Peter 2:24

24 whych hys awne selfe bare our synnes in his body on the tree, that we beyng delyuered from synne, shuld lyue vnto ryghteousnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as moch as Christ hath once suffered for synnes, the iust for the vniust, to bring vs to God, and was kylled, as pertayninge to the flesshe: but was quyckened in the sprete.

1 John 2:2

2 & he it is that obtayneth grace for oure synnes, not for oure synnes onely: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

Revelation 5:2-9

2 And I sawe a stronge angell, which preached wt a lowde voyce: Who is worthy to open the boke, & to lose the seales therof. 3 And no man in heauen ner in erth nether vnder the erth, was able to open the boke, nether to loke theron. 4 And I wepte moch because no man was founde worthy to open & to reade the boke, nether to loke theron. 5 And one of the elders sayde vnto me wepe not: Beholde, a lyon of the trybe of Iuda, the rote of Dauid, hath obtayned to open the boke, and to lose the seuen seales therof. 6 And I behelde, and lo, in the myddes of the seate, and of the foure bestes, and in the myddes of the elders, stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled, hauynge seuen hornes, and seuen eyes, whych are the seuen spretes of God, sent into all the worlde. 7 And he came, and toke the boke out of the ryght hande of him that sate vpon the seate. 8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beastes and .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauyng (euery one of them) harpes & golden vialles full of odoures, which are the prayers of saynctes, 9 & they songe a new songe, saying: thou art worthy to take the boke, & to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynredes, & tonges, & people, & nacyons,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.