Joel 3:18 Cross References - Great

18 Then shall the mountaynes drope swete wyne, and the hylles shall flowe with mylcke. All the ryuers of Iuda shall haue water ynough, and out of the Lordes house there shall flowe a spring, to water the broke of Sitim:

Exodus 3:8

8 and am come downe to delyuer them out of the hande of the Egyptians, and to brynge them out of that lande vnto a good lande and a large: and vnto a lande that floweth wyth mylcke and hony: euen vnto the place of the Cananites and Hethites, and Amorites, and Pherezites, and Heuites, and of the Iebusites.

Numbers 25:1

1 And Israel dwelt in Sittim, and the people began to committe whoredome with the daughters of Moab,

Job 29:6

6 when my wayes ranne ouer with butter, and when the stony rockes gaue me ryuers of oyle:

Psalms 46:4

4 The ryuers of the floude therof shall make glad the cytie of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most hyest.

Isaiah 30:25

25 Finally, vpon euery hye mountaine and hyll shall ther be riuers and streames of waters, in the daye of the greate slaughter, when the towers fall.

Isaiah 35:6

6 Then shall the lame man leape as an hert, & the domme mans tonge shall geue thanckes. In the wildernes also, there shall welles spring, & floudes of water in the desert.

Isaiah 41:17-18

17 When the thyrsty and poore seke water & fynde none, and when theyr tonge is drye of thyrst. I geue it them sayth the Lorde. I the God of Israel forsake them not. 18 I brynge forth floudes in the hylles, and welles in the playne feldes. I turne the wyldernes to ryuers, and the drye lande to condyttes of water.

Isaiah 55:12-13

12 And so shall ye goo forth wt ioye, & be led wt peace. The mountaynes & hylles shall synge wyth you for ioye, & all the trees of the felde shall clappe theyr handes. 13 For thornes, there shall growe Fyrre trees, & the Myrre tre in the steade of breers. And thys shall be done to the prayse of the Lorde, and for an euerlastynge token, that shall not be taken awaye.

Ezekiel 47:1-12

1 After this, he brought me agayne before the dore of the house: and beholde, there gushed oute waters from vnder the postes of the house eastwarde, for the house stode towarde the east, that ran downe vpon the ryght syde of the house, which lyeth to the aulter southwarde. 2 Then caryed he me out to the north dore, and brought me forth there rounde about by the vtmost dore that turneth eastwarde. Beholde, there came forth the water vpon the right syde: 3 Now whan the man that had the meterodde in hys hande went vnto the east dore, he measured a .M. cubites, and then he brought me thorowe the water, euen to the ancles: 4 so he measured yet a thousande, and brought me thorowe the water agayne vnto the knees: yet measured he a thousande, and brought me thorowe the water vnto the loynes. 5 After this he measured a thousande agayne, then was it soch a ryuer, that I myght not wade thorowe it. The water was so depe, that it was nedeful to haue swimmed, for it might not be waded ouer. 6 And he sayde vnto me: hast thou sene thys, O thou sonne of man? and with that, he brought me to the ryuer banck agayne. 7 Nowe when I came there, there stode many trees vpon ether syde of the ryuer bancke. 8 Then sayde he vnto me: Thys water that floweth oute towarde the east, and runneth downe into the playne felde, commeth into the see: and from the see runneth out: & maketh the waters whole. 9 Yee, all that lyue & moue, wherunto thys ryuer commeth, shall recouer. And where thys water commeth, ther shalbe moch fysh. For all that commeth to this water, shalbe lusty and whole. 10 By this ryuer shall the fysshers stande from Engaddy vnto En Eglaim, & there spread out their nettes: for there shalbe great heapes of fysh, lyke as in the mayne see. 11 As for his claye and pyttes, they shall not be whole, for why? it shalbe occupyed for salt. 12 By this ryuer vpon both the sides of the shore, there shall growe all maner of frutefull trees, whose leaues shall not fall of, nether shall their frute perysh: but euer be rype at theyr monethes: for theyr water runneth oute of theyr sanctuarye. Hys frute is good to eate, and his leafe profytable for medicyne.

Amos 9:13-14

13 Beholde, the tyme commeth (sayeth the Lorde) that the plowman shall ouer take the mower, & treader of grapes, hym that soweth sede. The mountaynes shall droppe swete wyne, and the hylles shall be frutefull 14 & I wyll turne the captiuyte of my people of Israell: they shal repayre the waste cyties, and haue them in possession: they shall plante vyneyardes, and dryncke the wyne therof they shall make gardens, & enioye the frutes of them.

Micah 6:5

5 Remembre (O my people) what Balach the kyng of Moab had Imagyned agaynst the and what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal, that ye maye knowe the louyng kyndnesses of the Lorde.

Zechariah 14:8

8 In that tyme shall there waters of lyfe runne out from Ierusalem: the halfe potte of them towarde the east see, and the other halfe towarde the vttermost see, and shall continue both somer and wynter.

Revelation 22:1-2

1 And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe, clere as Crystall: procedynge out of the seate of God, and the lambe. 2 In the middes of the stret of it, and of ether syde of the ryuer, was ther woode of lyfe: whych bare twelue maner of frutes: & gaue frute euery moneth: & the leues of the wood serued to heale the people with all.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.