Joel 1:7 Cross References - Great

7 They shall make my vyneyarde waste, they shall pyll of the darckes of my fyggetrees, strype them bare, cast them awaye, and make the braunches whyte.

Exodus 10:15

15 for they couered all the face of the earth: so that the land was darke. And they dyd eate all the herbes of the lande, and all the frutes of the trees, and whatsoeuer the hayle had lefte: there was no grene thinge lefte in the trees and herbes of the felde thorowe all the lande of Egipte.

Psalms 105:33

33 He smote these vines also and fyge trees, & destroyed the trees that were in their coastes.

Isaiah 5:6

6 I will laye it waste, that it shall nether be digged nor cut, but beare thornes and brears. I will also forbyd the cloudes that they shall not rayne vpon it.

Isaiah 24:7

7 The wyne faileth: the vyne hath no myght, all they that haue bene mery of hart, are come to mournyng.

Jeremiah 8:13

13 Moreouer, I wyll consume them in deade (sayeth the Lord) so that there shall not be one grape vpon the vyne, nether one fygg vpon the fyge tre, and the leaues shalbe plucte of. And the thynge that I haue gyuen them shall be taken from them:

Hosea 2:12

12 I wyll destroye her vyneyardes & fygg trees, though she sayeth: lo, heare are my rewardes, that my louers haue geuen me. I wyll make it a wodde, and wylde beestes shall eate it vp.

Joel 1:12

12 The grapegatherers shall make greate mone, when the vyneyarde and fyggetrees be so vtterly wasted. Yee, all the pomgarnettes, palmetrees, apletrees, & the other trees of the felde shall wyther awaye. Thus the mery cheare of the chyldren of men, shall come to confusyon.

Amos 4:9

9 I haue smytten you with drouth & blastinge: and loke howe many orchardes, vyneyardes, fyggetrees & olyuetrees ye had: the caterpyller hath eaten them vp. But yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde.

Habakkuk 3:17

17 For the fygg trees shal not be grene: & the vynes shal beare no frute. The laboure of the olyue shalbe but lost, & the lande shall bring no corne: the shepe shalbe taken out of the folde, and there shalbe no catel in the stalles.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.