2 Heare, O yee elders: pondre this well, all ye that dwell in the lande: yf euer there happened soch a thinge in your dayes, or in the dayes of youre fathers.
Joel 1:2 Cross References - Great
Deuteronomy 4:32-35
32 For aske of the dayes that are past, which were before the sence the daye that God created man vpon the erth, and (aske) from the one syde of heauen vnto the other, yf euer there came to passe soch a greate thing, or whether any soche lyke thynge hath bene herde.
33 Dyd euer a nacyon heare the voyce of God speakynge out of the myddes of a fyre, as thou hast herde, and yet lyued?
34 other whether God assayed to go and take hym a people from amonge nacyons thorowe temptacions, signes wondres, warre, a myghtie hande, a stretched out arme, and thorowe greate syghtes, accordynge vnto all that the Lord youre God dyd vnto you in Egypte before youre eyes?
35 Unto the it was shewed, that thou myghtest knowe, howe that the Lorde he is God, and that there is none other but he.
Job 8:8
8 Enquere (I praye the) of them that haue bene before the, and search diligently amonge theyr fathers.
Job 12:12
12 Amonge olde personnes there is wisdome, and in age is vnderstandyng.
Job 15:10
10 With vs are both olde and aged men, yee, soch as haue lyued longer then thy father.
Job 21:7
7 Wherfore do wycked men lyue in health and prosperite, come to theyr olde age, and increase in ryches?
Psalms 49:1
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme for the chyldren of Corah. O heare this, all ye people: pondre it with your eares, all ye that dwell in the worlde.
Isaiah 7:17
17 The Lorde also shall sende a tyme vpon the, vpon thy people, & vpon thy fathers house (soch as neuer came sence the tyme that Ephraim departed from Iuda) thorowe the kynge of the Assirians.
Isaiah 34:1
1 Come ye Heythen and heare, take hede ye people. Herken thou erth & all that is therin: thou round compasse and all that groweth there vpon:
Jeremiah 5:21
21 Heare this (thou folish & vndiscret people) ye haue eyes but ye se not: eares haue ye, but ye heare not.
Jeremiah 30:7
7 Alas for this daye, which is so dredefull that none maye be likened vnto it: and alas for the tyme of Iacobs trouble, from the which he shall yet be delyuered.
Daniel 12:1
1 The tyme wyll come also, that the great prince Michael, which standeth on thy peoples side, shal aryse vp, for there shall come a tyme of trouble, soch as neuer was, sens there began to be eny people, vnto that same tyme. Then shall thy people be delyuered, yee, all those that be founde wrytten in the boke.
Hosea 4:1
1 Heare the worde of the Lord, O ye chyldren of Israel. For the Lorde must punysh, them that dwell in the lande. And why? There is no trewthe, there is no mercie, there is no knowledge of God in the lande:
Hosea 5:1
1 O ye prestes: heare this, take hede, O the housholde of Israel: gene care, O thou kyngly house, for it wer youre parte to se Iudgement done, but you are become a snare vnto Myzphah, and a spred net vnto the mount of Thabor.
Joel 1:14
14 Proclayme a fastinge, call the congregacyon, gather the elders and all the inhabitours of the lande together into the house of the Lorde your God, and crye vnto the Lorde:
Joel 2:2
2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee, and a stormy daye, lyke as the mornynge spredeth out vpon the hylles. Namely, a greate and myghtye people: soch as haue not bene sence the beginninge, nether shall be after them for euermore.
Amos 3:1
1 Heare, what the Lord speaketh vnto you (O ye chyldren of Israel) namely, vnto all the trybes, whom I brought out of Egypt, and sayde:
Amos 4:1
1 O heare thys worde ye fat kyne, that be vpon the hyll of Samaria: ye that do poore men wronge, and oppresse the nedy: ye that saye to your lordes: brynge hyther, let vs drinke.
Amos 5:1
1 Heare thys worde, O ye house of Israel, & why? I must make thys mone for you.
Micah 1:2
2 Heare al ye people, marcke this well O earth and all that therin is. Yee, the Lorde God hym selfe be wytnesse amonge you euen the Lord from his holy temple.
Micah 3:1
1 And I sayde: heare, O ye heades of the house of Iacob, & ye leders of the house of Israell: Shulde not ye knowe, what were lawfull and ryght?
Micah 3:9
9 O heare this ye rulers of the house of Iacob, & ye iudges of the house of Israel, ye that abhorre the thynge that is laufull, & wrest asyde the thyng that is streyght.
Matthew 13:9
9 Whosoeuer hath eares to heare, let him heare.
Matthew 24:21
21 For then shalbe great tribulacions suche as was not sens the begynning of the worlde to this tyme, nor shalbe.
Revelation 2:7
7 Lett hym that hath eares, heare what the sprete sayth vnto the congregacyons. To hym that ouercommeth, wyll I geue to eate of the tre of lyfe, which is in the myddes of the Paradyse of God.