1 Knowest thou the tyme when the wylde goates brynge forth theyr yonge, amonge the stony rockes? Or layest thou wayte when the hyndes vse to fawne?
2 rekenest thou the monethes after they engendre, that thou knowest the tyme of theyr bearinge?
3 or when they lye downe, when they cast theyr younge ones, and when they are delyuered of theyr trauayle and payne?
4 How their younge ones growe vp, & waxe greate thorow good fedyng? whan they go forth, and returne not agayne vnto them?
5 who letteth the wylde asse go fre, or who lowseth the bondes of the mule?
6 Euen I whych haue geuen the wyldernes to be theyr house, and the vntylled land to be theyr dwellyng place.
7 That they may geue no force for the multitude of people in the cyties, nether regarde the cryenge of the dryuer:
8 but seke theyr pasture about the mountaynes, and folowe the grene grasse.
9 Wyll the vnycorne be so tame as to do the seruice, or to abyde styll by thy crybbe?
10 Canst thou bynd the yock about the vnycorne in thy forowe, to make hym plowe after the in the valleys?
11 Mayest thou trust hym (because he is strong) or committe thy labour vnto hym?
12 Mayest thou beleue hym, that he wyll bringe home thy corne, or to cary any thyng vnto thy barne?
13 Gauest thou the fayre wynges vnto the pecockes, or wynges & fethers vnto the storke?
14 For he leaueth hys egges in the earth and layeth them in the dust.
15 He remembreth not, that they myght be troden wyth fete, or broken wyth some wylde beast.
16 So harde is he vnto hys yonge ones, as though they were not hys, and laboureth in vayne wythout any feare.
17 And that because God hath taken wysdome from hym, & hath not geuen hym vnderstandynge.
18 When hys tyme is that he flyeth vp on hye, he careth nether for horse ner man.
19 Hast thou geuen the horsse hys strength, or lerned him to bowe downe his neck wt feare:
20 that he letteth hym selfe be dryuen forth lyke a greshopper, where as the stoute neynge that he maketh, is fearfull?
21 he breaketh the grounde with the hoffes of his fete chearfully in his strength, and runneth to mete the harnest men.
22 He layeth asyde all feare, hys stomack is not abated, nether starteth he a back for any swerde.
23 Though the quyuers rattle vpon him, though the speare and shilde glystre:
24 yet russheth he in fearsely, and beateth vpon the grounde. He feareth not the noyse of the trompettes,
25 but as soone as he heareth the shawmes blowe, tush (sayeth he) for he smelleth the battel a farre of, the noyse, the captaynes and the shoutinge.
26 Commeth it thorow thy wysdome, that the Goshauke flyeth towarde the South?
27 Doth the Aegle mount vp, and make hys nest on hye at thy commaundement?
28 He abydeth in the stony rockes, and vpon the hye toppes of harde mountaynes, where no man can come.
29 From thence seketh he his praye, & loketh farre about with hys eyes.
30 Hys younge ones are fed with bloud: & where any deed body lyeth, there is he immediatly.
Job 39 Cross References - Great
Deuteronomy 14:5
5 hert, roo and bugle: wildegoate, vnicorne, wylde oxen & Camelion.
1 Samuel 24:2
2 Then Saul toke thre thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and went to seke Dauid and his men in the height of the Rockes, where wilde gootes remayne.
Psalms 29:9
9 The voyce of the Lorde maketh the hyndes to brynge forth younge & discouereth the thicke bushes: in his temple doth euery man speake of his honoure.
Psalms 104:18
18 The hye hilles are a refuge for the wilde goates, and so are the stony rockes for the conyes.
Jeremiah 14:5
5 The Hynde also forsoke the yonge fawne, that he brought forth in the felde, because there was no grasse.
Jeremiah 2:24
24 and thy wantonnes is lyke a wylde Asse, that vseth the wyldernesse, and that snoffeth and bloweth at his wyll. Who can tame the? All they that seke the shall not fayle, but fynde the in thyne awne vnclennes
Genesis 16:12
12 He also will be a wylde man, and hys hande will be agaynst euery man, and euery mans hande agaynst him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Genesis 49:14
14 Isachar a stronge asse couchynge hym downe betwene .ij. bordens,
Job 6:5
5 Doth the wylde asse roare when he hath grasse? Or cryeth the oxe, when he hath foder ynough?
Job 11:12
12 A vayne body exalteth hym selfe, and man new borne is lyke a wylde asses colte.
Job 24:5
5 Beholde, euen as the wylde asses in the deserte goo they forth to their worke, and ryse by tymes to spoyle: Yee the very wyldernesse ministreth foode for their chyldren.
Psalms 104:11
11 All beastes of the felde dryncke therof: and the wylde asses quench theyr thyrste.
Isaiah 32:14
14 The palaces also shalbe broken, & the greatly occupyed cityes desolate. The towres and bulwarckes shall become dennes for euermore, the pleasure of mules shalbe turned to pasture for shepe:
Jeremiah 14:6
6 The wylde Asses dyd stande in the hye places, and drewe in theyr wynde lyke the dragons, theyr eyes dyd fayle for want of grasse.
Daniel 5:21
21 He was shut out from amonge men, hys herte was lyke a beastes herte, and hys dwellynge was with the wylde asses: he was fayne to eate grasse lyke an oxe, & hys body was wet with the dewe of the heauen, tyll he knewe, that the hyest had power vpon the kyngdomes of men and setteth ouer them, whom he lyst.
Hosea 8:9
9 Sence they went vp to the Assyrians, they are become lyke a wylde asse in the deserte. Ephraim geueth rewardes to get louer
Deuteronomy 29:23
23 howe all the lande is burnt vp with brymstone & salt, & that it is nether sowen nor beareth, nor any grasse groweth therin, lyke as in the place of the ouerthrowynge of Sodome, Gomor, Adama, & Zeboim: whych the Lorde ouerthrewe in hys wrath and angre:
Psalms 107:34
34 A frutefull lande maketh he baren, for the wyckednesse of them that dwell therin.
Jeremiah 17:6
6 He shall be lyke the heath, that groweth in the wyldernes. As for the good thyng that is for to come, he shall not se it: but dwel in a drye place of the wyldernes, in a salt and vnoccupyed lande.
Ezekiel 47:11
11 As for his claye and pyttes, they shall not be whole, for why? it shalbe occupyed for salt.
Exodus 5:13-16
13 And the taskemasters hasted them forwarde sayinge: fulfyll youre worke daye by daye, euen as yf ye had strawe.
14 And the offycers of the chyldren of Israel whych Pharaos taskemasters had sett ouer them, were beaten. And they sayde vnto them: wherfore haue ye not fulfylled youre taske in makinge brycke, both yesterdaye and to daye, as well as in tymes past?
15 The offycers also of the chyldren of Israel came & complayned vnto Pharao, sayinge: wherfore dealest thou thus wyth thy seruauntes?
16 there is no strawe geuen vnto thy seruauntes, and they saye vnto vs: make brycke. And thy seruauntes are beaten, and thy people is foule intreated.
Exodus 5:18
18 Goo therfore nowe and worke, and ther shall no strawe be geuen you, and yet shall ye delyuer the hole tale of brycke.
Job 3:18
18 ther are those lett out fre, which haue bene in preson, so that they heare nomore the voyce of the oppressoure.
Job 39:18
18 When hys tyme is that he flyeth vp on hye, he careth nether for horse ner man.
Isaiah 31:4
4 For thus hath the Lorde spoken vnto me: Like as the lyon or lyons whelpe roareth vpon the praye that he hath gotten, and is not afrayed, though the multitude of shepherdes crye out vpon hym, nether abashed for all the heape of them. So shall the Lorde of hoostes come downe to fyght for mount Syon, and defende hys hyll.
Isaiah 58:3
3 Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seest it not? we put out lyues to straytenes, and thou regardest it not?
Genesis 1:29-30
29 And God sayde: Beholde, I haue geuen you euery herbe sowynge seed, which is in the vpper face of all the earth: and euery tre in the which is the frute of tree, and that soweth seed, that they maye be meate vnto you.
30 To euery beast of the earth also, and to euery byrde of the ayre, and to euery suche thinge as crepeth vpon the earth (wherin is a lyuing soule) I haue geuen all grenenes of herbe to be meat. And it came so to passe.
Job 40:15
15 Beholde, the beast Behemoth (whom I made wyth the) whych eateth haye as an oxe:
Job 40:20-22
Psalms 104:27-28
Psalms 145:15-16
Numbers 23:22
22 God brought them oute of Egypte, he hath strength as an vnicorne.
Deuteronomy 33:17
17 his firstborne oxe hath be wtie, and his hornes are as the hornes of an vnycorne. And wyth them he shall trouble the nacyons together, euen vnto the endes of the worlde. These are also the many thousandes of Ephraim, & the thousandes of Manasses.
Psalms 22:21
21 Saue me from the lyons mouth: thou hast hearde me also from amonge the hornes of the vnicornes.
Psalms 92:10
10 But my horne shalbe exalted like the horne of an Unicorne, for I am anoynted with fresh oyle.
Isaiah 1:3
3 The oxe hath knowne his owner & the asse his masters cribb: but Israel hath receaued no knowledge, my people hath no vnderstandyng.
Job 1:14
14 and there came a messenger vnto Iob, and sayde: Whyle the oxen were a plowyng, and the asses goynge in the pasture besyde them,
Job 39:5
5 who letteth the wylde asse go fre, or who lowseth the bondes of the mule?
Job 39:7
7 That they may geue no force for the multitude of people in the cyties, nether regarde the cryenge of the dryuer:
Job 41:5
5 Wylt thou take thy pastyme wyth hym, as with a byrde, or geue him vnto thy maydens,
Psalms 129:3
3 The plowers plowed vpon my backe, & made longe forowes.
Hosea 10:10-11
10 I wyll chasten them, euen after myne awne desyre, the people shalbe gathered together ouer them, when I punyshe them for their great wyckednesse.
11 Ephraim was vnto me, as a cowe that is vsed to go to plowe, therfore I loued hym, and fell vpon his fayre necke. I droue Ephraim, Iuda plowed, and Iacob played the husbande man:
Micah 1:13
13 The greate noyse of the charettes shall feare them, that dwell at Lachys, which is an occasyon of the synne of the daughter of Syon, for in the came vp the wyckednesses of Israel.
Genesis 1:26
26 And God sayde: let vs make man in oure ymage after oure lycknes, and let them haue rule of the fysh of the see: and foule of the ayre and catell, and all the earth, and of euery crepyng thyng that crepeth vpon the erth.
Genesis 1:28
28 And God blessed them, and God sayd vnto them: Growe and increace and replenyshe the erth, and subdue it: and haue dominion of the fish of the see, and foule of the aire: and of euery lyuing thyng that moueth vpon the earth.
Genesis 9:2
2 The feare of you and the drede of you shalbe vpon euery beast of the erth, and vpon euery foule of the ayre, in all such as the earth bryngeth forth, and in all the fyshes of the see. Into your hande are they delyuered.
Genesis 42:26
26 And they laded theyr asses wyth the corne and departed thence.
Psalms 20:7
7 Some put theyr trust in charettes, and some in horses: but we wyll remembre the name of the Lorde oure God.
Psalms 33:16-17
Psalms 144:14
14 That oure oxen maye be stronge to laboure, that there be no decaye, no ledynge into captyuitie, & no complayninge in oure stretes.
Psalms 147:10
10 He hath not pleasure in the strength of an horse, nether delyteth he in any mans legges.
Proverbs 14:4
4 Where no oxen are, there the crybbe is emptye: but where the oxen laboure there is moche frute.
Isaiah 30:6
6 The heauy burthen of the beastes of the south in a lande of trouble and anguysshe, from whence shall come the yonge and olde lion, the vyper and fyrye serpent that flyeth agaynste them that vpon coltes beare theyr riches, and vpon camels their treasures, to a people that can do them no good.
Isaiah 30:16
16 But ye haue had no lyst therto. For ye haue sayd: No, but we will escape thorowe horses. (Therfore shall ye flye) & we will get vs vp vpon swyft beastes. And therfore shal your persecutours be swyfter.
Isaiah 31:1-3
1 Wo be vnto them that go downe into Egypte for helpe, and truste in horses, and put their confidence in charettes, because they be manye, and in horsemen, because they be lusty and strong. But they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the Lord.
2 Where as he neuertheles (beynge wysest of all) plageth the wycked, and yet goeth nott from his worde, when he steppeth forth, and taketh the victory agaynst the housholde of the frowarde, and agaynst the helpe of euell doers.
3 Nowe the Egiptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh and not sprete. And assoone as the Lorde stretcheth oute hys hande, then shall the helper fall, and he that shulde haue bene helped, and they shall all together be destroyed.
Isaiah 46:1
1 Bell is fallen, Nabo is broken downe: whose ymages were a burthen for the beastes and catell, to ouerlade them, and to make them weery.
Nehemiah 13:15
15 At the same tyme sawe I some tredynge wyne presses on the Saboth, & bryngyng in shefes, & asses laden wt wyne, grapes, figges & brynging all maner of burthens vnto Ierusalem, vpon the Sabaoth daye. And I rebuked them earnestly the same daye that they sold the vitayles.
Proverbs 3:16
16 Upon her ryght hande is longe lyfe, and vpon her left hande is riches and honour.
Amos 2:13
13 Beholde, I will crashe you in sonder, lyke as a wayne crassheth, that is full of sheaues:
Haggai 2:19
19 Consydre then from this daye forth & afore: namely, from the .xxiiii. daye of the nynth moneth, vnto the daye that the foundacyon of the Lordes temple was layed: marck it well,
Matthew 3:2
2 and sayeng: Repent of the life that is past, for the kingdome of heauen is at hand.
Matthew 13:30
30 let bothe growe together vntill the haruest, and in tyme of haruest, I wyll saye to the repers gather ye fyrst the tares, and bynde them together in sheues to be brent: but gather the wheate into my barne.
Leviticus 11:19
19 the heron, the Iaye after his kynde, the lapwynge: and the swalowe.
1 Kings 10:22
22 For the kinges nauye of shyppes went on the see vnto Tharsis wt the nauie of Hyrams shippes: euen once in the yere went the nauye to Tharsis, & brought golde and syluer Elephantes teth, apes and pecokes.
2 Chronicles 9:21
21 For the kynges shyppes wente to Tharsis wyth the seruauntes of Hiram: euery thre yeare once came the shyppes to Tharsis, and brought golde, syluer, Iuorie and apes and pecockes.
Job 30:29
29 But now, I am a companion of dragons, and a felowe of Estriches.
Psalms 104:17
17 Wherin the byrdes make their nestes, and the fyrre trees are a dwellyng for the storcke.
Jeremiah 8:7
7 The Storke in the ayer knoweth hys apoynted tyme, the Turtle doue the Swalow & the Crane consydre the tyme of theyr trauayll, but my people wyll not knowe the tyme of the punyshment of the Lorde.
Zechariah 5:9
9 Then lyfte I vp myne eyes, & loked: and behold, there came out .ii. women, and the wind was in their wynges (for they had wynges lyke the wynges of a storke) & they lyft vp the measure betwixt the earth and the heauen.
Deuteronomy 28:56-57
56 Yee and the woman that is so tender and delycate, that she dare not aduenture to set the sole of her foote vpon the grounde, (for softnesse and tendernesse) shalbe greued to loke on her husbande that lyeth in her bosome, & on her sonne and on her daughter:
57 and on hyr after byrthe (that is come out from betwene her legges,) and her chyldren whych she shall beare: For whan all thynges lack, she shall eat them secretly, in the sege & straytenesse, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the in thy cyties.
1 Kings 3:26-27
26 Then spake the woman, whose the lyuynge chylde was, vnto the kynge, for her bowelles yerned vpon her sonne, and sayde: I beseche the my Lorde, geue her the lyuyng chylde, and in no wyse sleye it. But the other sayd: let it be nether myne nor thyne, but deuyde it.
27 Then the kynge answered and sayd: geue her the lyuing chylde, and sley it not: for she is the mother therof.
2 Kings 6:28-29
28 And the kynge sayde vnto her: what wilt thou? She answered: yonder woman sayde vnto me: brynge thy sonne, that we maye eate him to daye, and we wyll eate myne to morowe.
29 And so we dressed my sonne and dyd eate him. And I sayde to her the other daye: brynge thy sonne that we maye eate hym, and she hath hyd her sonne.
Ecclesiastes 10:15
15 The laboure of the folysh is greuous vnto them, whyle they knowe not howe to go into the citye.
Lamentations 2:20
20 Beholde, O Lorde, and consydre, why hast thou gathered me vp so cleane? Shall the wemen then eate their awne frute, euen chyldren of a spanne longe? Shall the prestes and prophetes be slayne thus in the Sanctuary of the Lorde?
Lamentations 4:3
3 The dragons geue theyr yong ones suck with bare brestes: but the daughter of my people is cruell, and dwelleth in the wyldernesse lyke the Estriches.
Habakkuk 2:13
13 Shall not the Lord of hostes bringe this to passe, that the labourers of the people shal be brent with a greate fyre, & that the thinge wher vpon the people haue weeried them selues, shalbe lost?
Romans 1:31
31 wythout vnderstandynge, couenaunte breakers, vnlouynge, trucebreakers, vnmercyfull.
Deuteronomy 2:30
30 But Sehon the kynge of Hesbon wolde not let vs passe by him, for the Lord thy God hardened his sprete, & made his herte tough, because he wolde delyuer him into thy hande, as it is come to passe thys daye.
2 Chronicles 32:31
31 And when the prynces of Babylon sent vnto him Ambassatoures, to enquyre of the wondre that chaunced in the lande, God left hym to trye hym, and that all that was in hys hert, myght be knowne.
Job 17:4
4 For thou hast with holden their hertes from vnderstandynge, therfore shalt thou not sett (them) vp on hye.
Job 35:11
11 Whych geueth vs more vnderstandyng then he doth the beastes of the earth, & teacheth vs more then he doth the foules of heauen.
Isaiah 19:11-14
11 But ye foolish prynces of Zoan, ye wyse councelours of Pharao, whose wit is turned to foolyshnes, how saye ye vnto Pharao: I am come of wyse men & of auncient kynges?
12 Wher ar they? where are (I saye) thy wyse men? Let them tell the (yf they can) what the lord of hoostes hath deuysed vpon Egypte.
13 The prynces of zoan are become fooles, the prynces of Noph are disceaued, they haue disceaued Egypte, euen they that were taken for the chefe kynred therof.
14 In the myddes of it hath the lord powred the sprete of wyckednes, and they haue disceaued Egypt in euery worke therof, euen as a droncken man stackereth in his vomyte.
Isaiah 57:17
17 I am wroth wyth hym for his couetousnes, I smyte him, I hyde me, and am angrye, when he turneth him selfe, & foloweth the by waye of his awne hert.
James 1:17
17 Euery good gyfte, and euery parfayt gyft, is from aboue, and commeth downe from the father of lyghtes wt whome is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.
2 Kings 19:21
21 This is therfore the worde that the Lord hath sayde of him: The virgin euen the daughter of Sion hath despysed the, and laughed the to scorne (o thou kynge of Assyria) the daughter of Ierusalem hath shaken her head at the.
Job 5:22
22 In destruccion and derth thou shalt be mery, and shalt not be afrayed of beastes of the earth.
Job 39:22
22 He layeth asyde all feare, hys stomack is not abated, nether starteth he a back for any swerde.
Job 41:29
29 He counteth the dartes no better then a strawe, he laugheth hym to scorne that shaketh the speare.
Exodus 15:1
1 Then Moses & the chyldren of Israel sange this songe vnto the Lord and sayde: I wyll syng vnto the Lorde: for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and him that rode vpon him hath he ouerthrowne in the see.
Job 39:25
25 but as soone as he heareth the shawmes blowe, tush (sayeth he) for he smelleth the battel a farre of, the noyse, the captaynes and the shoutinge.
Psalms 93:1
1 The Lord is Kyng, and hath put on gloryous apparell: the Lorde hath put on his apparell, & gyrded hym selfe with strength:
Psalms 104:1
1 Prayse the Lord O my soule: O Lord my God, thou art become exceadynge glorious, thou art clothed with maiesty and honoure.
Mark 3:17
17 And he called Iames the sonne of Zebede and Iohn, Iames brother, and gaue them to name Boanarges, whych is to saye, the sonnes of thonder.
Job 41:20-21
Jeremiah 8:16
16 The noyse of his horsses is hearde from Dan, the whole lande is afrayed at the neyenge of his stronge horsses: for they are come in, & haue deuoured the lande, wt all that is in it: the cyties, and those that dwell therin.
Joel 2:5
5 They skippe vp vpon the hylles, as it were the sounde of charettes: as the flame of fyre that consumeth the strawe, and as a myghty people redy to the batayll.
Judges 5:22
22 Then were the horse hoffes smytten asunder by the meames of the praunsinges that their mightye men made.
1 Samuel 17:4-10
4 And there came a man betwene them both, out of the tentes of the Philistines, named Goliath of Gath syxe cubytes and an handbredth longe,
5 and had an helmet of brasse vpon hys heed, and a coate of mayle about hym. And the weyght of hys coate of mayle was fyue thousande sykles of brasse.
6 And he had bootes of brasse vpon his legges, and a shylde of brasse vpon his shoulders.
7 And the shafte of his spere was like a weuers beame. And his speare heed weyed .vj. hundred sikles of yron. And one bearynge a shylde went before hym.
8 And he stode and cryed agaynst the hoste of Israel, & sayde vnto them: Why are ye come out in araye to battell? am not I a Philistine and you seruauntes to Saul? chose you a man from amonge you, & lett him come downe to me.
9 And yf he be able to fyght with me, & to beate me, then will we be youre seruauntes. But yf I can ouercome him and beate him, then shall ye be oure seruauntes, & serue vs.
10 And the Philistine sayde: I defye the host of Israel this daye, geue me a man, that we maye fight together:
1 Samuel 17:42
42 And when the Philistine loked aboute, and sawe Dauid, he disdayned him, for he was but yonge, and well coloured, and goodlye to loke vpon.
Psalms 19:5
5 In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sunne, which commeth forth as a brydgrome out of hys chambre, and reioyseth as a giaunt to runne his course.
Proverbs 21:31
31 The horsse is prepared agaynst the daye of battayll: but the Lorde geueth the victorye.
Jeremiah 8:6
6 For I haue loked, & consydered: but there is no man that speaketh a good word: there is no man that taketh repentaunce for hys synne, that wyll so moch as saye: wherfore, haue I done thys? But euery man (as soone as he is turned backe) runneth forth styll, lyke a wylde horse in a battayll.
Jeremiah 9:23
23 Thus sayeth the Lorde. Let not the wyse man reioyse in his wysdome, ner the strong man in his strength, nether the ryche man in his rychesse.
Job 39:16
16 So harde is he vnto hys yonge ones, as though they were not hys, and laboureth in vayne wythout any feare.
Job 41:33
33 Upon erth is there no power lyke vnto hys, for he is so made that he feareth not.
Job 41:26-29
26 If any man draw out a swearde at him, it shall not hurt him: there may nether speare, iauelinge ner brest plate, abyde hym.
27 He setteth as moch by a strawe as by yron, and as moch by a rotten stocke as by brasse.
28 He starteth not awaye for hym that bendeth the bowe: and as for slynge stones, he careth as moch for stubble as for them.
29 He counteth the dartes no better then a strawe, he laugheth hym to scorne that shaketh the speare.
Job 9:16
16 Yf I had called vpon hym, and he had answered me: yet wold I not beleue, that he herd my voyce:
Job 29:24
24 When I laughed, they knewe well it was not earnest: and the lyght of my countenaunce wolde they not put out.
Job 37:20
20 Shall it be tolde hym what I saye? Shuld a man speake, or shulde he kepe it backe?
Jeremiah 4:19
19 Ah my bely, ah my bely, (shalt thou cry) how is my hert so sore? my hert panteth within me: I cannot be styll, for I haue herde the crying of the trompettes, and peales of warre.
Amos 3:6
6 Crye they out Alarum with the trompet in the cytie, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there eny plage in a cytie without it be the Lordes doynge?
Habakkuk 1:8-9
8 Their horses are swyfter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then the wolues in the euening. Their horsemen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuour as the Aegle.
9 They come all to spoyle: out of them commeth an east wynde, whych bloweth and gathereth their captiues, lyke as the sande.
Luke 24:41
41 And whyll they yet beleued not for ioye, and wondred, he sayd vnto them: Haue ye here eny meate?
Psalms 70:3
3 Let them (for theyr rewarde) be soone brought to shame, that crye ouer me: there, there.
Ezekiel 26:2
2 Thou sonne of man, because that Tyre hath spoken vpon Ierusalem: A, ha, now I trowe the portes of the people be broken, and she turned vnto me, for now that she is destroyed I shall be fylled.
Ezekiel 36:2
2 Thus sayeth the Lord God. Because your enemye hath sayde vpon you: A, ha, the hye euerlastynge places are now become ours,
Leviticus 16:11
11 And Aaron shall brynge hys bullock for synne, and reconcyle for him selfe, and for hys house, and shall kyll hys bullock for synne.
Deuteronomy 14:15
15 the Estritch, the nyghtcrowe, the kuckowe, and the sparowe hawk after her kynde,
Song of Songs 2:12
12 The floures are come vp in the felde, the tyme of the byrdes syngynge is come, and the voyce of the turtle doue is hearde in oure lande.
Exodus 19:4
4 ye haue sene what I dyd vnto the Egyptians, and toke you vp vpon Eegles wynges, & haue brought you vnto my selfe:
Leviticus 11:13
13 These are they whych ye shall abhorre amonge the foules, and that ought not to be eaten, for they are an abhomynacyon. The egle, the goshauke, & the cormoraunte,
Psalms 103:5
5 Whych satisfyeth thy mouth wyth good thynges, makyng the yonge and lusty as an Aegle.
Proverbs 23:5
5 Why wilt thou set thyne eye vpon the thynge, which sodenly vanisheth awaye? For riches make them selues winges, & take theyr flyght lyke an Aegle in to that ayre.
Isaiah 40:31
31 But vnto them that haue the Lord before theyr eyes, shall strength be encreased. Aegles wynges shall growe vpon them. When they runne they shall not fall: and when they go, they shall not be weery.
Jeremiah 49:16
16 Thy hye stomacke and the pryde of thy herte haue disceaued the, because thou wylt dwell in the holes of stony rockes, and haue the hye mountaynes in possession. Neuertheles, though thy neste were as hye as the aegles, yet wyll I cast the downe, sayeth the Lorde.
Hosea 8:1
1 Set the horne to thy mouth, and blowe: swyftly (as an Aegle) shall the enemye come against the house of the Lorde: for they haue broken my couenaunt, & transgressed my lawe.
Obadiah 1:4
4 But though thou wentest vp as hye as the Aegle, and madest thy nest aboue amonge the starres: yet wolde I plucke the downe from thence.
1 Samuel 14:4
4 And in the myddes of the passage (by which Ionathas sought to go ouer vnto the Philistines watch) were there two sharpe rockes euen one on the one syde, & the other on the other syde: the one called Bozez, & the other Senne.
Job 9:26
26 They are passed awaye, as the shyppes that be good vnder sayle, and as the aegle that flieth to the praye.
Ezekiel 39:17-19
17 And thou sonne of man: thus sayeth the Lord God. Speake vnto all the foules and euery byrde, yee, and to al the wilde beastes of the felde, heape you together and come, gather you rounde aboute vpon my slaughter, that I haue slayne for you: euen a greate slaughter vpon the mountaynes of Israell eate flesh and drincke bloude.
18 Ye shall eate the flesh of the worthies, & drinke the bloud of the princes of the lande: of the wethers, of the lambes, of the goates, and of the oxen that be all slayne at Basan.
19 Eate the fat your belyfull, and drincke bloude, tyll ye be dronken of the slaughter, whych I haue slayne vnto you.
Matthew 24:28
28 For wheresoeuer a deed karkas is, euen thether wyll the Egles also be gathered together.
Luke 17:37
37 And they answered, and sayd to him, where Lorde. He sayde vnto them: whersoeuer the body shalbe, thyther wyll also that Egles be gathered together.