37 I wyll tell him, the nomber of my goinges, and go vnto him as to a Prince.
Job 31:37 Cross References - Great
Genesis 32:28
28 He sayde: thou shalt be called Iacob nomore, but Israell. For as a prynce hast thou wrastled wyth God: and wyth man, and hast preuayled.
Job 1:3
3 His substaunce also was seuen .M. shepe, & thre .M. camels, .v.C. youck of oxen, & fyue .C. she asses, and a very greate housholde: so that he was one of the most principall men among all them of the east countre.
Job 9:3
3 If he will argue with him, he shall not be able to answere hym vnto one amonge a thousande.
Job 13:15
15 Lo, though he slaye me, yet wyll I put my trust in hym. But I wil reproue myne awne wayes in his sight,
Job 14:16
16 For now thou nombrest all my goinges, yet be not thou to extreme vpon my synnes.
Job 29:25
25 When I agreed vnto theyr waye, I was the chefe, and sat as a kynge with hys armye aboute hym. And whan they were in heuynes, I was theyr comfortoure.
Job 42:3-6
3 For who can kepe hys awne councell so secrete, but it shalbe knowne? Therfore haue I spoken that I vnderstode not, the thynges that are so hye, & passe myne vnderstanding.
4 O herken thou vnto me also, and let me speake: answere vnto the thyng that I wyll aske the.
5 I haue geuen diligent care vnto the, and now I se the wyth myne eyes.
6 Wherfore, I geue myne awne selfe the blame, and take repentaunce in the dust and asshes.
Psalms 19:12
12 Who can tell, howe oft he offendeth? Oh clense thou me fro secrete fautes.
Ephesians 3:12
12 by whom we haue boldnesse and entraunce with the confidence which is by the fayth of hym.