Job 2:4 Cross References - Great

4 And Satan answered the Lord, & sayde: Skyn for skynne? yee, a man wyll geue all that euer he hath, for his lyfe.

Esther 7:3-4

3 And Esther the quene answered, & sayd: If I haue found grace in thy syght (O kyng) and yf it please the kyng, then graunt me my lyfe at my desyre and my people, for my peticions sake: 4 for we are solde, I & my people, to be destroyed, to be slayne & to perishe. And wold God we were solde to be bondmen and bond wemen, then wold I hold my tonge: For the enemye pondreth not the kynges harme.

Isaiah 2:20-21

20 Then shall man cast awaye hys goddes of syluer, and hys goddes of gold (which he neuertheles had made to honour them) vnto Molles & Backes: 21 And they shall crepe in to the caues and rockes, & into the clyftes of hard stones, for feare of God, and for the glory of hys magestye, whan he ryseth to condemne the earth.

Jeremiah 41:8

8 Amonge these .lxxx. men there were ten, that sayde vnto Ismael: Oh slaye vs not, for we haue yet a great treasure in the felde, of wheate barley, oyle and hony. So he spared them, & slewe them not with theyr brethren.

Matthew 6:25

25 Therfore I saye vnto you: be not carefull for youre lyfe, what ye shall eate or drincke, nor yet for youre bodye, what rayment ye shall put on. Is not the lyfe more worth then meat: and the body more of value then rayment?

Matthew 16:26

26 For what doth it proffet a man, yf he wynne all the whole worlde: & lose hys awne soule? Or what shal a man geue to redeme his soule agayne with all?

Acts 27:18-19

18 The nexte daye (when we were tossed wyth an exceadinge tempest) they lyghttened the shyp, 19 and the thyrde daye we cast out wyth oure awne handes the taklynge of the shippe.

Philippians 3:8-10

8 ye I thynke all thynges but losse for the excellencye of the knowledge of Chryst Iesu my Lorde. For whom I haue counted all thynge losse, and do iudge them but vyle, that I maye wynne Chryst, 9 and be founde in him not hauynge myne awne ryghtewesnes of the lawe: but that which is thorow the fayth of Chryst: euen the ryghtewesnes which commeth of God thorowe fayth: 10 that I maye knowe hym and the vertue of hys resurrecyon, and the fellowshyppe of hys passyons, whyle I am conformable vnto hys (deeth)

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.