26 for thou layest sharpely to my charge, and punysshest me for the synnes of my youth.
Job 13:26 Cross References - Great
Ruth 1:20
20 And she answered them: call me not Naomi but call me Mara, for the Allmyghtye hath made me verye bytter.
Job 3:20
20 Wherfore is the lyght geuen to hym that is in mysery? and lyfe vnto them, that haue heuy hertes?
Job 20:11
11 From his youth his bones are full of pleasures, but now shall it lye downe within him in the earth.
Psalms 25:7
7 Oh remembre not the synnes & offences of my youth, but accordynge vnto thy mercy thynke thou vpon me (O Lord) for thy goodnesse.
Psalms 88:3-18
3 I am counted as one of them that go downe vnto the pytte, and I haue bene euen as a man that hath no strength.
4 Fre amonge the deed, lyke vnto them that be wounded lye in the graue, whych be out of remebraunce, and are cut awaye from thy hande:
5 Thou hast layed me in the lowest pytt, in a place of darcknesse and in the depe.
6 Thyne indignacyon lyeth harde vpon me, and thou hast vexed me wyth all thy stormes. Selah.
7 Thou hast put awaye myne acquaintaunce farre fro me, and made me to be abhorred of them:
8 I am so fast in preson, that I can not get forth.
9 My syght fayleth for very trouble: Lorde I haue called dayly vpon the, I haue stretched out myne handes vnto the.
10 Doest thou shewe wonders amonge the deed? Or shall the deed ryse vp agayne, and prayse the?
11 Shall thy louynge kyndnes be shewed in the graue, or thy faythfulnesse in destruccion?
12 Shall thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darcke, and thy ryghtuousnes in the lande where all thynges are forgotten?
13 Unto the haue I cryed O Lorde, and early shall my prayer come before the.
14 Lorde, why abhorrest thou my soule? and hydest thou thy face fro me?
15 I am in mysery, & lyke vnto hym that is at the poynt to dye (euen fro my youth vp) thy terrours haue I suffred with a troubled mynde.
16 Thy wrathfull dyspleasure goeth ouer me, and the feare of the hath vndone me.
17 They came rounde about me daylye lyke water, and compassed me together on euery syde.
18 My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye fro me, and hyd myne acquayntaunce out of my syght.
Proverbs 5:11-13
Jeremiah 31:19
19 Yee, assone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my selfe: and when I vnderstande, I shall smyte vpon my thyghe. For verely I haue commytted shamefull thinges. For I haue borne the reprofe and confusion of my youth.
John 5:5
5 And a certayne man was there, whych had bene dyseased .xxxviij. yeres.
John 5:14
14 Afterwarde, Iesus founde him in the temple, and sayde vnto him: beholde, thou art made whole, synne nomore, lest a worsse thinge happen vnto the.