11 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: The backslyder Israell is more ryghtuous, then the vnfaythfull Iuda:
Jeremiah 3:11 Cross References - Great
Jeremiah 3:8
8 Namely, that after I had well sene the aduoutrye of the shrynckyng harlot Israel, I put her awaye, and gaue her a byll of deuorcement. For all this, her vnfaythfull syster Iuda was not ashamed, but went backe & played the whore also:
Jeremiah 3:22
22 O ye disobedient chyldren, turne agayne (sayinge: lo, we are thyne, for thou art the Lorde oure God:) And so shall I heale youre backturninges.
Ezekiel 16:47
47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, ner done after their abhominacyons: but thou stodest a lytell & very small tyme, and in all thy wayes thou hast bene more corrupte then they.
Ezekiel 16:51-52
51 Nether hath Samaria done half of thy synnes, yee, thou hast exceaded them in wickednesse: In so moch that in comparyson of all the abhominacions which thou hast done, thou hast made thy systers good wemen.
52 Therfore thou (which dydest condempne thy syster) beare thyne awne shame, for thyne awne offences, that thou hast committed, more abhominable then they dyd, which in dead ar more ryghteous, then thou art, be thou (I seye) ashamed, and beare thy shamfull rebuke, seynge that thou hast proued thy systers in comparyson of the ryghtwyse.
Ezekiel 23:11
11 Her sister Oholibah sawe this, and destroyed her selfe wt inordynate loue, more then she, & exceded her syster in whordom
Hosea 4:16
16 For Israel is gone backe lyke a wanton cowe. The Lorde therfore shall make her fede, as the lambe that goeth astraye.
Hosea 11:7
7 And my people shall stonde in a doubte whether to torne them, for when the prophetes called them to the most hiest, not one yet wolde gyue him his glory.