6 take you wyues, to beare you sonnes & daughters, prouyde wyues for your sonnes and husbandes for your daughters that they maye get sonnes and daughters, and that ye maye multiplye there. Laboure not to be fewe,
Jeremiah 29:6 Cross References - Great
Genesis 1:27-28
27 And so God created man in his awne ymage: in the ymage of God created he hym, male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God sayd vnto them: Growe and increace and replenyshe the erth, and subdue it: and haue dominion of the fish of the see, and foule of the aire: and of euery lyuing thyng that moueth vpon the earth.
Genesis 9:7
7 But brynge you forth frute, and multiplye: Gendre ye in the earth, and increase therin.
Genesis 21:21
21 And he dwelt in the wyldernesse of Pharan. And hys mother gatt hym a wyfe out of the lande of Egypte.
Genesis 24:3-4
Genesis 24:51
51 beholde, Rebecca is before the, take her and goo, that she maye be thy masters sonnes wyfe, euen as God hath sayde.
Genesis 24:60
60 And they blessed Rebecca, and sayde vnto her: Thou art oure syster, growe into thousande thousandes and thy seed possesse the gate of theyr enemyes.
Genesis 28:1-4
1 And so Isahac called Iacob and blessed hym, & charged hym, & sayde vnto him: se thou take not a wyfe of the daughters of Chanaan,
2 but aryse & gett the to Mesopotamia to the house of Bethuel thy mothers father: and there take the a wyfe of the daughters of Laban thy mothers brother.
3 And God almyghtye blesse the, & make the to increase, and multyplye the that thou mayst be a nombre of people,
4 and geue the the blessynge of Abraham: to the and to thy seed wyth the, that thou mayst possesse the lande (wherin thou art a straunger) whyche God gaue vnto Abraham.
Genesis 29:19
19 Laban answered: it is better that I geue her the, than to another man: byde wyth me.
Genesis 34:4
4 and Sichem spake vnto hys father Hemor sayinge, gett me thys mayden vnto my wyfe.
Judges 1:12-14
12 And Caleb sayde he that smyteth Kariathsepher, & taketh it, to him will I geue Acsah my daughter to wyfe.
13 And Othoniel the sonne of kenez Calebs younger brother toke it: to whom he gaue Acsah hys daughter to wyfe,
14 and as they went, she counceled hym to aske of her father a felde. And then she lyghted of her asse: and Caleb sayde vnto her: What ayleth the?
Judges 12:9
9 & he had .xxx. sonnes and .xxx. daughters, whom he sent out, and toke .xxx. other in, for his sonnes. And when Abezan had iudged Israel .vii. yere,
Judges 14:2
2 and he came vp, and tolde hys father and hys mother, and sayde: I haue sene a woman in Thamnath of the daughters of the Phylistynes. And now geue me her to wyfe.
Jeremiah 16:2-4
2 Thou shalt take the no wyfe, ner beget chyldren in this place,
3 For of the chyldren that are borne in this place, of theyr mothers that haue borne them, and of their fathers that haue begotten them in this lande thus sayeth the Lorde.
4 They shall dye an horrible deeth, no man shall mourne for them ner bury them, but they shall lye as donge vpon the earth. They shall perishe thorow the swearde and honger, and theyr bodyes shall be meate for the foules of the ayre, and beastes of the earth.
1 Corinthians 7:36-38
36 If eny man thynke that it is vncomly for his virgin, yf she passe the tyme of maryage, and yf so nede require, let him do what he lysteth, he synneth not: let them be coupled in mariage.
37 Neuerthelesse, he that purposeth surely in his herte, hauynge no nede: but hath power ouer his awne will: & hath so decreed in his hert, that he will kepe his virgin, doth well. So then, he that ioyneth his virgin in mariage doth well.
38 But he that ioyneth not his virgin in mariage, doth better.
1 Timothy 5:14
14 I wyll therfore that the yonger wemen mary, to beare chyldren, to guyde the house, and geue none occasyon to the aduersary to speake euyll.