15 By the head, is vnderstande the Senatoure and honorable man, and by the tayle the Prophet that preached lyes.
Isaiah 9:15 Cross References - Great
1 Samuel 9:6
6 He sayd vnto him: behold, there is in this citye a man of God, & he is a worshipfull man: all that he sayth, cometh suerly to passe. Nowe then let vs go thyther: peraduenture he shal shewe vs what waye we maye go.
1 Kings 13:18
18 He sayde vnto him: I am a prophet also as well as thou, and an Angell spake vnto me in the worde of the Lorde, sayenge: brynge him agayne with the into thyne house, that he maye eate bread and dryncke water. And he lyed vnto hym.
1 Kings 22:22-24
22 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: wherwyth? And he sayde: I wyll go out, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all hys prophetes. He sayde: thou shalt persuade hym, and preuayle, go forth then, and do euen so.
23 Now therfore beholde the Lord hath put a lyenge sprete in the mouth of all these thy prophetes: and the Lorde hath spoken euell towarde the.
24 But Zedekia the sonne of Chanaana went to and smote Michea on the cheke, & sayde: whan went the sprete of the Lorde from me, to speake vnto the?
Isaiah 3:2-3
Isaiah 3:5
5 The people also shalbe pylled and polled, and one shall euer be doynge violence and wronge to another. The boye shall presume agaynst the elder, and the vyle persone agaynst the honorable.
Isaiah 5:13
13 Therfore commeth my folk also into captyuite, because they haue no vnderstandynge. Theyr glory is fameshed with hunger, and theyr pryde is marred for thyrste.
Isaiah 28:17
17 Iudgment also will I laye to the rule, and righteousnes to the balaunce: so that the hayle shall take awaye your vayne confidence as a broome, and the preuy place of youre refuge shall the waters renne ouer.
Isaiah 29:10
10 For the Lorde hath couered you with a slomberinge sprete, and hath closed your eyes. Your prophetes also & rulers that shuld se, them hath he couered.
Jeremiah 5:31
31 The prophetes teache falsely, and the preestes receyue gyftes, & my people hath pleasure therin: What wil come therof at the last?
Jeremiah 14:14-15
14 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: The prophetes preach lyes in my name, where as I haue not sent them, nether gaue I them eny charge, nether dyd I speake vnto them: yet they preach vnto you false visions, charming, vanite, & disceatfulnes of their awne herte.
15 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord. As for those prophetes that preach in my name (whom I neuerthelesse haue not sent) & that saye: Tush, there shall no swerde ner honger be in this land. With swearde & with honger shall those prophetes perysh,
Jeremiah 23:9
9 My herte breaketh in my body because of the false prophetes, al my bones shake: I am become lyke a droncken man (that by the reason of wyne can take no rest) for verye feare of the Lorde, and of his holy wordes:
Jeremiah 23:14-15
14 I haue sene also amonge the Prophetes of Ierusalem foule aduoutry, and presumpteous lyes. They take the most shamefull men by the hande, flattringe them, so that they cannot returne from theyr wyckednes. All these wt their cytesyns are vnto me, as Sodome, and as the inhabitours of Gomorre.
15 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I will fede them with wormwod, and make them drincke the water of gall. For from the prophetes of Ierusalem is ypocrisye come into all the lande.
Jeremiah 23:25-27
25 I haue herde well ynough, what the prophetes saye that preache lyes in my name, sayeng: I haue dreamed, I haue dreamed.
26 How longe wyll this continue in the prophetes hert to tell lyes, and to preache the crafty sotylte of their awne hert?
27 Whose purpose is (with the dreames that euery one tell) to make my people forget my name, as theyr forefathers dyd, when Baall came vp.
Jeremiah 27:9-10
Jeremiah 27:14-15
14 Therfore, geue no eare vnto those prophetes, that tell you: ye shall not serue the kyng of Babylon: for they preache you lies:
15 nether haue I sente them, sayeth the Lorde. Howbeit they are bolde, falsely to prophecy in my name: that I myght the sooner dryue you out, and that ye myght peryshe with yor preachers.
Jeremiah 28:15-16
15 For thus sayth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel: I wyll put a yock of yron vpon the neck of all this people, that they maye serue Nabuchodonosor the king of Babilon: yee, and so shall they do. And I wyll geue hym the beastes in the felde.
16 Then sayde the prophet Ieremy vnto the prophet Hananiah: heare me Hananiah: The Lorde hath not sent the but thou bringest this people into a false belefe.
Jeremiah 29:21-22
21 Thus hath the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel spoken of Ahab the sonne of Colaiah, and of Zedekiah the sonne of Maasiah, which prophecye lyes vnto you in my name. Beholde, I wyll deliuer them into the hande of Nabuchodonosor the kyng of Babilon, that he maye slaye them before youre eyes.
22 And all the presoners of Iuda, that are in Babilon shall take vpon thys terme of cursynge, and saye: Nowe God do vnto the, as he dyd vnto Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the king of Babilon rosted in the fyer,
Ezekiel 13:1-16
1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, sayinge:
2 Thou sonne of man. Speake, prophecye agaynst those prophetes, that preach in Israel & saye thou vnto them that prophecye out of theyr awne hertes: Heare the worde of the Lord,
3 thus sayeth the Lord God: Wo be vnto those folysh prophetes, that folowe theyr awne sprete and speake where they se nothyng.
4 O Israel, thy prophetes are lyke the foxes vpon the drye felde:
5 For they stande not in the gappes, nether make they an hedge for the house of Israel, that men myght abyde the battell in the daye of the Lorde.
6 Uayne thynges they se, and tell lyes, to mayntaine their preachynges wythall. The Lorde (saye they) hath spoken it, whan in very dede the Lorde hath not sent them.
7 Uayne visyons haue ye sene, and spoken false prophecyes, when ye saye: the Lorde hath spoken it, where as I neuer sayde it.
8 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: Because youre wordes be vayne, and ye seke out lyes: Beholde, I wyll vpon you, sayeth the Lorde.
9 Myne handes shall come vpon the prophetes that loke out vayne thinges, and preach lyes: they shall not be in the councell of my people, ner wrytten in the boke of the house of Israel, nether shall they come in the lande of Israel: that ye maye knowe, howe that I am the Lorde God.
10 And that for by cause: they haue dysceaued my people, and tolde them of peace, where no peace was. One setteth vp a wall, and they dawbe it with lowse claye.
11 Therfore tell them whych dawbe it with vntempered morter, that it shall fall For there shall come a great shower of rayne greate hayle stones shall fall vpon it, & a sore storme of wynde shall breake it,
12 so shall the wall come downe. Shall it not then be sayde vnto you: where is nowe the morter, that ye dawbed it wyth all?
13 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll breake out in my wrothfull displeasure wyth a stormy wynde, so that in myne anger there shall come a myghtye shower of rayne, & hayle stones in my wrath, to destroye withall.
14 As for the wall, that ye haue dawbed wt vntempered morter, I wyll breake it downe, make it euen wyth the grounde: so that the foundacyon therof shall remoue, and it shall fall, yee, and ye youre selues shall perysh in the myddest therof: to learne you for to knowe, that I am the Lorde.
15 Thus wyll I perfourme my wrath vpon thys wall, and vpon them that haue dawbed it wyth vntempered morter, and then wyll I saye vnto you: The wall is gone, and the dawbers are awaye.
16 These are the prophetes of Israel, which prophecye vnto the cytie of Ierusalem, and loke out visions of peace for them, where as no peace is, sayeth the Lorde God.
Ezekiel 13:19
19 and dishonoure me to my people, for an handfull of barly, and for a pece of bread: whan ye kyll the soules of them, that dye not, and promes lyfe to them, that lyue not: Thus ye dissemble wt my people, that beleueth youre lyes.
Ezekiel 13:22
22 Seing that with youre lyes ye discomforte the herte of the ryghteous, whom I haue not discomforted: Agayne: For so moch as ye corage the hande of the wycked, so that he maye not turne from his wicked waye, and lyue:
Hosea 9:8
8 Ephraim hath made him self a watchman of my God, a prophete that is become a snare to do hurte in euery strete, and abhominacyon in the house of his God.
Malachi 2:9
9 Therfore wyll I also make you to be despysed, and to be of no reputacyon amonge all the people: because ye haue not kepte my wayes, but haue bene parciall in the lawe.
Matthew 7:15
15 Beware of false prophetes, which come to you in shepes clothynge, but in wardly they are rauenyng wolues.
Matthew 24:24
24 For there shall aryse false Chrystes, and false prophetes and shall shew great miracles, & wondres. In so moch (that yf it were possyble) the verie electe shuld be deceaued:
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13 For soch fals apostles are disceatfull workers, and fassy on them selues lyke vnto the apostles of Christ.
14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light.
15 Therfore it is no great thynge though hys mynisters fassyon them selues, as though they were the ministers of ryghtewesnes: whose ende shalbe accordyng to theyr dedes.
Galatians 1:8-9
8 Neuerthelesse, though we oure selues, or an angell from heauen, preache any other Gospell vnto you, then that which we haue preached vnto you, let him be acursed.
9 As we said before, so saye I nowe agayne, yf eny man preache eny other Gospell vnto you, then that ye haue receaued, lett hym be acursed.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
9 euen hym whose commynge is after the workynge of Satan, with all lyinge power sygnes and wonders.
10 and with all deceauablenes of vnryghtwesnes, amonge them that perysshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued.
11 And therfore, God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shulde beleue lyes:
12 that all they myght be damned, whych beleued not the trueth: but had pleasure in vnryghtewesnes.
2 Timothy 4:2-3
2 Peter 2:1-3
1 Ther were false prophetes also amonge the people, euen as ther shalbe false teachers amonge you: whych preuely shall brynge in damnable sectes (euen denyenge the Lorde that hath bought them) and brynge vpon them selues swyft damnacyon,
2 and many shall folowe their damnable wayes, by whom the waye of trueth shal be euyll spoken of,
3 and thorow coueteousnes shall they wyth fayned wordes make marchandyse of you, whose iudgement is now not farre of, and their damnacyon slepeth not.
1 John 4:1
1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde.
Revelation 19:20
20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone: