Isaiah 64:10 Cross References - Great

10 The cyties of thy Sanctuary lye waste. Syon is a wyldernesse, and Ierusalem a desert.

2 Kings 25:9

9 & burnt the house of the Lorde, and the kynges house, and all the houses of Ierusalem, & all great houses burnt he wt fyre.

2 Chronicles 36:19-21

19 And they burnt the house of God and brake downe the wall of Ierusalem and burnt all the places therof with fyre, and destroyed all the goodly Iewles therof. 20 And the rest that had escaped the sweard, caryed he to Babylon, where they were bound to him and his chyldren, vntyll the tyme that Persia had the empire. 21 To fulfyll the word of the Lord by the mouth of Ieremia, vntyll the lande had her pleasure of her Sabbothes: for as longe as she laye desolate, she kept Saboth, vntyll seuenty yeares were fulfylled.

Psalms 79:1-7

1 A Psalme of Asaph. O God the Heathen are come into thy inheritaunce: thy holy temple haue they defyled, and made Ierusalem an heape of stones. 2 The deed bodyes of thy seruauntes haue they geuen to be meate, vnto the foules of the ayre, and the flesh of thy saynctes vnto the beastes of the lande. 3 Their bloud haue they shed lyke water on euery syde of Ierusalem, and there was no man to burye them. 4 We are become an open shame vnto oure enemies, a very scorne and derysyon vnto them that are rounde aboute us. 5 Lorde, how longe wylt thou be angrye? shall thy gelousy burne lyke fyre for euer? 6 Poure out thyne indignacion vpon the Heathen that haue not knowne the, and vpon the kyngdome that haue not called vpon thy name. 7 For they haue deuoured Iacob, and layed waste his dwellinge place.

Isaiah 1:7

7 Your land lyeth waste, your cyties are brent vp, your enemyes deuoure youre lande, & ye must be fayne to stande, & loke vpon it: & it is desolate, as they were subuerted that were alienate from the Lorde.

Lamentations 1:1-4

1 Alas, howe sytteth the cytie so desolate, that somtyme was full of people? Howe is she become lyke a wedowe, which was the lady of all nacyons? Howe is she brought vnder trybute, that ruled all landes. 2 She wepeth sore in the nyght so that the teares runne downe her chekes: for amonge all her louers, there is none that geueth her eny comforte: ye her nexte frendes transgresse agenst her, and are become her enemyes. 3 Iuda is taken presoner, because she was defyled: and for seruynge so many straunge goddes, she dwelleth nowe amonge the Heythen. She fyndeth no rest, all they that persecuted her, toke her, in strayte places wher she coulde not escape. 4 The streates of Sion mourne, because no man commeth nomore to the solempne feastes. All her gates are desolat, her prestes make lamentacion, her maydens are carefull: & she her selfe is in great heuynesse.

Lamentations 2:4-8

4 He hath bent his bowe lyke an enemye, he hath fastened hys right hand as an aduersary: and euerythynge that was pleasaunt to se, he hath smytten it downe. He hath poured out his wrath lyke a fyre, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Syon. 5 The Lorde is become lyke as it were an enemie, he hath deuoured Israel and all hys palaces: yee, all his strong holdes hath he destroyed, and fylled the daughter of Iuda with moche sorowe and heuynesse. 6 Her tabernacle (which was lyke a garden of pleasure) hath he destroyed: her hye solempne feastes hath he put downe. The Lorde hath brought it so to passe, that the hie solempne feastes and Sabbathes in Sion, are cleane forgotten. In his heuy displeasure hath he made the kynge and prestes to be despised. 7 The Lorde hath forsaken hys awne aulter, and hath abhorred his awne Sanctuarye, and hath geuen the walles of theyr towres into the handes of the enemye. Theyr enemies made a noise in the house of the Lord, as it had bene in a solempne feaste daye. 8 The Lorde thought to breake downe the walles of the daughter of Sion, he spred out his lyne, and drewe not in hys hande, tyll he had destroyed them: Therfore mourne the turrettes and the broken walles together.

Lamentations 5:18

18 because of the hyll of Sion, that is destroyed. In so moch, that the foxes runne vpon it.

Daniel 9:26-27

26 After these .lxij. wekes, shall Christ be slayne, and they shall haue no pleasure in hym. Then shall there come a people with the Prince, and destroye the cyte & the Sanctuary: and hys ende shall come as the water floude. But the desolacyon shall contynue tyll the ende of the battell. 27 He shall make a stronge bonde with many, for the space of a weke: & when the weke is halfe gone, he shall put downe the slayne and meatoffringe. And in the temple there shalbe an abhominable desolacyon, tyll it haue destroyed all. And it is concluded, that this wastynge shall contynue vnto the ende.

Daniel 12:7

7 Then herde I the man wyth the lynen clothes, which stode aboue vpon the waters of the floude: when he helde vp hys ryght and left hande vnto heauen, and sware by hym whych lyueth for euer that it shall tary for a tyme, two tymes and halfe a tyme: & when the power of the holy people is clene scatred abrode, then shall all these thynges be fulfylled.

Micah 3:12

12 Therfore shall Sion (for youre sakes) be plowed lyke a felde Ierusalem shall become an heape of stones, and the hyll of the temple shall be turned to an hye wodde.

Luke 21:21

21 Then let them which are in Iewrye, flye to the mountaynes. And let them whych are in the myddes of it, departe out. And let not them that are in other countreyes, enter therin.

Luke 21:24

24 And they shall fall thorow the edge of the swearde, and shalbe ledd awaye captyue into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentyls, vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfylled.

Revelation 11:1-2

1 And then was geuen me a rede, lyke vnto a rodd, & it was sayde vnto me. Ryse & meate the temple of God, & the aulter, & them that worshippe therin, 2 & the queer which is wt in the temple, cast out & meate it not for it is geuen vnto the Gentyles, & the holy cytye shall they treade vnder fote .xlii. monethes.

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