6 I haue set watchmen vpon thy walles (O Ierusalem) which shall nether ceasse daye nor night to preache the Lorde. And ye also that remembre the Lorde ye shall not kepe him close,
Isaiah 62:6 Cross References - Great
Genesis 32:12
12 Thou saydest: I wyll surely do the good, & make thy seed as the sande of the see, which can not be nombred for multytude.
Genesis 32:26
26 And he sayde: let me goo, for the daye breaketh. Which answered: I wyll not let the goo, excepte thou blesse me.
Numbers 14:17-19
17 And nowe I besech the, let the power of my Lorde be greate, accordyng as thou hast spoken, saying:
18 the Lorde is longe yer he be angrye, and full of mercy, and suffereth iniquitie, and synne, and leaueth no man innocent, and visiteth the vnryghteousnesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren, in the third and fourth generacyon:
19 be mercyfull I beseche the vnto the synne of thys people, accordynge vnto thy greate mercye, as thou hast forgeuen this people from Egipt, euen vntyll nowe.
2 Chronicles 8:14
14 And Salomon set the sortes of preastes to their offyces, as Dauid his father had ordered them, and the Leuites in theyr watches for to prayse & ministre before the preastes daye by daye, and the porters by course at euery gate. For so had Dauid the man of God commaunded.
Psalms 74:2
2 O thynke vpon thy congregacyon, whom thou hast purchased and redemed of olde:
Psalms 74:18
18 Thou hast sett all the borders of the earth, thou hast made sommer and wynter.
Psalms 134:1-2
Song of Songs 3:3
3 The watchmen also that go aboute the cytie, founde me. Sawe ye not him whom my soule loueth?
Song of Songs 5:7
7 So the watchmen that wente about the cytie, founde me, smote me, & wounded me: Yee, they that kepte the walles, toke awaye my kercheafe fro me.
Isaiah 43:26
26 Put me now in remembraunce (for we wyll reason together) and shewe what thou hast for the, to make the ryghteous.
Isaiah 52:8
8 Thy watchmen shall lyft vp theyr voyce: with lowde voyce shall they preach of hym: for they shall se hym present, when the Lorde shall conuerte Sion.
Isaiah 56:10
10 For hys watchmen are all blynde, they haue all together no vnderstandynge, they are all domme dogges, not beynge able to barcke, they are slepy: slogysh are they, and lye snortynge:
Isaiah 62:1
1 For Sions sake therfore wyll I not holde my tunge, and for Ierusalems sake I will not ceasse: vntyll their righteousnes breake forth as the shynynge lyght, and their saluacyon as a burnynge lampe.
Jeremiah 6:17
17 and I wyll sett wacthmen ouer you, & therfore take hede vnto the voyce of the trompett. But they saye: we wyll not take hede.
Ezekiel 3:17-21
17 Thou sonne of man, I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israell: therfore take good hede to the wordes of my mouthe, & geue them warnynge at my commaundement.
18 If I saye vnto the, concernynge the vngodly man, that (wythout doute) he must dye, and thou geuest hym not warnynge, ner speakest vnto hym, that he may turne from hys euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shall the same vngodly man dye in his awne vnryghteousnes: but hys bloude wyll I requyre of thyne hand.
19 Neuertheles, yf thou geue warnynge vnto the wycked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his awne wyckednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule.
20 Nowe yf a ryghteous man go from his ryghteousnesse, and do the thynge that is euell: I will laye a stomblynge blocke before him, and he shall dye because thou hast not geuen hym warnyng: yee, dye shall he in hys awne synne, so that the vertue, whych he dyd before, shall not be thought vpon: but his bloude wyll I requyre of thyne hande.
21 Neuerthelesse, yf thou exhortest the ryghteous, that he synne not, & so the ryghteous do not synne: then shall he lyue, because he hath receaued thy warnynge, and thou hast discharged thy soule.
Ezekiel 33:2-9
2 Thou sonne of man, Speke to the children of thy people, and tell them: Whan I sende a swearde vpon a lande, yf the people of the lande take a man of their countre, & set hym to be their watchman,
3 the same man (whan he seyth the swearde come vpon the lande) shall blowe the trompet, and warne the people.
4 If a man now heare the noyse of the trompet & wyll not be warned, and the swearde come: and take him awaye: his bloude shall be vpon his awne head:
5 for he herde the sound of the trompet, & wolde not take hede, therfore his bloude be vpon him. But yf he will receaue warninge, he shall saue his lyfe.
6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swearde come, and shewe it not with the trompet, so that the people is not warned: yf the swearde come then, & take eny man from among them: the same shall be taken awaye in his awne synne, but his bloude wyll I require of the watchmans hande.
7 And now (O thou sonne of man) I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israel: that where as thou hearest eny thinge out of my mouth, thou mayest warne them on my behalfe.
8 If I saye vnto the wycked thou wycked, thou shalt surely dye, & thou geuest him not warnynge, that he maye bewarre of his vngodly waye: then shall the wycked dye in his awne synne, but his bloude wyll I require of thy hande.
9 Neuertheles, yf thou warne the wycked of hys waye, to turne from it, where as he yet wyll not be turned from it, then shal he dye because of his synne, but thou hast deliuered thy soule.
Matthew 15:22-27
22 & beholde, a woman of Canaan (which cam out of the same coastes) cryed vnto him, sayinge: haue mercy on me o Lorde, thou sonne of Dauid: My daughter is pyteously vexed wyth a deuyll.
23 But he answered her nothing at all, & his disciples came, and besought him, sayinge: sende her awaye, for she crieth after vs:
24 But he answered, & sayde: I am not sent but vnto the lost shepe of the housse of Israel
25 Then cam she, & worshipped him, sayinge: lorde, helpe me.
26 He answered and said: it is not mete, to take the chyldrens bread, and to cast it to dogges.
27 She answered & sayde: truthe Lorde, for the dogges eate of the crommes, which fall from their masters table.
Luke 11:5-13
5 And he sayd vnto them: yf any of you shall haue a frend, & shall go to him at mydnight, and saye vnto him, frende: lende me thre loaues,
6 for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me, and I haue nothynge to set before him,
7 and he within answere, and saye: trouble me not, the dore is now shut, and my chyldren are with me in the chamber, I cannot ryse and geue the.
8 I saye vnto you, though he wyll not arise and geue him, because he is his frende: yet because of his importunite he will rise, and geue him as many as he nedeth.
9 And I saye vnto you: aske, and it shalbe geuen you. Seke, and ye shall fynde: Knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you.
10 For euery one that asketh, receaueth: and he that seketh, fyndeth: & to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.
11 Yf the sonne shall aske breed of eny of you that is a father, wyll he geue him a stone? Or yf he aske fishe, wyll he for fysshe geue him a serpent?
12 Or yf he aske an egge, will he offer him a scorpion?
13 Yf ye then beyng euyll, can geue good giftes vnto youre children, how moch moare shall your father of heauen geue the holy sprete to them, that desyre it of him?
Luke 18:1-8
1 And he put forth a parable vnto them, signifying that men ought all wayes to praye and not to be wery,
2 sayinge: Ther was in a certayne cytie a iudge, which feared not God, nether regarded man.
3 And ther was a certayne wedowe in the same cytye, and she came vnto hym, sayinge: auenge me of myne aduersary.
4 And he wolde not for a whyle. But after warde he sayd within him selfe: though I feare not God, nor care for man,
5 yet because thys wedowe is importune vpon me, I wyll auenge her, lest she come at the last and rayle on me.
6 And the Lorde sayde, heare what the vnryghtewes Iudge sayeth.
7 And shal not God auenge his electe, which crye daye and nyght vnto him, yee, though he deferre them?
8 I tell you that he will auenge them, & that quickly. Neuerthelesse, when the sonne of man commeth, shall he fynde fayth on the erth?
Luke 18:39
39 And they whych went before, rebuked hym, that he shulde holde his peace. But he cryed so moch the more: thou sonne of Dauid, haue mercy on me.
Acts 10:4
4 When he loked on hym, he was afrayde, and sayd: what is it Lorde? He sayde vnto him: Thy prayers & thy almeses are come vp into remembraunce before God.
Acts 10:31
31 and sayde: Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thyne almes dedes are had in remembraunce in the syght of God.
1 Corinthians 12:28
28 And God hath also ordeyned in the congregacyon, fyrst Apostles, secondarely prophetes, thrydly teachers, then them that do myracles: after that, the gyftes of healyng, helpers, gouerners, diuersitye of tonges.
Ephesians 4:11-12
1 Thessalonians 5:17
17 Praye contynually.
Hebrews 13:17
17 Obeye them that haue the ouer syght of you, & submyt your selues vnto them, for they watch for your soules, euen as they that must geue acomptes: that they maye do it with ioye, & not with grefe. For that is an vnproffitable thyng for you.
Revelation 4:6-8
6 And before the seate ther was a see of glasse, lyke vnto Cristal, and in the myddes of the seate, & rounde about the seate were foure beastes full of eyes before & behynde.
7 And the fyrst beast was lyke a lyon, & the seconde beaste lyke a calfe, & the thyrde beast had a face as a man, & the fourth beast was lyke a flyinge Egle.
8 And the foure beastes had eche one of them .vi. wynges about hym, & they were full of eyes wt in. And they had no rest daye nether nyght saying. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almyghty, whych was, and is, and is to come.
Revelation 6:10
10 & they cryed with a lowde voyce, sayinge: How longe taryest thou Lord, holy & true, to iudge & to auenge oure bloud on them that dwel on the erth?