Isaiah 5:5 Cross References - Great

5 Well, now I shall tell you how I wyll do with my vyneyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perysh, and breake downe the wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote.

Genesis 11:4

4 And they sayde: Go to, let vs buylde vs a citie & a tower, whose toppe maye reach vnto heauen: & let vs make vs a name, lest haply we be scatred abrode in to the vpper face of the whole erth.

Genesis 11:7

7 Come on, let vs go downe, and confounde theyr language, that euery one perceaue not hys neyghbours speche.

Leviticus 26:31-35

31 And I wyll make your cyties desolate, and brynge youre sanctuarye vnto nought, and wyll not smell the swetnesse of youre odoures. 32 I wyll brynge the lande vnto a wyldernesse, and youre enemyes which dwell therin, shall wondre at it. 33 And I will strawe you amonge the hethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cyties desolate. 34 Then shall the lande enioye her Sabbothes, as longe as it lyeth voyde, and ye shalbe in your enemyes lande: euen then shall the lande rest, and reioyse in her Sabbothes. 35 As longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, because it dyd not reste in youre Sabbothes, when ye dwelt vpon it.

Deuteronomy 28:49-52

49 And the Lord shall brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, and from the ende of the worlde, as swifte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande: 50 a harde fauoured nacyon, whych shall not regarde the person of the olde, nor haue compassyon on the younge. 51 The same shall eate the frute of thy catell, and the frute of thy londe, vntyll he haue destroyed the: and shall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the encrease of thyne oxen, nor the flockes of thy shepe: vntyll he haue brought the to nought. 52 And he shall kepe the in, in all thy cyties, vntyll he haue cast downe thy hye walles and stronge holdes, wherin thou trustedst, thorowe out all the lande. And he shall besege the in all thy cyties thorowe out all thy lande, whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the.

2 Chronicles 36:4-10

4 And the kynge of Egypt made Eliakim his brother king vpon Iuda and Ierusalem, & turned hys name vnto Iehoakim: and Necho toke Iehoahaz hys brother, and caried hym to Egipt. 5 Iehoakim was fyue and twenty yeare olde, when he began to raygne, and he raygned eleuen yeare in Ierusalem: and he dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde his God. 6 Agaynst him then came vp Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and bounde hym with two chaynes, to carye him to Babilon. 7 The king Nabuchodonosor also caried of the vessels of the house of the Lorde to Babilon, & and put them in his temple at Babilon. 8 The rest of the actes of Iehoakim, and his abhominacions which he did, and carued ymages that were layde to hys charge, beholde, they are writen in the booke of the kynges of Israell: and Iehoacin his sonne raygned in hys steade. 9 Iehoacin was eyght yeare olde whan he beganne to raygne, and he raygned thre monethes and ten dayes in Ierusalem: and dyd euelll in the sight of the Lorde: 10 And when the yeare was out, kynge Nabuchodonosor sent, and let him to Babilon with the goodly vessels of the house of the Lord, and made Zedekia (his fathers brother) kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

Nehemiah 2:3

3 and sayed vnto the kynge: God saue the kynges life for euer. How shulde I not loke sadly, whan the cytie and place of my fathers buryall lyeth waste, and the gates therof are so consumed with fyre?

Psalms 74:1-10

1 An instruccyon of Asaph. O God, werfore art thou absent from vs so long? why is thy wrath so hote agaynst the shepe of thy pasture? 2 O thynke vpon thy congregacyon, whom thou hast purchased and redemed of olde: 3 Thinke vpon the trybe of thine enheritaunce and mout Sion wherin thou hast dwelt. 4 Lyft vp thy fete, that thou mayest vtterly destroye euery enemye which hath done euell in the Sanctuary. 5 Thyne aduersaryes roare in the myddes of thy congregacions, and set vp their banners for tokens. 6 He that hewed tymbre afore out of the thick trees, was knowne to brynge it to an excellent worke. 7 But now they breake downe all the earned worcke therof wt axes & hammers. 8 They haue set fyre vpon thy holy places, and haue defyled the dwellynge place of thy name, euen vnto the grounde. 9 Yee, they sayed in their hertes: let vs make hauoke of them alltogether: thus haue they brent vp all the houses of God in the lande. 10 We se not oure tokens, ther is not one Prophet more, no not one is ther among vs that vnderstandeth eny more.

Psalms 80:12-16

12 Why hast thou then broken downe her hedge, that all they whych go by, plucke of her grapes? 13 The wylde bore out of the wood doth rote it vp, and the wylde beastes of the felde deuoureth it. 14 Turne the agayne, thou God of Hostes, loke downe from heauen, beholde, and vyset thys vyne. 15 And the place of the vynyarde that thy ryght hande hath planted, and the braunch that thou madest so stronge for thy selfe.. 16 It is brent wyth fyre, and cut downe: and they shall perysh at the rebuke of thy countenaunce.

Isaiah 10:6

6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.

Isaiah 25:10

10 For in this mountayne shall the hande of the Lorde cease and Moab shalbe thresshed vnder him, euen as strawe is thresshed vpon the grounde.

Isaiah 27:10-11

10 Els, shall the stronge citye be desolate, & the habitation forsaken & left lyke a wildernes. There shall the calfe fede, & ther shall he lye, & eate vp the graffes therof. 11 When the braunches of it are drie, they are broken of, & the wemen come, and set them on fyer. For it is a people of no vnderstanding, & therfore he that made them, shall not fauoure them, and he that created them, shall geue them no grace.

Isaiah 28:3

3 The crowne of the pryde of the dronken Ephraemites shalbe troden vnder fote:

Isaiah 28:18

18 And thus the couenaunt that ye made wt death, shalbe disanulled: and your agrement that ye made with hell, shall not stand. Yee, when the sore plage goeth forth, ye shalbe troden downe vnder it. From the tyme that it goeth forth, it shall take you awaye.

Lamentations 1:2-9

2 She wepeth sore in the nyght so that the teares runne downe her chekes: for amonge all her louers, there is none that geueth her eny comforte: ye her nexte frendes transgresse agenst her, and are become her enemyes. 3 Iuda is taken presoner, because she was defyled: and for seruynge so many straunge goddes, she dwelleth nowe amonge the Heythen. She fyndeth no rest, all they that persecuted her, toke her, in strayte places wher she coulde not escape. 4 The streates of Sion mourne, because no man commeth nomore to the solempne feastes. All her gates are desolat, her prestes make lamentacion, her maydens are carefull: & she her selfe is in great heuynesse. 5 Her enemies haue bene rulers ouer her, and her enemyes haue prospered: because the Lorde hath chastened her for her greate wyckednes: her chyldren are ledde awaye captiue before theyr enemye. 6 All the bewtie of the daughter of Sion is awaye, her princes are become lyke hertes that fynde no pasture. They are dryuen awaye before theyr enemie, so that they haue nomore power. 7 Nowe doth Ierusalem remembre the tyme of her misery and disobedience, yee, the ioye and pleasure that she hath had in tymes past seynge her people is brought downe thorow the power of theyr enemye, and there is no man for to helpe her: her enemyes stande lokynge at her, and laugh her Sabbath dayes to scorne. 8 Ierusalem hath synned euer, more and more, therfore is she come in decaye. All they that had her in honoure despyse her: for they haue sene her fylthynes. Yee, she sygheth, and is ashamed of her selfe. 9 Her skyrtes are defyled, she remembred not what wolde folowe: therfore is her fall so wonderfull, and there is no man to comforte her. O Lorde, consydre my trouble, for myne enemye hath the vpperhande.

Lamentations 1:15

15 The Lorde hath destroyed all the myghtye men, that were in me He hath proclaymed a feaste, to slaughter all my best men. The Lorde hath troden downe the daughter, of Iuda, lyke as it were in a wyne presse.

Lamentations 4:12

12 Nether the kynges of the earth, ner all the inhabitours of the worlde, wolde haue beleued that the enemy and aduersary shuld haue come in at the gates of the cytie of Ierusalem.

Daniel 8:13

13 Upon this I hearde one of the sainctes speakynge, which saynte sayde vnto one that asked this question. Howe longe shall this visyon of the daylye sacrifyce and of the wastinge abhominacyon endure: that the Sanctuary and the power shall so be troden vnder fote?

Luke 21:24

24 And they shall fall thorow the edge of the swearde, and shalbe ledd awaye captyue into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentyls, vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfylled.

Revelation 11:2

2 & the queer which is wt in the temple, cast out & meate it not for it is geuen vnto the Gentyles, & the holy cytye shall they treade vnder fote .xlii. monethes.

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