Isaiah 58:11 Cross References - Great

11 The lord shall euer be thy guyd, & satisfie the desyre of thyne herte in the tyme of drougthe, & fyll thy bones wt mary. Thou shalt be lyke a fresh waterd garden & lyke the fountayne of water, that neuer leaueth runnynge.

Job 5:20

20 In honger he shall saue the from death: and when it is warre, from the power of the swearde.

Job 6:15-20

15 Myne awne brethren passe ouer by me as the water brooke, and as the ryuer of water, do hastely go awaye. 16 But they that feare the hore frost, the snowe shall fall vpon them. 17 When theyr tyme commeth, they shalbe destroyed and peryshe: when they be sett on fyre, they shalbe remoued out of theyr place, 18 for the pathes that they go in, are croked: they haste after vayne thynges, and shall perysh. 19 They turne them to the pathes of Theman, and to the wayes of Saba, wherin they haue put their trust. 20 Confounded are they that put eny confydence in them. For whan they come to obtayne the thynges that they loke for, they are brought to confusion.

Psalms 25:9

9 Them that be meke, shall he guyde in iudgement: & soch as be gentle, them shall he lerne his waye.

Psalms 32:8

8 Thou art a place to hyde me in, thou shalt preserue me from trouble: thou shalt compasse me about with songes of delyueraunce. Sela.

Psalms 33:19

19 To delyuer theyr soules from death, and to fede them in the tyme of dearth.

Psalms 34:9-10

9 O feare the Lorde, ye that be hys sayntes for they that feare hym, lacke nothynge. 10 The lyons do lacke, & suffre hunger but they which seke the Lorde: shall want no maner of thynge that is good.

Psalms 37:19

19 They shall not be confounded in the perelous tyme, and in the dayes of derth they shall haue ynough.

Psalms 48:14

14 For thys God is oure God for euer & euer, he shall be ouer gyde vnto death.

Psalms 73:24

24 Thou shalt gyde me with thy councell, and afterwarde receaue me with glory.

Psalms 92:14

14 Soch as be planted in the house of the Lorde shall florishe in the courtes of our God. They shall also bryng forth more frute in theyr age, & shalbe fat and well likyng.

Psalms 107:9

9 For he satisfyed the emptie soule, and filled the hongrye soule with goodnesse.

Proverbs 3:8

8 so shall thy nauell be whole, and thy bones stronge.

Proverbs 11:25

25 He that is liberall in geuynge, shall haue plenty, and he that watereth, shall be watered also him selfe.

Proverbs 13:4

4 The slogarde wolde fayne haue, & cannot get hys desyre: but the soule of the diligent shall haue plenty.

Proverbs 28:25

25 He that is of a proude stomacke & without feare, stereth vp stryfe: but he that putteth hys trust in the Lorde, shalbe well fedd.

Song of Songs 4:15

15 a well of gardens, a well of lyuinge waters, which renne downe from Libanus.

Isaiah 33:16

16 He it is, that shall dwell on hye: whose sauegarde shalbe in a bulwarcke of rockes, to hym shalbe geuen meate, & hys waters shall not fayle.

Isaiah 49:10

10 They shall nether honger, ner thurst: heate nor sunne shall not hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shall leade them, and geue them dryncke of the springe welles.

Isaiah 61:11

11 For lyke as the grounde bryngeth forth frute, & as the garden shoteth forth sede: So shall the Lord God cause righteousnes, and prayse to God to florysh forth, before all the Heathen.

Jeremiah 17:8

8 For he shalbe as a tre, that is planted by the water syde: whyche spredeth out the rote vnto moystnesse, whom the heate cannot harme, when it commeth, but his leaffe shalbe grene. And though there growe but lytle frute because of drouth, yet is he not carefull, but he neuer leaueth of to brynge forth frute.

Jeremiah 31:12

12 And they shall come, & reioyce vpon the hyll of Sion, and shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, which the Lorde shall geue them. Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle, yonge shepe & calues. And theyr conscience shalbe as a well watred garden, for they shall nomore be hongrye.

Ezekiel 36:35

35 Then shal it be sayde: this waste lande is become lyke a garden of pleasure, and the voyde, desolate & broken downe cityes are now strong, & defensed agayne.

Hosea 13:5

5 I toke diligent hede of the in the wyldernesse the drye lande.

John 4:14

14 But whosoeuer drincketh of the water that I shall geue him, shall neuer bemore a thyrst: but the water that I shall geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, spryngynge vp into euerlastinge lyfe.

John 16:13

13 Howbeit when he is come (which is the sprete of treuth) he will leade you into all treuthe. He shall not speake of hym selfe: but whatsoeuer he shall heare, that shall he speake, and he will shewe you thinges to come.

1 Thessalonians 3:11

11 God him selfe oure father, and oure Lorde Iesus Christ shall gyde oure iorney vnto you:

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