25 And therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde. The prisoners shalbe taken from the gyaunte, and the spoyle delyuered from the violente: for I wyll maynteyne thy cause agaynst thyne aduersaryes, and saue thy sonnes.
Isaiah 49:25 Cross References - Great
Genesis 12:3
3 I wyll also blesse them that blesse the, & cursse suche as curseth the, & in the shall all the kynreds of the erth be blessed.
Numbers 23:8-9
Isaiah 10:27
27 Then shall hys burthen be taken from thy shoulders, and his yock from thy neck, yee, the same yock shall be corrupte for very fatnesse.
Isaiah 14:2
2 The people shal take them, & cary them home to their awne lande. And make them to enherite the house of Israel in the lande of the Lord that they maye be seruauntes & hand maydens of the Lord. They shal take those prisoners whose captyues they had bene a fore: & rule those that had oppressed them.
Isaiah 25:9
9 And in that daye it shalbe sayde: Lo, this is our God, we haue wayted for hym, & he shall saue vs. Thys is the Lord, in whom we haue hoped, we wylbe mery & reioyce in the saluation that commeth of hym.
Isaiah 35:4
4 Saye vnto them that are of a fearefull hert. Be of good chere, and feare not. Beholde, youre God commeth to take vengeaunce: and you shall se the rewarde that God geueth: God commeth his awne selfe, & will delyuer you.
Isaiah 41:11-12
11 Beholde, all they that resyst the shall come to confusyon & shame: and thyne aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught.
12 So that whoso seketh after them, shall not fynde them. Thy destroyers shall perysh, and so shall they that vndertake to make batayll agaynst the be as that is not, & as a thinge of naught.
Isaiah 52:2-5
2 Shake the from the dust, aryse & stande vp, O Ierusalem. Plucke out thy neck from the bonde: O thou captiue daughter Sion.
3 For thus sayeth the Lord: ye are solde for naught, therfore shall ye be redemed also without eny mony.
4 For thus sayeth the Lorde God: My people wente downe afore tyme into Egypte, there to be straungers, and the kynge of the Assyrians oppressed them wythout anye cause.
5 And nowe what profyt is it to me (sayth the Lorde) that my people is frely caryed awaye, and brought in to heuynes by their rulers, & my name euer still blasphemed? sayeth the Lorde?
Isaiah 54:13
13 Thy children shall all be taught of God, & I wyll geue them plenteousnes of peace.
Isaiah 54:15-17
15 Beholde, the aleaunt that was farre from me, shall dwell with the: & he that ioyneth batayle agenst the shall perishe.
16 Beholde, I make the smith that bloweth the coales in the fyre, & he maketh a weapen after hys handy worcke. I make also the waster to destroye:
17 but all the weapens that are made agaynst the, shall not prospere. And as for all tunges, that shall resyste the in iudgement, thou shalt ouercome them, & condemne them. Thys is the heritage of the Lordes seruauntes, and their ryghteousnes commeth of me, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 29:10
10 But thus sayth the Lorde. When ye haue fulfylled .lxx. yeares at Babylon, I wyll brynge you home, & of myne awne goodnes I wyll carye you hyther agayne into thys place.
Jeremiah 50:17-19
17 Israel is a scatred flocke, the lyons haue dispersed them. Fyrst the king of the Assirians deuoured them, last of all this Nabuchodonosor king of Babilon hath brosed all their bones.
18 Therfore, thus saith the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will viset the kyng of Babylon and his kingdome as I haue visited the kyng of the Assirians,
19 and wyll brynge Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture, that he maye fede vpon Charmel and Basan, and be satisfyed vpon the mount of Ephraim and Galaad.
Jeremiah 50:33-34
33 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes: The children of Israel and Iuda suffer violence together. All they that haue them in captiuitie, kept them fast, and wyl not let them go,
34 but their auenger and redemer is mightye, whose name is the Lorde of hoostes: he shall mainteyne their cause, he shall make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therin, one with another.
Jeremiah 51:35-36
35 he hath taken my substaunce awaye, and the thinge that was left me hath he caried vnto Babylon, sayeth the daughter that dwelleth in Syon: yee, & my bloude also vnto the Caldees, sayeth Ierusalem.
36 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wyll drincke vp her see, and drye vp her water sprynges.
Zechariah 9:11
11 Thou also thorow the bloude of thy couenaunt: shalt let thy presoners out of the pitte wher in is no water.
Zechariah 9:13-16
13 For Iuda haue I bent out as a bowe for me & Ephraim haue I fylled. Thy sonnes, O Sion, will I rayse vp agaynst the Grekes, & make the as a gyauntes swearde:
14 the Lorde God shalbe sene aboue them, & hys dartes shall go forth as the lyghtenynge. The Lord God shall blowe the trompet, and shal come forth as a storme out of the south.
15 The Lord of hoostes shall defende them, they shal consume & deuoure, & subdue them with slynge stones. They shall dryncke & rage, as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled lyke the basens, & as the hornes of the aulter.
16 The Lord their God shal delyuer them in the daye, as the flock of his people: ffor as precyous stones of a dyademe they shall be sett vp ouer his lande.
Zechariah 12:3-6
3 At the same tyme wyll I make Ierusalem an heuy stone for al people, so that al soch as lyft it vp, shalbe toarne and rente, and all the people of the earth shalbe gathered together agaynst it.
4 In that daye, sayeth the Lorde, I wyll make all horses abashed, and those that ryde vpon them, to be out of their wittes. I wyl open myne eyes vpon the house of Iuda, and smyte all the horses of the people with blindnesse.
5 And the princes of Iuda shall saye in their hertes. The inhabyters of Ierusalem shall geue me consolacion in the Lorde of hostes their God.
6 In that tyme will I make the princes of Iuda lyke an hote burnynge ouen with wood, and lyke a cresset of fyre among the strawe: so that they shall consume all the people rounde aboute them, both vpon the ryght hande & the left. Ierusalem also shalbe inhabyted agayne: namely, in the same place where Ierusalem standeth.
Zechariah 14:3
3 After that shall the Lorde go forth to fight agaynst those Heathen, as men vse to fyght in the daye of battel.
Zechariah 14:12
12 This shalbe the plage, wherwith the Lorde will smyte all pleople, that haue fought agaynst Ierusalem. Namely, their flesh shall cosume awaye, though they stande vpon their fete, their eyes shalbe corrupt in their holes and their tunge shal consume in their mouth.
Romans 8:31-39
31 What shall we then saye to these thinges? yf God be on oure syde, who can be agaynst vs?
32 which spared not hys awne sonne, but gaue him for vs all: how can it be, that with hym he shulde not geue vs all thynges also?
33 Who shall laye eny thynge to the charge of Goddes chosen; it is God that iustyfyeth:
34 who is he that can condempne? it is Chryst which dyed, yee, rather which is rysen agayne, which is also on the ryght hande of God, and maketh intercessyon for us.
35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God? shall tribulacyon? or angusshe? or persecucyon? other honger? ether nakednesse? ether parell? ether swearde?
36 As it is written: for thy sake are we kylled all daye longe, and are counted as shepe apoynted to be slayne.
37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs.
38 For I am sure, that nether deeth, nether lyfe, nether Angels, nor rule, nether power, nether thynges present, nether thynges to come,
39 nether heygth, nether loweth, nether eny other creature shal be able to departe vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure Lorde.
Galatians 4:26
26 But Ierusalem, which is aboue, is fre: which is the mother of vs al.
Hebrews 2:14-15
14 For as moch then as the chyldren are partetakers of flesshe and bloud, he also him selfe lykewyse toke parte with them that (thorowe deeth) he myght expell hym that had lordshyppe ouer deeth, that is to saye the deuyll,
15 and that he myght delyuer them, which thorowe feare of deeth were all there lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage.
1 John 3:8
8 He that committeth synne, is of the deuyll: for the deuyll synneth sence the beginnynge. For this purpose appeared the sonne of God, to lowse the worckes of the deuyl.
Revelation 18:20
20 Reioyce ouer her thou heauen, and ye holy Apostles and Prophetes: for God hath geuen your iudgement on her.