Isaiah 19:9 Cross References - Great

9 Morouer, they that worke in flaxe, and make fyne workes, shall be confounded, and so shall they that weaue open workes.

1 Kings 10:28

28 The bryngyng of horses also out of Egypte: & the collection of the wares: dyd the kynges marchauntes take agayne, and sold the stuffe for a pryce.

Proverbs 7:16

16 I haue deckte my bed with couerynges and clothes of Egypte.

Ezekiel 27:7

7 Thy sayle was of dyuers colours, small nedle worke out of the lande of Egypt, to hange vpon thy mast: & thy hanginges of yelow sylcke purple, out of the Iles of Elisah.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.