9 Is not Calno as easye to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Hamath then Arphad? Or is it lyghter to ouercome Damascus then Samaria?
Isaiah 10:9 Cross References - Great
Genesis 10:10
10 The begynning of his kyngdome was Babel and Erech and Accad, and Calne, in the londe of Sinhar.
2 Samuel 8:9
9 When Thoi kyng of Aamath heard how Dauid had smytten all the hoste of Hadarezer,
2 Kings 16:9
9 And the kynge of Assiria consented vnto hym. For the kynge of Assiria went vp agaynst Damasco. And when he had take it, he caryed the people awaye to Kyr, and slue Rezin.
2 Kings 17:5-6
5 And then the kynge of Assyria came vp thorowout all the lande, & gat vp against Samaria, and beseged it thre yeare.
6 In the nynth yeare of Hosea, the kynge of Assyria toke Samaria, and caryed Israel awaye vnto Assyria, and put them in Hala, in Habor by the ryuer of Goza, and in the cyties of the Medes.
2 Kings 17:24
24 And the kynge of Assyria brought men from Babylon, from Cutha, from Aua, from Hanath, and from Sepharuaim, and put them in the cyties of Samaria, in steade of the chyldren of Israel. And they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cyties therof.
2 Kings 18:9-10
9 And in the fourth yeare of kynge Hezekia, (which was the seuenth yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israell) it fortuned, that Salmanazar kyng of Assyria came vp agaynst Samaria, & beseged it.
10 And after thre yeres they toke it euen in the syxte yere of Hezekia: that is to saye, the nynth yere of Hosea kynge of Israel. And Samaria was wonne.
2 Chronicles 35:20
20 After all thys, when Iosia had prepared the temple, Necho kyng of Egypt came vp to fyght agaynst Carcamis besyde Euphrates, and Iosia went out agaynst hym:
Isaiah 7:8
8 for the head cytie of the Sirians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rayzin. And after fyue & threscore yeare, shall Ephraim be no more a people.
Isaiah 17:3
3 Ephraim also shall nomore be strong, & Damascus shall nomore be a kyngdome, & the remnaunt of Syria shalbe as the glorye of the children of Israel, sayeth the Lord of hostes.
Isaiah 36:19
19 Where is the God of Hemath and Arphad? Where is the God of Sepharuaim? And who was able to defende Samaria out of my hande?
Isaiah 37:13
13 Where is the kynge of Hemah, and the kyng of Arphad, and the king of the cytie Sepharuaim, Ena & Aua?
Jeremiah 46:2
2 These wordes folowing preached he to the Egipcyans concerninge the hoost of Pharao Necho kynge of Egypte: when he was in Charcamis, besyde the water of Euphrates: what tyme as Nabuchodonosor the king of Babilon slewe him, in the fourth yeare of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosias king of Iuda.
Jeremiah 49:23
23 Upon Damascus, Hemath and Arphad shall come confusion: for they shall heare euell tydinges: they shalbe tossed to and fro lyke the see that cannot stande styll.
Amos 6:1-2
1 O wo be to the proude welthy in Syon to soch as thinke them so sure vpon the mount of Samaria? whych holde them selues for the best of the worlde, and rule the house of Israel, euen as they lyst.
2 Go vnto Calne, and se: and from thence get you to Hemath the great cytie, & so go downe to Gath of the Philistines: be they better at ease then these kyngdomes, or the border of their lande wyder then yours?