Haggai 2:8 Cross References - Great

8 yee, I wyll moue all Heathen, & the conforte of all Heathen shall come, & so wyll I fyll thys house wyth honoure, sayeth the Lorde of hostes.

1 Kings 6:20-35

20 And the queer before was twentye cubites longe, and twenty cubites in bredth, and twentye cubytes in heygth. And he syled it with pure golde, and borded the aultare with Cedar. 21 And Salomon also syled the house within with pure golde. And he made golden barres runne alonge the queer, which he had couered with golde. 22 And the whole house, he ouerlayd with golde vntyll he had ended it. And the aultare that was in the queer he ouerlayde with golde also. 23 And within the queer he made .ij. Cherubins of olyue tree, ten cubytes hye. 24 Fyue cubytes longe was a wynge of the one Cherub, and fyue cubites longe was a winge of the other Cherub: so that from the vttermost parte of one wyng vnto the vttermost part of the other, were ten cubites. 25 And the other Cherub was ten cubites hye also, so that both the Cherubes were of one measure & one syse. 26 For the heigth of the one Cherub was ten cubites, and so was it of the other. And he put the Cherubes within the ynner house. 27 And the Cherubes stretched out their winges, so that the one winge of the one touched the one wall, and the one winge of the other touched the other wall. And the other two winges of them touched one another in the myddes of the house. 28 And he ouerlayed the Cherubs with golde. 29 And in all the walles of the house round about, he made fygures of carued and syled worke: as namely, pictures of Cherubs and Palmetrees and grauen floures, both within in the queer, & without in the temple. 30 And the floure of the house he couered with golde both within in the queer and also without in the temple. 31 And in the enteryng of the queer he made two dores of Olyue tree. And both the vpper & two syde postes were .v. square. The two dores also were of Oliue tree, 32 and he graued them with grauynge of Cherubs and Palmetrees, and grauen floures, & couered them with gold, and layed thinne plates of golde vpon the Cherubs and Palmetrees. 33 And in like maner dyd he in the dore of the temple, sauynge that the postes were of Oliuetre fouresquare. 34 The two dores were of fyrre tree: and eyther dore with two folding leaues, 35 he graued theron Cherubs Palmetrees, and flours: and couered them with golde, which was layed thynne vpon the carued worke.

1 Chronicles 29:14-16

14 But whom am I? and what is my people? that we shulde enforce oure selues to geue these thinges so willingly? But all thynges come of the: and of that which we receaued of thyne hande we haue geuen the. 15 For we be but straungers before the, and soiourners, as were all oure fathers. Oure dayes on the erth also are but as a shadowe, and there is none abydinge. 16 O Lorde oure God, all this stuffe that we haue prepared to buylde the an house for thy holy name, commeth of thyne hande, & is all thyne.

Psalms 24:1

1 A Psalme of Dauid. The earth is the Lordes, and all that therin is: the compasse of the worlde, and they that dwell therin.

Psalms 50:10-12

10 For all the beastes of the forest are myne, & so are the catell vpon a thousande hylles. 11 I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, & the wylde beastes of the feld are in my syght. 12 If I be hongrye I wyll not tell the: for the whole worlde is myne, and all that therin is.

Isaiah 60:13

13 The glory of libanus shall come vnto the. The Fyrre trees, Boxes and Cedres together, to garnyshe the place of my Sanctuary, for I wyll glorifye the place of my fete.

Isaiah 60:17

17 For brasse, wyll I geue the golde, and for yron syluer: for wod brasse, & for stones yron. I will torne thyne oppressyon into peace, & thyne exactyons into ryghteousnes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.