3 Why lettest thou me se werynesse and laboure? Tyranny & violence are before me, power ouergoeth right:
Habakkuk 1:3 Cross References - Great
Psalms 12:1-2
1 To him that excelleth vpon an instrument of eyght strynges a Psalme of Dauid. Helpe Lord, for there is not one godly man left. For the faythful are mynisshed from amonge the chyldren of men.
2 They talke of vanyte, euery one wyth hys neyghboure, they do but flatter wyth theyr lyppes & dyssemble in theyr double herte.
Psalms 55:9-11
9 Daye and night go they about within the walles therof: myschefe also, and sorow are in the myddest of it.
10 Wyckednes is therin, dysceate, and gyle go not out of her stretes.
11 For it is not an open enemye that hath done me thys dishonoure: for then I coulde haue borne it: nether was it myne aduersary, that did magnifye hym selfe agaynst me: for then I wolde haue hyd my selfe from hym.
Psalms 73:3-9
3 And why I was greued at the wicked, I do se also the vngodly in soch prosperite.
4 For they are in no parell of death, but are lusty and strong.
5 They come in no misfortune like other folke, nether are they plaged like other men.
6 And this is the cause the they be so holden with pride, and ouerwhelmed with cruelte.
7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, and they do euen what they lyst.
8 They corrupte other, & speake of wicked blasphemye: theyr talkynge is agaynst the most hiest.
9 For they stretch forth theyr mouth vnto the heauen, & theyr tonge goeth thorow the world.
Psalms 120:5-6
Ecclesiastes 4:1
1 So I turned me, & considred all the violent wrong that is done vnder the sunne, & beholde, the teares of soch as were oppressed, & there was no man to conforte them, or that wolde delyuer & defende them from the violence of their oppressours.
Ecclesiastes 5:8
8 If thou seyst the poore to be oppressed and wrongeously dealt withall, so that equite & the ryght of the lawe is wrasted in the lande: maruell not thou at soch a thyng, for one greate man kepeth touch with another, & the myghtie men are in auctorite ouer the pore.
Jeremiah 9:2-6
2 Wolde God, that I had a cotage some where farre from folcke, that I myght leaue my people, and goo from them: for they be all aduoutrers & a shrynckynge sorte.
3 They bende theyr tunges lyke bowes, to shote out lyes. They wax stronge vpon erthe. As for the trueth, they maye nothynge awaye with all in the worlde. For they go from one wyckednes to another, and wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lorde.
4 Yee, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his awne brother: for one brother vndermyndeth another, one neyghboure begileth another.
5 Yee one dissembleh wt another, and they deale wt no trueth. They haue practysed theyr tunges to lye, & taken great paynes to do mischefe.
6 Thou syttest in the myddes of a dysceatfull people, which for very dissemblyng falshede, wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lord.
Jeremiah 20:8
8 because I haue now preached longe agaynst malycious Tyranny, and shewed them of destruccion. For the whyche cause they cast the word of the Lorde in my teeth, and take me euer to the worst.
Ezekiel 2:6
6 Therfore (thou sonne of man) feare them not, nether be afrayed of theyr wordes: for prouokers and thornes are with the. Yee, thou doest dwell amonge scorpions. but feare not theyr wordes, be not abashed at theyr lookes, for it is a frowarde housholde.
Micah 7:1-4
1 Wo is me: I am become as one, that goeth a gleanynge in the haruest, There are no mo grapes to eate, yet wold I fayne (wyth all my herte) haue of the best frute.
2 There is not a godly man vpon earth, there is not one rightuous amonge men. They laboure all to shed bloud, and euery man hunteth his brother to death:
3 yet they saye they do well when they do euel. As the prince will, so sayeth the iudge: that he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate man speaketh what his herte desireth: & the hearers alowe him.
4 The best of them is but as a thistle, & the most rightuous of them is but as a breer in the hedge. But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, that thou shalt be visyted: then shall they be wasted awaye.
Matthew 10:16
16 Beholde, I sende you forth, as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues.
2 Peter 2:8
8 For he beynge ryghteous, and dwellynge among them in seynge and hearyng, vexed his ryghteous soule from daye to daye wyth their vnlaufull dedes.