Genesis 48:15 Cross References - Great

15 And he blessed Ioseph & sayde: God, before whome my fathers Abraham & Isahac dyd walke, God whych hath fedd me all my lyfe longe vnto thys daye,

Genesis 5:22-24

22 And Henoch walked wyth God after he begat Methuselah, thre hundreth yeres, & begat sonnes & daughters. 23 And all the dayes of Henoch were thre hundreth syxtie & fyue yeres. 24 And Henoch walked with God, & he (was no more sene,) for God toke hym awaye.

Genesis 6:9

9 These are the generacyons of Noah Noah was iust & perfect in his generacions, and walked wt God.

Genesis 17:1

1 Abram was nynetye yere olde & .ix. & the Lorde apeared to Abram & sayde vnto hym: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me and be thou perfecte.

Genesis 24:20

20 And she powred out hyr pytcher in to the trough hastely, and ranne agayne vnto the well to fett water: and drewe for all hys camels.

Genesis 27:4

4 and make me meate soche as I loue, and brynge it me, that I maye eate, and that my soule may blesse the before that I dye.

Genesis 28:3

3 And God almyghtye blesse the, & make the to increase, and multyplye the that thou mayst be a nombre of people,

Genesis 28:20

20 And Iacob vowed a vowe, sayinge: If God wyll be wyth me, and wyll kepe me in thys iourney which I goo, and will geue me bread to eate, and clothes to put on,

Genesis 28:22

22 and thys stone which I haue set vp an ende, shalbe goddes house: and of all that thou shalt geue me, wyll I geue the tenth vnto the.

Genesis 48:16

16 And the angell whych hath delyuered me from all euyll, blesse these laddes: & let my name be named in them, & the name of my fathers Abraham & Isahac, & that they maye growe into a multitude in the myddes of the erth.

Genesis 49:24

24 But hys bowe abode fast, and the armes of hys handes were made stronge, by the handes of the myghtye God of Iacob. Out of hym shall come an herde man, a stone in Israel:

Genesis 49:28

28 All these are the .xij. tribes of Israel, and thys their father spake vnto them and blessed them, euery one of them blessed he wyth a seuerall blessynge.

Deuteronomy 33:1

1 Thys is the blessynge wherwyth Moses the man of God blessed the chyldren of Israell before hys death,

1 Kings 3:6

6 And Salomon sayde: thou haste shewed vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father great mercy, when he walked before the in trueth, in ryghtewesnes, & in playnesse of hert with the. And thou hast kepte for hym this greate mercy, that thou hast geuen hym a sonne, to sytt on hys seate: as it is come to passe thys daye.

Psalms 16:8

8 I wyll thanke the Lorde for geuynge me warnynge: my reynes also chasten me in the nyght season.

Psalms 23:1

1 A psalme of Dauid. The Lord is my shepherde, therfore can I lack nothing.

Psalms 37:3

3 Put thou thy trust in the Lorde, & be doinge good: dwell in the lande, and verely thou shalt be fedd.

Psalms 103:4-5

4 Which saueth thy lyfe from destruccyon, and crowneth the with mercy and louynge kyndnesse. 5 Whych satisfyeth thy mouth wyth good thynges, makyng the yonge and lusty as an Aegle.

Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

24 Is it not better then for a man to eate & drynche, & his soule to be mery in his labour? Yee I sawe that thys also was a gyfte of God: 25 For who will eat or go more lustely to hys worcke then I? And why?

Ecclesiastes 5:12

12 A labouringe man slepeth swetely, whether it be lytle or moch that he eateth: but the aboundaunce of the ryche will not suffre him to slepe.

Ecclesiastes 5:18

18 Therfore me thincke it a better & as fayrer thyng, a man to eate and dryncke, and to be refreshed of all hys laboure, that he taketh vnder the Sunne all the dayes of his lyfe which God geueth hym, for this is hys porcyon.

Ecclesiastes 6:7

7 All the labour that a man taketh, is for him selfe, & yet his desire is neuer fylled after his minde.

Isaiah 30:21

21 Yee, and thyne care shall heare the talkynge of hym that doeth speake behynde the. Thys is the waye, walke ye in it. Turne not aside nether to the ryght hande ner to the lyft.

Isaiah 33:16

16 He it is, that shall dwell on hye: whose sauegarde shalbe in a bulwarcke of rockes, to hym shalbe geuen meate, & hys waters shall not fayle.

Jeremiah 8:2

2 & layed agaynst the Sunne, the Moone & all the heauenly hoost: whom they loued, whom they serued, whom they ranne after, whom they sought and worshypped. They shall nether be gathered together ner buryed, but shall lye as donge vpon the earth, to theyr shame and despysynge.

Matthew 6:25-34

25 Therfore I saye vnto you: be not carefull for youre lyfe, what ye shall eate or drincke, nor yet for youre bodye, what rayment ye shall put on. Is not the lyfe more worth then meat: and the body more of value then rayment? 26 Behold, the foules of the ayer: for they sowe not, nether do they reape, nor cary into the barnes: and youre heuenly father fedeth them. Are ye not moch better then they? 27 Whych of you (by takynge carefull thought) can adde one cubyte vnto hys stature? 28 And why care ye for rayment? Consydre the lylies of the felde, how they growe. They laboure not, nether do they spynne. 29 And yet I saye vnto you, that euen Salomon in all hys royalte was not arayed lyke one of these. 30 Wherfore, yf God so cloth the grasse of the felde (which though it stande to daye, is to morow cast into the fornasse) shall he not moch more do the same for you, O ye of lytle fayth? 31 Therfore, take no thought, saying: what shall we eate, or what shall we dryncke, or wherwith shall we be clothed? 32 after all these thynges do the gentyls seke. For youre heuenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges. 33 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of God, and the ryghteousnesse therof, and al these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you. 34 Care not then for the morow, for the morowe daye shall care for it selfe: sufficient vnto the daye, is the trauayle therof.

Luke 1:6

6 they were, both ryghteous before God, and walked in all the lawes and ordynaunces of the Lorde, that no man coulde fynde fawte with them.

1 Corinthians 10:31

31 Whether therfore ye eate or dryncke, or whatsoeuer ye do, do all to the prayse of God.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes and godly purenes, & not in fleshly wysdom, but by the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacyon in the world, and most of all to you wardes.

Colossians 2:6

6 As ye haue therfore receaued Christ Iesu the Lorde euen so walke ye in hym,

1 Thessalonians 2:12

12 that ye wolde walke worthy of God, whych hath called you vnto his kyngdome and glorye.

1 Timothy 6:6-10

6 Godlynes is greate ryches If a man be content with that he hath. 7 For we brought nothynge into the worlde, nether maye we cary any thynge out. 8 But when we haue fode and rayment we must ther with be content. 9 They that wylbe ryche, fall into temptacyon and snares, & into many folysshe & noysome lustes, which droune men into perdicyon & destruccyon. 10 For coueteousnes of money is the rote of all euyll: whych whyll some lusted after, they erred from the fayth, & tanglyd them selues with many sorowes.

Hebrews 11:21

21 By fayth Iacob when he was a dying, blessed both the sonnes of Ioseph, & bowed him selfe towarde the toppe of hys scepter.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.