Genesis 31:15 Cross References - Great

15 Doth not he count vs euen as straungers? for he hath solde vs, and hath euen eaten vp oure monye.

Genesis 29:15-20

15 And Laban sayde vnto Iacob: Though thou be my brother, shuldest thou therfore serue me for naught? tell me, what shall thy wages be? 16 Laban had .ij. daughters, the eldest called Lea & the yongest Rahel. 17 Lea was tender eyed, but Rahel was bewtyfull & well fauored. 18 And Iacob loued Rahel, and sayde: I wyll serue the .vij. yeare for Rahel thy yongest daughter. 19 Laban answered: it is better that I geue her the, than to another man: byde wyth me. 20 And Iacob serued .vij. yeares for Rahel and they semed vnto him but a fewe dayes, for the loue he had to her.

Genesis 29:27-30

27 Passe out thys weke, and than shall thys also be geuen the for the seruyce whych thou shalt serue me yet .vij. yeres more. 28 And Iacob dyd euen so, and passed out that weke, and than he gaue him Rahel hys daughter to wyfe also. 29 And Laban gaue to Rahel hys daughter, Bilha hys handmayde to be hyr seruaunte. 30 So laye he by Rahel also, and loued Rahel more than Lea and serued hym yet .vij. yeares more.

Genesis 30:26

26 geue me my wyues and my children for whom I haue serued the, and let me goo: for thou knowest what seruyce I haue done the.

Genesis 31:41

41 Thus haue I bene .xx. yere in thy house, & serued the .xiiii. yeres for thy .ii. doughters, & .vi. yeres for thy shepe, and thou hast chaunged my rewarde .x. tymes.

Exodus 21:7-11

7 And yf a man sell hys daughter to be a seruaunte: she shall not goo oute as the men seruauntes doo. 8 If she also please not hyr master, and he geueth her to noman to wyfe, then shall he let hyr go fre: to sell her vnto a straunge nacyon shall he haue no power, seinge he despysed her. 9 If he haue promysed her vnto hys sonne to wyfe, he shall deale with her as men do with theyr daughters. 10 And yf he take hym another wyfe, yet hyr fode, hyr rayment and dutie of mariage shal he not mynishe. 11 And yf he do not these thre vnto her, then shall she goo out fre and paye no money.

Nehemiah 5:8

8 and sayd vnto them we (after oure abilite) haue bought our brethren the Iewes, which were solde vnto the heathen. And wyll ye sell your brethren agayne vnto the heathen, after that they haue bene solde vnto vs? Then helde they theyr peace, and coulde fynde nothynge to answere.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.