Ezra 2:68 Cross References - Great

68 And certayne of the chefe fathers, when they came because of the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem, they offered them selues wyllynge for the house of God, to sett in hys place,

Exodus 35:5-19

5 Take from among you an heue offering vnto the Lorde. Whosoeuer is of a willing hert, let him bryng it for the heue offerynge of the Lorde. Namely gold, syluer and brasse, 6 and yelowsilk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylke, goates heerre, 7 and rams skynnes red and taxus skinnes with sethim wod: 8 oyle for light and spices for the anoynting oyle, & for the swete cense. 9 And Onix stones and stones to be set in the Ephod and in the brestlappe. 10 And let all them that are wyse harted among you, come and make all that the Lord hath commaunded: 11 the habitacyon with the tent therof and his coueryng, & hys rynges, and his bordes, his barres, his pyllers, and his sockettes: 12 the arck and the staues therof, with the mercy seate and the vayle that couereth it: 13 the table and his barres and all his vessels: and the shewebred: 14 the candelstick of lyght and his apparell and his lampes with the oyle for the light: 15 the cens aultar and his barres: the anoynting oyle & the swete cens: and the hangyng of the dore at the entryng in of the tabernacle: 16 the aultar of burnt sacrifyce with his brasen grediren, his staues, and all his vessels: the lauer and hys fote: 17 and the hangynges of the court with his pyllers and their sockettes, and the hangyng in the dore of the court: 18 the pynnes of the habitacion and the pynnes of the court wt their coardes: 19 the minystring garmentes to minystre in the holy place: and the holy vestimentes for Aaron the preast, and the vestimentes of his sonnes, that they maye minystre him.

Exodus 35:29

29 And the children of Israel brought a willyng offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men and wemen: as many as had willing hertes to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to be made, by the handes of Moses.

Exodus 36:3

3 And they receaued of Moses all the present, whyche the chyldren of Israell had brought for the worcke of the seruyce of the Sanctuary, to make it. And besyde that they brought giftes vnto it euery daye in the mornynge.

Numbers 7:3-89

3 offered & brought their sacrifices before the Lorde: syxe couered charettes & .xij. oxen: one charet for two Lordes, & for one, an oxe, & they broughte them before the habitacyon. 4 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge 5 take it of them, that they maye be to do the seruice of the tabernacle of wytnesse, & thou shalt geue them vnto the Leuites, to euery man accordynge vnto his offyce. 6 And Moses toke the charettes & the oxen, & gaue them vnto the leuites 7 .ij. charettes & .iiij. oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Gerson accordynge vnto their office. 8 And .iiij. charettes & eyght oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Merari (accordynge vnto their offices) vnder the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the Preaste. 9 But vnto the sonnes of Cahath he gaue none, because they had vpon them the offyce of holy thynges, whych they dyd beare vpon shoulders. 10 And the prynces offered for the dedycatynge of the alter (in the daye that it was anoynted) and brought theyr sacrifyces before the alter. 11 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: The prynces shall brynge theyr offerynges, euery daye one prynce, for the dedycatynge of the alter. 12 And so on the fyrst daye dyd Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab of the trybe of Iuda offre hys sacrifyce: 13 And hys offerynge was a syluer charger, of an hundred and .xxx. sycles: a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles after the weyght of the Sanctuary: and they were both full of fyne wheten floure, myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge: 14 a spone of ten sycles of golde, full of cens: 15 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burnt offerynge: 16 an he goate for a synofferynge: 17 and (for a peace offerynge) two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates and fyue lambes of a yere olde: thys was the gyfte of Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab. 18 The seconde daye Nathanael, the sonne of Zuar, captayne ouer Isachar dyd offre: 19 And he offred for hys gyfte: a syluer charger of an hundred and thyrtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles after the sycle of the sanctuary: both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meat offerynge: 20 a golden spone of ten sycles, full of cens: 21 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burnt offerynge: 22 and an he goate for synne: 23 and (for a peaceofferynge) two oxen .v. rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of one yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Nathanael the sonne of zuar. 24 The thyrde daye, Eliab the sonne of Helon captayne of the chyldren of Zabulon dyd offre. 25 And hys gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thyrtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles after the sycle of the sanctuary, and both were full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 26 a golden spone of ten sycles full of cens: 27 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntofferynge: 28 an he goate for synne: 29 and (for a peaceofferynge) two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes, of one yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Eliab the sonne of Helon. 30 The fourth daye, Elizur the sonne of Sedeur captayne of the chyldren of Ruben, dyd offre. 31 And hys gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thyrtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary, and they were, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 32 a golden spone of ten sycles full of cens: 33 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntoffrynge, 34 an he goate for synne: 35 and (for a peace offeringe) two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates and fyue lambes, of one yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 36 The fyfte daye, Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai, captayne of the chyldren of Simeon, offred. 37 Hys gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thirtye sycles, a syluer boule of seuentye sycles: after the sycle of the Sanctuary, and they were both full of fyne floure myggled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 38 a golden spone of ten sicles full of cens: 39 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntofferynge: 40 an he goate for sinne: 41 and for a peace offerynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of a yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai. 42 The syxte daye, Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel captayne of the chyldren of Gad, offered: 43 Hys gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thirtye sycles, a syluer boule of seuentye sicles: after the sycle of the sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 44 a golden spone of ten sycles full of cens: 45 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntofferinge, 46 an he goate for synne. 47 And for a peace offerynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of one yere olde. Thys was the offeringe of Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel. 48 The seuenth daye, Elisama the sonne of Amiud captayne of the chyldren of Ephraim, offered. 49 And hys sacrifyce was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thirtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles: after the sycle of the Sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle, for a meatofferynge. 50 a golden spone of ten sycles, full of cens: 51 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntofferynge: 52 an he goate for synne: 53 and for a peaceofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of a yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Elisama the sonne of Amiud. 54 The eyght daye, offered Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur, the captayne of the chyldren of Manasse. 55 And hys offerynge was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thirtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles after the sycle of the Sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 56 a golden spone of ten sycles, full of cens: 57 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntofferynge: 58 an he goate for synne: 59 and for a peace offerynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of a yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. 60 The nynth daye, Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni captayne of the chyldren of Ben Iamin offered. 61 And hys gyfte was a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles: a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles, after the sycle of the sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 62 a golden spone of ten sycles, full of cens: 63 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of one yere olde for a burntofferynge: 64 an he goote for synne: 65 and for a peace offerynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of one yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. 66 The tenth daye: Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Sadai, captayne of the chyldren of Dan offered. 67 And his offerynge was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thyrtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles after the sycle of the sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 68 a golden spone of ten sycles full of cens: 69 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of a yere olde for a burntofferynge: 70 an he goate for synne: 71 and for a peaceofferynge two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of a yere olde. Thys was the offrynge of Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 72 The eleuenth daye, Pagiel the sonne of Ocran captayne of the chyldren of Aser, offered. 73 And hys offerynge was: a syluer charger of an hundred and thyrtye sycles: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles after the sycle of the sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 74 a golden spone of ten sycles, full of cens: 75 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of one yere olde for a burntofferynge: 76 an he goate for synne: 77 and for a peace offerynge: two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of one yere olde. Thys was the offerynge of Pagiel the sonne of Ocran. 78 The twelueth daye, Ahira the sonne of Enan, captayne of the children of Nephthali offered. 79 And hys offerynge was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles: a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles after the sycle of the sanctuary, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: 80 a golden spone of ten sycles, full of cens: 81 a bullock, a ram, a lambe of one yere olde for a burntofferynge: 82 an he goate for synne: 83 and for a peace offerynge, two oxen, fyue rammes, fyue he goates, fyue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offerynge of Ahira, the sonne of Enan. 84 Thys was the dedicacyon of the alter in the daye when it was anoynted: vnto the whyche was brought of the prynces of Israel .xij. chargers of syluer .xij. syluer boules .xij. spones of golde: 85 euery charger contaynynge an hundred & .xxx. sycles of syluer, euery boule .lxx. And all the syluer vessell conteyned two thousande and .iiij. hundred sycles after the sycle of the sanctuary. 86 And the golden spones were twelue full of cens, contaynynge ten sycles a pece after the sycle of the sanctuary: so that all the golde of the spones, was an hundred and .xx. sycles. 87 All the bullockes for the burntofferynge were twelue, the rammes twelue, the lambes of a yere olde twelue, with the meate offerynge: and the he goates for synne, twelue. 88 And all the oxen for the peaceofferynge were .xxiiij. the rammes syxtye, the he goates .lx. the lambes of a yere olde sixtye. Thys was the dedicacyon of the alter, after that it was anoynted. 89 And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of wytnesse, to speke wyth hym, he harde the voyce of one speakynge vnto hym from of the mercyseate, that was vpon the arke of wytnesse betwene the two cherubyns, and he talked with hym.

1 Chronicles 21:18

18 And the Angell of the Lorde commaunded Gad to saye to Dauid, that Dauid shulde go vp, and set vp an aulter vnto the Lorde, in the thresshynge flowre of Ornan the Iebusyte.

1 Chronicles 22:1

1 And Dauid sayde: thys is the house of the Lorde God, and thys is the aultare for the burntofferynge of Israel.

1 Chronicles 29:5-17

5 the golde for thynges of golde syluer for them of syluer, & for all maner of worcke by the handes of artifycers. And whosoeuer is willing, maye this daye consecrate hys hande vnto the Lorde. 6 And so the auncient fathers and the Lordes of the trybes of Israel, the captaynes of thousandes and hundredes, with the Lordes that were rulers ouer the kynges worke, were wyllynge 7 and gaue for the seruyce of the house of God, fyue thousande talentes of Golde, and ten thousande peces of golde: and ten thousande talentes of syluer, and .xviij. thousande talentes of brasse, and an hundred thousande talentes of yron. 8 And they with whom preciouse stones were founde gaue them to the treasure of the house of the Lord, by the hande of Ichiel the Gersonite. 9 And the people reioysed, whan they were so wyllynge to geue their goodes, and wyth a perfecte hert they offred vnto the Lorde. And Dauid the kynge reioysed wyth great gladnesse. 10 And Dauid blessed the Lorde before all the congregacyon, and sayde: Blessed be thou Lord God of Israel oure father, from euer and for euer. 11 Thyne (O Lorde) is greatnesse, and power, glorie, victorie and prayse: for all that is in heauen and in erth is thyne, & thyne is the kyngdom (O Lorde) and thou excellest aboue all, euen as the heed of all. 12 And rychesse and honoure come of the, and thou rayguest ouer all, and in thyne hande is power and strength, and in thyne hand it is to make great & to geue strength vnto all. 13 And nowe oure God, we thanke the, and prayse thy gloriouse name. 14 But whom am I? and what is my people? that we shulde enforce oure selues to geue these thinges so willingly? But all thynges come of the: and of that which we receaued of thyne hande we haue geuen the. 15 For we be but straungers before the, and soiourners, as were all oure fathers. Oure dayes on the erth also are but as a shadowe, and there is none abydinge. 16 O Lorde oure God, all this stuffe that we haue prepared to buylde the an house for thy holy name, commeth of thyne hande, & is all thyne. 17 (I wote also my God) that thou tryest the hertes, and hast pleasure in vnfaynednesse. And in the unfaynednesse of myne herte. I haue willinglye offred all these thinges. And nowe haue I sene thy people which are founde here, to offer vnto the willyngly and wyth gladnesse.

2 Chronicles 3:1

1 And Salomon beganne to buylde the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem in mount Moria where (the Lorde) appeared vnto Dauid his father: euen in the place that Dauid prepared in the thresshynge floure of Ornan the Iebusyte.

Ezra 3:3

3 and the aultar set they vpon hys socketes (for ther was a fearfulnes amonge them because of the nacions and landes) therfore they offered burntoffringes theron vnto the Lord in the morning & at euen.

Nehemiah 7:70-73

70 And certayne of the auncyent fathers gaue vnto the worcke. Hathirsatha gaue to the treasure a thousand peces of gold, fyftie basens, fyue hundred & thirtye prestes garmentes. 71 And some of the chefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke, twentie thousande peces of gold & two thousande & two hundred pounde of syluer. 72 And the other people gaue twentye thousande peces of golde, and two thousande pounde of syluer and thre skore and seuen preastes garmentes. 73 And the preastes & Leuites, the Porters, and the syngers, & the other of the people, and the Nethinims, & all Israel, dwelt in their cyties. And the seuenth moneth came, and the chyldren of Israel were in theyr cyties.

Psalms 110:3

3 In the daye of thy power shall thy people offre the frewyll offrynges wt an holy worshippe, the dewe of thy byrth is of the wombe of the mornyng.

Luke 21:1-4

1 As he behelde, he sawe the ryche men, whych cast in their offeringes into the treasury. 2 He sawe also a certyane poore wyddowe, whych cast in thyther two mytes. 3 And he sayde: of a trueth I saye vnto you, that thys poore wyddow hath put in moare then they all. 4 For they all haue of theyr superfluyte added vnto the offerynges of God: but she, of her penury hath cast in all the substaunce that she had.

2 Corinthians 8:3

3 For to theyr powers, I beare them recorde, yee, & beyonde theyr power, they were wyllynge of theyr awne accorde,

2 Corinthians 8:12

12 For yf there be fyrst a wyllynge mynde, it is accepted accordynge to that a man hath, and not accordynge to that he hath not.

2 Corinthians 9:7

7 And let euery man do, accordinge as he hath purposed in hys herte, not groudgyngly, or of necessyte. For God loueth a chearfull geuer.

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