Ezekiel 48:18 Cross References - Great

18 As for the residue of the length, that lyeth harde vpon the separated holy grounde: namely .x.M. towarde the east, and .x.M. towarde the the west, nexte vnto the holy porcion: it and the increase therof shall serue for their meat: that laboure in the citye.

Joshua 9:27

27 And Iosua made them that same daye hewers of wodd, & drawers of water for the congregacyon and for the aulter of God vnto thys daye, in the place which God shulde chose.

Ezra 2:43-58

43 The Nethinims, the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabaoth, 44 the children of Ceros, the children of Sicha, the children of Padon, 45 the chyldren of Lebanaa, the children of Hagabh, the chyldren of Akub, 46 the chyldren of Hagab, the chyldren of Samlai, the chyldren of Hanan, 47 the children of Giddel, the chyldren of Gahar, the chyldren of Reaia, 48 the chyldren of Razin, the chyldren of Necoda, the chyldren of Gasam, 49 the chyldren of Usa, the chyldren of Passeah: the chyldren of Bessai, 50 the chyldren of Asna, the chyldren of Mehunim, the chyldren of Nephussim, 51 the chyldren of Bacbuc, the chyldren of Hacuba, the chyldren of Harhur, 52 the chyldren of Bazluth, the children of Mehira, the chyldren of Harsa, 53 the chyldren of Barcom, the chyldren of Sisara, the chyldren of Thamah, 54 the chyldren of Neziah, the chyldren of Hatipha. 55 The chyldren of Salomons seruauntes, the chyldren of Sotai, the chyldren of Sophereth, the chyldren of Peruda, 56 the chyldren of Iaala, the children of Darcon, the chyldren of Giddel, 57 the chyldren of Sephatiah, the children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth Hazbaim, the chyldren of Ami. 58 All the Nethinims and the chyldren of Salomons seruauntes, were all together, thre hundred and two and nyntye.

Nehemiah 7:46-62

46 The Nethinims. The chyldren of Ziha, the chyldren of Hasupha, the chyldren of Tebahoth, 47 the chyldren of Ceros, the chyldren of Sia, the chyldren of Phadon, 48 the chyldren of Lebanah, the chyldren of Hagaba, the chyldren of Salmat, 49 the chyldren of Hanan, the chyldren of Gidel, the chyldren of Gaher, 50 the chyldren of Reaia, the chyldren of Rezin, the chyldren of Necoda, 51 the chyldren of Gasam, the chyldren of Usa the chyldren of Phaseah, 52 the children of Besai, the chyldren of Meunim, the chyldren of Nephussim, 53 the chyldren of Bachur, the chyldren of Hacupha, the chyldren of Harhur, 54 the chyldren of Bazlith, the chyldren of Mehida, the chyldren of Harsa, 55 the chyldren of Barcos, the chyldren of Sissera, the chyldren of Thamah, 56 the chyldren of Neziah, the chyldren of Hatipha. 57 The chyldren of Salomons seruauntes: the chyldren of Sotai, the chyldren of Sophereth, the chyldren of Pherida, 58 the chyldren of Iaala, the chyldren of Darcon, the chyldren of Giddel, 59 the chyldren of Saphatiah, the chyldren of Hatil, the chyldren of Pochereth of Zabaini, the chyldren of Amon. 60 All these Nethinims and the children of Salomons seruauntes, were thre hundred & nynetie and two. 61 And these wente vp also of Thel Mela, Thel Harsa, Cherub, Adon and Immer: but they coulde not shewe theyr fathers house nor theyr sede, and that they were of Israel. 62 The chyldren of Dalaiah, the chyldren of Tobia and the chyldren of Necoda, syxe hundred and two and fortye.

Ezekiel 45:6

6 ye shall geue also vnto the citye a possession of .v.M. meteroddes brode, and .xxv.M. longe, beside the parte of the sanctuary: that shalbe for the whole house of Israel.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.