3 The prince hym selfe shall come thorowe it, that he maye eate bread before the Lorde. At the porche shall he come in, and there shall he go out againe.
Ezekiel 44:3 Cross References - Great
Genesis 31:54
54 Then Iacob dyd sacrifyce vpon the mounte, & called his brethren to eate breed. And they dyd eate breed & taryed all nyght in the hyll.
Exodus 24:9-11
9 Then went Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and the .lxx. elders of Israel vppe,
10 and sawe the God of Israel, and there was vnder hys fete, as it were a worke of a Saphir stone; and as it were the heauen when it is cleare,
11 and vpon the nobles of the chyldren of Israel he sett not his hand. And they sawe God and dyd eate and dryncke.
Deuteronomy 12:7
7 And there ye shall eate before the Lorde youre God, & ye shall reioyse in all that ye put youre hande vnto both ye and youre housholdes, wherin the Lord thy God hath blessed the.
Deuteronomy 12:17-18
17 Thou mayst not eate wythin thy gates the tithe of thy corne, of thy wyne and of thy oyle, and the fyrst gendred of thine oxen, and of thy shepe, nether any of thy vowes whych thou vowest, nor thy fre wil offringes or heueofferynge of thyne hande:
18 but thou must eate them before the Lorde thy God, in the place which the Lorde thy God hath chosen: thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy seruaunte and thy mayde, & the Leuite that is wythin thy gates: and thou shalt reioyse before the Lorde thy God, in all that thou puttest thyne hande to.
2 Chronicles 23:13
13 And she loked, and beholde, the kynge stode in his place at the enterynge in, & the Lordes and the trompettes were by the kynge, & all the people of the lande reioysed, blowinge wt trompettes, & dyd playe with instrumentes of musycke, & taught to synge & prayse. But Athaliahu rent her clothes, and sayed: treason, treason.
2 Chronicles 34:31
31 And the kyng stode at hys standyng, & made a couenaunt before the Lord, to folowe the Lorde, and to kepe his commaundementes, his wytnesses, and hys statutes, wyth all hys hert & wyth all his soule, & to fulfyll the wordes of the appoyntment wrytten in the sayde boke.
Isaiah 23:18
18 Their occupieng also and their rewarde shalbe holy vnto the lord. Their gaynes shall not be layde vp ner kepte in stoare, but it shalbe theyrs that dwell before the lorde, that they maye eate ynough, & haue clothyng sufficient.
Isaiah 62:9
9 But they that haue gathered in the corne, shall eate it, & geue thanckes to the Lord: & they that haue borne in the wyne, shall drinck it in the court of my Sanctuary.
Ezekiel 34:24
24 I the Lorde will be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shall be their prince: Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it.
Ezekiel 37:25
25 They shall dwell in the lande, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as your fathers also haue dwelt. Yee, euen in the same lande shal they, their chyldren, & their chylders chyldren dwell for euermore, & my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their euerlastinge prince.
Ezekiel 40:9
9 Then measured he the entrye of the dore, that conteyned eyght cubytes, & his pylers two cubytes: and this entrye stode inwarde.
Ezekiel 46:2
2 Then shall the prince come vnder the dore porche, and stande still wtout by the dore check. So the prestes shall offre vp his burnt and healthofferinges. And he shall worshyp at the doreposte, and go hys waye forth agayne: but the dore shall nomore be shut tyll the euenynge.
Ezekiel 46:8-10
8 When the prynce commeth, he shall go vnder the dore porche, and euen there departe forth agayne.
9 But when the people of the lande come before the Lord in the hye solempne feaste, as many as come in by the north dore to do worshyp, shall go out agayne at the south dore. And they that come in at the south dore, shall go forth agayne at the north dore. There shall none goo out at the dore, where he came in, but shall go ryght forth ouer on the other syde,
10 and the prynce shall go in and out amonge them.
Zechariah 6:12-13
12 & speake vnto hym. Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes. Behold, the man whose name is the braunche: & he that shall sprynge vp after him, shall buylde vp the temple of the Lorde,
13 yee, euen he shal buylde vp the temple of the Lorde. He shall beare the prayse, he shal syt vpon the Lordes trone, & haue the dominacyon. A preste shal he be also vpon his trone, & a peaceable councel shalbe betwixte them both.
1 Corinthians 10:18-33
18 Behold Israel after the flessh. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyce, partakers of the temple?
19 What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thynge? or that it whych is offered to ymages, is eny thynge?
20 Nay, but thys I saye: that the thynges whych the gentyls offer, they offer to deuyls, and not to God. I wolde not that ye shulde haue felloshyppe wyth the deuyls.
21 Ye can not dryncke of the cup of the Lorde, and of the cup of deuyls. Ye cannot be the partakers of the Lordes table, and of the table of deuelles.
22 Ether do we prouoke the Lord? Are we stronger then he? I maye do all thynges, but all thynges are not expedient.
23 I maye do all thynges, but all thynges edifye not.
24 Let no man seke that whych is hys awne: but let euery man seke that whych belongeth to another:
25 Whatsoeuer is solde in the flesshe market, that eate, and aske no questyon for conscyence sake.
26 For the erth is the Lordes, and all that therin is.
27 If eny of them whych beleue not, byd you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go, whatsoeuer is sett before you, eate, askynge no questyon for conscience sake.
28 But and yf eny man saye vnto you: thys is offred vnto ymages, eate not of it for hys sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake. The erth is the Lordes and all that therin is.
29 Conscience I saye, not thyne, but of the other. For why is my liberte, iudged of another mannes conscience?
30 For yf I take my parte with thankes, why am I euyll spoken of, for that thynge wherfore I geue thankes?
31 Whether therfore ye eate or dryncke, or whatsoeuer ye do, do all to the prayse of God.
32 Se that ye geue none occasyon of euyll, nether to the Iewes, nor yet to the gentyls, nether to the congregacyon of God:
33 euen as I please all men in all thynges, not sekynge myne awne profet, but the profet of many, that they myght be saued.
Revelation 3:20
20 Beholde, I stande at the dore, & knocke. If eny man heare my voyce, and open the dore, I wyll come in to hym, and wyll suppe with hym, and he with me.