2 O thou sonne of man (set now thy face agaynst Pharao the kynge of Egypte) Prophecye agaynst him, and agaynst the whole lande of Egypt.
Ezekiel 29:2 Cross References - Great
Isaiah 18:1-19:17
1 O that lande that trusteth vnder the shadowe of wynges, that lande which is beyonde the waters of Ethiopia:
2 Sending messaungers by the see, euen in vessels of redes ouer the water. Get you hence (ye spedye messaungers) to a nacion that is scatred a brode & robbed of that they had: a fearfull people from their begynning hytherto: a nacion troden downe by lytle and lytle, whose lande the floudes haue spoyled.
3 All ye inhabiters of the worlde and indwellers of the earth, loke vp whan he setteth a token in the mountaynes, and harken whan he bloweth wyth the trompe.
4 For so the Lorde sayde vnto me, as for me, I will take my rest, & loke vpon the matter in my habitacion, lyke a fayre heate after the rayne, & lyke a cloude of dew in the heat of haruest.
5 For afore the haruest, whan the braunche is growne, there shal come ripe frute out of the floure, & he shall cut downe the increace wyth sythes, & the braunches shall he take awaye with hokes.
6 Thus shal they be left together vnto the foules of the mountaynes, and to the beastes of the erth: for in sommer the byrdes shall remayne vpon it, and euery beest of the lande shalbe vpon it in the wynter.
7 In that tyme shal there a present be brought vnto the Lorde of hoostes: euen a people that is scatred abrode, and robbed of that they had, that same people which hath bene fearfull from theyr begynnyng hyther to: a nacyon troden downe by lytle and lytle whose lande the floudes haue spoyled: To the place of the name of the Lord of hoostes, euen to the mount Syon.
Isaiah 19:1-17
1 The heuye burthen of Egypte: Beholde, the Lorde rydeth vpon a swyfte clowde, and shall come into Egypte, & the ydols of Egypte shall tremble at the presence of hym, & the hert of Egypte shall quake in the myddes of her.
2 And I wyll set the Egypcians one agaynst another, so that one brother shall fyght agaynst another, & one neyghboure agaynst another, citye agaynst citye, & realme agaynst realme.
3 The mynde also of Egipte shalbe cleane without councell within it selfe, & the deuyce that they take, wyll I destroye, so that they shall seke councell at ydols & at sorcerers, at workers with spretes & at sothsayers.
4 And the Egypcians will I geue ouer into the hande of a maruelous cruell Lorde, & a myghtie kynge shall haue dominion ouer them, sayeth the Lord God of hostes.
5 The waters of the see shal fayle, & the ryuer shall decreace and be dryed vp.
6 The waters shalbe drawen out: the ryuers of Egypte shalbe emptyed & dryed vp, the redes and flagges shalbe cut downe.
7 The grasse in the ryuer & by the ryuers banck, & all that groweth by the ryuer shal wither awaye, and be brought to naught.
8 The fysshers also shal mourne and all they that cast angle into the water, shal make lamentacion, and they that laye forth theyr nett besyde the waters, shalbe roted out.
9 Morouer, they that worke in flaxe, and make fyne workes, shall be confounded, and so shall they that weaue open workes.
10 For theyr open workes shalbe euen destroyed, and all they that make pondes and stewes for fish shall come to naught.
11 But ye foolish prynces of Zoan, ye wyse councelours of Pharao, whose wit is turned to foolyshnes, how saye ye vnto Pharao: I am come of wyse men & of auncient kynges?
12 Wher ar they? where are (I saye) thy wyse men? Let them tell the (yf they can) what the lord of hoostes hath deuysed vpon Egypte.
13 The prynces of zoan are become fooles, the prynces of Noph are disceaued, they haue disceaued Egypte, euen they that were taken for the chefe kynred therof.
14 In the myddes of it hath the lord powred the sprete of wyckednes, and they haue disceaued Egypt in euery worke therof, euen as a droncken man stackereth in his vomyte.
15 Nether shall the heade or tayle, the braunch or rede be able to do anye worke in Egipte.
16 In that daye shall Egypte be lyke vnto women: It shalbe afrayed and stonde in feare at the mocyon of the hand of the Lorde of hostes, which he shaketh ouer it.
17 And Egipt shalbe afrayed of the land of Iuda: so that euery one which maketh mencyon of it, shalbe afrayed therat, because of the councell of the Lord of hoostes which he deuyseth for it.
Isaiah 20:1-6
1 In the yeare that Tharthan came vnto Asdod (whan Sargon the kyng of Assyria had sent him) and had foughte agaynst Asdod and taken it.
2 At the same tyme spake the Lorde by the hande of Esay the sonne of Amos, sayeng: Go and take of the sacke clothe from thy loynes, & put of thy shooe from thy foote. And he dyd so, walkynge naked and bare foote.
3 And the Lord sayde: lyke as my seruaunt Esay hath walked naked, and bare fote for a signe and wonder thre yeares vpon Egypte, and Ethiopia:
4 Euen so shall the kynge of Assyria take awaye out of Egypte and out of Ethiopia, chyldren and olde men, naked and bare fote wyth their loynes vncouered, to the greate shame of Egypte.
5 They shalbe brought in feare also, & asshamed one of another: Ethiopia of Egypte, and Egypte of Ethiopia, considerynge what glory they were in a fore.
6 And they that dwell in the same yle, shal saye in that daye: Beholde, thus are we regarded. Whither shall we flye for helpe, that we maye be delyuered from the kyng of Assyria? And howe shall we escape?
Jeremiah 9:25-26
25 Beholde, the tyme commeth (sayeth the Lorde) that I wyll vyset all them, whose fore skynne is vncircumcysed.
26 The Egyptians, the Iewes, the Edomytes, the Ammonytes, the Moabites. and the shauen Madianytes, that dwell in the wyldernes. For all the Gentiles are vncircumcysed in the flesh, but all the house of Israell are vncircumcysed in the herte.
Jeremiah 25:18-19
18 But fyrst the cytie of Ierusalem, & all the cyties of Iuda, their kynges and prynces, to make them desolate, wast, despysed, and hyssed at, and cursed, accordynge as it is come to passe this daye.
19 Yee, and Pharao the kinge of Egypte, his seruauntes, his princes and his people all together one wyth anoth
Jeremiah 43:8-13
8 And in Taphnis the worde of the Lorde happened vnto Ieremy, saying:
9 Take great stones in thyne hande, and hyde them in the bryck wall, vnder the dore of Pharaos house in Taphnis, that all the men of Iuda maye se,
10 and saye vnto them: Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel. Beholde, I wyll sende and call for Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and wyll sett his seate vpon these stones that I haue hyd, and he shall sprede his tente ouer them.
11 And when he commeth, he shall smyte the lande of Egypte, some with slaughter, some with presonment, and some with the swearde.
12 He shall set fyre vpon the temples of the Egypcians goddes, and burne them vp, & take them selues presoners. Moreouer, he shall araye him selfe with the lande of Egypte, lyke as a shepherde putteth on hys cote, and shall departe his waye from thence in peace.
13 The pylers also of the temple of the Sunne that is in Egypte: shall he breake in peces, and burne the tempels of the Egypcians goddes.
Jeremiah 44:30
30 Beholde, sayth the Lorde, I wyll delyuer Pharao Hophrea kynge of Egipte into the handes of his enemyes that seke after his lyfe: euen as I gaue Zedekias the king of Iuda, into the handes of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon hys enemye which sought after his lyfe.
Jeremiah 46:2-16
2 These wordes folowing preached he to the Egipcyans concerninge the hoost of Pharao Necho kynge of Egypte: when he was in Charcamis, besyde the water of Euphrates: what tyme as Nabuchodonosor the king of Babilon slewe him, in the fourth yeare of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosias king of Iuda.
3 Make ready buckler and shylde, and go forth to fyght:
4 harnes your horses, and sett your selues vpon them: set your salettes fast on, bring forth speares, scoure youre sweardes, and put on your breste plates.
5 But alas, howe happeneth it, that I se you so afrayde? why shryncke ye backe? Theyr worthyes are slayne. Yee, they runne so fast awaye, that none of them looketh behynde him. Fearfulnes is fallen vpon euerychone of them, sayth the Lorde.
6 The lightest of fote shall not fle awaye, and the worthies shal not escape. Towarde the north by the water of Euphrates, they dyd stomble and fall.
7 But what is he this, that swelleth vp, as it were a floude, roaringe and ragynge lyke the streames of water?
8 It is Egipte that ryseth vp lyke the floude, and casteth out the waters with so greate noyse. And he sayde: I will go, and wyll couer the earth, I will destroye the citye with them that are therin.
9 Gett you vp ye horses, rolle forth ye charettes, come forth worthies: ye Morians, ye Libeans with youre bucklers, ye Lideans with your bowes.
10 This daye of the Lorde God of hostes, is a daye of vengeaunce, that he maye auenge hym of hys enemyes. The swearde shall deuoure, it shalbe satisfyed, and bathed in theyr bloude. For the Lorde God of hostes shall haue a slayne offering towarde the north, by the water of Euphrates.
11 Go vp, O Gilead, and brynge triacle vnto the daughter of Egypt. But in vayne shalt thou go to surgery: for thy wounde shall not be stopped.
12 The Heythen haue hearde of thy shame, and the lande is full of thy confusion: for one stronge man dyd stomble vpon another, and they are fallen both together.
13 These are the wordes that the Lorde spake to the prophete Ieremy concerning the comming of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, which was sent to destroye the lande of Egipt.
14 Preach out thorowe the lande of Egipt: & cause it to be proclamed at Migdol, Noph and Taphnis, and saye: Stande styll, make the ready, for the swearde shall consume the rounde aboute.
15 Howe happeneth, it that thy mightye worthies are fallen? why stode they not fast? Euen because the Lord thrust them downe.
16 The slaughter was greate, for one fell euer still vpon another. One cryed vpon another. Up, let vs go agayne to oure awne people, and to oure awne naturall contrey from the cruell swearde.
Ezekiel 6:2
2 Thou sonne of man, turne thy face to the mountaynes of Israel, that thou mayest prophecie vnto them,
Ezekiel 20:46
46 Thou sonne of man, set thy face towarde the south, & speake to the south wynde,
Ezekiel 21:2
2 Thou sonne of man, set thy face towarde Ierusalem, speake agaynst the Sanctuary, and prophecye agaynst the lande of Israel, saye to the lande of Israel.
Ezekiel 25:2
2 Thou sonne of man, set thy face agaynst the Ammonytes, prophecye vpon them,
Ezekiel 28:21-22
Ezekiel 30:1-32:32
1 The worde of the Lorde came more ouer vnto me, sayeng:
2 thou sonne of man, prophecye and speake: thus sayeth the Lorde God: Mourne, wo worth this daye,
3 for the daye is here, the daye of the Lord is come: the darke daye of the Heathen, the houre is at hande,
4 the swearde commeth vpon Egypte. When the wounded men fall downe in Egypte, when her people are taken awaye, and when her foundacyons are destroyed,
5 the Moryans lande shall be afrayed, yee, the Moryans lande, Libia and Lidia, all theyr comen people, and Chub, and all that be confederat vnto them, shall fall with them thorow the swearde.
6 Thus sayeth the Lorde: The maynteyners of the lande of Egypte shall fall, the pryde of her power shall come downe euen vnto the tower of Syenes shall they be slayne downe with the swearde, sayeth the Lorde God:
7 amonge other desolate countrees they shalbe made desolate, & amonge other waste cyties they shalbe wasted.
8 And they shall knowe, that I am the Lorde, when I kyndle a fyre in Egypte, and when all her helpers are destroied.
9 At that tyme, shall theyr messaungers go forth from me in shyppes, to make the carelesse Morians afrayed, and sorow shall come vpon them acordinge to the daye of Egypte, for doubtles it shall come.
10 Thus sayeth the Lord God: I wil make an ende of the people of Egypt thorow the hand of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babylon.
11 He and his people with him: yee, and the cruell tyrauntes of the Heathen shalbe brought to destroye the lande. They shall drawe out theyr sweardes vpon Egypte, & fyll the lande full of slayne men.
12 I will drye vp theyr floudes of water, and sell the lande into the handes of wicked people. The lande & all that is therin, will I destroye thorow the enemyes. Euen I the Lord haue sayde it.
13 And thus sayeth the Lord God: I will destroye the Idols, and bringe the ymages of Noph to an ende. There shall nomore be a prince of Egypte, & a fearfulnes will I sende into the Egypcians land.
14 As for Pathures, I wyll make it desolate, & kyndle a fyre in Zoan the cyty. No, I punysh,
15 and poure my wrathfull indignacyon vpon Sin, which is the strength of Egypt. All the substaunce of Alexandria will I destroye,
16 and kyndle a fyre in Egypte. Sin shalbe in greate heuynesse, Alexandria shalbe roted out, and Noph shall haue daylye sorow.
17 The best men of Helyopolys and Bubasto shalbe slayne with the swearde, and caryed awaye captyue.
18 At Caphnis the daye shalbe darcke, when I breake there the scepter of the lande of Egypt, & when the pompe of her power shall haue an ende, A cloud shall couer her, and her daughters shalbe led awaye into captiuite.
19 Thus will I punysh Egypt, that they maye knowe how that I am the Lorde.
20 It happened in the eleuenth yeare, vpon the seuenth daye of the fyrst moneth, that the Lordes worde came vnto me, sayenge:
21 Beholde, thou sonne of man, I will breake the arme of Pharao kyng of Egypte: and lo it shall not be bounde vp to be healed, nother shall eny playstre be laied vpon it, for to ease it, or to make it so stronge, as to holde a swearde.
22 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will vpon Pharao the king of Egypte, and bruse his stronge arme (yet is it but a broken one) & will smyte the swearde out of his handes.
23 As for the Egypcians. I will scatre them among the Heathen, and strowe them in the landes aboute.
24 Agayne I will strength the arme of the kyng of Babylon, & geue him a sweard in his hand: but I will breake Pharaos arme so that he shall holde it before him pyteously, lyke a wounded man.
25 Yee, I wyll stablysh the kynge of Babilons arme, & the armes of Pharao shall fall downe: that it maye be knowne, that I am the Lord, which geue the kynge of Babylon my swearde in his hand, that he maye drawe it out vpon the lande of Egypte,
26 & that when I scatre the Egypcians amonge the Gentils and strowe them in the landes aboute, they maye knowe, that I am the Lorde.
Ezekiel 31:1-32:32
1 Moreouer, it happened in the eleuenth yeare, the fyrst daye of the thyrd moneth, that the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, sayeng:
2 thou sonne of man, speake vnto Pharao the kynge of Egypte, and to al hys people. Whom art thou lyke in thy greatnesse?
3 Beholde, Assur was lyke a Cedre tre vpon the mount of Lybanus with fayre braunches: so thycke, that he gaue shadowes and shot out very hye. Hys toppe reached vnto the cloudes.
4 The waters made hym great, and the depe set him vp an hye. Rounde aboute the rotes of hym ranne there floudes of water, he sent out his lytle ryuers vnto all the trees of the felde.
5 Therfore was he hyer then all the trees of the felde, and thorow the multytude of waters that he sent from him, he optayned many longe braunches.
6 All foules of the ayre made theyr nestes in his braunches, vnder his bowes gendred all the beastes of the felde, and vnder his shadow dwelt all people.
7 Fayre & bewtifull was he in his gretnes & in the length of hys braunches, for hys rote stode besyde great waters,
8 no Cedre tre myght hyde hym. In the pleasaunt garden of God, there was no fyrre tre lyke hys braunches, the playne trees were not lyke the bowes of hym. All the trees in the garden of God myght not be compared vnto him in his bewty,
9 so fayre and goodly had I made hym wt the multytude of hys braunches. In so moch that all the trees in the pleasaunt garden of God had enuye at hym.
10 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: for so moch as he hath lyft vp him selfe so hye, and stretched hys toppe into the cloudes, and seinge his hert is proude in his hyghnesse.
11 I wyll delyuer hym into the handes of the myghtyest among the Heathen, which shall rote him out. Accordynge to his wyckednesse wyll I cast him awaye,
12 the enemye shall destroye hym, and the myghty men of the Heathen shall so scatre him that his braunches shall lye vpon all mountaynes and in all valleyes: his bowes shalbe broken downe to the grounde thorow out the lande. Then all the people of the lande shall go from his shadowe, and forsake him.
13 When he is fallen, all the foules of the ayre shall syt vpon hym, and all wylde beastes of the felde shall go aboute amonge his braunches:
14 so that from hence forth, no tre in the water shall attayne to his highnesse, nor reach his toppe vnto the cloudes, nether shall eny tre of the water stande so hye, as he hath done. For vnto death shall they all be delyuered vnder the earth, and go downe to the graue lyke other men.
15 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lord God: In the daye when he goeth downe to the graue I will cause a lamentacyon to be made, I will couer the depe vpon him, I will staunch his floudes, and the great waters shalbe restrayned. I shall cause Lybanus to be sorowfull for his sake, and all the trees of the felde shall be smytten.
16 I will make the Heathen shake at the sounde of his fall, when I cast him downe to hell with them that descende into the pytte. All the trees of Eden, with all the chosen and best trees of Lybanus, yee, and all they that are planted vpon the waters, shall mourne with hym also in the lower habitacyons:
17 for they shal go downe to hell with him, vnto them that be slayne with the swearde, which dwelt a fore vnder the shadowe of his arme among the Heathen.
18 To whom shalt thou be lykened, that art so gloryous and greate, among the trees of Eden? Yet art thou cast downe vnder the earth (amonge the trees of Eden) where thou must lye amonge vncircumcysed, wt them that be slayne wt the swearde. Euen thus is it wt Pharao & all his people, sayeth the Lorde God.
Ezekiel 32:1-32
1 In the eleuenth yeare, the fyrst daye of the twelueth moneth, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayenge:
2 thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentacyon vpon Pharao the king of Egypt, & saye vnto him: thou art reputed as a lyon of the Heathen, & as a whalfysh in the see: Thou castest thy waters about the, thou troublest the waters with thy fete and stampest in theyr floudes.
3 Thus sayeth the Lord God: I wyll sprede my net ouer the, namely, a greate multytude of people: these shall dryue the into my yarne,
4 for I wyll cast the vpon the lande, and let the lye vpon the felde, that all the foules of the ayre maye sytt vpon the. I will geue all the beastes of the felde ynough of the.
5 Thy flesh will I cast vpon the hylles, and fyll the valleyes with thy hyghnesse.
6 I wyll water the lande with the aboundaunce of thy bloude euen to the mountaynes, and the ryuers shal be full of thy bloude.
7 When thou art put out, I will couer the heauen, and make his starres dymme. I will sprede a cloude ouer the Sunne, and the Mone shal not geue her light.
8 All the lightes of heauen will I put out ouer the, & bring darckenes vpon thy lande, sayeth the Lord God.
9 I will trouble the hertes of many people, when I bryng thy destruccion among the Heathen & countrees, whom thou knowest not.
10 Yee, I will make many people wt theyr kinges so afrayed thorow the, that theyr heare shall stande vp, when I shake my sweard at theyr faces. Sodenly shall they be astonyed, euery man in hym selfe, at the daye of thy fall.
11 For thus sayeth the Lord God, the king of Babylons swearde shal come vpon the,
12 with the sweardes of the worthyes wyll I smyte downe thy people. All they that be myghtye amonge the Gentyles shal waste the proude pompe of Egypte, & bryng downe all her people.
13 All the catell also of Egipte will I destroye, that they shall come nomore vpon the waters: so that nether mans fote ner beastes clawe, shall stere them eny more.
14 Then will I make their waters depe, & cause their floudes to runne lyke oyle, sayeth the Lord God.
15 When I make the lande of Egypte desolate, and when the countre with all that is therin, shalbe layde waste, & when I smyte all them which dwell in it, that they may knowe, that I am the Lord.
16 This is the mournyng, that the daughters of the Heathen shal make: Yee, a sorow & lamentacion shal they take vp, vpon Egypte, and all her people, sayeth the Lord God.
17 In the .xii. yeare, the .xv. daye of the moneth, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, sayinge:
18 Thou sonne of man. Take vp a lamentacion vpon the people of Egypte, & cast them downe, yee, them I saye, & the myghtye people of the heathen also, euen with them that dwell beneth: and with them that go downe into the graue.
19 Downe (how fayre so euer thou be) & laye the with the vncircumcised.
20 Amonge those that be slayne with the swearde, shall they lye. To the swerde is she all redy delyuered: therfore pluck downe to the grounde, her & all her multitude.
21 The myghtie worthies shal speake to him out of the hell & to his helpers, that be gone downe & lye vncircumcised and wt them that be slayne with the swearde.
22 Assur is there also wyth hys company, & their graues rounde aboute, which were slayne and fell all with the swearde,
23 whose graues lye besyde him in the lowe pytte. Hys comens are buried rounde aboute hys graue, all together wounded and slayne with the swearde, which men afore tyme brought feare into the lande of the lyuynge.
24 There is Elam also wyth all hys people, and their graues rounde aboute: which all beynge wounded & slayne with the swearde, are gone downe vncircumcysed vnder the earth, which neuertheles somtime brought feare into the lande of the lyuynge: for the which they beare their shame, with the other that be gone downe to the graue.
25 Their burial is geuen them and all their people, amonge them that be slayne. Their graues are rounde aboute al them, whych be vncircumcised, & with them that be slayne thorow the swearde: for seyng that in times past they made the lande of the lyuynge afrayed they must now beare their awne shame, wt them that go downe to the pytte, and lye amonge them that be slayne.
26 There is Mesech also and Tubal, and their people, & their graues rounde aboute. These all are among the vncircumcised, and them that be slayne wyth the swearde, because afore tyme they made the lande of the lyuynge afrayed.
27 Shulde not they then lye also amonge the worthyes, & vncircumcised Gyauntes? which with their weapens are gone downe to hell whose sweardes are layed vnder their heades, whose wyckednesse is vpon their bones: because that as worthyes, they haue brought feare into the lande of the lyuing
28 Yee, amonge the vncircumcised shalt thou be destroyed, & slepe wyth them, that perished thorowe the swearde.
29 There is the lande of Edom wyth her kynges and princes also, which with theyr strength are layed by them that were slayne with the swearde, yee, amonge the vncircumcised, and them which are gone downe into the pytte.
30 Moreouer, there be all the prynces of the north, with all the Sidonyans which are gone downe to the slayne. With their feare and strength they are come to confusion, and lye there vncircumcised, among those that be slayne with the swearde: and beare their awne shame, with them that be gone downe to the pytte.
31 Now whan Pharao seyth this, he shalbe conforted ouer all hys people, that is slayne with the swearde: both Pharao and all his hoost, sayeth the Lord God.
32 For I haue geuen my feare in the lande of the lyuinge. But Pharao and all his people shall lye among the vncircumcised, and amonge them that be slayne with the swearde sayeth the Lorde God.
Joel 3:19
19 but Egypte shalbe layed waste, and Edom shalbe desolate: because they haue dealte so cruelly with the chyldren of Iuda, and shed innocent bloude in theyr lande.
Zechariah 14:18-19
18 Yf the kynred of Egypte go not vp, & come not, it shall not rayne vpon them nether. This shalbe the plage wher wt the Lorde wil smyte all the Heathen, that come not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles:
19 yee, this shalbe the synne plage of Egipt & the sinne plage of al people that go not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles.