Ezekiel 27:12 Cross References - Great

12 Tharsis occupyed with the in all maner of wares, in syluer, yron, tynne and lead, and made thy marckett greate.

Genesis 10:4

4 The chyldren of Iauan: Elisa and Tharsis, Kitthim, and Dodanim.

1 Kings 10:22

22 For the kinges nauye of shyppes went on the see vnto Tharsis wt the nauie of Hyrams shippes: euen once in the yere went the nauye to Tharsis, & brought golde and syluer Elephantes teth, apes and pecokes.

1 Kings 22:48

48 And Iehosaphat made ten shippes in the se, to come thorowe Tharsis to Ophir for golde, but they went not: for the shyppes brake at ozion Gaber.

2 Chronicles 20:36-37

36 He coupled hym selfe with hym, to make shippes to go to tharsis, And they made the shyppes in Ezion Gaber. 37 And Elieser the sonne of Dodanah of Maresa prophesyed agaynst Iehosaphat, sayinge: because thou hast ioyned thy selfe with Ahaziahu, the Lorde hath broken thy workes. And the shippes were broken, that they were not able to go to Tharsis.

Psalms 72:10

10 The kynges of Tharsis and of the Iles shall geue presentes, the kynges of Araby and Saba shall bring gyftes.

Isaiah 2:16

16 vpon all shyppes of Tharsis, and vpon euery thyng that is glorious and pleasaunt to loke vpon.

Isaiah 23:6

6 Get you to Tharsis, mourne ye that dwell in the Ile.

Isaiah 23:10

10 Get the out of thy lande vnto the daughter of Tharsis, seyng thou hast nomore strength.

Isaiah 23:14

14 Mourne ye shippes of tharsis for your strength is brought downe.

Isaiah 60:9

9 The Iles also shall wayte for me, & specially the shyppes of Tharsis: that they maye brynge thy sonnes from farre, & theyr syluer & their golde with them, vnto the name of the Lorde thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorifyed the.

Jeremiah 10:9

9 namely, wod, syluer, which is brought out of Tharsis, & beaten to plates: and golde from Ophir, a worcke that is made with the hande of the craftesman & the caster, clothed wt yelow sylck & scarlet: euen so is the worcke of theyr wyse men all together.

Ezekiel 27:16

16 The Sirians occupied with the, because of thy diuerse worckes, and increased thy marchaundies, with Smaragdes, with scarlet, with nedle worcke, with whyte lynen cloth, with sylcke, and with crystall.

Ezekiel 27:18

18 Damascus also vsed marchaundyes wt the, in the best wyne of Helbon & wt woll: because thy occupieng was so greate, and thy wares so many,

Ezekiel 38:13

13 Then shall Saba, and Dedan, and the marchauntes of Tharsis with all their worthies saye vnto the: Art thou come to robbe? Hast thou gathered thy people together, because thou wilt spoyle? to take syluer and golde: to cary awaye catell and good, and to haue a greate praye?

Jonah 1:3

3 And Ionas made him ready to fle vnto Tharsis from the presence of the Lorde, and gat hym downe to Ioppa: where he founde a shyp ready for to go vnto Tharsis. So he payde hys fare, and wente aborde, that he myght go with them vnto Tharsis, from the presence of the Lorde.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.