57 & before thy wickednesse came to lyght: thou woldest not heare speake of thy syster Sodoma, vntyll the tyme that the Syrians with all their townes, & the Philistines with all that lye rounde aboute them, brought the to shame & confusyon:
Ezekiel 16:57 Cross References - Great
Genesis 10:22-23
Numbers 23:7
7 And he toke vp hys parable and sayde Balac the kynge of Moab hath fett me from Mesopotamia out of the mountaynes of the east (sayinge:) come, curse Iacob for my sake: come, & defye Israel.
2 Kings 16:5-7
5 Then Rezin kynge of Siria and Pekah sonne of Remaliahu kynge of Israel came vp to Ierusalem to fyght. And they fought agaynst Ahaz, but could not ouercome hym.
6 At the same tyme Rezin kynge of Siria brought Elath agayne to Siria, and rydd the Iewes thence. And the Sirians came to Elath, and dwell therin vnto thys daye.
7 So Ahaz sent messengers to Thiglath Peleser kynge of Assiria, sayinge: I am thy seruaunt and thy sonne, come vp and deliuer me out of the hande of the kynge of Siria, & out of the hande of the king of Israel, which ryse vp agaynst me.
2 Chronicles 28:5-6
5 Wherfore the Lorde his God delyuered him into the hande of the kynge of the Siriens: which bet him, & caried awaye a great multitude of hys captiue, and brought them to Damascon. And he was delyuered into the hande of the kynge of Israel, which smote him with a greate slaughter.
6 For Pekah the sonne of Remaliahu slue in Iuda an hundred & twentye thousande in one daye, which were all fyghtinge men: and that because they had forsaken the Lorde God of theyr fathers.
2 Chronicles 28:18-23
18 And the Philistines inuaded the cities in the lowe countrey, and towarde the south of Iuda: & toke Bethsames, & Aialon, and Gederoth, and Socho with the townes longynge therto, and Thimna with the townes of the same: Gimso, and the townes therof, and dwelt there.
19 For the Lord brought Iuda lowe, because of Ahaz kynge of Iuda, which made Iuda naked, & transgressed sore against the Lorde.
20 And Thilgath pilneser kynge of the Assyrians came vpon him, and troubled him rather then strengthed hym.
21 For Ahaz toke awaye a porcion out of the house of the Lorde, and out of the kynges house, & out of the Lordes houses, & gaue vnto the kynge of the Assyrians: and yet it helped him not.
22 And in the very tyme of hys tribulacion dyd kyng Ahaz trespace yet moare agaynst the Lord.
23 For he offered vnto the Gods of them of Damasco, which bette hym, & he sayd: because the Gods of the kynges of Syria healpe them, therfore wyll I offer to them, that they maye helpe me also. But they were his destruccyon, and the destruccion of all Israel.
Psalms 50:21
21 These thynges hast thou done, & I helde my tonge: & thou thoughtest that I am euen soch a one as thy selfe: but I wyll reproue the, and set before the, the thinges that thou hast done.
Isaiah 7:1
1 It happened in the tyme of Ahaz the sonne of Iotham, which was the sonne of Uziah Kynge of Iuda: that Razin the Kynge of Syria, and Pechah the sonne of Romelyah, kynge of Israel: went vp toward Ierusalem to besege it, but Razin was not able to winne ye.
Isaiah 14:28
28 The same yeare that Kynge Ahaz dyed, god threatened on this maner:
Jeremiah 33:24
24 Consydrest thou not what this people speaketh? Two kynreddes (saye they) had the Lorde chosen, & those same two hath he cast awaye. For so they haue despised my people & they reputed them as though they were no people,
Lamentations 4:22
22 Thy synnes is well punyshed, (O thou daughter Syon) he shall not suffre the to be caryed awaye eny more. But thy wyckednes (O daughter Edom) shall he vyset, and for thy synnes sake, he shall lede the into captyuite.
Ezekiel 16:36-37
36 thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so moch as thou hast sett forth thy youthe to whordome, & discouered thy shame, thorowe thy whordome wt all thy louers, and with all the Idols of thy abhominacyons in the bloude of thy chyldren, whom thou hast geuen them?
37 Beholde therfore, I will gather together all thy louers, vnto whom thou hast made thy selfe comen: yee, and all them whom thou fauourest, & euery one that thou hatest: I wyll (I saye) gather them together rounde aboute the and will discouer thy shame before them, that they maye se all thy fylthynes.
Ezekiel 21:24
24 Therfore sayeth the Lorde God. For so moch as ye youre selues shewe your offence, and haue opened youre wickednesse, so that in all youre workes men maye se your synnes: therfore ar ye come to remembrance, and ye shalbe taken by violence.
Ezekiel 23:18-19
Hosea 2:10
10 And nowe will I discouer her foolyshnesse, euen in the syght of her louers, & no man shall delyuer her out of my handes.
Hosea 7:1
1 When I vndertake to make Israel whole, then the vngraciousnesse of Ephraim and the wyckednes of Samaria commeth to lyght: then go they aboute wt lyes: therfore the theafe robbeth within: & wtout the spoyler destroyeth.
1 Corinthians 4:5
5 Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntyll the Lorde come, whych wyll lyghten thinges that are hyd in darcknes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue prayse of God.