Ezekiel 12:3 Cross References - Great

3 Therfore (O thou sonne of man) make thy gere redy to flyt, and go forth by fayre daye lyght, that they maye se. Yee, euen in theyr syght shalt thou go from thy place to another place: yf paraduenture they wyll consydre, that they be an vnobedient housholde:

Deuteronomy 5:29

29 Oh that ther were such an hert in them that they wolde feare me, & kepe all my commaundementes alwaye, that it myghte go wel with them, and with theyr chyldren for euer.

Deuteronomy 32:29

29 O that they were wyse, and vnderstode thys, that they wolde consyder their later ende.

Psalms 81:13

13 So I gaue them vp vnto their awne hertes lust, and let them folowe their awne ymaginacyons.

Jeremiah 13:1-11

1 Thus sayth the Lord vnto me: go thy waye, & get me a lynnen breche, & gyrde it aboute thy loynes, & let it not be wet. 2 Then I got me a breche, accordynge to the commaundement of the Lorde, and put it aboute my loynes. 3 After this the seconde tyme, the Lorde spake vnto me agayne. 4 Take the breche that thou hast prepared & put about the, & get the vp, & go vnto Euphrates & hyde it in a hole of the rock. 5 So went I, & hydd it at Euphrates, as the Lord commaunded me. 6 And it happened longe after this, that the Lorde spake vnto me. Up, & get the to Euphrates, and fet the breche from thence, which I commaunded the to hyde there. 7 Then went I to Euphrates, & dygged vp, & toke the breche from the place where I had hyd it: & beholde, the breche was corrupt, so that it was profitable for nothynge. 8 Then sayde the Lorde vnto me. 9 Thus sayeth the Lorde. Euen so wyll I corrupte the pryde of Iuda, & the hye mynde of Ierusalem. 10 This people is a wicked people, they wyll not heare my worde, they folowe the wicked ymaginacyons of their awne herte, & hange vpon straunge Goddes, them they serue & worshyppe: & therfore they shalbe as this breche, that serueth for nothynge. 11 For as straytely as a breche lyeth vpon a mans loynes, so straytely dyd I bynde the whole house of Israel, and the whole house of Iuda vnto me, sayeth the Lorde: that they myght be my people: that they myght haue a glorious name: that they myght be in honour: but thei wold not obeye me.

Jeremiah 18:2-12

2 Aryse, and goo downe into the Potters house, and there shall I tell the more of my mynde. 3 Now when I cam to the Potters house, I founde hym makynge his worcke vpon a whele. 4 The vessell that the Potter made of claye, brake amonge his handes: So be beganne a new, and made another vessel accordynge to his mynde. 5 Then sayde the Lorde thus vnto me. 6 Maye not I do with you, as this Potter doth, O ye house of Israel, sayeth the Lorde? Beholde, ye house of Israel: ye are in my hande, euen as the claye in the Potters hande. 7 When I take in hande to rote out, to destroye, or to waste awaye eny people or kyngdom 8 yf that people (agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed) conuerte from theyr wyckednes: I repente of the plage, that I deuysed to brynge vpon them. 9 Agayne, when I take in hande, to buylde, or to plante a people or a kyngdom: 10 yf the same people do euell before me, and heare not my voyce: I repente of the good, that I deuise to do for them: 11 Speake now therfore vnto whole Iuda: and to them that dwell at Ierusalem. Thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde, I am deuisyng a plage for you, and am takynge a thing in hande agaynst you. Therfore let euery man turne from his euell waye, take vpon you the thynge that is good, and do right. 12 But they sayde. Nomore of this we wyll folowe oure awne ymaginacions, and do euery man accordynge to the wylfulnesse of his awne mynde.

Jeremiah 19:1-15

1 Thus sayde the Lorde: Go thy waye and bye the an earthen pytcher, and bryng forth the Senatours and chefe prestes 2 into the valley of the chyldren of Hennom, which lieth before the dore that is made of brycke, and shewe them there the wordes, that I shall tell the, 3 and saye thus vnto them. Heare the worde of the Lorde, ye kynges of Iuda, and ye cytesyns of Ierusalem. Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israell: Beholde I wyll bring soche a plage vpon this place, that the eares of all that heare it shal glowe. 4 And that because they haue forsaken me, and vnhalowed this place, & haue offred in it vnto straunge goddes: whome nether they, theyr fathers, ner the kynges of Iuda haue knowne. They haue fylled thys place also with the bloude of innocentes 5 for they haue sett vp an aulter vnto Baal, to burne their children for a burntoffering vnto Baal, which I nether commaunded, ner charged them, nether thought once there vpon. 6 Beholde therfore the tyme commeth (sayeth the Lorde) that this place shall nomore be called Topheth, ner the valley of the chyldren of Hennom, but the valley of slaughter: 7 For in this place will I slaye the Senatours of Iuda & Ierusalem, and kyll them downe with the swearde in the syght of theyr enemies, and of them that seke their lyues. And their deed carcases will I geue to be meate for the foules of the ayre, and beastes of the felde. 8 And I will make this citie so desolate and despysed: that who so goeth ther by, shall be abashed and ieast vpon her, because of all her plages. 9 I wyll fede them also with the flesh of their sonnes and their daughters. Yee, euery one shall eate vp another in the besegynge and straytnesse, wherwith their enemyes (that seke their lyues) shal kepe them in. 10 And the pitcher shalt thou breake in the sight of the men, that shalbe with the, & saye vnto the: 11 Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: Euen so wyll I destroye this people and cytie: as a man breaketh an earthen vessell, that cannot be made whole agayne. In Topheth shal they be buried, for they shall haue none other place. 12 Thus wyl I do vnto this place also, sayeth the Lord, and to them that dwel therin: yee, I wil do to this citie as vnto Topheth 13 (For the houses of Ierusalem and the houses of the kynges of Iuda shalbe defyled, lyke as Topheth) because of all the houses, in whose parlers they dyd sacryfyce vnto all the hooste of heauen and powred drinke offeringes vnto straunge goddes. 14 And so Ieremy cam from Topheth, where the Lorde had sent him to prophecie, and stode in the court of the house of the Lorde, and spake to all the people: 15 Thus saieth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I wyl brynge vpon this citie and vpon euery towne aboute it, all the plages that I haue deuised against them: for they haue bene obstinate, and wolde not obeye my warnynges.

Jeremiah 25:4-7

4 Though the Lorde hath sent hys seruauntes, all the prophetes vnto you in season. Yet wolde ye not obeye, ye wolde not enclyne youre eares to heare. 5 He sayde turne agayne euery man from his euell waye, and from your wicked ymaginacions, and so shall ye dwell for euer in the lande, that the Lorde promised you & youre forefathers. 6 And go not after straunge goddes, serue them not, worship them not, and angre me not wyth the worckes of your handes: then wyl not I punish you. 7 Neuertheles ye wolde not heare me (sayth the Lord:) but haue defied me with the worckes of your handes, to your awne greate harme.

Jeremiah 26:3

3 yf peraduenture they wyll herken, and turne euery man from hys wycked waye: that I maye also repente of the plage, which I haue determyned to brynge vpon them, because of theyr wicked inuencyons.

Jeremiah 27:2

2 Make the bondes and chaynes, and put them about thy necke,

Jeremiah 36:3

3 That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage, which I haue deuysed for them, they maye peraduenture turne, euery man from hys wycked waye, that I maye forgeue theyr offences and synnes.

Jeremiah 36:7

7 Peraduenture they wyll praye mekely before the face of the Lorde, & turne euery one from hys wycked waye. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the Lorde hath taken agaynst this people:

Ezekiel 4:1-17

1 Thou sonne of man: take a tyle stone, & laye it before the, and descrybe vpon it the cytie of Ierusalem, 2 howe it is beseged, howe bulwarkes and stronge dyches are grauen on euery syde of it: descrybe also tentes, and an hoost of men rounde aboute it. wyth engynes of warre. 3 Moreouer, take an yron panne, and set it betwixte the and the cyte, in steade of an yron wall. Then set thy face toward it, besege it, and laye ordinaunce agaynst it, to wynne it. Thys shalbe a token vnto the house of Israel. 4 But thou shalt slepe vpon thy left syde, and laye the synne of the house of Israel vpon the. Certayne dayes appoynted, thou shalt slepe vpon that syde, and beare their synnes. 5 Neuerthelesse, I will appoynte the a tyme (to put of theyr synnes) & the nombre of the dayes: Thre hundreth and .xc. dayes must thou beare the wyckednesse of the house of Israell. 6 When thou hast fulfylled these dayes lye downe agayne, and slepe vpon thy ryght syde .xl. dayes, and beare the synnes of the house of Iuda. A daye for a yeare, a daye (I saye) for a yeare, wyll I euer laye vpon the. 7 Therfore set nowe thy face agaynst that beseged Ierusalem, and discouer thyne arme, that thou mayest prophecye agaynst it. 8 Beholde, I wyll laye chaynes vpon the, that thou shalt not turne the from one syde to another, tyll thou hast ended the dayes of thy sege. 9 Wherfore, take vnto the wheate, barly beanes, growell sede, Milium and fytches: and put these together in a vessel, and make the loaues of bread therof, accordynge to the nombre of the dayes that thou must lye vpon thy syde: that thou mayest haue bread to eate, for thre hundreth and .xx. dayes. 10 And the meate that thou eatest, shall haue a certayne wayght appoynted: namely twentye sycles euery daye. Thys apoynted meate shalt thou eate daylye, from the begynnynge to the ende. 11 Thou shalt dryncke also a certayne measure of water: Namely, the syxt parte of an Hin shalt thou dryncke dayly from the begynnyng vnto the ende. 12 Barly cakes shalt thou eate, yet shalt thou fyrst tost them at a fyre made with mans donge, that they maye se it. 13 And with that sayde the Lorde: Euen thus shall the chyldren of Israel eate their defyled bread in the myddest of the Gentiles, amonge whom I wyll scatre them. 14 Then sayde I: Oh Lorde God. Beholde my soule was yet neuer stayned: for fro my youth vp vnto this houre, I dyd neuer eate of a deed carcase, or of that which was slayne of wylde beastes, nether came there euer eny vncleane fleshe in my mouth. 15 Wher vnto he answered me, and sayde: well than, I wyll graunte the to take cowes donge for the donge of a man, and to toste the bread wyth all before them. 16 And he sayde vnto me: Beholde thou sonne of man, I wyll mynishe all the prouision of bread in Ierusalem, so that they shall weye their bred: and eate it with scarcenesse. But as for water, they shall haue a very lytle measure therof, to drincke. 17 And when they haue nomore bread ner water, one shall be destroyed with another, and famysh awaye for theyr wyckednesse.

Ezekiel 12:10-12

10 Then tell them: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Thys punyshment toucheth the chefe rulers at Ierusalem, and all the house of Israel, that dwell amonge them: 11 Tell them: I am youre shewe token: lyke as I haue done, so shall it happen vnto you: Flyt shall ye also, and go into captiuitie. 12 The chefest that is amonge you, shall lade hys shulders in the darcke, & get hym awaye. He shall breake downe the wall, to carye stuffe therthorow: He shall couer his face, that he se not the grounde, with his eyes.

Ezekiel 33:11

11 Tell them: As truly as I lyue saieth the Lord God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wycked, but moch rather that the wycked turne from his waye, & lyue. Turne you, turne you from your vngodly wayes, O ye of the house of Israell. Oh wherfore wyll ye dye?

Luke 13:8-9

8 and he answered & sayd vnto him: Lorde, let it alone this yeare also, tyll I dygge rounde aboute it, and donge it, 9 to se whether it will beare frute: and yf it beare not then, after that shalt thou cut it doune.

Luke 13:34

34 O Ierusalem, Ierusalem, which killest Prophetes, and stonest them that are sent vnto the: how ofte wolde I haue gathered thy children together, as a byrde doth gather her yonge vnder her wynges, and ye wolde not?

Luke 20:13

13 Then sayd the Lord of the vineyarde: what shall I do? I wyll sende my deare sonne: peraduenture they will stande in awe of him, when they se hym.

2 Timothy 2:25

25 the euyll with meaknes, and can informe them that resyst yf that God at eny tyme wyll geue them repentaunce, for to knowe the trueth:

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