Exodus 8:8 Cross References - Great

8 Then Pharao called for Moses & Aaron and sayde praye ye vnto the Lorde, that he maye take awaye the frogges from me & from my people, and I wyll let the people goo, that they maye do sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.

Exodus 5:2

2 And Pharao sayde: who is the Lorde, that I shulde heare hys voyce, & let Israell goo?

Exodus 8:25-28

25 And Pharao called for Moses and Aaron, and sayde: Go, and do sacrifice vnto youre God in the lande. 26 And Moses answered: it is not mete that we so do. For then we must offer vnto the Lorde our God, that which is an abhomination vnto the Egipcians. But and yf we sacrifice that, which is an abhomination vnto the Egipcians before their eyes, shulde they not stone us? 27 we will go thre dayes iorneye into the deserte, and sacrifice vnto the Lord our God as he hath commaunded vs. 28 And Pharao sayd: I will let you go, that ye maye sacrifice vnto the Lorde youre God in the wildernesse: but go not farre awaye, praye for me.

Exodus 9:28

28 Praye ye vnto the Lorde: for it is moch that there shulde be thonders of God & hayle. I will let you go, and ye shall tary no longer.

Exodus 10:8-11

8 And Moses & Aaron were brought agayne vnto Pharao, and he sayde vnto them: Go, and serue the Lorde youre God. Who are they that shall go? 9 And Moses answered: we will go with oure yonge and with our olde: yee, and with our sonnes and with oure daughters, and with oure shepe, and wt oure oxen we must go. For we must holde a feaste vnto the Lorde. 10 And he sayde vnto them: let it be so. The Lorde be with you. When I let you go, and your children also take hede, for ye haue some mischefe in hande. 11 Naye, not so: but go they that are men, and serue the Lorde: for that was your desyre. And they thrust them out of Pharaos presence.

Exodus 10:17

17 And nowe forgeue me my sinne only this once: & pray vnto the Lorde your God, that he maye take awaye from me this deeth only.

Exodus 10:24-27

24 And Pharao called for Moses, & sayde: go, and serue the Lorde, only let youre shepe and youre oxen abyde, and let your children go with you. 25 And Moses sayde: thou must geue us also offeringes and burntofferinges for to sacrifyce vnto the Lorde our God: 26 our catell also shall go with vs, & there shall not one hoffe be left behinde: for therof must we take to serue the Lorde oure God. Neyther do we knowe what we shall offre vnto the Lorde, vntyll we come thyther. 27 But the Lorde hardened Pharaos herte: and he wolde not let them go.

Exodus 12:31-32

31 And he called vnto Moses and Aaron by nyght, saying: ryse vp, and get you oute from amonge my people: both ye and also the children of Israel, and go and serue the Lorde as ye haue sayde. 32 And take youre shepe and your droues with you as ye haue sayde, and departe and blesse me.

Exodus 14:5

5 And it was tolde the king of Egipt that the people fled. And the hert of Pharao and of his seruauntes turned agaynst the people and they sayde: why haue we this done that we haue let Israel go out of our seruice?

Numbers 21:7

7 Therfore the people came to Moses and sayde: we haue synned, for we haue spoken agaynst the Lorde & agaynst the, make intercessyon to the Lorde, that he take awaye the serpentes from vs. And Moses made intercessyon for the people.

1 Samuel 12:19

19 And all the people sayde vnto Samuel: praye for thy seruauntes vnto the Lord thy God, that we dye not: for we haue synned in askynge vs a kynge, besyde all the synnes that euer we dyd.

1 Kings 13:6

6 And the kynge answered, and sayde vnto the man of God. Oh praye vnto the Lorde thy God, and make intercessyon for me, that my hande maye be restored me agayne. And the man of God besought the Lorde, and the kynges hande was restored agayne, & became as it was afore.

Psalms 66:3

3 For all the worlde shall worship the, singe of the, & prayse thy name. Sela.

Psalms 78:34-36

34 When he slewe them, they sought hym, and turned them early and enquered after God. 35 And they remembred that God was their strength, and that the hye God was their redemer. 36 Neuerthelesse, they dyd but flatter hym wyth their mouth, and dyssembled with him in their tonge.

Jeremiah 34:8-16

8 These are the wordes that the Lord spake vnto Ieremy the prophete, when Zedekiah was agreed with all the people at Ierusalem, that there shulde be proclamed a libertie: 9 so that euery man shuld let his seruaunt & handmayde go fre, Hebrue and Hebruesse, and no Iewe to holde hys brother as a bonde man. 10 Nowe as they had consented, all the princes and all the people which had gathered vnto this agrement that euery man shulde set at lybertie his bonde seruaunte and bonde woman and no longer to holde them bonde euen so they were obedient, & let them go free. 11 But afterwarde they repented, and toke agayne the seruauntes and hande maydens, whom they had lett go free, and so made them bonde againe. 12 For the which cause the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ieremye from the Lorde hym selfe, sayinge: 13 Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel: I made a couenaunt with youre fathers, when I brought them out of Egypt, (that they shulde no more be bondmen) sayinge. 14 When seuen yeares are oute, euery man shall let hys bought seruaunte an Hebrue go fre, yf he haue serued hym syxe yeares. But youre fathers obeyed me not & herkened not vnto me. 15 As for you, ye were nowe turned, & did right before me, in that ye proclamed, eueryman to let his neighboure go free, and in that ye made a couenaunt before me, in the temple that beareth my name. 16 But yet ye haue turned youre selues agayne, and blasphemed my name. In this, that euery man hath requyred his seruaunt & handmayden agayne, whom ye had let go quyte and fre, & compelled them to serue you agayne, and to be youre bonde men, and bondwemen.

Acts 8:24

24 Then answered Simon & sayde: praye ye to the Lorde for me, that none of these thynges which ye haue spoken, fall on me.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.