19 & to knowe the excellent loue of the knowledge of Christ that ye myght be fulfylled with all fulnes, which commeth of God.
Ephesians 3:19 Cross References - Great
Psalms 17:15
15 They haue children at their desyre: & leaue the reste of theyr substaunce for theyr babes. But as for me, I wyll beholde thy presence in righteousnes: & when I awake vp after thy lykenes, I shalbe satisfyed with it.
Psalms 43:4
4 And that I maye go vnto the aulter of God, euen vnto the God of my ioye & gladnesse, & vpon the harpe wyll I geue thankes vnto the (O God) my God.
Matthew 5:6
6 Blessed are they which honger and thyrst after ryghteousnes: for they shalbe satisfyed.
John 1:16
16 And of hys fulnes haue all we receaued, euen grace for grace.
John 17:3
3 This is lyfe eternal, that they might knowe the, the onely true God, & Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
2 Corinthians 5:14
14 For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs, because we thus iudge, that yf one dyed for all, then were all deed,
Galatians 2:20
20 I am crucified wt Christ. Neuertheles I lyue: yet nowe not I, but Christ lyueth in me. The lyfe which I nowe lyue in the flesshe, I lyue by the fayth of the sonne of God which loued me, and gaue hym selfe for me.
Ephesians 1:23
23 which is his body and the fulnes of him, that fylleth all in all.
Ephesians 3:18
18 myght be able to comprehende with all saynctes, what is the bredth and length, deepth and heygth:
Ephesians 5:2
2 and walke ye in loue euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete sauer to God
Ephesians 5:25
25 Ye husbandes, loue youre wyues, euen as Chryst also loued the congregacyon, and gaue hym selfe for it,
Philippians 1:7
7 as it becommeth me, so iudge I of you all, because I haue you in my herte: for asmoche as ye all are companyons of grace with me, euen in my bondes, and in the defendynge and stablisshynge of the Gospell.
Philippians 2:5-12
5 Let the same mynde be in you, that was also in Christ Iesu:
6 which whan he was in the shape of God, thought it no robbery to be equall with God
7 Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacion, takynge on hym the shape of a seruaunte, and became lyke vnto men,
8 and was founde in his apparell as a man. He humbled him selfe, and became obedient vnto the deeth, euen the deeth of the crosse.
9 Wherfore, God also hath exalted him on hye, and geuen him a name which is aboue all names:
10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth,
11 and that all tonges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the Lorde, vnto the prayse of God the father.
12 Wherfore (my dearly beloued) as ye haue alwayes obeyed, not when I was present onely, but nowe moche more in myne absence, euen so worcke out youre awne saluacion with feare and tremblyng.
Philippians 4:7
7 And the peace of God (which passeth all vnderstandynge) kepe youre hertes and myndes thorowe Christ Iesu.
Colossians 1:10
10 that ye myght walke worthy of the Lorde that in all thinges ye maye please beynge frutefull in all good workes, and encreasynge in the knowledge of God,
Colossians 2:9-10
2 Peter 3:18
18 but growe in grace, & in the knowledge of oure Lorde and sauyoure Iesus Christ. To whom be glory both now and for euer. Amen.
1 John 4:9-14
9 In this appeared the loue of God to vs ward, because that God sent hys onely begotten sonne into the worlde, that we might liue thorow him.
10 Herin is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, & sent hys sonne to be the agrement for oure synnes.
11 Dearly beloued, yf God so loued vs, we ought also to loue one another.
12 No man hath sene God at eny tyme. If we loue one another, God dwelleth in vs, & hys loue is parfect in vs.
13 Herby knowe we that we dwell in hym, and he in vs: because he hath geuen vs of hys sprete.
14 And we haue sene, & do testifye, that the father sent the sonne to be the sauyour of the worlde.
Revelation 7:15-17
15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God & serue hym daye & nyght in his temple, & he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwell amonge them.
16 They shall honger no more, nether thyrst, nether shall the sunne lyght on them, nether eny heate.
17 For the lambe whych is in the myddes of the seate, shall fede them, & shall leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, & God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.
Revelation 21:22-24
22 And I sawe no temple therin. For the Lorde God almighty and the lambe are the temple of it.
23 And the cytie hath no nede of the sonne, nether of the mone to lighten it. For the brightnes of God dyd lyght it, and the lambe was the lyght of it.
24 And the people whych are saued shall walke in the lyght of it. And the kinges of the earth shall brynge theyr glory vnto it.
Revelation 22:3-5
3 And ther shalbe no more cursse, but the seate of God and the lambe shalbe in it: and hys seruauntes shall serue hym.
4 And they shall se hys face, and his name shalbe in their forheddes
5 And there shall be no nyght there, & they nede no candle, nether light of the sunne: for the Lorde God geueth them lyght, and they shall raygne for euermore.