Ecclesiastes 3:8 Cross References - Great

8 A tyme to loue, and a tyme to hate.

Genesis 14:14-17

14 When Abram hearde that hys brother was taken, he harnessed hys freshe younge men borne in hys owne house thre hundred and eyghtene, and folowed on them vntyll Dan: 15 And he was sett in Aray vpon them by nyght, he and his seruauntes, and smote them and pursued them vnto Hoba: which lyeth on the lefte hande of Damascos, 16 and recouered all the goodes, and also brought agayne hys brother Lot, and his goodes, the women also and the people. 17 After that he returned agayne from the slaughter of kedorlaomor & of the kynges that were with him, came the kynge of Sodome forth to mete him in the playne valeye, which is kynges dale.

Joshua 8:1-29

1 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: feare not, nether be thou faynt harted. Take all the men of warre wyth the and vp, and gett the to Hai, Beholde, I haue geuen into thy hande, the kyng of Hai, and his people, hys cytie and hys lande. 2 And thou shalt do to Hai & her kyng, as thou dydest vnto Iericho and her kyng, Neuerthelesse the spoyle and catell therof, shall ye take vnto youre selues: And laye a watch vnto the towne, on the backsyde therof. 3 And so Iosua arose, and all the men of warre, to go vp agaynst Hai. And Iosua chose oute thyrtie thousande stronge men of warre, & sent them a waye by nyght. 4 And he commaunded them, sayinge: beholde, ye shall lye awayte vnto the towne on the backesyde therof. Go not very farre from the cytie, but be all readye. 5 And I and all the people that are with me, will approche vnto the cytie. And when they come out agaynst vs, as they did at the first tyme then will we flee before them. 6 For they will come oute after vs & we will bring them out of the cytie. For they will saye: they flee before vs, as at the first tyme: 7 & we will flee before them. In the meane tyme shall ye ryse vp from lying awayte, & destroye the cytie: For the Lorde youre God will deliuer it into youre hande. 8 And whan ye haue taken the cytie, ye shall set it on fire. Accordinge to the commaundement of the Lord shal ye do: beholde, I haue charged you. 9 Iosua therfore sent them forth, & they went to lye awayte, & abode betwene Bethel and Hai, on the west syde of the cite of Hai. But Iosua lodged that nyght amonge the people. 10 And Iosua rose vp erlye in the mornynge, and nombred the people, & went vp, he & the elders of Israel before the people agaynst Hai. 11 And all the men of warre that were with him, went vp and drue nye, and came agaynst the cytie, and pitched on the north syde of Hai, & there was a valeye betwene them and Hai. 12 And he toke vpon a fyue thousande men, and put them to lye awayte, betwene Bethel & Hai, on the westsyde of the cytie. 13 And they put the people (euen all the hoste that were on the northsyde) agaynst the cytie, and the lyers awayte on the west. And Iosua walked the same nyght in the myddes of the valeye. 14 And it fortuned, that when the kyng of Hai sawe it they hasted and rose vp earlye, and the men of the cytie went oute agaynst Israell to battell, he & all his people, at a tyme apoynted, euen before the playne, and wist not that there were lyers awayte on the backsyde of the cytie. 15 And Iosua & all Israel fayned them selues to be put to the worsse before them, & fled towarde the wildernesse. 16 And all the people of the towne were called together, to folowe after them. And they folowed after Iosua & were drawen a waye from the cytie: 17 And there was not a man left in Hai & in Bethel, that went not out after Israell. And they left the cytie open, & folowed after Israell. 18 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: stretch out the spere that is in thine hand, towarde Hai, for I will geue it into thy hand. And Iosua stretched out the spere that he had in his hande, towarde the citie. 19 And the lyers awayte rose quicklye oute of their place, & ranne assone as Iosua had stretched oute his hande, and they entred into the citie and toke it, & hasted, & sett the cite on fire. 20 And when the men of Hai loked backe after them, they sawe the smoke of the citie assende vp to heauen. And they had no leysure to flee ether thys waye or that, & the people that fledd to the wyldernesse, turned backe agayne vpon the folowers. 21 And when Iosua & all Israel sawe that the lyers awayte had taken the citie, & that the smoke of it ascended, they turned agayne and layed on the men of Hai. 22 And the other yssued oute of the citie agaynst them. And so were they in the middes of Israel: for these were on the one syde of them, & the reste on the other syde. And they layed vpon them, so that they lett none of them skape, nor remayne. 23 And the kyng of Hai they toke alyue, & brought hym to Iosua. 24 And when Israell had made an ende of slaying all the enhabiters of Hai in the felde of the wyldernesse, where they chased them, & when they were all fallen on the edge of the swerde, vntyll they were wasted, all the Israelites returned vnto Hai, & smote it in the edge of the swerde, 25 And all that fell that daye, both of men & wemen, were twelue thousande, euen all the men of Hai. 26 For Iosua plucked not hys hand backe agayne, which he stretched oute vpon the spere, vntyll he had vtterlye destroyed all the enhabitatoures of Hai. 27 Only the catell and the spoyle of the citie, Israel toke vnto them selues, according vnto the worde of the Lorde, which he commaunded Iosua. 28 And Iosua sett Hai on fyre, and made it an heape for euer, and a wyldernesse, euen vnto thys daye. 29 And the kyng of Hai he hanged on tree, vntyll euen. And assone as the sonne was downe, Iosua commaunded that they shulde take the carkas doune of the tree, and caste it at the entering of the gate of the citie, and laye theron a great heape of stones, that remayneth vnto this daye.

Joshua 11:23

23 And Iosua toke the whole lande, according to all that the Lord sayd vnto Moses, and Iosua gaue it for a possessyon vnto Israel according to their partes and trybes: & the lande rested from warre.

2 Samuel 10:6-19

6 And when the chyldren of Ammon saw that they stancke in the sight of Dauid, they sent and hired the Syrians of the house of Rehob, & the Sirians of Zoba .xx. thousand fote men, and of kyng Maacha a thousand men, & of Istob twelue thousand men. 7 And when Dauid hearde of it, he sent Ioab & all the host of strong men. 8 And the children of Ammon came out, and waged battell at the entring in of the gate, & the Sirians of Zobah, of Rehob, Istob and Maacah were by them selues in the felde. 9 When Ioab saw that the front of the battell was agaynst hym before and after, he chose of all the fresh young men of Israell, & put them in araye agaynst the Syrians. 10 And the rest of the people he delyuered into the hand of Abisay hys brother, that he myght put them in araye agaynst the children of Ammon. 11 And be sayd, yf the Sirians be stronger then I, thou shalt helpe me. But yf the chyldren of Ammon be to strong for the, I will come and succoure the. 12 Therfore quyte the lyke a man, & let vs stonde stiff for oure people, & for the cities of oure God. And the Lord do that which is good in his owne eyes. 13 And Ioab proceded forth, & the people that was with hym, to fight with the Sirians. But they fled before him. 14 And when the children of Ammon saw that the Sirians were fled, then fled they also before Abisay, and entred into the citye. And so Ioab returned from the children of Ammon, & came to Ierusalem. 15 And when the Sirians saw that they were put to the worsse before Israel, they geathered them togeather. 16 And Hadarezer sent, & brought out the Sirians that were beyounde the ryuer. And they came with their armye and Hobah the captayne of the host of Hadarezer went before them. 17 And when it was shewed Dauid, he geathered all Israel togeather, and passed ouer Iordan, & cam to Helam: And the Sirians set them selues in araye agaynst Dauid, & fought with him: 18 and the Sirians fled before Israel. And Dauid destroyed seuen hundred charettes of the Sirians, and fourtye thousand horsemen, and smote Sobah the captayne of their host, which also dyed there. 19 And when all the kinges (that were seruauntes to Hadarezer) saw that they were put to the worse before Israell, they made peace with them, & serued them. And so the Sirians feared to helpe the children of Ammon any moare.

1 Kings 5:4

4 But nowe the Lorde my God hath geuen me rest on euery syde, so that there is nether aduersarye, nor anye euyll plage.

2 Chronicles 19:2

2 And Iehu the sonne of Hanam the sear went out to mete hym, and sayde to kynge Iehosaphat: Woldest thou helpe the vngodly, and loue them that hate the Lorde? Therfore is wrath come downe vpon the, from before the Lorde.

2 Chronicles 20:1-30

1 After thys also, it fortuned that the chyldren of Moab and the chyldren of Ammon, and wt them other of the Ammonites came agaynst: Iehosaphat to battayll. 2 And there came some that tolde Iehosaphat sayinge: there commeth a greate multitude agaynst the from the other syde of the see, & out of Siria. And beholde, they be in Hasason Thamar, which is Engadi. 3 And Iehosaphat feared, and set him selfe to seke the Lord, and proclaymed fastyng thorowout all Iuda. 4 And they that were in Iuda, gathered them selues together, to aske councell of the Lord. And they came out of all the cityes of Iuda, to make intercessyon to the Lorde. 5 And Iehosaphat stode betwene the congregacion of Iuda and Ierusalem in the house of the Lorde before the newe courte, 6 and sayde: O Lorde God of our fathers, art not thou God in heuen, and raygnest not thou on all the kyngdomes of the Hethen? And in thyne hande is power and myght, and there is no man that is able to withstande the. 7 Art not thou oure God, which dydest cast out the inhabiters of thys lande before thy people Israel, and gauest it to the seede of Abraham thy louer for euer? 8 And they dwelt therin, and haue buylt the a temple therin for thy name, sayinge: 9 Yf euell come vpon vs, as the swerde of iudgement, pestilence or hongre: then, yf we stand before this house in thy presence, for thy name is in thys house, and crye vnto the in our tribulacyon, heare thou, and helpe. 10 And nowe behold, the chyldren of Ammon, and Moab, & mount Seir, by whom thou woldest not let them of Israel go, when they came out of the lande of Egipte: but they departed from them, & destroyed them not. 11 Se, howe they rewarde vs, to come for to cast vs out of thy possessyon, which thou hast geuen vs to inheret. 12 O our God, wylt thou not iudge them: for we haue no myght agaynst thys great companye that commeth agaynst vs. Nether wote we what to do: but oure eyes be vnto the. 13 And all Iuda stode before the Lorde wt their yongeones, theyr wyues & theyr chyldren: 14 & ther was Iehasiel the sonne of Zacharia the sonne of Banaia the sonne of Ieiel the sonne of Mathania, a leuite of the sonnes of Asaph, and vpon hym came the sprete of the Lorde, euen in the myddes of the congregacion. 15 And he sayde: herken all Iuda, and ye enhabiters of Ierusalem, & thou king Iehosaphat: Thus sayth the Lord vnto you: be not afrayd nor faynte herted by reason of thys greate multitude: for the battayll is not youres: but Gods. 16 Tomorow go ye downe agaynst them: for they come vp at Ziz, & ye shall finde them at the ende of the broke before the wildernes of Ieruel. 17 Ye shall not nede to fyght in thys battayll: but steppe forth & stande, & beholde the helpe of the Lorde which is with you: feare not, nor let youre hertes fayle you, O ye of Iuda and of Ierusalem. Tomorowe go out agaynst them: for the Lorde wylbe with you. 18 And Iehosaphat bowed hys face to the erth, and all Iuda and the enhabiters of Ierusalem fell before the Lorde worshippynge the Lorde. 19 And the leuites of the chyldren of the Cahathites and of the children of the Corahites stode vp, to prayse the Lorde God of Israel with a loude voyce on hye. 20 And whan they arose earlye in the mornynge, they gat them out vnto the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And as they went out, Iehosaphat stode and sayde: heare me, O Iuda, & ye enhabiters of Ierusalem. Put your trust in the Lord your God, that ye maye be founde faythfull. Geue credence to hys prophetes, & so shall ye prospere. 21 And he gaue the people councell, and set some to syng vnto the Lord, & to prayse him in the bewtye of holynes, & to go out before the army, as they went, and to saye: prayse the Lorde for hys mercy lasteth euer. 22 And what tyme as they beganne to laude & prayse, then the Lorde stered vp certayne of the chyldren of Ammon and Moab, which layed wayte for them that were of mount Seir: which were come agaynst Iuda. And they were ouerthrowen with strokes amonge them selues. For the chyldren of Ammon and Moab rose against the enhabiters of mount Seir. And they slewe and destroyed them. 23 And whan they had made an ende of the enhabiters of Seir, euery one helped to destroye another amonge them selues. 24 And when Iuda came to the edge of the wildernes, they loked vnto the multitude. And beholde, they were deed carcasses fallen to the erth, & none escaped. 25 And whan Iehosaphat and hys people came to take awaye the spoyle of them, they founde amonge them aboundaunce of goodes, rayment and pleasaunt Iewels, which they toke for them selues, more then they could cary awaye: so that they were thre dayes in gatherynge of the spoyle, it was so moch. 26 And the fourth daie they assembled in the valley of blessinge: for there they blessed the Lord: And therfore they called the name of the same place, the valeye of blessyng vnto thys daye. 27 And so all the men of Iuda & Ierusalem returned with Iehosaphat theyr heade, for to go againe to Ierusalem with gladnesse: for the Lorde had made them to reioyse ouer theyr enemyes. 28 And they came to Ierusalem with psalteryes and harpes, & shawmes, euen vnto the house of the Lorde. 29 And the feare of God fell in the kyngdomes of all landes, whan they had hearde that the Lorde fought agaynst the enemyes of Israel. 30 And so the realme of Iehosaphat was in tranquyllite: and hys God gaue hym rest on euery syde.

Psalms 139:21

21 Do not I hate them, O Lorde, that hate the? & am not I greued with those that ryse vp agaynst the?

Ezekiel 16:8

8 Nowe whan I wente by the, & loked vpon the: beholde, thy tyme was come, yee, euen the tyme to wowe the. Then spred I my clothes ouer the, to couer thy dishonestye: yee, I made an othe vnto the, & maried my selfe with the (sayeth the Lord God) and so thou becamest myne awne.

Luke 14:26

26 If a man come to me, and hate not hys father and mother, and wyfe and chyldren, and brethren, and systers, yee, and his awne lyfe also, he cannot be my disciple.

Ephesians 3:19

19 & to knowe the excellent loue of the knowledge of Christ that ye myght be fulfylled with all fulnes, which commeth of God.

Ephesians 5:25

25 Ye husbandes, loue youre wyues, euen as Chryst also loued the congregacyon, and gaue hym selfe for it,

Ephesians 5:28-29

28 So ought men to loue theyr wyues, as their awne bodyes. He that loueth hys wyfe, loueth hym selfe. 29 For no man euer yet hated hys awne flesshe: but noryssheth and cherissheth it, euen as the Lorde doth the congregacyon.

Titus 2:4

4 to make the younge wemen sobre mynded, to loue theyr husbandes, to loue their chyldren,

Revelation 2:2

2 I knowe thy workes, and thy labour, & thy pacience, and how thou cannest not forbeare them whych are euyll: and hast examined them whych saye they are Apostles, and are not: & hast founde them lyars,

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