Daniel 5:23 Cross References - Great

23 but hast magnifyed thy selfe aboue the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of hys house were brought before the: that thou, and thy Lordes? with thy quene and concubynes, myght dryncke wyne therout. And hast praysed the Idoles of syluer and gold, copper and yron, of wodd and stone. As for the God in whose hande consysteth thy breth and all thy wayes: thou hast not loued hym.

Genesis 2:7

7 The Lorde God also shope man, euen dust from of the grounde, and brethed into his nastrels the breth of lyfe: and Adam was made a lyuing soule.

Genesis 14:19

19 & blessed hym sayinge: Blessed be Abram vnto the hyghe God possessor of heauen and erth.

Judges 16:23

23 Then the lordes of the Philistines gathered them together, for to offer a solempne offrynge vnto Dagon theyr God, and to reioyse: for they sayde, oure God hath delyuered Samson oure enemy into oure handes.

1 Samuel 5:1-9

1 And the Philistynes toke the arcke of God, and caryed it from the helpe stone vnto Asdod, 2 agayne the Philystynes toke the arcke of God, & brought it into the house of Dagon, and sett it by Dagon. 3 And when they of Asdod were vp in the nexte daye in the mornynge, beholde, Dagon laye vpon the erth before the arcke of the Lorde. And they toke Dagon, & set him in hys place agayne. 4 And when they were vp erly in the nexte mornyng, beholde, Dagon laye vpon the grounde before the arcke of the Lorde, and his heed, & his two handes cut of vpon the thresholde, that only the shape of a fyrst was left on hym. 5 And therfore is it, that the prestes of Dagon (nether any man that commeth into Dagons house) treade not on the thresholde of Dagon in Asdod, vnto thys daye. 6 But the hande of the Lorde was heuy vpon them of Asdod, & he destroyed them, & smote them wt emerodes, bothe Asdod & in all the coastes therof. 7 And when the men of Asdod sawe that it was so, they sayde: the arcke of the God of Israel shall not abyde here with vs, for hys hande is sore vpon vs & vpon Dagon oure God. 8 They sent therfore & gathered all the lordes of the Philistines vnto them & sayde: what shall we do wt the arcke of the God of Israel? They answered: let the arcke of the God of Israel be caryed aboute vnto Gath. 9 And they caryed the arcke of the God of Israel about. And it fortuned, that when they had caryed it about, there was by the hande of the Lorde a myghtye greate noyse in the cytie, & he smote the men of the cytie both small and greate: & they had secrete diseases,

2 Kings 14:10

10 Thou hast smytten Edom, thyne hart hath made the proude: Enioye thys glory, & tarye at home. Why dost thou prouoke to mischeue, that thou shuldest be ouerthrowen, and Iuda wyth the?

Job 12:10

10 In whose hande is the soule of euery liuyng thynge, and the breth of the flesh of all men.

Job 31:4

4 Doth not he se my wayes, and tell all my goinges?

Job 34:14-15

14 To whom hath he geuen hys herte, for to drawe hys sprete and breth vnto hym? 15 All flesh shall come together vnto naught, and all men shall turne agayne vnto dust.

Psalms 104:29

29 When thou hydest thy face, they are troubled: whan thou takest awaye their breth, they dye, and are turned agayne to their dust.

Psalms 115:4-8

4 Their ydoles are syluer and gold, euen the worcke of mens handes. 5 They haue mouth, and speake not: eyes haue they, and se not. 6 They haue eares, & heare not: noses haue they, and smell not. 7 They haue handes and handle not: fete haue they, and walke not, nether speake they thorow their throte. 8 They that make them, are lyke vnto them, and so are all soch as put their trust in them.

Psalms 115:16

16 All the whole heauens are the Lordes, the earth hath he geuen vnto the children of men.

Psalms 135:15-17

15 As for the ymages of the Heathen, they are but syluer and golde, the worcke of mens handes. 16 They haue mouthes, & speake not: eyes haue they, but they se not. 17 They haue eares, and yet they heare not, nether is there any breth in theyr mouthes.

Psalms 139:3

3 Thou art about my path, and about my bedd: & spyest out all my wayes.

Psalms 146:4

4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for hys helpe, and whose hope is in the Lorde hys God.

Proverbs 20:24

24 The Lorde ordreth euery mans goinges: howe maye a man then vnderstande hys awne waye?

Isaiah 2:12

12 For the daye of the Lord of Hostes shall go ouer al pride and presumption, vpon all them that exalte them selues, and shall brynge them all downe:

Isaiah 33:10

10 And therfore sayth the Lord: I will vp nowe: now will I be auaunced: now will I be exalted as a mightye God.

Isaiah 37:19

19 and cast theyr goddes in the fyre. Not withstandynge those were no goddes, but the worckes of mens handes, of wood or stone, therfore haue they destroyed them.

Isaiah 37:23

23 But thou Sennaherib. whom hast thou defyed and blasphemed? Agaynst whom hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, and exalted thy proude lookes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 42:5

5 For thus sayeth God the Lorde vnto hym (euen he that made the heauens, and spred them abrode, and set forth the earth wt her increase: which geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, and spirite to them that dwell therin)

Isaiah 46:6-7

6 Ye fooles (no doute) wyll take out syluer & golde oute of youre purses, and wepe it, & hyre a goldsmyth to make a God of it, that men maye knele downe and worshyppe it. 7 Yet must he be taken on mennes shoulders & borne, and set in his place, that he maye stande and not moue out of his place. Alas, that men shuld crye crie vnto him which geueth no answere: and delyuereth not the man that calleth vpon him, from hys trouble:

Jeremiah 10:23

23 Now I knowe (O Lorde) that it is not in mans power to ordre hys awne wayes, or to rule his awne steppes & goyngges.

Jeremiah 50:29

29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babilon, pitche your tentes rounde about her, that none escape. Recompence her, as she hath deserued: and accordynge as she hath done, so deale with her agayne, for she hath set vp her selfe agaynst the Lorde, agaynst the holye one of Israel.

Ezekiel 28:2

2 thou sonne of man, tell the prince of Tyre: Thus sayeth the Lorde God, because thou hast a proude hert and hast sayde: I am a God, I haue my seate in the myddest of the see lyke a God: where as thou art but a man and not God, and yet standest in thyne awne conceate, that thou arte God:

Ezekiel 28:5

5 With thy greate wysdome and occupyenge, hast thou increased thy power, and because of thy greate rychesse, thy herte is proude.

Ezekiel 28:17

17 Thy hert was proude in thy fayre beuty, and thorow thy bewty thou hast destroyed thy wysdome. I will cast the downe to the grounde, & that in the sight of kynges.

Ezekiel 31:10

10 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: for so moch as he hath lyft vp him selfe so hye, and stretched hys toppe into the cloudes, and seinge his hert is proude in his hyghnesse.

Daniel 4:37

37 Then dyd I Nabuchodonosor, loue, magnifye and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all his worckes are true, and hys wayes ryght. As for those that go on proudly, he is able to brynge them downe.

Daniel 5:2-4

2 and when he was droncken with wyne commaunded to bring hym the golden and syluer vessels which hys father Nabuchodonosor had taken oute of the temple at Ierusalem: that the kynge & his Lordes with his quene and concubynes myght drincke therout. 3 So they brought the golden vessell, that was taken oute of the temple of the Lordes house at Ierusalem. Then the kynge and his Lordes with his quene and concubines droncke out of them. 4 They droncke wyne, and praysed theyr Idoles of golde, syluer, copper yron, wodde and stone.

Habakkuk 2:4

4 Beholde, the vnrighteouse thinketh him selfe in sauegarde as in a strong holde: but the iust shal lyue by his fayth.

Habakkuk 2:18-19

18 What helpe then will the ymage do, whom the worckman hath fashioned? Or the vayne cast ymage, wherin because the craftesman putteth his trust, therfore maketh he domme Idols? 19 Wo vnto hym, that sayeth to a pece of wod: aryse, & to a domme stone: stande vp. For what instruccyon maye soch one geue? Beholde it is layed ouer with gold & syluer and there is no breth in it.

Acts 17:25

25 nether is worshipped with mennes handes, as though he neded of eny thynge, seinge he hym selfe geueth lyfe and breth to all men euery where,

Acts 17:28-29

28 For in hym we lyue, moue, and haue oure beinge, as certayne of youre awne Poetes sayde: For we are also his generacion, 29 For as moch then as we are the generacyon of God, we ought not to thinke that the Godhead is lyke vnto golde, syluer or stone, grauen by crafte and ymaginacyon of man.

Romans 1:21-23

21 because that when they knewe God, they glorifyed hym not as God, nether were thankfull but wexed full of vanities in theyr imaginacions, and theyr folysh hert was blynded. 22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became fooles 23 and turned the glory of the immortall God, vnto an ymage, made not onely after the symilitude of a mortall man but also of byrdes, & fourefoted beastes & of creping beastes.

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 As concernyng the eatyng of those thynges that are offred vnto ydols, we are sure, that the ymage is nothing in the worlde and that ther is none other God, but one.

1 Timothy 3:6

6 He maye not be a yonge scoler, lest he swell and fall into the iudgement of the euyll speaker.

Hebrews 4:13

13 nether is ther eny creature that is not manifest in the syght of him: But all thinges are naked and open vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.

Revelation 13:5-6

5 And ther was geuen vnto hym a mouth, that spake great thynges & blasphemyes, & power was geuen vnto hym, to do .xlii. monethes. 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name & his tabernacle, & them that dwell in heauen.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.