Daniel 5:20 Cross References - Great

20 But because his hert was so proude, and his stomack set so fast vnto wylfulnesse: he was deposed from his kyngly trone, & hys magesty was taken from hym.

Exodus 9:17

17 Yet thou exaltest thy selfe agaynste my people, that thou wylt not let them go:

Exodus 18:11

11 Nowe I knowe that the Lorde is greater then all goddes, for in the thynge wherby they dealt cruelly wyth them, are they them selues peryshed.

1 Samuel 6:6

6 Wherfore do ye harden your hertes as the Egipcians and Pharao hardened their hertes? which when he toke on agaynst them, dyd they not let the people go, & they departed?

2 Kings 17:14

14 Notwithstandynge they wolde not heare but rather hardened theyr neckes, lyke to the stubburnesse of their fathers that dyd not beleue in the Lorde their God.

2 Chronicles 36:13

13 And he rebelled agaynst Nabuchodonosor, which had receaued an oth of hym by God. But he was stifnecked, and to harde herted to turne vnto the Lorde God of Israell.

Job 15:25-27

25 For he hath stretched out hys hande agaynst God, and armed hym selfe agaynst the almyghtye, 26 He runneth proudly vpon hym, and with a styff necke fyghteth he agaynst hym: 27 where as he couereth hys face with fatnesse, and maketh hys body well lykynge.

Job 40:11-12

11 powre out the indignacion of thy wrath: se that thou cast downe all the proude, 12 loke well, that thou makest all soch as be stubburne, to obeye: treade downe all the vngodly in their place,

Proverbs 16:5

5 The Lorde abhorreth all such as be of a proude herte, his hande is against ther hande and they shall not escape as innocentes.

Proverbs 16:18

18 Presumtpteousnes goeth before destruccyon, and after a proude stomake there foloweth a fall.

Isaiah 14:12-17

12 How art thou fallen from heauen (O Lucifer) thou faire mornynge childe? how hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, and art become weaker then the people? 13 For thou saydest in thyne herte: I will clyme vp into heauen, & exalte my throne aboue besyde the starres of God, I will syt also vpon the holy mount towarde the North, 14 I will clyme vp aboue the cloudes, and wylbe lyke the hyghest of al. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought downe to the depe of hell. 16 They that se the, shall narowly loke vpon the, and thynke in them selues, sayenge: Is thys the man, that brought all landes in feare, and made the kingdomes afrayde? 17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waste, and layde the cytyes to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go out?

Isaiah 47:1

1 But as for the (O daughter, thou vyrgyn Babilon) sytt thou downe in the dust syt vpon the grounde, & not in a throne (O thou mayden of Caldea.) Thou shalt nomore be called tender & pleasaunt.

Jeremiah 13:18

18 Tell the kynge & the quene: Humble youre selues, sett you downe lowe, for your dignytye shall be throwne downe & the crowne of your glory shall fall from youre head.

Jeremiah 19:15

15 Thus saieth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I wyl brynge vpon this citie and vpon euery towne aboute it, all the plages that I haue deuised against them: for they haue bene obstinate, and wolde not obeye my warnynges.

Jeremiah 48:18

18 And thou daughter Dibon, come downe from thy glory, & syt in thyrst. For he that destroyeth Moab, shall come vp to the also, and breake downe thy stronge holde.

Ezekiel 30:6

6 Thus sayeth the Lorde: The maynteyners of the lande of Egypte shall fall, the pryde of her power shall come downe euen vnto the tower of Syenes shall they be slayne downe with the swearde, sayeth the Lorde God:

Daniel 4:30-33

30 and sayde. Thys is the greate cyte of Babylon, which I my selfe (with my power and strength) haue made a kynges courte, for the honour of my magestye. 31 While these wordes were yet in the kynges mouth there fell a voyce from heauen, sayinge: O kynge Nabuchodonosor, to the be it spoken: Thy kyngdome shall departe from the, 32 thou shalt be cast out of mens company: thy dwellynge shalbe with the beastes of the felde, so that thou shalt eate grasse lyke as an oxe, tyll seuen yeares become and gone ouer the. euen vntyll thou knowest, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes of men, & that he may geue them, vnto whom it pleaseth him. 33 The very same houre was thys matter fulfylled vpon Nabuchodonosor: so that he was cast out of mens company, and dyd eate grasse lyke an oxe. Hys body was wet with the dewe of heauen, tyll hys heares were as great as Aegles fethers, and hys nayles lyke byrdes clawes.

Daniel 4:37

37 Then dyd I Nabuchodonosor, loue, magnifye and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all his worckes are true, and hys wayes ryght. As for those that go on proudly, he is able to brynge them downe.

Luke 1:51-52

51 He hath shewed strength with his arme, he hath scattered them that are proude in the ymaginacyon of their herte. 52 He hath putte downe the myghty from theyr seates, and exalted them of lowe degre.

Luke 18:14

14 I tell you: thys man departed home to hys house iustyfyed, more then the other. For euery one that exalteth him self, shalbe brought lowe: And he that humbleth him selfe, shalbe exalted.

Hebrews 3:13

13 but exhorte ye one another dayly, while it is called to daye: lest eny of you wexe harde harted thorowe the deceytfulnesse of synne.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.