Amos 9:3 Cross References - Great

3 though they hyde them selues vpon the toppe of Carmel, yet shall I seke them out, and brynge them from thence: though they crepe downe fro my syght into the depe of the see, I shall commaunde the serpente, euen there to byte them.

Job 34:22

22 There is no darcknes nor shadowe of death, that can hyde the wycked doers from hym.

Psalms 139:9-11

9 If I take the wynges of the mornynge, & remayne in the vttermost partes of the see. 10 Euen ther also shall thy hande lead me: and thy right hande shall holde me 11 If I saye: paraduenture the darcknesse shall couer me, then shall my nyght be turned to daye.

Isaiah 27:1

1 In that daye, the Lorde wt his sore, great and myghtye swearde shall viset Leuiathan the fugityue serpent, euen Leuiathan that croked serpent, and he shall slaye the dragon that is in the see.

Jeremiah 16:16

16 Beholde (sayeth the Lorde) I wyl sende out many fyshers to take them, and after that wyll I sende out many hunters to hunte them out, from all mountaynes and hylles and out of the caues of stone.

Jeremiah 23:23-24

23 Am I then God that seyth but the thinge, whiche is nye at hande, and not that is farre of? sayeth the Lorde. 24 Maye eny man hyde hym self so, that I shall not se hym? sayeth the Lorde. Do not I fulfyll heauen and earth? sayeth the Lorde.

Amos 1:2

2 And he sayde: The Lorde shall roare oute of Sion, and shewe his voyce from Ierusalem: so that the pastures of the shepherdes shalbe in a myserable case, & the toppe of Charmel dryed vp.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.