Acts 17:34 Cross References - Great

34 Howbeit certayne men claue vnto hym and beleued: amonge the which was Dyonysyus a senatour, and a woman named Damaris, and other with them.

Isaiah 55:10-11

10 And lyke as the rayne & snowe commeth downe from heauen, and returneth not thyther agayne, but watereth the earth, maketh it frutefull and grene, that it maye geue corne vnto the sower, and breade to hym that eateth. 11 So the worde also that commeth out of my mouth shall not turne againe voyde vnto me, but shall accomplyshe my wyll and prospere in the thynge wherto I sende it.

Matthew 20:16

16 So the last shalbe fyrst, & the fyrste shalbe last. For many be called, but fewe be chosen.

John 7:48-52

48 Doth eny of the rulers or of the Pharises beleue on him? 49 But this comen people whych knowe not the lawe, are cursed, 50 Nicodemus sayeth vnto them (he that came to Iesus by nyght, & was one of them) 51 Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done? 52 They answered, and sayd vnto him: art thou also of Galile? Search & loke, For out of Galile aryseth no Prophete.

John 19:38-42

38 After this, Ioseph of Aramathia (which was a disciple of Iesus: but secretly for feare of the Iewes) besought Pilate, that he might take downe the body of Iesus. And Pilate gaue him licence. 39 And ther cam also Nicodemus (which at the begynnynge came to Iesus by night) & brought of myrre and aloes mingled together, aboute an hundred pounde wayght. 40 Then toke they the body of Iesu, & wounde it in lynnen clothes wt the odoures, as the maner of the Iewes is to bury. 41 And in the place where he was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a newe sepulchre, wherin was neuer man layd. 42 There layde they Iesus therfore, because of the preparinge of the Sabboth of the Iewes for the sepulchre was nye at hande.

Acts 13:48

48 Whan the gentyls hearde thys, they were glad and glorifyed the worde of the Lorde, & beleued: euen as many as were ordeyned vnto eternal lyfe.

Acts 17:4

4 And some of them beleued, and cam and companyed with Paul & Sylas, and of the deuote. Grekes a greate multitude, and of the chefe wemen, not a feawe.

Acts 17:19

19 And they toke him, & brought him into Marce strete, saying: maye we not knowe what thys newe doctryne wherof thou speakest, is?

Acts 17:22

22 Paul stode in the myddes of Marce strete, & sayde: ye men of Athens, I perceaue that in all thinges ye are to supersticyous.

Romans 11:5-6

5 Euen so also at thys tyme is ther a remanaunt lefte accordynge to the eleccyon of grace. 6 If it be of grace, then is it not now of workes. For then grace is nomore grace. But If it be of workes, then is it now no grace. For then were deseruynge nomore deseruynge.

Philippians 4:22

22 All the saynctes salute you, most of all they which are of the emperours housholde.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.