8 And he bowed hym self, and sayde: what is thy seruaunt, that thou shuldest vouchesafe to loke vpon soche a deed dogg as I am?
2 Samuel 9:8 Cross References - Great
1 Samuel 24:14-15
1 Samuel 26:20
20 Now therfore let not my bloud fall to the erth before the face of the lorde. For the king of Israell is come out to hunt a flee, as whan one doth hunt a partrege in the mountaynes.
2 Samuel 3:8
8 Then was Abner very wroth for the wordes of Isboseth, & sayde: Am I not a dogges heed, which agaynst Iuda do shewe mercye thys daye vnto the house of Saul thy father, & to his brethren and frendes, and haue not delyuered the into the hande of Dauid: and thou fyndest a fault in me this daye for this woman?
2 Samuel 16:9
9 Then sayde Abisai the sonne of Zaruia vnto the kynge: why doth thys deed dogg cursse my Lorde the kynge? let me go nowe, and take of the heed of hym.