34 But yf thou returne to the cytie, & saye vnto Absalom: I wyll be thy seruaunt O kynge: (as I haue thus longe bene thy fathers seruaunt, so am I nowe thy seruaunt) thou mayst for my sake destroye the councell of Ahithophel.
2 Samuel 15:34 Cross References - Great
Joshua 8:2
2 And thou shalt do to Hai & her kyng, as thou dydest vnto Iericho and her kyng, Neuerthelesse the spoyle and catell therof, shall ye take vnto youre selues: And laye a watch vnto the towne, on the backsyde therof.
2 Samuel 15:20
20 Thou camest but yesterdaye, and shulde I vnquyet the to daye to go wt vs? I wyll go whether I can. Therfore returne thou, & carye agayne thy brethren. Mercye and truthe.
2 Samuel 16:16-19
16 And as sone as Husai the Arachite was come vnto Absalom, he sayde vnto hym: God saue the kynge, God saue the kyng.
17 And Absalom sayde agayne to Husai: is this the kyndnesse thou owest to thy frende? Why wentest thou not wyth hym?
18 Husai answered vnto Absalom: naye not so, but whom the Lorde and this people and all the men of Israel chose, hys will I be, and with hym wyll I dwell.
19 Moreouer, vnto whome shall I do seruice, but euen to hys sonne? And as I was seruaunt before wt thy father, euen so shall I be with the.
2 Samuel 17:5-14
5 Then sayde Absalom: call also Husai the Arachite, and let vs heare his councell.
6 When Husai was come to Absalom, Absalom spake vnto hym, sayinge: Ahithophel hath geuen soche councell: Shall we do after his saying, or no? tell thou.
7 Husai answered vnto Absalom: the councell that Ahithophel hath geuen, is not good at this tyme:
8 For (sayd Husai) thou knowest thy father, & his men, howe that they be strong. And they be chafed in their myndes, and are euen as a Beare robbed of her whelpes in the felde. Thy father is a man also practised in warre, & maketh no tarienge with the people.
9 Beholde he lurketh now in some caue, or in some other stronge place. And though some of his men be ouerthrowen at the fyrst brunt, yet they that heare it will saye: The people that foloweth Absalom, be put to the worsse.
10 And the best men thou hast whose herttes are as the hertes of Lyons, shall shrynke therat. For all Israel knoweth, that thy father is a myghtye man, and they whych be wyth him are all men of warre.
11 Therfore my councell is, that all Israel be geathered vnto the, from Dan to Beerseba, (which are as the sande of the see in nombre) and that thou go to batayle in thyne awne person.
12 For so shall we come vpon him in one place or other, where we shall fynde hym, & we will fall vpon him euen as thicke as the dewe falleth on the grounde. And of all the men that are wyth hym, we shall not leaue hym one.
13 Moreouer, yf he be gotten into a towne then shall all the men of Israel bringe ropes to that cytie, and we wyll drawe it into the ryuer, vntyll there be not one stone founde there.
14 And Absalom and all the men of Israel sayde: the councell of Husai the Arachite is better, then the councell of Ahithophell. For it was euen the Lordes determinaycon to destroye the good councell of Ahithophel: that the Lorde myght brynge euell vpon Absalom.
Matthew 10:16
16 Beholde, I sende you forth, as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues.