5 and let them delyuer it into the hande of them that do the worcke, and that haue the ouersyght of the house of the Lorde: and let them geue it to them that worke in the house of the Lorde (to repayre the decayed places of the temple,)
2 Kings 22:5 Cross References - Great
2 Kings 12:5
5 let the prestes take it to them, euery man of his aquayntaunce, to repayre the broken places of the house, wheresoeuer any decaye is founde.
2 Kings 12:11-14
11 And they gaue the money sealed into the handes of them that executed the worcke, and that had the ouersyght of the house of the Lorde: and they brought it out to the carpenters and buylders (that wrought vpon the house of the Lorde)
12 and to masons and hewers of stone: And they bought tymbre and fre stone, to repayre the decay in the house of the Lorde, and to all that went out to mende the temple:
13 howebeit there was not made for the house of the Lorde, bowlles of syluer, instrumentes of Musicke, basens, trompettes or any vessells of golde, or vessell of syluer, of the money that was brought in to the house of the Lorde:
14 But they gaue that to the worckemen, and repayred therwyth the house of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 24:7
7 For wycked Athaliahu and her chyldren brake vp the house of God, and all the thynges that were dedicat for the house of the Lorde dyd they bestowe for Bealim.
2 Chronicles 24:12-13
12 And the kynge & Iehoiada gaue it to soch as dyd the laboure and worke in the house of the Lorde, and hyred masons and carpenters to repayre the house of the Lorde, and so dyd they artificers in yron and brasse, to mende the house of the Lorde.
13 And so the worckmen wrought, and the worcke mended thorowe theyr handes: and they made the house of God as it ought to be, and strengthed it.
2 Chronicles 24:27
27 And hys sonnes, and the summe of the taxe that was raysed in hys tyme, and the repayringe of the house of God, beholde, they are written in the storie of the boke of the kynges. And Amaziahu hys sonne raynged in hys steade.
Ezra 3:7
7 They gaue money also vnto the masons and carpenters, and meate and dryncke and oyle vnto them of Zidon and of Tire, to brynge them Cedre tymbre from Libanus by see vnto Ioppa, accordyng to the graunt that they had of Cyrus the kynge of Persia.