2 Corinthians 12:11 Cross References - Great

11 Therfore, haue I delectacion in infirmityes, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecucyons, in anguysshes for Chrystes sake. For when I am weake, then am I stronge.

Luke 17:10

10 So lyke wyse ye, when ye haue done all those thynges which are commaunded you, saye: we are vnprofitable seruauntes. We haue done that, which was oure duety to do.

1 Corinthians 3:4-7

4 For whyle one sayth: I holde of Paul, & another: I am of Apollo, are ye not carnall? 5 What is Paul? What thynge is Apollo? Onely ministers are they by whom ye beleued, euen as the Lorde gaue euery man grace. 6 I haue planted, Apollo watred: but God gaue the encreace. 7 So then, nether is he that planteth eny thyng, nether he that watreth, but God that geueth the encreace.

1 Corinthians 3:22

22 whether it be Paul, ether Apollo, ether Cephas: whether it be the worlde, ether lyfe, ether deeth, whether they be present thynges, or thynges to come: all are youres:

1 Corinthians 15:8-10

8 And last of all he was sene of me, as of one that was borne oute of due tyme. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, which am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the congregacyon of God. 10 But by the grace of God, I am that I am. And his grace which is in me, was not in vayne: But I labored moare aboundauntly then they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which is with me

2 Corinthians 1:6

6 Whether we be troubled for youre consolacyon and health, which saluacyon sheweth her power in that ye soffre the same affliccyons, which we also suffre: or whether we be comforted for youre consolacyon and saluacyon:

2 Corinthians 11:1

1 Wold to God, ye could haue suffred me a lytell in my folyshnes: yee, ye do also forbeare me.

2 Corinthians 11:5

5 For I suppose that I was not behynde the chefe Apostles.

2 Corinthians 11:16-17

16 I saye agayne, lest eny man thynke that I am folysshe: or els euen nowe take ye me as a foole, that I also maye boast my selfe a lytell. 17 That I speake, I speake not after the Lorde: but as it were folyshly, in thys matter of boastinge.

2 Corinthians 12:6

6 Of thys man wyll I boast, but of my selfe wyll I not boast, except it be of myne infirmityes

2 Corinthians 12:12

12 I am become a foole in boasting my selfe. Ye haue compelled me: for I ought to haue bene commended of you. For in nothynge was I inferior vnto the chefe apostles, though I be nothing,

Galatians 2:6-14

6 Of them which semed to be somwhat, what they were in tyme passed it make the no matter to me. God loketh on the outwarde appearaunce of no man. Neuertheles they which semed greate, added nothynge to me. 7 But contrary wyse, when they sawe that the gospell ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me, as the gospell ouer the circumcisyon was commytted vnto Peter. 8 For he that was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshyppe ouer the circumcisyon, the same was myghty in me amonge the Gentyls. 9 When they perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me, then Iames, Cephas and Iohn, which semed to be pyllers, gaue to me and Barnabas the ryght handes of that felowshyppe, that we shulde be Apostles among the Heythen, and they in the circumcisyon: 10 onely that we shuld remember the poore. Wherin also I was diligent to do the same. 11 But when Peter was come to Antioche I withstode him openly, because he was worthy to be blamed. 12 For yer that certayne cam from Iames, he dyd eate with the Gentyls. But when they were come, he withdrue and separated hym selfe from them, fearynge them which were of the circumcisyon. 13 And the other Iewes dissembled as well as he: in so moche that Barnabas also was brought into their symulacion. 14 But when I sawe that they went not the right waye after the trueth of the Gospell, I sayde vnto Peter before them all: yf thou beynge a Iewe, lyuest after the maner of the Gentyls, and not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the Gentyls to lyue as do the Iewes?

Ephesians 3:8

8 Unto me the least of all saynctes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preache amonge the Gentyls the vnsearcheable riches of Christ

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.