2 Chronicles 5:13 Cross References - Great

13 And the trompette blowers and the syngers so agreed, that it semed but one voyce in praysinge and thankynge the Lorde. And whan they lyfte vp their voyce with the trompettes, symbales and other instrumentes of musyck, and whan they praysed the Lorde, howe that he is good, and that his mercye lasteth euer, the house of God was fylled wt a cloude:

Exodus 40:34-35

34 And the clowde couered the tabernacle of witnesse, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacyon. 35 And Moses coulde not entre into the tabernacle of witnesse, because the clowde abode theron, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacyon.

1 Kings 8:10-12

10 And it fortuned that when the prestes were come out of the holy place, the cloude fylled the house of the Lorde, 11 that the preastes coulde not stande and minister, because of the cloude: for the glory of the Lord had fylled the house of the Lorde. 12 Then spake Salomon: the Lorde sayde: that he wolde dwell in the darck cloude.

1 Chronicles 16:34-42

34 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is good, for hys mercye endureth euer: 35 and saye ye: saue vs (o God) of oure saluacion, geather vs to gether, and delyuer vs from amonge the hethen, that we maye geue thankes to thy holy name, & triumphe in the prayse of the. 36 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer & euer, and let all people saye Amen, and prayse the Lorde. 37 And so, he lefte there before the arcke of the Lordes couenaunt, Asaph & hys brethren, to ministre before the Arcke continually, in soch thynges as were to be done daye by daye, 38 And Obed Edom & hys brethren, threskore and eyght, and Obed Edom the sonne of Iedithun, and Hosa were apoynted to be porters. 39 And Zadock the preast and hys brethren the preastes, were before the tabernacle of the Lorde, in the hye place that was at Gibeon, 40 to offer burntofferynges vnto the Lorde, vpon the burntoffering aultare perpetuallye, in the mornyng and euenyng, accordyng to all that which is written in the lawe of the Lorde, which he commaunded Israel. 41 And with them were Heman & Ieduthun, & other that were chosen (whose names were expressed) to geue thankes to the Lorde, that his mercye lasteth euer. 42 And with them dyd Heman and Ieduthun, synge with the trompettes & symbales makynge a swete melody with instrumentes of Musycke and godly songes. And the sonnes of Ieduthun were porters.

2 Chronicles 7:3

3 And whan all the chyldren of Israel sawe howe the fyre, and the glorye of the Lorde came downe vpon the house, they fell downe flat vpon their faces to the erth vpon the pauement, and worshypped and confessed vnto the Lord, that he is gracious, and that his mercye lasteth euer.

2 Chronicles 20:21

21 And he gaue the people councell, and set some to syng vnto the Lord, & to prayse him in the bewtye of holynes, & to go out before the army, as they went, and to saye: prayse the Lorde for hys mercy lasteth euer.

Ezra 3:11

11 And they sang together, whan they gaue prayse & thankes vnto the Lord, because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell. And all the people shouted loude in praysyng the Lord, because the foundacion of the house of the Lorde was layde.

Psalms 68:25-26

25 The syngers go before, the mynstrels folow after: in the myddes are the damosels playeng with the tymbrels. 26 Geue thankes O Israell, vnto God the Lorde in the congregacions from the grounde of the hart.

Psalms 95:1-2

1 O come, let vs synge vnto the Lord, let vs hertely reioyse in the strength of our saluacion. 2 Let vs come before his presence wt thankesgeuynge, & shewe oure selfe glad in hym wt psalmes.

Psalms 100:1-2

1 A Psalme for thankes geuynge. O be ioyfull in the Lorde (all ye landes) serue the Lorde with gladnes, and come before hys presence with a songe. 2 Be ye sure, that the Lorde he is God:

Psalms 100:5

5 For the Lorde is gracyous, hys mercy is euerlastynge, and his treuth endureth from generacion to generacion.

Psalms 136:1-26

1 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is gracyous, and hys mercy endureth for euer. 2 O geue thankes vnto the God of all goddes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 3 O thanke the Lord of all Lordes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 4 Whych only doth greate wonders, for his mercy endureth for euer. 5 Which by his excellentt wysdome made the heauens, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 6 Whych layed out the earth aboue the waters, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 7 Whych hath made greate lyghtes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 8 The sunne to rule the daye, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 9 The Moone and the starres to gouerne the nyght, for his mercy endureth for euer. 10 Whych smote Egypt wyth theyr fyrst borne, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 11 And brought out Israel from amonge them, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 12 Wyth a myghtye hande and stretched out arme, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 13 Whych deuyded the reed see into partes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 14 And made Israel to go thorowe the myddest of it, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 15 But as for Pharao and hys hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 16 Which led his people thorowe the wildernesse, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 17 Which smote great kinges: for his mercy endureth for euer. 18 Yee, & slue myghtye kynges: for his mercy endureth for euer. 19 Sehon kynge of the Amorites: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 20 And Og the kyng of Basan: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 21 And gaue awaye theyr lande for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for euer. 22 Euen for an heritage vnto Israel hys seruaunt: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 23 Which remembred vs, when we were in trouble: for his mercy endureth for euer. 24 And hath delyuered vs from oure enemyes: for his mercy endureth for euer. 25 Whych geueth fode vnto all flesshe: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 26 O geue thanckes vnto the God of heauen, for hys mercy endureth for euer.

Isaiah 52:8

8 Thy watchmen shall lyft vp theyr voyce: with lowde voyce shall they preach of hym: for they shall se hym present, when the Lorde shall conuerte Sion.

Jeremiah 32:39

39 And I wyll geue them one hert and one waye, that they maye feare me all the daies of their lyfe, that they and their chyldren after them maye prospere.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 shall the voyce of gladnes be hearde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome & of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall singe: Prayse the Lorde of hoostes, for he is louynge and hys mercy endureth for euer: and the voyce of them that shall offer vp giftes in the house of the Lorde. For I will restore the captiuitie of this lande, as it was afore, sayth the Lorde.

Acts 4:32

32 And the multitude of them that beleued, were of one hert, & of one soule. Neyther sayde anye of them, that ought of the thynges which he possessed, was hys awne: but they had all thinges commen.

Romans 15:6

6 that ye all agreynge together maye wyth one mouth prayse God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst.

Revelation 5:8-14

8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beastes and .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauyng (euery one of them) harpes & golden vialles full of odoures, which are the prayers of saynctes, 9 & they songe a new songe, saying: thou art worthy to take the boke, & to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynredes, & tonges, & people, & nacyons, 10 and hast made vs vnto oure God, kynges, and prestes, & we shall raygne on the erth. 11 And I behelde, and I hearde the voyce of many angels about the trone, & about the beaste & the elders, and I hearde thousand thousandes, 12 saying wt a lowde voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was kylled to receaue power, & ryches, & wysdome, and strength, and honour, & glory, & blessynge. 13 And all the creatures whych are in heauen, & on the erth, & vnder the erth, & in the see, & all that are in them, herde I sayinge, blessyng, honour, glory, & power be vnto hym that sytteth vpon the seate, & vnto the lambe for euermore. 14 And the foure beastes sayd: Amen. And the .xxiiii. elders fell vpon their faces, and worshypped hym that lyueth for euermore.

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