15 And he made before the house, two pyllers of .xxxv. cubytes hye. And the heed that was aboue on the toppe of euerye one of them was fyue cubytes.
2 Chronicles 3:15 Cross References - Great
1 Kings 7:15-24
15 For he cast two pillers of brasse of .xviij. cubites hye a pece, & a stringe of .xij. cubites dyd compasse ether them about.
16 And he made .ij. heed peces of molten brasse (after the fasshion of a crowne) to sett on the toppes of the pyllers. The heigth of the one heed pece conteined .v. cubites, & the heigth of the other heed pece conteyned .v. cubites also:
17 he made also net worck & garlandes of cheyne worcke, vpon the heed peces that were on the top of the pyllers, euen seuen rowes vpon the one heed pece, and seuen vpon the other.
18 And so he made the pyllers, and two rowes round about, in the one wrethen worcke, to couer the heed peces that were vpon the pomgranates. And thus dyd he also for the other heed pece.
19 And the heed peces that were on the toppes of the pillers, couered he aboue with a curyous worke of roses: towarde the palace by the space of .iiij. cubytes.
20 Likewyse, vnder the heed peces in those .ij. pillers beneth, oueragainst the middes & before the net worke. And vpon the seconde heed pece were ther .ij.C. pomgranates in two rowes round about.
21 And he set vp the pillers in the porch of the temple. And when he had set vp the rightpiller, he called the name therof Ioachim: & whan he had set vp the left piller, he called the name therof Boaz.
22 And in the toppe of the pyllers was a worke of roses, and so was the workmanshyp of the pyllers finyshed.
23 And he made a molten lauatory, ten cubytes wyde from brym to brym, round in compasse, & .v. cubytes hye. And a stryng of thirtye cubytes dyd compasse it about:
24 and vnder the brym of it, there were knoppes round about, ten in one cubite: and they compassed the lauatory round about. And the knoppes were cast wt it, in two rowes, when it was caste.
Jeremiah 52:20-23
20 The chefe captaine toke also the two pillers, the lauer, the twelue brasen bullockes that stode vnder the seate which kyng Salomon made in the house of the Lord: and all the vessell conteyned so moch metall, that it myght not be weyed.
21 For euery piller was eyghtene cubytes hye: and the rope that went aboute it, was twelue cubytes, & foure fyngers thycke and rounde.
22 Nowe vpon the rope were brasen knoppes, and euery knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: and vpon the knoppes were whopes, and pomgranates rounde about of cleane brasse:
23 After thys maner were both the pylers fashyoned wt the pomgranates, wherof there were an hundred and .xcvi. which hanged vpon the whoopes rounde about.